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Preview Sociology : The Journal of the British Sociological Association 2006: Vol 40 Index

Sociology Copyright © 2006 BSA Publications Ltd Volume 40(6): 1234-1240 DOI: 10.1 177/0038638506069868 SAGE Publications ndon, Thousand Oaks New Delt Index to Volume 40, 2006 Articles Adamson, Kay, Issue ulture roblem of Reconciling a Colonial Past + \kanisi Hurdley, Materializing her, Lo 11S¢ ind Becky Social Class within the +0(1), 29-49 Banks, Mark, Moral Economy Barone, Carlo, Cultural Capital. Ambitior Learning Outcomes: A (¢ omparatiy Bates, Stephen, Making Time for Chang Critical Realist) Approaches to Agency, 40(1), 143-161 Bennett, Andy, Punk’s Not Dead: The Contin Older Generation of Fans, 40(2), 219-235 Bond, Ross, Belonging and Becoming: National 609-626 Brannen, Julia and Ann Nilsen. From Fathe rhood to | mission and Change among British Fathers in Four ven it} rmili » 335 352 Brooks, Rachel, Young Graduates and Lift long Le impact of Institutiona Stratincation, 40(6), 1019-1037 Burdsey, Daniel, ‘If I Ever Play Football. Dad, Can British Asians, Sport and Diasporic National Identit Burrows, Roger and Nicholas Gane, Geodemog: iphics, Softy 792 $12 Busfield, Joan, Pills. Power, People: Sociologica Pharmaceutical Industry, 40(2), 297-314 yrne, Bridget, In search of a good mix Mothering, 40(6), 1001-1017 Clarke, Simon, Theory and Practice: Psychoanalvtic Sociology as Psycho-Social Studies, 40(6), 1153-1169 Entwistle, Joanne and Agnés Rocamora, The Field of | ishion Materi ilized: A Study of London Fashion Week, 40(4), 735-751 Sociology Copyright © 2006 BSA Publications Ltd Volume 40(6): 1234-1240 DOI: 10.1 177/0038638506069868 SAGE Publications ndon, Thousand Oaks New Delt Index to Volume 40, 2006 Articles Adamson, Kay, Issue ulture roblem of Reconciling a Colonial Past + \kanisi Hurdley, Materializing her, Lo 11S¢ ind Becky Social Class within the +0(1), 29-49 Banks, Mark, Moral Economy Barone, Carlo, Cultural Capital. Ambitior Learning Outcomes: A (¢ omparatiy Bates, Stephen, Making Time for Chang Critical Realist) Approaches to Agency, 40(1), 143-161 Bennett, Andy, Punk’s Not Dead: The Contin Older Generation of Fans, 40(2), 219-235 Bond, Ross, Belonging and Becoming: National 609-626 Brannen, Julia and Ann Nilsen. From Fathe rhood to | mission and Change among British Fathers in Four ven it} rmili » 335 352 Brooks, Rachel, Young Graduates and Lift long Le impact of Institutiona Stratincation, 40(6), 1019-1037 Burdsey, Daniel, ‘If I Ever Play Football. Dad, Can British Asians, Sport and Diasporic National Identit Burrows, Roger and Nicholas Gane, Geodemog: iphics, Softy 792 $12 Busfield, Joan, Pills. Power, People: Sociologica Pharmaceutical Industry, 40(2), 297-314 yrne, Bridget, In search of a good mix Mothering, 40(6), 1001-1017 Clarke, Simon, Theory and Practice: Psychoanalvtic Sociology as Psycho-Social Studies, 40(6), 1153-1169 Entwistle, Joanne and Agnés Rocamora, The Field of | ishion Materi ilized: A Study of London Fashion Week, 40(4), 735-751 Annual Index 1235 Fe xx, Nick ] and Katie Ward and in O'Rourke, Governance tor the Intormation Age Advertising and the Internet, 40(2)) , 315-334 er, Steve, The Uses of Whiteness: What Sociologists Working Draw trom US Research on Whiteness, 40(2 5 , Debra, The Absent Body Proje n urgery a Lesponse to Bodily Dys-appearance, 40(4 leeson, Denis and David ‘Troubled’ Times, Bodies a eisure: Young Womer gotiating Spac¢ Sally, Intimat nting, 40(2 The Sociolog' Discursive Construct Debra S, Activists nd motiona Social Movement, 5), 873-891 rczynski, Marek and Ursula Ort, Power and Enchant iwler, Stephanie, Edit nd rd, M idelein . | ndsay, Jo and David d n and Ruth Me r School Sett ndy, Patricia and Participatory Actior flict Transition in Northern Be, Robe rt and Mar! ett and Jean Gardir 1 Collective Orientat in, ind Doug! 547 Matthewman, Steve, | nde rstanding of 4 McDonald, Ruth and Ju sation and nostals Mitchell, Claire, The Munday, Jennie, Idet Construction of 4 Anoop, Displac Industrial City, 40(5 s, Caroline |] and § Labour: Is Green Pi Connor, Pat A, Young ind Gender Differe Ramji, Hasmita, British Indian ‘Returt Transnational Belongings, 40(4), 645-662 Ryan, Louise and Anne Golden, ‘Tick the Box Pl Doing Quantitative Social Research, 40(6), 1191 Sociology Silva, | lizabeth B.. Homologies ot Social Sp icé and I lective A thinities: Researching Cultural Captial, 40(6), 1171-1189 Smyth, Lisa, The Cultural Politics of Sexuality and