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Soft-Fermion-Pole Mechanism to Single Spin Asymmetry in Hadronic Pion Production Yuji Koike and Tetsuya Tomita 9 DepartmentofPhysics,NiigataUniversity,Ikarashi,Niigata950-2181,Japan 0 0 2 Abstract. Single spin asymmetry (SSA) is a twist-3 observable in the collinear factorization ap- proach.Wepresentatwist-3single-spin-dependentcrosssectionformulaforthepionproductionin n pp-collision,p p p X,relevanttoRHICexperiment.Inparticular,wecalculatethesoft-fermion- a ↑ → pole (SFP) contributionto the crosssection from the quark-gluoncorrelationfunctions.We show J thatitseffectcanbeaslargeasthesoft-gluon-pole(SGP)contributionowingtothelargeSFPpar- 9 tonichardcrosssection,eventhoughthederivativeoftheSFPfunctiondoesnotparticipateinthe 1 crosssection. ] Keywords: Singlespinasymmetry,Twist-3,Soft-fermion-pole h PACS: 12.38.Bx,13.88.+e,13.85.Ni p - p e The observed large single spin asymmetry (SSA) in p p hX (h = p ,K etc) can ↑ h → not be explained by the usual parton model and perturbative QCD. In the framework [ of collinear factorization, SSA is a twist-3 observable and can be described in terms of 1 thetwist-3quark-gluon-correlationcorrelationfunctionsin thenucleonand/orpion[1]- v 6 [9]. Among various components of the twist-3 cross sections, a large contribution is 5 expected to come from the twist-3 distribution functions in the transversely polarized 7 nucleon.(See[4],however.)Therearetwoindependenttwist-3distributionsGa(x ,x ) 2 F 1 2 1. andGaF(x1,x2)whicharedefinedfromalight-conecorrelationfunctioninthenucleon 0 y¯aFa +y a wherey a isthequarkfieldofflavoraandFa + isthegluon’sfieldstrengt∼h. 9 h i Forteheexplicitdefinitionof Ga(x ,x ),Ga(x ,x ) and therelation between different 0 F 1 2 F 1 2 { } : expressions for the twist-3 distribution functions, see [5, 7]. Due to the naively T-odd v i nature of SSA, the relevant cross sectioneoccurs as a pole contribution of an internal X propagator in the partonic hard part. For p p p X, two kinds of poles contribute: ↑ r → a soft-gluon-pole(SGP) leading to x1 =x2 and soft-fermion-pole(SFP) leading to xi =0 (i = 1 or 2). Thus the contribution to the cross section from these functions can be schematicallywrittenas dG (x,x) D s tw3 = G (x,x) x F f(x ) D(z) sˆ F ′ SGP − dx ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ (cid:18) (cid:19) + G (0,x) f(x) D(z) sˆ +G (0,x) f(x) D(z) sˆ , (1) F ′ SFP F ′ S′FP ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ where we have used the fact that the SGP contribution appears in the combination e of G (x,x) xdGF(x,x) [6, 9]. Note only G (x,x) contributes through the SGP, since F − dx F G (x,x)=0 due to the anti-symmetric nature of G (x ,x ) under x x . The origin F F 1 2 1 2 ofthiscombinationandtheconnectionofsˆ tothetwist-2crosssec↔tionwasclarified SGP ien [9, 8]. Previous analyses[2, 6] focussed on theeSGP contribution (first term of (1)), assumingthatthisoneisadominantcontribution.However,thereisnocluethattheSFP functionsG (0,x)andG (0,x)themselvesaresmall,anditsimportancedependsonthe F F behaviorofthepartonichard cross sectionssˆ and sˆ . SFP S′FP The purpose of this reeport is to present the SFP cross section for p p p X and to ↑ → study its impact compared with the SGP contribution, assuming that