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Sociolinguistic Change Across the Spanish-Speaking World: Case Studies in Honor of Anna María Escobar PDF

238 Pages·2015·3.51 MB·English
by  Bugel
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Potowski&Bugel_cpi_cb_NealArthur.qxd 8/8/2015 9:05 AM Page 1 BP uo This collection of essays presents cutting-edge research in Hispanic sociolinguis- gt Sociolinguistic Change o e w tics. They include studies on language variation and change, contact varieties, lan- l ,s Across the Spanish-Speaking World guage use, perception, and attitudes and focus on language varieties such as ed k i i Peruvian Spanish, Mexican Spanish on the U.S.–Mexican border and in the to a r n Midwest, and two Peninsular varieties (in the Basque country and in Catalonia). s d Case Studies in Honor of Anna María Escobar This book is a Festschrift in honor of Anna María Escobar and her twenty-five years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kim Potowski (Ph.D. in Hispanic linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana- A Champaign) is Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Illinois c r o at Chicago. Her research focuses on Spanish in the United States, including s books about language use in a dual immersion school and teaching heritage s t So Edited by Kim Potowski and Talia Bugel speakers. Her current work explores features of Mexican and Puerto Rican Spanish h c e i in Chicago, as well as mixed Latino “MexiRican” language and identity. With a o S l Fulbright grant, she worked in Oaxaca, Mexico, studying the features of English p i n a and Spanish and the schooling experiences of “transnational” youth who have n g i u returned to Mexico from the United States. s i h s - t S ic Talia Bugel (Ph.D. in Hispanic linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana- p C e Champaign) is Associate Professor of Spanish at Indiana University-Purdue a h University, Fort Wayne. Her research focuses on language attitudes and language k a i n n policy in the context of teaching Spanish and Portuguese as foreign languages in g g e Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. Her work has been published in Studies in W Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Language Policy, Latin American Research o Review, Hispania,and Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana. r l d P E T E R L A N G www.peterlang.com Potowski&Bugel_cpi_cb_NealArthur.qxd 8/8/2015 9:05 AM Page 1 BP uo This collection of essays presents cutting-edge research in Hispanic sociolinguis- gt Sociolinguistic Change o e w tics. They include studies on language variation and change, contact varieties, lan- l ,s Across the Spanish-Speaking World guage use, perception, and attitudes and focus on language varieties such as ed k i i Peruvian Spanish, Mexican Spanish on the U.S.–Mexican border and in the to a r n Midwest, and two Peninsular varieties (in the Basque country and in Catalonia). s d Case Studies in Honor of Anna María Escobar This book is a Festschrift in honor of Anna María Escobar and her twenty-five years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kim Potowski (Ph.D. in Hispanic linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana- A Champaign) is Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Illinois c r o at Chicago. Her research focuses on Spanish in the United States, including s books about language use in a dual immersion school and teaching heritage s t So Edited by Kim Potowski and Talia Bugel speakers. Her current work explores features of Mexican and Puerto Rican Spanish h c e i in Chicago, as well as mixed Latino “MexiRican” language and identity. With a o S l Fulbright grant, she worked in Oaxaca, Mexico, studying the features of English p i n a and Spanish and the schooling experiences of “transnational” youth who have n g i u returned to Mexico from the United States. s i h s - t S ic Talia Bugel (Ph.D. in Hispanic linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana- p C e Champaign) is Associate Professor of Spanish at Indiana University-Purdue a h University, Fort Wayne. Her research focuses on language attitudes and language k a i n n policy in the context of teaching Spanish and Portuguese as foreign languages in g g e Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. Her work has been published in Studies in W Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Language Policy, Latin American Research o Review, Hispania,and Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana. r l d P E T E R L A N G www.peterlang.com Sociolinguistic Change Across the Spanish-Speaking World PETER LANG New York  Bern  Frankfurt  Berlin Brussels  Vienna  Oxford  Warsaw Sociolinguistic Change Across the Spanish-Speaking World Case Studies in Honor of Anna María Escobar Edited by Kim Potowski and Talia Bugel PETER LANG New York  Bern  Frankfurt  Berlin Brussels  Vienna  Oxford  Warsaw Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Sociolinguistic change across the Spanish-speaking world: case studies in honor of Anna María Escobar / [edited by] Kim Potowski, Talia Bugel. pages cm Includes bibliographical references. 