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SOCRATICALLY: A FESTSCHRIFT IN HONOR OF CLAUDIO DE ALMEIDA CONSELHO EDITORIAL DA Chanceler SÉRIE FILOSOFIA Dom Jaime Spengler (Editor) Norman R. Madarasz Reitor Cláudio Gonçalves de Almeida Evilázio Teixeira Draiton Gonzaga de Souza Vice-Reitor Eduardo Luft Manuir José Mentges Ernildo Jacob Stein Felipe Müller CONSELHO EDITORIAL Norman Roland Madarasz Presidente Nythamar H. F. de Oliveira Junior Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva Ricardo Timm de Souza Editor-Chefe Roberto Hofmeister Pich Luciano Aronne de Abreu Thadeu Weber Urbano Zilles Adelar Fochezatto Antonio Carlos Hohlfeldt Cláudia Musa Fay Gleny T. Duro Guimarães Helder Gordim da Silveira Lívia Haygert Pithan Lucia Maria Martins Giraffa Maria Eunice Moreira Maria Martha Campos Norman Roland Madarasz Walter F. de Azevedo Jr. EDUARDO ALVES J.R. FETT KÁTIA M. ETCHEVERRY Organizadores SOCRATICALLY: A FESTSCHRIFT IN HONOR OF CLAUDIO DE ALMEIDA Série Filosofia | 234 PORTO ALEGRE 2021 © EDIPUCRS 2021 CAPA Thiara Speth DIAGRAMAÇÃO EDIPUCRS REVISÃO Débora Porto Edição revisada segundo o novo Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa. Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) S678 Socratically : a festschrift in honor of Claudio de Almeida / Eduardo Alves, J. R. Fett, Kátia M. Etcheverry organizadores. – Porto Alegre : EDIPUCRS, 2021. 648 p. – (Série Filosofia ; 234) ISBN 978-65-5623-203-4 1. Epistemologia. 2. Filosofia. 3. Almeida, Claudio de – Homenagens. I. Alves, Eduardo. II. Fett, João Rizzio Vicente. III. Etcheverry, Kátia Martins. IV. Série. CDD 23. ed. 121 Anamaria Ferreira – CRB-10/1494 Setor de Tratamento da Informação da BC-PUCRS. Todos os direitos desta edição estão reservados, inclusive o de reprodução total ou parcial, em qualquer meio, com base na Lei nº 9.610, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998, Lei de Direitos Autorais. Editora Universitária da PUCRS Av. Ipiranga, 6681 – Prédio 33 Caixa Postal 1429 – CEP 90619-900 Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil Fone/fax: (51) 3320 3711 E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.pucrs.br/edipucrs CONTENTS PREFACE* .................................................................................................................................................................................9 PREFÁCIO ...................................................................................................19 1 EPISTEMOLOGIA HEGELIANA ..............................................................29 AGEMIR BAVARESCO FEDERICO ORSINI 2 PARA ALÉM DA INJUSTIÇA (EPISTÊMICA): SENTIMENTOS EPISTÊMICOS E UMA AGENDA COLETIVISTA PARA A EPISTEMOLOGIA ....................................................................................... 51 ALEXANDRE MEYER LUZ BERNARDO PERESSONI LUZ 3 JUSTIFICAÇÃO EPISTÊMICA: FUNDACIONISMO E CONSERVADORISMO FENOMÊNICO ......................................................75 CARLOS AUGUSTO SARTORI 4 COERÊNCIA E VERDADE. ...................................................................... 99 EDUARDO LUFT 6 5 ALGUMAS OBJEÇÕES AOS TRATAMENTOS DE WILLIAMS E DE DE ALMEIDA AO PARADOXO DE MOORE E ALGUMAS PERSPECTIVAS 119 EMERSON CARLOS VALCARENGHI 6 PYRRHONIAN SKEPTICISM AND HUMAN AGENCY* ..........................................169 ERNEST SOSA 7 AN OBJECTION TO THE EXPRESSION OF ATTITUDE ACCOUNT OF ASSERTION ..............................................................................................197 FELIPE CASTELO BRANCO MEDEIROS 8 SEGURANÇA E VIRTUDES: A CONDIÇÃO DE SEGURANÇA PARA CONHECIMENTO NAS EPISTEMOLOGIAS DA VIRTUDE DE SOSA E PRITCHARD. .............................................................................................213 FELIPE MIGUEL 9 BETWEEN CHAUVINISM AND INFALLIBILISM*. .......................................................235 GREGORY GABOARDI 10 A