Reproduction in Northern Ireland, 40(4), 663-680 Sointu, Eeva, Recognition and the Creation of Wellbeing, 40(3), 493-510 Southerton, Dale, Analysing the Temporal Organization of Daily | Constraints, Practices and their Allocation, 40(3), 435-454 Theodosius, Catherine, Recovering Emotion from Emotior §$93-910 Czanelli, Rodanthi, Capitalising on Values: Towards of Kidnapping, 40(5), 929-947 Vanderstraeten, Raf, The Historical Economy, 40(1), 125-142 Vasilachis De Gialdino, Irene, the Known Subject, 40 Vincent, John A, Ageing Review Essays lenkings, K. Neil, Garfinkel and Jones, Paul, Thirty Yeaorf sKe y Lunt, Neil, The Lingering Death Ramji, Hasmita, Reforming India lows and Knowledge Exchange. 40 Richards, Judy, Gender Studies: A Hitch-hik« Ryan, Louise, Rethin ; Social Movement 10( 1 Shaw, Martin, The Sourceso f Social Power | ] 183 Smith, Andrew, Living With l Stevenson, Nick, The Ide |U pricna| rad,j Book Reviews Ackroyd, S., R. Batt, P. Thompson and P.S. Tolbert (eds), Work ’ and ' Organization, reviewed 1b y Jennifer Tomlin Annual Index 1237 Agarwala, R. N. Kumar and M. Riboud (eds), Reforms, Labour Markets, and Social Security in India, reviewed by Hasmita Ramji, 40(2), 373-379 Arminen, Ilkka, Institutional Interaction: Talk ala t W wrk, reviewed by K. Neil Jenkings, 40(5), 957-963 Barry, B., Why Social Justice Matter s, reviewed by Ruth Lister, ¢ Baxandall, Phineas, Constructing Unemployment: The Politi East and West, reviewed by Andrew Smith, 40(5), 949 955 Bennett, Andy (ed.), Re reviewed by 100-201 Bennett, Tony, Lawrenc« Revised Vocabulary 1209-1215 Bilal Koshul, Bisat, T/ by Nicholas Gane, Binnie, Jon, The Glol S86—S88 Born. (Ceorg ind Peter 1 viewed by Ruth Wor Nick and Andrew Webster rdering Life, reviewed by lan Mel Wright, Mcos, Alex, Mak W1¢ viewed by Melissa irrington, P.J., J. Scott yi Noovy. W P A. Mrvar Pajek, reviewed by le Nora, , After Ad 40(1), Dwyer, P., Understanding Social and Practice, reviewed by Neil Eadie, Jo ed. , xuality \ Gl SSat Sociology Eglin, Peter and Stephen Hester, The Montreal Massacre: A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis, reviewed by K. Neil Jenkings, 40(5), 957-963 Elliott, Jane, Using Narrative in Social Research: Oualitative and Quantitative Appraoches, reviewed by Emma Uprichard, 40(6 1201-1207 Erickson, M., Science, Culture and Society: Under Century, reviewed by Paul Stronge, 40(6), 1217 Foss, K.A., S.K. Foss and C.L. Griffin (eds), Theory, reviewed by Siew-Peng Frank, A.W., The Renewal of Gi Live, reviewed by Kepa Artaraz, 40(2 Fuller, Steve, The Intellectual, reviewed Gabe, Jonathan, Mike Bury and Mary lle ogy, reviewed by lain Lat Harold, Seeing Soct d by K. Neil Jen ind Klaus G 1 { Jordan, Bill, Sex, Money, and Power: reviewed by Lisa Smyth, 40(3 , 581-584 Keith, M., After the Cosmopolitan? Multicultural ¢ reviewed by Anthony Jones, 40(6), 11,2 25-1i2 2ae6 | Annual Index King, Anthony, The Structure of Social Theory, reviewed by Gregor McLennan. 40(3). 595-596 lein, Alex, Marcus Day and Anthony Harriot (eds), Caribbean Drugs: From Criminalisation To Harm Reduction, reviewed by David Calvey, 40(3), 585-586 Knowles, Caroline, Race and Social Analysis, re by Malcolm Brown, 40(1 189-192 Kohn, \., Shooters: Myths wd Kealiti ( nerica’s Gun Culture Ss, re viewed by Simon Winlow, 40(4), 769 Komarovsky, Mirra, The Unemploved Unemployment upon the Status eviewed by indrew Smith, 40(5), 949-955 Maria and Am micity, reviews CLurope, reviewed Mann, Michael, Fascists Mann, Michae Rob Hornsby Pater son, | indsay, Fr §9) Philo, Greg and Mike Berry, Ba 40(2). 398-399 Pilcher, Jane and Imelda Whelehan, 50 Key Ci by Judy Richards, 40(1), 163-168 1240 Sociology Powers, Charles H., Making v Sense of Social Theory: A Practical Introduction, reviewed by Deba Prashad Chatterjee, 40(5), 979-980 Puchta, Claudia ind Jonathan Potter, Focus Group Practi reviewed by Jody Mellor, 40(4), 765-767 Radaelli, Claudio M. and Vivien Schmidt (eds), Poltc ange and j Discours i” Europe, reviewed by Avril Keating, 40 5 969 y Richards, Lyn, Handling Oualitativi Data: A Practical eviewed 11 Dy 5 ina?| Duggan, 40(4), 7/7/-778 Robyn, Richard (ed.), The Changing Face Nation Study o f (Supra)national Attachments, reviewed 969-97) Rose, Jacqueline The Ouestion 753-759 Rugg, Gordon and Marian Petre p, reviewec |b y Reeeb ec« Barnes, 40(1), 185-18 suchs, 1221 | ae a] ty, reviewed by Pete Wilkinson, lain, Suf $0(2). 401-402 Williams, Ray nond. Paul Jones, 40(6

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