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SOFTWARE DEFECT AND OPERA TIONAL PROFILE MODELING THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Series Editor Victor R. Basili University ofM aryland College Park, MD 20742 Also in the Series: FORMAL SPECIFICA nON TECHNIQUES FOR ENGINEERING MODULAR C PROGRAMS by TAN Yang Meng ISBN: 0-7923-9653-7 TOOLS AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS by Amr Zaky and Ted Lewis ISBN: 0-7923-9675-8 CONSTRAINT -BASED DESIGN RECOVERY FOR SOFTWARE REENGINEERING: Theory and Experiments by Steven G. Woods, Alexander E. Quilici and Qiang Yang ISBN: 0-7923-8067-3 The Kluwer International Series in Software Engineering addresses the following goals: • To coherently and consistently present important research topics and their application(s). • To present evolved concepts in one place as a coherent whole, updating early versions of the ideas and notations. • To provide publications which will be used as the ultimate reference on the topic by experts in the area. With the dynamic growth evident in this field and the need to communicate findings, this series provides a forum for information targeted toward Software Engineers. SOFTWARE DEFECT AND OPERA TIONAL PROFILE MODELING Kai-Yuan Cai 0/ Beijing University Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing, China SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC ISBN 978-1-4613-7559-3 ISBN 978-1-4615-5593-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-5593-3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Daht. A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Copyright © 1998 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1998 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1998 All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Printed on acid-free paper. CHINESE STUDIES IN INFORMATION SCIENCE Series Editor Kai-Yuan Cai Beijing University ofA eronautics and Astronautics Beijing, China Also in the Series: FUZZY LOGIC IN DATA MODELING: Semantics, Constraints, and Database Design by Guoqing Chen ISBN: 0-7923-8253-6 SERIES EDITOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am pleased to acknowledge the assistance to the editorial work by Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Kai-Yuan Cai Series Editor Department ofA utomatic Control Beijing University ofA eronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100083 China To: My Mother and My Grandmother CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF TABLES xv PREFACE xvii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Software Engineering 1.2 Software Reliability Engineering 10 1.3 Software Defect Estimations 18 1.4 Summary 24 1.5 Remarks and Problems 25 References 26 2 EMPIRICAL REGRESSION METHODS 29 2.1 Software Defect Factors and Distributions 29 2.2 Software Defect Distributions by Rank 40 2.3 Linear Regression Models 47 2.4 Halstead Model 54 2.5 Miscellaneous 61 2.6 Summary 65 2.7 Remarks and Problems 65 References 67 3 DYNAMIC METHODS 69 3.1 lelinski-Moranda Model and the Like 69 3.2 NHPP Models 76 3.3 Use of Discrete-Time Data 84 3.4 Notes on Time Bases 89 3.5 Summary 91 3.6 Remarks and Problems 92 References 96 4 CAPTURE-RECAPTURE METHODS 99 4.1 Software Defect Seeding 99 x Contents 4.2 Basic Models 107 4.3 Basin Models 113 4.4 A Urn Model 118 4.5 Summary 120 4.6 Remarks and Problems 121 References 124 5 DECOMPOSITION METHODS 127 5.1 Model Formulation 127 5.2 Case Study 133 5.3 Summary 140 5.4 Remarks and Problems 141 References 142 6 NEURAL NETWORK METHODS 143 6.1 Neural Networks 143 6.2 Software Defect Predictions 151 6.3 Summary 159 6.4 Remarks and Problems 160 References 161 7 SOFTWARE DEFECT ESTIMATIONS UNDER IMPERFECT DEBUGGING 163 7.1 Imperfect Debugging 163 7.2 Goe1-0kumoto IDM Model 165 7.3 Goel-Okumoto NHPP Model under Imperfect Debugging 170 7.4 Death-BirthModell72 7.5 Phase-Directed Models 174 7.6 Software Failure Behavior versus Software Defect Behavior 178 7.7 A Static Model 181 7.8 Summary 184 7.9 Remarks and Problems 184 References 185 8 SOFTWARE OPERATIONAL PROFILE MODELING 187 8.1 Software Operational Profiles 187 8.2 Model I 190 8.3 Model II 199 8.4 Model III 207 8.5 Model IV 217 8.6 Model V 221 CONTENTS xi 8.7 Summary 231 8.8 Remarks and Problems 231 References 232 9 MODELING OF PROBABLY ZERO-DEFECT SOFTWARE 235 9.1 Probability of Being Failure-Free versus Probability of Being Defect-Free 235 9.2 Classic Interval Estimations 237 9.3 Bayesian Point Estimations 244 9.4 Incorporating Software Operational Profile 251 9.5 Quantifying Software Correctness 255 9.6 Summary 258 9.7 Remarks and Problems 259 References 261 INDEX 265

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