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CURRENT DEBATES IN SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY VOLUME 10 Şükrü Aslan Cihan Cinemre IJOPEC PUBLICATION London ijopec.co.uk Istanbul CURRENT DEBATES IN SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY VOLUME 10 Edited By Şükrü Aslan Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul / Turkey Cihan Cinemre Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul / Turkey Current Debates in Sociology & Anthropology (Edited by: Şükrü Aslan, Cihan Cinemre) IJOPEC PUBLICATION London ijopec.co.uk Istanbul IJOPEC Publication Limited www.ijopec.co.uk CRN:10806608 E-Mail: [email protected] 615 7 Baltimore Wharf Phone: (+44) 73 875 2361 (UK) London E14 9EY (+90) 488 217 4007 (Turkey) United Kingdom Current Debates in Sociology & Anthropology First Edition, December 2017 IJOPEC Publication No: 2017/24 ISBN: 978-1-912503-11-7 No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means electronically without publisher’s permission. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the text, illustrations or advertisements. The opinions expressed in these chapters are not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. The publishing, scientific, ethical, and linguistic responsibilities of the chapters in this book belong to the auhors. A catalogue record for this book is available from Nielsen Book Data, British Library and Google Books. Printed in London. Composer: Çizgeadam Design, İstanbul, TR www.cizgeadam.com.tr / [email protected] Cover Illustrators designd by Freepik II CURRENT DEBATES IN SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY Şükrü Aslan, Cihan Cinemre Contents Contents ....................................................................................................III Current Debates in Social Sciences Series Scientific Committee ....................................................................................VI Introduction: Current Debates in Sociology & Anthropology ...........................VIII Part I Sociological Tought, Migration, Refugees and Poverty Socıology in Turkey Untıl 1980 ......................................................................17 Çiçek Coşkun 1950’Lerde Türkiye’de Köy Sosyolojisi Gündemi ve Araştırmaların Sınıflandırılması ......................................................................43 Hakan Arslan Migration, Displacement and Adaptation: Historical Perspective and The Present .............................................................67 Marcel Mečiar The Legal Condıtıon of Refugees And Support Systems in Turkey .......................85 Neşe Şahin Taşğın Çokkültürlülük ve Ara Mekanlar: Paris’in Strasbourg Saint-Denis Mahallesinde Hintli, Pakistanlı ve Türkiye Kökenli Göçmenlerin Günlük Etkileşim Alanları .................................109 Mustafa Poyraz Yoksulluğun Kimliği, Mekanı ve İdeolojisi ......................................................121 Polat S. Alpman Karanlıkta Kalanlar: Türkiye’de Bulunan Afgan Mültecilerin Durumu ...............141 Fatih Kahraman III Part II Urban Studies Kentsel Dönüşüm ile Apartmanlardan Rezidanslara Bomonti’de “Yeni Yaşam” ...........................................................155 Çağlayan Kovanlıkaya Kentsel Dönüşümün Bomonti’nin “Eski Sakinleri” Üzerindeki Etkisi .................173 Aylın Dikmen Özarslan Bomonti-Feriköy Teneke Mahallesi: 93 Harbinden 1999 Depremine Göç Dalgaları, Toplumsal Karşılaşmalar ve Dönüşüm Dinamikleri .................................................................................187 Egemen Yılgür Yazılı ve Sözlü Anlatılarda bir Sanayi Mekanı Olarak Bomonti (1960-80) ...........211 Şükrü Aslan Tarihsel Mekanın Habitus Değişimine Örnek Olarak Nitel Bir Çalışma: Beyazıd Sahaflar Çarşısı ................................................................................231 Aysel Tekgöz Obuz,Nursen Tekgöz, Hazal Özdemir Part III Anthropology Geç Roma-Bizans Dönemi Sinop Toplumunda Saklizasyon ...............................245 Ayşegül Şarbak İnsan İskelet Kalıntılarında Yaş ve Cinsiyet Tayininde Bireye Özgü Asimetrinin Yansımaları .............................................................257 Ece Demirelli, Fadime Suata Alpaslan Paranazal Sinüs Boşluğu Morfolojilerinin Cinsiyet Yaş ve Kimlik Tespiti Açısından İncelenmesi ....................................................265 Fadime Suata Alpaslan Antik Tieion Kenti Toplumunda Görülen Ağır Metaller ...................................279 Mustafa Tolga Çırak IV CURRENT DEBATES IN SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY Şükrü Aslan, Cihan Cinemre Akgüney Bizans Toplumunda Ölçülemeyen Karakterlerin Belirlenmesi ...............297 Asuman Çırak Part IV Sociology of Communications and Media Research Anadolu İnsanında Kulağın Geometrik Morfometrik Analizi ile Yaş Tahmini ..............................................................311 