DEFEASIBILIST TAKE ON PENUMBRAL CASES AND UNSAFE KNOWLEDGE. ...........................................................................................261 J.R. FETT 11 FAKE BARNS AND EPISTEMIC LUCK*. ...................................................................................287 JOHN N. WILLIAMS 12 EPISTEMOLOGIA DA VIRTUDE E SORTE EPISTÊMICA AMBIENTAL ......................................................................297 KÁTIA M. ETCHEVERRY 13 APONTAMENTOS SOBRE KLEIN E O FUNDACIONISMO. ..............327 LUCAS ROISENBERG RODRIGUES 14 DE ALMEIDA ON JUSTIFICATION-CLOSURE*. ...........................................................345 LUIS ROSA 7 15 REVISITANDO A FILOSOFIA DA RELIGIÃO ENTRE A MATEMÁTICA E A TEOLOGIA SEGUNDO BERTRAND RUSSELL ................................357 NYTHAMAR DE OLIVEIRA 16 THE VAGARIES OF ACTIONS AND THE VERITIES OF MEANINGS* ...............................................................................................399 PAULO ESTRELLA FARIA 17 JUSTIFICATION CLOSURE RIGHTLY CONSTRAINED, GETTIER CASES, AND SKEPTICISM* ..........................................................................................................................423 PETER D. KLEIN 18 LEMBRAR QUE P IMPLICA CRER/CRER JUSTIFICADAMENTE/ SABER QUE P? .........................................................................................453 RICARDO RANGEL GUIMARÃES 19 UNDERSTANDING, SELF-EVIDENCE, AND JUSTIFICATION* ...............479 ROBERT AUDI 20 TESTIMONY, RELIGIOUS BELIEF, AND KNOWLEDGE* ................525 ROBERTO HOFMEISTER PICH 21 DEFEATING OBJECTIONS TO GROUP KNOWLEDGE .....................561 RODRIGO BORGES 22 GETTIER’S ACTUAL CHALLENGE: METHODOLOGY AND METAPHYSICS* ...........................................................................................................................................................583 STEPHEN HETHERINGTON 23 NEW PROBLEMS FOR THE ARGUMENT VIEW OF THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS* .................................................................................................................613 ROBERTO S. NITSCHE TIEGUE V. RODRIGUES 8 NOTA HISTÓRICA ....................................................................................641 ALEXANDRE MEYER LUZ LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ......................................................................645 PREFACE* ‘Socratically’ is the expression Claudio de Almeida has chosen as the personal component of his email address. Certainly, this is not a casual choice; rather, it manifests a kind of affinity. The Socratic modus (or method, for that matter) – elenchus – is committed to the ideal of clarifying vague and incomplete thoughts through philo- sophical dialogue and logical reasoning. By pursuing such a method, the Socratic inquirer gets increasingly closer to the truth. Those who live Socratically, in the sense just mentioned, trying to rationally distinguish what is true from what is false, do live an ‘examined life’, which, as Socrates himself suggests, is the life worth living. Claudio de Almeida has been conducting his career in philosophy inspired by the Socratic way of navigating through the world. This Festschrift is a tribute to him on the occasion of his 60th birthday, a celebration of his ongoing academic journey and of its deep impact on the intellectual lives of so many colleagues and students – including us, the editors. Issues in the philosophy of language and philosophical logic were Claudio’s first concerns as a philosopher. He was quite attracted by Bertrand Russell’s take on such topics, so that even though Claudio has not adopted a faithful Russellian perspective in his writings, the Russellian wit is surely a heavy influence there. Claudio got * Revisado por Eduardo Alves, J.R. Fett e Kátia M. Etcheverry.

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