RogerLeeandNaohiroIshii(Eds.) SoftwareEngineeringResearch,ManagementandApplications2009 StudiesinComputationalIntelligence,Volume253 Editor-in-Chief Prof.JanuszKacprzyk SystemsResearchInstitute PolishAcademyofSciences ul.Newelska6 01-447Warsaw Poland E-mail:[email protected] Furthervolumesofthisseriescanbefoundonourhomepage: Vol.244.NgocThanhNguyen,Rados lawPiotrKatarzyniak, andAdamJaniak(Eds.) Vol.233.TakayukiIto,MinjieZhang,ValentinRobu, NewChallengesinComputationalCollectiveIntelligence,2009 ShaheenFatima,andTokuroMatsuo(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-03957-7 AdvancesinAgent-BasedComplexAutomatedNegotiations, 2009 ISBN978-3-642-03189-2 Vol.245.OlegOkunandGiorgioValentini(Eds.) ApplicationsofSupervisedandUnsupervisedEnsemble Vol.234.ArunaChakrabortyandAmitKonar Methods,2009 EmotionalIntelligence,2009 ISBN978-3-642-03998-0 ISBN978-3-540-68606-4 Vol.235.ReinerOnkenandAxelSchulte Vol.246.ThanasisDaradoumis,SantiCaballe´, System-ErgonomicDesignofCognitiveAutomation,2009 JoanManuelMarque`s,andFatosXhafa(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-03134-2 IntelligentCollaborativee-LearningSystemsandApplications, Vol.236.NatalioKrasnogor,Bele´nMelia´n-Batista,Jose´A. 2009 Moreno-Pe´rez,J.MarcosMoreno-Vega,andDavidPelta(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-04000-9 NatureInspiredCooperativeStrategiesforOptimization(NICSO 2008),2009 Vol.247.MonicaBianchini,MarcoMaggini,FrancoScarselli, ISBN978-3-642-03210-3 andLakhmiC.Jain(Eds.) Vol.237.GeorgeA.PapadopoulosandCostinBadica(Eds.) InnovationsinNeuralInformationParadigmsandApplications, IntelligentDistributedComputingIII,2009 2009 ISBN978-3-642-03213-4 ISBN978-3-642-04002-3 Vol.238.LiNiu,JieLu,andGuangquanZhang Vol.248.CheePengLim,LakhmiC.Jain,andSatchidananda Cognition-DrivenDecisionSupportforBusinessIntelligence, Dehuri(Eds.) 2009 InnovationsinSwarmIntelligence,2009 ISBN978-3-642-03207-3 ISBN978-3-642-04224-9 Vol.239.ZongWooGeem(Ed.) HarmonySearchAlgorithmsforStructuralDesign Vol.249.WesamAshourBarbakh,YingWu,andColinFyfe Optimization,2009 Non-StandardParameterAdaptationforExploratoryData ISBN978-3-642-03449-7 Analysis,2009 Vol.240.DimitriPlemenosandGeorgiosMiaoulis(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-04004-7 IntelligentComputerGraphics2009,2009 ISBN978-3-642-03451-0 Vol.250.RaymondChiongandSandeepDhakal(Eds.) Vol.241.Ja´nosFodorandJanuszKacprzyk(Eds.) NaturalIntelligenceforScheduling,PlanningandPacking AspectsofSoftComputing,IntelligentRoboticsandControl, Problems,2009 2009 ISBN978-3-642-04038-2 ISBN978-3-642-03632-3 Vol.251.ZbigniewW.RasandWilliamRibarsky(Eds.) Vol.242.CarlosArtemioCoelloCoello, AdvancesinInformationandIntelligentSystems,2009 SatchidanandaDehuri,andSusmitaGhosh(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-04140-2 SwarmIntelligenceforMulti-objectiveProblemsinData Mining,2009 Vol.252.NgocThanhNguyenandEdwardSzczerbicki(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-03624-8 IntelligentSystemsforKnowledgeManagement,2009 ISBN978-3-642-04169-3 Vol.243.ImreJ.Rudas,Ja´nosFodor,and JanuszKacprzyk(Eds.) Vol.253.RogerLeeandNaohiroIshii(Eds.) TowardsIntelligentEngineeringandInformationTechnology, SoftwareEngineeringResearch,ManagementandApplications 2009 2009,2009 ISBN978-3-642-03736-8 ISBN978-3-642-05440-2 Roger Lee and Naohiro Ishii (Eds.) Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2009 Guest Editors WencaiDu Haeng-KonKim ShaochunXu 123 Prof.RogerLee ComputerScienceDepartment CentralMichiganUniversity PearceHall413 Mt.Pleasant,MI48859 USA E-mail:[email protected] Dr.NaohiroIshii DepartmentofInformationScience AichiInstituteofTechnology Toyota Japan E-mail:[email protected] ISBN 978-3-642-05440-2 e-ISBN 978-3-642-05441-9 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-05441-9 Studiesin Computational Intelligence ISSN1860-949X Library of Congress Control Number:2009938166 (cid:2)c 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg This work is subject to copyright. 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Printed in acid-free paper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface The purpose of the 7th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Re- search, Management and Applications (SERA 2009), held in Haikou, China on De- cember 2-4, 2009 is to bring together researchers and scientist, businessmen and entrepreneurs, teachers and students to discuss the numerous fields of computer sci- ence, and to share ideas and information in a meaningful way. Our conference offi- cers selected the best 25 papers from those papers accepted for presentation at the conference in order to publish them in this volume. The papers were chosen based on review scores submitted by members of the program committee, and underwent fur- ther rounds of rigorous review. In chapter 1, Yucong Duan analyzes Archi3D which is a successful practice estab- lished by engineering implementations. The expected result is a gain in efficiency of both description and implementation of Archi3D. The methods and results are de- tailed