the SFP functions G (0,x)and G (0,x)havethesameorderofmagnitudeas theSGPfunctionG (x,x). F F F For the calculation of the SFP contribution to p (p,S )+ p(p ) p (P )+X, we ↑ ′ h followed the eformalism in [7]. With the Mandelstam va⊥riables for→this process, S = (p+p )2,T =(p P )2 andU =(p P )2,theSFPcontributioncanbewrittenas[10]: ′ h ′ h − − E d3D s SFP = a s2MNp e +PhS (cid:229) 1 dz 1 dx′ dx 1 h dPh3 S 2 − ⊥a,b,cZzmin z3 Zx′min x′ Z x x′S+T/z d x −x′U/z (cid:229) Ga(0,x)+Ga(0,x) × −xS+T/z F F (cid:18) ′ (cid:19)"a,b,c (cid:16) (cid:17) e qb(x) Dc(z)sˆ +Dc¯(z)sˆ +qb¯(x) Dc(z)sˆ +Dc¯(z)sˆ ′ ab c ab c¯ ′ ab¯ c ab¯ c¯ × → → → → n o +(cid:229) (cid:0)Ga(0,x)+Ga(0,x) qb((cid:1)x)Dg(z)sˆ(cid:0) +qb¯(x)Dg(z)sˆ (cid:1) F F ′ ab g ′ ab¯ g a,b → → (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) +(cid:229) Ga(0,x)+Gea(0,x) G(x) Dc(z)sˆ +Dc¯(z)sˆ F F ′ ag c ag c¯ → → a,c (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) +(cid:229) Ga(0,x)+Gea(0,x) G(x)Dg(z)sˆ , (2) F F ′ ag g → a (cid:21) (cid:16) (cid:17) where the summation (cid:229) impelies that the sum of a is over all quark and anti-quark a,b,c flavors (a = u,d,s,u¯,d¯,s¯, ) and the sum of b and c is restricted onto quark flavors ··· when a is a quark and onto anti-quark flavors when a is an anti-quark. (For an anti- quark b, b¯ denotes quark flavor.) The integration region in the convolution formula is T/z (T+U) specified by x′min = S−+U/z and zmin = − S . G(x′) represents the gluon distribution andDg(z)isthegluonfragmentationfunctionforthepion.sˆ etcrepresentspartonic ab c hard cross sections where c is the flavor of the parton fragme→nting into the pion. They are functions of the Mandelstam variables in the parton level; sˆ=(xp+x p )2 =xx S, ′ ′ ′ tˆ=(xp P /z)2 = xT and uˆ=(x p P /z)2 = x′U and are givenas follows(N =3 is − h z ′ ′− h z thenumberofcolor): (N2sˆ+2tˆ)(sˆ2+uˆ2) (N2tˆ+uˆ sˆ)sˆ sˆ = − d +− − d d , ab→c N2tˆ3uˆ ac N3tˆuˆ2 ab ac sˆ = 0, ab c¯ → (N2uˆ+2tˆ)(sˆ2+uˆ2) (N2uˆ+2sˆ)(tˆ2+uˆ2) (N2 1)uˆ2 sˆab¯ c = N2tˆ3uˆ d ac+ N2sˆ2tˆuˆ d ab− N−3sˆtˆ2 d abd ac, → (N2tˆ+2sˆ)(tˆ2+uˆ2) N2sˆ+tˆ uˆ sˆab¯ c¯ = − N2sˆ2tˆuˆ d ab+− N3uˆ2− d abd ac, (3) → (N2sˆ+2tˆ)(sˆ2+uˆ2) 1 sˆ = + − N2(sˆ3+3sˆ2uˆ 2uˆ3)+sˆ3 sˆ2uˆ d , ab→g N2tˆ3uˆ N3sˆtˆuˆ2 − − ab (N2uˆ+2tˆ)(sˆ2+uˆ2) (cid:0) (cid:1) sˆab¯ g = − N2tˆ3uˆ → 1 uˆ 1 1 sˆ2+sˆtˆ+tˆ2 uˆ N(uˆ3 tˆ3)(tˆ2+uˆ2) + + + + − d , (4) N3 sˆtˆ uˆ N sˆuˆ2 −tˆ2 sˆ2tˆ2uˆ2 ab (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) N2(sˆ3 uˆ3)(sˆ2+uˆ2) sˆ = − ag→c (N2 1)sˆtˆ3uˆ2 (cid:26) − sˆuˆ(sˆ2+sˆuˆ uˆ2) N2(sˆ4+sˆ3uˆ+sˆ2uˆ2+sˆuˆ3+uˆ4) (N2uˆ+2sˆ)(tˆ2+uˆ2) + − − d + , N2(N2 1)sˆtˆ2uˆ2 ac N(N2 1)sˆ2tˆuˆ − (cid:27) − sˆ+2tˆ N2sˆ (N2tˆ+2sˆ)(tˆ2+uˆ2) sˆ = − d +− , (5) ag→c¯ N2(N2 1)uˆ2 ac N(N2 1)sˆ2tˆuˆ − − N2 sˆ = − 4sˆ6+11sˆ5tˆ+19sˆ4tˆ2+22sˆ3tˆ3+19sˆ2tˆ4+11sˆtˆ5+4tˆ6 ag→g (N2 1)sˆ2tˆ3uˆ2 − (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 + sˆtˆuˆ2+N2(sˆ4+sˆ3tˆ+2sˆ2tˆ2+sˆtˆ3+tˆ4) . (6) N2(N2 1)sˆtˆ2uˆ2 − − (cid:8) (cid:9) A remarkable feature of (2) is that the partonic hard cross sections for G (0,x) and F G (0,x) are the same, even though each diagram gives different contributions for the F two functions[10]. Accordingly, they appear in the combination of Ga(0,x)+Ga(0,x) F F ien (2). We also note that some terms in the hard cross section (the