BBrriigghhaamm YYoouunngg UUnniivveerrssiittyy BBYYUU SScchhoollaarrssAArrcchhiivvee Theses and Dissertations 1968 SSoocciioo--PPoolliittiiccaall FFaaccttoorrss AAffffeeccttiinngg tthhee GGrroowwtthh ooff tthhee MMoorrmmoonn CChhuurrcchh iinn AArrggeennttiinnaa SSiinnccee 11992255 Michael B. Smurthwaite Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International Economics Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BBYYUU SScchhoollaarrssAArrcchhiivvee CCiittaattiioonn Smurthwaite, Michael B., "Socio-Political Factors Affecting the Growth of the Mormon Church in Argentina Since 1925" (1968). Theses and Dissertations. 5126. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. S m491 sociopolitical SOCIO POLITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH OF THE MORMON CHURCH IN ARGENTINA SINCE 1925 10 thesis A presented to the history department of young university brigham partial in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree arts master of by michael ssmmuurrtthhwvaaiittee B august 1968 M PFRREEFFAACCEE since mormon missionaries have pprroosseellyytteedr in catholic 1925 yet argentina the argentine mission has grown very slowly and en- countered difficulties did the mmiissssiioonnaarireies1s north american many 1 image affect the missionary work did the predominance of the cath- olic church stunt the growth of the new sect how did the impact of bitter US argentine international relations during the second world peron war and the advent of affect the reception of mormonism in argentina these questions concerning the history of the mormon church in argentina since 1ig9o0 can best understood by considering the 1199400 be episodes of argentine history which bear directly on the history of the church in that country hence this thesis will offer a broader interpretation of the official history of the argentine mission than that written by the mission secretaries and historians moreover it igo will concentrate years on the between 1199400 and 1968 which seems it the most significant era since embraces the cchhuurrcchhess confrontation peron with the second world war and increasing membership the author wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance re- ceived during research by the staff of the church hhhiiissstttooorririaianantnss ts office in salt llaekkee city sincere gratitude is expressed to young E W president frederick williams samuel boren and especially theo- S A dore tuttle for their iinntteerrvviieeww time special thanks goes to dr george addy thesis chairman for his patience and help and to hermine horman iii and mark bench for typing and proofreading the drafts and offering valuable assistance last but not least appreciation is expressed to wife heather without help support this not my whose and work would possible have been the aauutthhoorrttaakkee8s full responsibility for the contents any and faults are hhhiiigssaanndd not those ooofdfttthhheee aaffoorreemmeennttioionneeddiinnddiivviidduuaallss TABLE OF CONTENTS page iii PREFACE vii LIST OF TABLES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 chapter I beginnings 1 MORMON IN ARGENTINA 1 argentine review the catholic nature of argentine society mormon beginnings in argentina social factors in early mormon development II argentines 11 22 LOOK AT AMERICANS period the of emulation 1118882224441188118888&888&8 the period of fear 18891929 1889 1929 period distrust the of neighborly 19291945 1929 1945 prid argentine pride e and north americans north americans in argentina at argentines look mormon missionaries lliili III II 111 THE MORMON CHURCH IN ARGENTINA DURING WORLD WAR 11 37 argentina scene controversy over war of the president the mormon church under period wwiilllliaiammss during the ortiz ttlhlee mormon church dduurriinnggtthhee castillo period 111999444000444433 3 argentina after pearl the mormon church in harbor IV THE MORMON CHURCH IN PPEERROONSS ARGENTINA 744 years early the president visits stephen richards argentina L peron government versus the the mcoorrmmoonnss 194850 Mormons 1948 50 peron the mormon church during the decline of president visits ppeerroonns argentina david 0 mckay 1954 fall peron the catholics and the of v ccoonntda eonta contd TABLE OF CONTENTS IN V A STUDY CONTRASTS URUGUAY 125 the foundation of the mormon church uruguay in contrasts argentina uruguay between and VI 143 THE MORMON CHURCH MOVES INTO THE MODERN ERA era beginning the mmooddeermn 11995555-11996600 the impact of mormon chapels in argentina picture era of the mormon church in the modern VII 164 SUMMARY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APPENDIX 177 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 a 9 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 argentine growth mission A north argentine mission growth B uruguayan growth mission C bibliography 181 0 0 p it 0 9.