Vahdet Özkoçak, Timur Gültekin What Is Meant By “A Sense of Belonging” and Is It Possible To “Belong” In A Globalised World? ..............................................................333 Baris Cagirkan, Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı Cyberbullyıng: A Study on Iranıan News Coverage ..........................................343 Ehsan Shahghasemi, Zahra Karami, Ali Rabiei Recep Ivedik 5: The Presentatıon of Carnıval/Grotesque Body in Publıc Sphere and Its Evocations in Mınds ..................................................353 Nahide Konak, Veysel Mehmet Elgin Part V Forensic Anthropology Adli Antropolojide Yüz Ölçümünün Kullanımı ..............................................371 Fikri Özdemir , Vahdet Özkoçak Türkiye’de Ceza Adaleti Alanında Değişimi İzlemenin Bir Aracı Olarak Ceza Populizmi ..................................................................381 Metin Türkmen Trepanasyon: Kuriki Höyük (Batman) Örneği ................................................403 Ayşen Açıkkol Yıldırım, Pınar Gözlük Kırmızıoğlu, Elif Genç Yaşlılara Yönelik Tasarımlarda Antropometrinin ve Ergonuminin Önemi ............425 Gülüşan Özgün Başibüyük, Faruk Ay, Sercan Acar V CURRENT DEBATES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES SERIES SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Abdunnur Yıldız Derman Küçükaltan Fatih Tepebaşlı Fırat University İstanbul Arel University N. Erbakan University Adam Safronijevic Devrim Dumludağ Fikret Şenses University of Belgrade Marmara University METU Alfredo Saad-Filho Dibyesh Anand Friederick Nixson University of London University of Westminster Manchester University Ali Osman Öztürk Donald F. Staub Georgios Katsangelos N. Erbakan University B. Onyedi Eylül University University of Thessaloniki Anastasia P. Valavanidou Dursun Zengin Gülçin Taşkıran Ministery of Culture Ankara University Gaziosmanpaşa University Aslı Yüksel Mermod Ensar Yılmaz H. Gülçin Beken Marmara University Yıldırz Technical University Gümüşhane University Atilla Göktürk Erhan Aslanoğlu Hakan Kapucu Dokuz Eylül University Piri Reis University Kocaeli University Ayşe Cebeci Ergün Serindağ Hakan Öniz Harran University Çukurova University Selçuk University Başar Soydan Erich Kirchler Hatice Sözer Marmara University University of Vienna İ. Technical University Bige Aşkun Yıldırım Erika Torres Godinez Hayri Kozanoğlu Marmara University UNAM México K.Altınbaş University Birgit Mahnkopf Erinç Yeldan Hilal Yıldız B. School of Econ. & Law Bilkent University Kocaeli University Bora Erdağı Erol Turan Hun Joo Park Kocaeli University Kastamonu University KDI School of P.Policy&M. C. Alberto Dondona Eyyup Yaraş İnci User IRES Piemonte Selcuk University Acıbadem University Dallen J. Timothy Farhang Morady İzzettin Önder Arizona State University University of Westminster İstanbul University VI CURRENT DEBATES IN SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY Şükrü Aslan, Cihan Cinemre Joachim Becker Murat Gümüş Salvatore Capasso WU Vienna University Batman University University of N.Parthenope Julia Nentwich Murat Şeker Savaş Çevik University of St.Gallen İstanbul University Selçuk University Julienne Brabet M. Mustafa Erdoğdu Seçil Paçacı Elitok University Paris-Est Créteil Marmara University Michigan University Kaoru Natsuda Naciye Tuba Yılmaz Sena Durguner R. Asia Pacific University Marmara University University of S. California Kemal Yakut Nadir Eroğlu Sevda Mutlu Akar Anadolu University Marmara University B. Onyedi Eylül University Ljiljana Markovic Nihal Ş. Pınarcıoğlu Sevinç Güler Özçalık University of Belgrade Batman University Dokuz Eylül University Mahmut Tekçe Nurit Zaidman Sinan Alçın Marmara University University of the Negev Kültür University Mehmet Okan Taşar Olivia Kyriakidou Süleyman Karaçor Selçuk University University of Athens Selçuk University Melih Özçalık Óscar Navajas Corral Şenel Gerçek Celal Bayar University Universidad de Alcalá Kocaeli University Michalle Mor Barak Osman Küçükahmetoğlu Şükrü Aslan University of S. California Marmara University MSGS University Mike O’Donnell Oxana Karnaukhova Tahit Balcı University of Westminster S. Federal University Çukurova University Milenko Popovic Örgen Uğurlu Targan Ünal Mediterranean University Kocaeli University Okan University Muhammet Koçak Özlem Ergüt Thankom Gopinath Arun Gazi University Marmara University University of Essex Mukadder Seyhan Yücel Paul Zarembka Turgay Berksoy Trakya University New York University Marmara University Murat Demir Peter C. Young Umut Balcı Harran University University of St Thomas Batman University Murat Donduran Peter Davis Yılmaz Kılıçaslan Yıldız Technical University Newcastle University Anadolu Universi VII INTRODUCTION: CURRENT DEBATES IN SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY FROM THE EDITORS The specialization of skills leads to the destruction