in this work. In chapter 2, Gongzhu Hu and Shaozhen Ding tackle the challenge of data protection in data mining operations. The approach taken is to use a mobile agent approach. They present a structural model as well as several types of mobile agents with specific functions and communications schemes. In chapter 3, Ivan Garcia et al. propose a model to improve software subcontracting based upon the analysis of existing models. Their model aims at reducing cost and in- creasing the quality of the services rendered. In chapter 4, Aihua Zheng et al. introduce a formal characterization of time-series and state-sequences. This work is an in route to better Content-based Video Retrieval. In chapter 5, Ivan Garcia and Carla Pacheco propose the use a web-based tool for the strengthening of a small company’s ability to gain process improvement, something currently only practical in large corporations. In chapter 6, Jakub Míšek and Filip Zavoral provide a way to integrate computer as- sistance to dynamic language programmers, especially, PHP programmers. Their tool VI Preface provides programmers with automated assistance with dynamic languages and the ca- pability for fine grained syntax highlighting. In chapter 7, Dafan Dong et al. present a novel data driven distributed storage struc- ture for similarity search in Metric Space. The authors prove this method by using simulations. In chapter 8, Muhammad Bilal Bashir and Aamer Nadeem propose an improved fitness function for object-oriented programs that takes into consideration not only coverage target but also the object state. They also propose a multi-valued fitness rep- resentation method that represents the fitness in a more comprehensive manner. In chapter 9, Hyun Jung La et al. propose a systematic four phase process to develop- ing applications with reusable services. This model will enhance SOA in that it will create a well-defined method for develop applications with reusable service and not just reusable services themselves. In chapter 10, Pavel Jezek et al. based on several real-life case-studies, show a set of typical architecture patterns, which have to be supported by hierarchical component systems, and also we evaluate how these patterns are supported by current systems. In chapter 11, Heng Kuang et al. propose a formal framework based on CT to specify reactive autonomic systems. They illustrate the merits of this approach with a NASA case study. In chapter 12, Haeng-Kon Kim and Roger Y. Lee study the assessment techniques and apply it to CMM-KPA-rating. For reliability test by statistical methodology, this paper adopts some domestic corporation to get a SPICE assessment. In chapter 13, Ali Durmus and Nadia Erdogan present Agent Based Web Services Market (AWSM). AWSM is a framework for agents to present and sell their capabili- ties as web services In chapter 14, Abdelrahman Osman Elfaki et al. investigate inconsistency detection as an operation for validating Software Product Line (SPL). Intelligent rules are formu- lated for detecting inconsistency based on deducing the results from predefined cases. This is able to define all cases of inconsistency in the domain-engineering process. In chapter 15, Sukontip Wongpun and Anongnart Srivihok present approaches for combined classification by using attribute filtering with data classification. The per- formance comparisons of single and combined classification algorithms were used for classifying the conduct dis-order of vocational students in Thailand. They present their results using their Conduct Disorder Classification Model. In chapter 16, Yoshiyuki Anan et al. develop an error-estimation model for embedded- software-development projects and implement a visual tool for displaying the estimation results. They perform evaluation of their tool to determine its effectiveness. Preface VII In chapter 17, Sadaf Manzoor and Aamer Nadeem identify changes at data member level that can potentially cause change in runtime behavior in object-oriented pro- grams. They propose a technique for object-oriented programs to identify changes in data members this technique uses extended control flow graphs to find changes in programs written in the Java programming language. In chapter 18, Dario Vieira and Elisangela Rodrigues Vieira present an approach to passively monitoring a network system with real-time properties. In chapter 19, Mihai Dinsoreanu and Iosif Ignat, present an integrated measurement model that allows practitioners to apply familiar project management techniques for measuring software reuse and to include software reuse metrics in the analysis of pro- ject performance indicators. In chapter 20, Shaochun Xu and Tong Li investigate the effects of test driven devel- opment in the academic environment by conducting a case study with eight students who are assigned to implement a simple application either with test driven approach or with the traditional approach. In chapter 21, Wencai Du et al. take on network delay in wireless networked control systems (WNCS). They