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vi LIST OF TABLES page number era argentine membership in the bkrraa 1 modern 157 igo over local leaders presiding branches 116600 2 0 0 0 0 0 LIST OF MAPS mormon chapels in argentina 153a 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vii I CHAPTER 1 beginnings begtnningsin IN ARGENTINA 1199225511993355 MORMON after eight aires instru- months in buenos where he had been mental in ooppeenniinngg Aaarrrgggeeennntittniianntaoattoo mormon missionary wwvooorrkrkkmmmmeeeelllivvvviilinnnn J ballard a mormon apostle told of tthheepprroossppeeccttss of the mission work will go slowly ffoorr a time just as an oak grows slowly from an acorn not shoot up in a day as does the sunflower that grows quickly and dies but thousands it will join the church here will be divided into more strongest than one mission and will be one of the in the it church the work here is the smallest will ever be tthheessoouutthh american mission will be a power in the 0 church review of argentina will afford understanding of the ground into A some which the seeds of mormonism were sown argentine review argentine aspect argentine topography one major of the country is its overwhelming size stretching to a length of 2300 miles aarrggeennttiinnaallaacckkss only 7to0o0mmiilleess of being aass long as the united 700 states is wide the country spreads to about 980 miles at its widest 2 point and contains 1084359 square miles of land aarrggeennttiinnaess great naturally expanse has maae communication made and national unity difficult throughout of her history mormon much 1 right- the ballard family J ballard crusader for melvin salt city eousness lake utah bookcraft 1966 p 84 2s2 aarrggeennttiinnaa argentina tl the world book ennncccyyyccclllooopppeeedddliiaaa 1956 ed vol I E 1 2 farflung lleeaaddeerrs encountered the same problems in administering the far flung argentina branches of the church in population bbeessiiddeess its great size argentina has become argentines increasingly urbanized during the depression of the 1930s 1930 from the country pppooouuurrreeedddiiinnntttooo the cities by 11994400 buenos aires became the most populous city in latin america with nearly per cent of the 25 argentine people crowded in or aarroouunndd the city three years later during the war this percentage jumped to 3322.44 per cent other cities 324 also grew so that during the second world war nearly half or 4448886.66 per 2 cent of the people dwelt in cities with over ten thousand inhabitants the 1956 census counted oovveerr 15893827 inhabitants and 4445556.66 per cent 3 aailrree of them resided in or near buenos aalirreesss gin the mormon missionaries naturally cccooonnngggrreregegagtaeatdetidendwiiinnn the big cities with buenos aires aass headquarters and the church grew in this increasingly uurrbbaanniizseedd and industrialized nation the church did not wed send missionaries into the sparsely settled pampa or plain where the president famous gauchos herded thousands of cattle A theodore tuttle former pprreessididenetnoft of all south american missions explained that missionaries were sent only to ciiitttilieees sleallaarrrgggeee enough to support good c working conditions for the missionaries and which ccoouullddggrrooww into a selfsustaining self sustaining unit as large as a mormon stake thus communication and ithe to the term the church normally refers the catholic church but in this paper care will be taken to distinguish between the catholic is and the mormon church when the term used 2 latin olen E leonard and charles P loomis eds american press state social organizations and institutions michigan mmmiiiccchhhiilgaann 9 1953 papp 111444447444777 pedia 3world cit world book esinnccyy6&lllioooopbpeeedddiiiaaa op 22 3 leadership supervision could be maintained pr ner wer over per cent of the urban argentine people are caucasian 90 europeans to argentina descendants from who flocked between 1853 and specifi- 1930 encouraged by the 1853 constitution which was designed ar- cally to foster immigration over 6300000 immigrants entered quarters gentina oonneehhaallff of remained three of the population whom are of spanish or italian descent while persons of german english 2 argen- french ancestry constitute a substantial proportion thus and tina highly cosmopolitan was mi- the mormon church inherited this cosmopolitan makeup first requests sssioionnaarriieess from north america came to argentina after german joined earlier from immigrants had the church and the who german colony provided the main source of converts and leaders during first the decade church and state in argentina argentina is one of the few still llaettiinn constitutionally support countries the american which catholic church the federal government supports the apostolic roman catholic church to be elected president or vice president of thee octie it nation is required to pertain to that communion argentine authorities deny that the supports clause makes catholicism the official religion of the state and argue that the position of the catholic church in the government was inherited from lpersonal personal tTeerrssonal president tuttle oonnaali interview with theodore A april 10 1968 1 p 2world encyclopedia cit world book op 3ajjuuaann cionario 3 juan pinto dDiicccionario de la republica argentina buenos aires editorial mundo aaArttlllaaannntttiiicccooo 1950 papp 727 746