1. Spanish language—Dialects. 2. Sociolinguistics. I. Escobar, Anna María, honouree. II. Potowski, Kim, editor. III. Bugel, Talia, editor. PC4704.S63 306.44’261—dc23 2014033079 ISBN 978-1-4331-2766-3 (hardcover) ISBN 978-1-4539-1409-0 (e-book) Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the “Deutsche Nationalbibliografie”; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de/. Cover design concept and photograph by William Pagliuca © 2015 Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York 29 Broadway, 18th floor, New York, NY 10006 www.peterlang.com All rights reserved. Reprint or reproduction, even partially, in all forms such as microfilm, xerography, microfiche, microcard, and offset strictly prohibited. Dedication From former students Patricia MacGregor-Mendoza The unconditional encouragement, guidance and respect that I received through my Ph.D. process has forever guided my own interactions with my students. Te agradezco infinitamente el apoyo que siempre me has brindado. Kim Potowski I may not have returned to complete a Ph.D. if it weren’t for your encourage- ment and support! Te agradezco todo lo que has hecho por mí. Carlos del Moral [R.I.P. 2009] In his doctoral dissertation, he thanked Anna María as follows: “This dissertation would not have been possible without the expert guidance of my esteemed adviser, Dr. Anna María Escobar. I would like to thank her especially for the many thought-provoking conversations we have had concerning this dis- sertation, […] and her support and advice in other areas of academic life. She fostered a stress-free working relationship that was crucial for the completion of this work. […] her guidance has been instrumental in shaping my understand- ing of linguistic fieldwork”. Marisa Martínez-Mira Gracias Anna María por tus clases, que tanto me ayudaron a perfilar mi tesis, y por toda tu ayuda, entusiasmo e infinita paciencia conmigo. Fuiste el mejor ejemplo de profesora y en el que siempre me fijo para enseñar mis cursos y guiar a mis estudiantes. Talia Bugel Para mi querida profesora, infinito agradecimiento por otorgarme el privilegio y el placer de aprender de su enorme calidad humana y profesional, desde el vi DeDication primer momento en que me comuniqué con el departamento de español, italiano y portugués en UIUC e incluso durante mi vida profesional. Isabel Velázquez Para AME con cariño y agradecimiento, por las lecciones de vida dentro y fuera del aula. María del Puy Ciriza Having worked with you over the years, I have witnessed first hand your depth of knowledge in a wide range of topics. It has been a great pleasure to contribute to your legacy. Mónica Millán Anna María, muchísimas gracias por todo tu apoyo y asesoría durante mi paso por UIUC e incluso luego de salir. Con tu orientación y guía, me ayudaste a ca- nalizar mis ideas y a culminar con éxito mi largo proceso del doctorado. Muchas gracias por tu paciencia y dedicación. Felicitaciones!!! Claudia Holguín Mendoza Por toda su confianza, por el apoyo que siempre me ha brindado con todas mis hipótesis y variables, mi gran admiración, cariño y gratitud Anna María. Munia Cabal-Jiménez Querida Annamaría, su palabra precisa y rigurosa y su presencia igualmente paciente, solidaria y fuerte nos han marcado una senda. Por el entusiasmo, el comentario a tiempo y la pasión compartidos. Y por tanta tinta roja, imagen hiperbólica y sostenida de su compromiso. Con reiteradas y sentidas gracias. Justin Davidson Anna María, the joy your work brings you is wonderfully contagious and per- vades my research. I cannot thank you enough for never once letting me feel un- supported or unguided these past six years. Que sepas que has dejado tu huella en cada trabajo que he hecho, y así en todos los que me quedan por hacer. From colleagues Zsuzsanna Fagyal Calling you a colleague would not do justice to everything that I have learned from you, Anna María; ‘a model’ would be more appropriate. « Merci d’avoir été là pour moi pendant toutes ces années »! Dedication vii Liliana Sánchez Qilqasqaykimanta anchata agradisiyku. Susana de los Heros Anna, I want to thank you for your being such a generous academic and a great human being. I consider you a mentor: ¡muchas gracias por todos los años de ayuda y consejo! Margarita Jara I am grateful to be one of the people who you have touched both personally and academically. ¡Gracias por tu ejemplo y tu apoyo!

This collection of essays presents cutting-edge research in Hispanic sociolinguistics. They include studies on language variation and change, contact varieties, language use, perception, and attitudes and focus on language varieties such as Peruvian Spanish, Mexican Spanish on the U.S. - Mexican bor
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