approach the problem using a new Smith predictor and a fuzzy adaptive controller for the WNCS. In chapter 22, Mahsa Hasani Sadi and Raman Ramsin expose the common paradigm behind the design of agile processes, we have developed FRAME (FRactal Agile MEtamodel), a generic fractal process metamodel for agile process frameworks. In order to explore how FRAME is manifest in existing agile processes, relevant activity patterns have been extracted from seven prominent agile processes, thus forming a re- pository of concrete FRAME components In chapter 23, Zahra Aghakasiri and Seyed-Hassan Mirian-Hosseinabadi capture and introduce a portion of change behavior of workflow systems in the form of control- flow and data change patterns. In chapter 24, Mohsen Asadi and Raman Ramsin propose a set of SME process pat- terns obtained through studying existing method engineering approaches. The set of patterns is organized into a generic pattern-based framework for SME. The frame- work can be used for developing SME processes according to the specific require- ments of method engineering projects; the resulting SME processes can then be en- acted to yield custom-built, project-specific methodologies. In chapter 25, the final chapter, Yu Zhang et al. propose an MHC-inspired approach for malicious code detection to effectively detect previously unknown malicious codes. This system is based on MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) in the biological immune system. At the conclusion of the study they provide a comparison against the detection rate of another malicious code detection method. VIII Preface It is our sincere hope that this volume provides stimulation and inspiration. We espe- cially hope that it will be used as a foundation for works yet to come. December 2009 Roger Lee Wencai Du Haeng-Kon Kim Simon Xu Contents Efficiency from Formalization: An Initial Case Study on Archi3D Yucong Duan..................................................... 1 An Agent-Based Framework for Association Rules Mining of Distributed Data Gongzhu Hu, Shaozhen Ding ....................................... 13 Defining and Implementing Software Subcontracting Management Processes in Small Enterprises Ivan Garcia, Carla Pacheco, Pavel Sumano, Jose Calvo-Manzano ....... 27 A Robust Approach to Subsequence Matching Aihua Zheng, Jixin Ma, Miltos Petridis, Jin Tang, Bin Luo ............ 39 Toward Automated Support for Software Process Improvement Initiatives in Small and Medium Size Enterprises Ivan Garcia, Carla Pacheco ........................................ 51 Syntactic and Semantic Prediction in Dynamic Languages Jakub M´ıˇsek, Filip Zavoral ......................................... 59 M-KAD: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer System for Similarity Search in Metric Space Dafan Dong, Ying Wu, Xuefei Wang, Zi Hu, Gongyi Wu .............. 71 A State Based Fitness Function for Evolutionary Testing of Object-Oriented Programs Muhammad Bilal Bashir, Aamer Nadeem ............................ 83 A Practical Approach to Developing Applications with Reusable Services Hyun Jung La, Jin Sun Her, Sang Hun Oh, Soo Dong Kim............. 95 X Contents Supporting Real-Life Applications in Hierarchical Component Systems Pavel Jeˇzek, Toma´ˇs Bureˇs, Petr Hnˇetynka............................ 107 Towards Specifying Reactive Autonomic Systems with a Categorical Approach: A Case Study Heng Kuang, Olga Ormandjieva, Stan Klasa, Noorulain Khurshid, Jamal Benthar.................................................... 119 Frameworks for Maturity Questionnaire Selection Model Haeng-Kon Kim, Roger Y. Lee ..................................... 135 An Agent-Based Web Services Market Ali Durmus, Nadia Erdogan ........................................ 145 Investigating Inconsistency Detection as a Validation Operation in Software Product Line Abdelrahman Osman Elfaki, Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, Chin Kuan Ho... 159 Combined Algorithms for Classification of Conduct Disorder of Students in Thai Vocational School Sukontip Wongpun, Anongnart Srivihok.............................. 169 Error Estimation Model for Managing Embedded Software Development Yoshiyuki Anan, Kazunori Iwata, Toyoshiro Nakashima, Naohiro Ishii... 181 Identifying Data Member Level Changes for Regression Testing of Object-Oriented Programs Sadaf Manzoor, Aamer Nadeem..................................... 191 Network Monitoring with Real-Time Properties: A Step Forward Dario Vieira, Elisangela Rodrigues Vieira ............................ 203 A Pragmatic Analysis Model for Software Reuse Mihai Dinsoreanu, Iosif Ignat ...................................... 217 Evaluation of Test-Driven Development: An Academic Case Study Shaochun Xu, Tong Li............................................. 229 New Smith Predictor and Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Wireless Networked Control Systems Wencai Du, Feng Du, Chong Shen, Youling Zhou, Yukuan Du, Siling Feng, Baodan Chen.......................................... 239