Social Work Skills with Adults This page intentionally left blank Social Work Skills with Adults Edited by ANDY MANTELL Series Editor: Keith Brown Series Editors: Jonathan Parker and Greta Bradley Firstpublishedin2009byLearningMattersLtd Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording, orotherwise, withoutpriorpermissioninwritingfrom LearningMatters. #2009GillConstable,TeriCranmer,DavidGaylard,ColinGoble,BarbaraHall,RebeccaLong, Andy Mantell, JanetMcCray, MariePrice,TerryScragg,Chris Smethurst,GrahamTooth BritishLibraryCataloguing inPublicationData A CIPrecordforthisbook isavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN 9781 84445 2187 The right of Gill Constable, Teri Cranmer, David Gaylard, Colin Goble, Barbara Hall, Rebecca Long,AndyMantell,JanetMcCray,MariePrice,TerryScragg,ChrisSmethurst,GrahamToothto be identified as the Authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. CoverdesignbyCode5DesignAssociatesLtd ProjectmanagementbyDeerParkProductions TypesetbyPDQTypesettingLtd PrintedandboundinGreatBritainbyBell&BainLtd,Glasgow LearningMattersLtd 33SouthernhayEast ExeterEX11NX Tel:01392215560 [email protected] Contents Editor and contributors vii Acknowledgements ix Introduction 1 Andy Mantell Part 1 Interacting with adult service users 1 Skills for engagement 7 Andy Mantell 2 Communication skills 22 Marie Price 3 Skills for empowerment, participation and advocacy 34 Colin Goble Part 2 Intervening with adult service users 4 Assessing adults 51 David Gaylard 5 Decision-making 66 Graham Too th 6 Skills for collaborative working 84 Teri Cranmer and Janet McCray 7 Negotiation skills in practice: Implications for practitioners and service users 94 Chris Smethurst and Rebecca Long v Contents Part 3 Professional accountability and competence 8 Case recording and report-writing skills 111 Gill Constable 9 Self-presentation 127 Gill Constable 10 Reflective practice 142 Terry Scragg 11 Skills for self-management 154 Barbara Hall Conclusion 168 Andy Mantell References 170 Index 179 vi Editor and contributors The following are all members of the Social Care and Social Work Team, Faculty of Sports, Education and Social Sciences, University of Chichester, with the exception of Teri Cranmer, RebeccaLong andGrahamTooth. Gill Constableisa SeniorLecturer in SocialWork. Teri CranmerisSocialCareProfessional Lead(mentalhealth)forWest SussexSocialServices. David Gaylardisa SeniorLecturer in SocialWork. Colin GobleisaSeniorLecturerinSocial and HealthCare. BarbaraHall istheProjectCoordinator for‘SkillsforCare’ inSussex. RebeccaLong isa trainer in thevoluntarysector. Andy Mantellisa SeniorLecturerinSocialWork. JanetMcCrayisPrincipal Lecturer in SocialandHealthCareLeadership. MariePrice isaSeniorLecturerinSocialWork. TerryScraggisa Visiting Fellow. Chris SmethurstisDeputyHeadof theSocial WorkDepartment. Graham Tooth is Senior Practitioner and Training and Development Officer for West Sussex CountyCouncil. vii This page intentionally left blank Acknowledgements Iwouldliketothankthecontributorsandtheirfamilies.IwouldparticularlyliketothankFiona Collins for her exceptional support with proof reading and the staff at Learning Matters for their unstinting help, especially Luke Block and Kate Lodge. Finally, I would like to thank the serviceusers,carersandpractitioners who have shownustheway. Thisbook isdedicatedtoRachael – Iknowyou preferflowers! ix