first terms in sˆ , ab c sˆab g, sˆag c, sˆag g etc) accompany the large color factors compared to tehe S→GP cros→s sectio→n derive→d in [6], and show the steep rising behavior in the forward direction (i.e. large S/T). This suggests that the SFP contribution gives rise to the nonnegligible contributiontotheasymmetry. ToseetheimpactoftheSFPcontribution,wehaveperformedanumericalcalculation ofA for p p p X,assumingthat theSFP functionisofthesameorderofmagnitude N ↑ as the SGP fun→ction. Kouvaris et al. [6] have parametrized the SGP function Ga(x,x) F so that the SGP contribution reproduces the A data obtained from RHIC and FNAL N data. Their analysis shows that both data are reasonably well reproduced. In particular, they found that the derivativeterm in (1) brings dominant contributioncompared to the nonderivativecontribution.HereweadoptFit(I)of[6]andassumeGa(0,x)+Ga(0,x)= F F Ga(x,x) (a=u,d). Fig. 1 shows A for the pion at √S=200 GeV and P =1.5 GeV F N hT withand withoutSFP contribution.As is seen from thefigure that theSFP coentribution brings large effect in the positivex region, while its effect is negligiblein the negative F x region.FromthisfigureitisclearthattheSFPcontributioncanaffectA significantly F N eventhoughit doesnot receiveenhancement by thederivativeunlikeSGPcontribution, unlesstheSFP functionitselfis small. To summarize, we have calculated the SFP contribution to the cross section for p p hX associatedwiththetwist-3quark-gluoncorrelationfunctionsinthepolarized ↑ → A 0.4 N s = (200 GeV)2 P =1.5 GeV 0.2 T 0.0 + p (SGP) + p (SGP+SFP) - -0.2 p (SGP) - p (SGP+SFP) 0 p (SGP) -0.4 0 p (SGP+SFP) -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 x F FIGURE1. A for p p p X at√S=200GeVandP =1.5GeV.Solid,long-dashed,anddash-dot N ↑ hT lines are, respectively, A →for p +, p and p 0 obtained with only the SGP contribution. Dotted, short- N − dashed,anddash-double-dotlinesare,respectively,A forp +, p andp 0 obtainedwith bothSGP and N − SFPcontributions. nucleon, and have shown that its effect is significant and should be included in the analysis of A . For a more complete analysis, one needs to include the contribution N from the triple-gluontwist-3distributionfunction as well. Recent study[11] showsthat A for the open charm production has a potential to determine the function. We hope N that the global analysis of all those data including all the QCD effects will clarify the originofobservedSSA. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TheworkofY.K.issupportedinpartbyUchidaEnergySciencePromotionFoundation. REFERENCES 1. J.QiuandG.Sterman,Nucl.Phys.B378(1992)52. 2. J.QiuandG.Sterman,Phys.Rev.D59(1999)014004. 3. Y.KanazawaandY.Koike,Phys.Lett.B478(2000)121;Phys.Lett.B490(2000)99. 4. Y.Koike,AIPConf.Proc.675(2003)449[hep-ph/0210396];Nucl.Phys.A721(2003)364. 5. H.Eguchi,Y.KoikeandK.Tanaka,Nucl.Phys.B752(2006)1. 6. C.Kouvaris,J.W.Qiu,W.VogelsangandF.Yuan,Phys.Rev.D74,114013(2006). 7. H.Eguchi,Y.KoikeandK.Tanaka,Nucl.Phys.B763193(2007). 8. Y.KoikeandK.Tanaka,Phys.Lett.B646,232(2007)[Erratum-ibid.B668,458(2008)] 9. Y.KoikeandK.Tanaka,Phys.Rev.D76,011502(2007) 10. Y.KoikeandT.Tomita,inpreparation. 11. Z.B.Kang,J.W.Qiu,W.VogelsangandF.Yuan,Phys.Rev.D78,114013(2008)

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