of every image of the whole. And as, despite this, the need to grasp the whole — at least cognitively — cannot die out, we find that science, which is likewise based on specialization and thus caught up in the same immediacy, is criticized for having torn the real world into shreds and having lost its vision of the whole Georg Lukacs A social scientist who is stable within the boundaries of a specific discipline should have accepted that he is to miss his own whole concept advancing a new theory, all over. Actually, to succeed in understanding the reality of any social theory attempt, to achieve any hope firstly, he should have done the criticism of acquired factitious field separation. If this criticism is not done, theorization concern becomes a description which studies a single moment of issued plot that is abstracted and becomes simplified as a technical issue ignoring, multiplicity of social interactions and dialectic features in social theories. Comprising as an alienated social theory is not only a matter of theory, thus will become the inevitable results beyond the output. An alienated theory social theory follows the same route of its own discipline dealing with the object and it becomes an easy sum of articles applying ıts own disciplines view. Thus, it lets the social scientist have a quality to intervene to the problematic field with a so-called rationality and utmost care of a technician. As a result, social scientist turns into a social engineer who tries to restore and repair an instant moment which is fractured in a society in lack of producing its own knowledge. As in sample of creating a fund from some countries or international institutions to reduce the poverty, the theory turns into an object and the scientist becomes a promoter intellectual regenerating the power of a class by taking advantage of the financial power of the class. This model of social theory and the association between the object and the scientist also tells us something. The separation of social theory to different disciplines, thus, the division of tasks between the people putting out the social theory has embedded in means of a more general task sharing. These two tasks conditions the other in reciprocal way. The common division of labour has been the separation of mental effort from physical effort which is named as more bureaucratization in means of the improvement of monopoly capitalism since the end of 19th century. In that case, it becomes impossible for massive amount of people to yield the learnedness of their own lives, relations, needs and deals. They have been stripped from their own patter. As Hegel expressed in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, individuals express themselves first by the language they speak and secondly by the manual effort. In case of separating communicative process from manual process results in loss of individual’s initial self-expression tool. Simultaneously, through the process of reducing the work in means of techniques separates individual’s hand from himself. So that, the social scientist will propagate, advise to the whole World and interfere whereas the individual cannot express the knowledge of his own perspective which remains unstated and non-autonomous. In brief, as a whole the conditions of social sciences has proceeded in such way. In other words, social sciences assumed functions beyond the political or social needs of the 19th century by when ıt arose and it became a matter of tension within itself. First and foremost social science disciplines started to examine their on functions where the critical approach came into Picture by the second half of the 20th century. That made it possible to examine oneself and also the connection within the Powers. So that, the social science has gained the chance to get away from the idea referring to socializing in which the relations to the Powers are predominant. It had the opportunity of understanding and analysing the society instead of guidance and understanding the social system out of elevating it. Sociology as some of the articles point in this vey book has followed the same route. Thus, it is adventure of focusing on reality out of ideality. Through the elapsed time, it became possible to have an important sociological corpus. Another way of understanding this is to have a look over the diverted history sociological studies. Marquis de Condorcet who was arrested and imprisoned in Bourg- La-Raine and found dead next morning in April 17th 1794 wrote a book ‘’Reflections

II. Current Debates in Sociology & Anthropology. (Edited by: Şükrü Aslan, Cihan Cinemre). IJOPEC. London ijopec.co.uk Istanbul. PUBLICATION The sociology that was developed after the 1960s is the second period in the history of 1967 de Bomonti bölgesinde 119 sanayi tesisinin faaliyette. 2
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