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. University teacher: Usethis coversheetformailingorfaxing. mi^MiLri^iiyiiii ASSIGNMENT BOOKLET 0 1620 3450316 7 SST2150 Social Studies 20 Module 6 FOR STUDENT USE ONLY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Assignment Submitted: (If label is missing orincorrect) Assigned Teacher: Student File Number: Assignment Time Spenton Assignment: Grading: Module Number: Graded by: DateAssignment Received: Student'sQuestions and Comments aa. < tn 0) 0) E -o Z(0 T<3 Teacher's Comments Teacher INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING THIS DISTANCE LEARNING ASSIGNMENT BOOKLET When you are registeredfordistance learningcourses, you areexpectedtoregularly submitcompleted assignmentsforcorrection. Try to submiteach section ofassignments as soon asyoucomplete it. Donotsubmit more than one AssignmentBooklet inone subject atthe sametime. Before submitting yoursection assignments oryourAssignmentBooklet, pleasecheckthe following: • Are all the assignments completed? 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Contact yourteacherforthe appropriatee-mailaddress. 20 Studies Social Assignment Booklet IH Modules l-J[Oj Technologies ^j^^^Branch FOR TEACHER'S USE ONLY Summary Teacher's Comments Total Your Possible Mark Marks Section 1 Assignment 25 Section2Assignment 25 Section3 Assignment 25 Final ModuleAssignment 25 100 Social Studies20 Module6: EconomicDevelopmentand Interdependence AssignmentBooklet teamingTechnologiesBranch TheLearningTechnologies Branchacknowledgeswith ISBN 0-7741-2154-8 appreciationtheAlberta DistanceLearningCentreand PembinaHills Regional Division No.7fortheirreviewofthis Coverart: Collage, PhotoDIsc, Inc. AssignmentBooklet. 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Nopartofthiscoursewaremaybereproducedinanyform,includingphotocopying(unlessotherwiseindicated),withoutthewritten permissionofAlbertaLearning. Everyefforthasbeenmadebothtoprovideproperacknowledgementoftheoriginalsourceandtocomplywithcopyrightlaw.Ifcases areidentifiedwherethisefforthasbeenunsuccessful,pleasenotifyAlbertaLearningsothatappropriatecorrectiveactioncanbetaken. ITISSTRICTLYPROHIBITEDTOCOPYANYPARTOFTHESEMATERIALSUNDERTHETERMSOFA LICENCEFROMACOLLECTIVEORALICENSINGBODY. UNIVERSITY.LIBRARY —r^/M-rv/ ir\r K\ nrnra 1 ASSIGNMENT BOOKLET SOCIAL STUDIES 20: MODULE 6 Yourmark forthis module will be determined in part by how well you do yourassignments. This Assignment Booklet is worth 100 marks. The value ofeach assignment and each question is stated in the left margin. Workslowly andcarefully. Ifyou have difficulty, gobackand review the appropriate topic. Be suretoproofread youranswerscarefully. Section 1 Assignment: Factors of Development Readallpartsofyourassignmentcarefullyand record youranswersintheappropriate places. Foreach ofthe following, selectthebestanswer. Circle the letterofyourchoice. 1. Formost countries, one advantage ofeconomic development is A. adecline in thenumberofstress-relatedailments B. more access to world markets C. betterhousing incrowdedurban areas D. an improved standardofliving 2. The factorinfluencingeconomicdevelopmentoverwhich countries have the least amount of influence is A. labour B. climate C. capital D. governmentaction 3. Thefactorinfluencingeconomicdevelopmentthat is most likely to promote rapid developmentofthe economy is A. amoderate climate B. the availabilityoflabour C. the availabilityofresources D. governmentplanning andaction Social Studies20-IVIodule 6 2 AssignmentBooklet 4. Which factorinfluencing economic developmenttends toholdbackdevelopment in most developingcountries? A. labour B. climate C. lack ofcapital D. government action 5. The economicfactorpossessed inabundanceby mostdeveloping nations is A. labour B. capital C. technology D. infrastructure 6. Even economically developingnationsthat have sufficientcapital todevelop a modem economy may experience serious developmentproblems because they A. have taboos againsteconomic modernization B. are opposedto improving living standards C. lackthe infrastructure to modernize D. have few resourcestodevelop 7. A nation seeking to exploitits abundantforests as aresource mayhave to make difficult choices between the protection ofthe environmentand A. urbanplanning B. cultural identity C. economic development D. global interdependence 8. A nation thatchooses tobase itseconomy on the productionand sale ofraw materials faces a long-termeconomic problembecause many raw materials are A. highly toxic B. non-renewable C. difficulttotransport D. extremely costly toproduce Social Studies20-Module 6 3 Assignment Booklet Usethe informationfrom thefollowingcharttoanswerquestions9, 10, 11, and 12. Country Area Population Climate Main Exports (insquare (in orderof kilometres) importance) tropical rain forest products, Alpha 500 000 5 000 000 forest and bauxite, emeralds savanna oil, natural gas, oeta 50 000 3000000 desert refined petroleum products electronic goods, mid-latitude Theta 75 000 9 000 000 climate technology, machinetools clothing and Omega 225000 40 000000 monsoon textiles, tea, toys, novelty items 9. The country that wouldbe leastsubjecttothefluctuations ofthe worldcommodity markets wouldbe A. Alpha B. Beta C. Theta D. Omega 10. Thecountry thatwouldbe most subjecttotheeconomic influence ofgeography wouldbe A. Alpha B. Beta C. Theta D. Omega 11. The non-industrializedcountries onthevergeofindustrialization would most likelybe A. AlphaandBeta B. BetaandTheta C. ThetaandAlpha D. OmegaandTheta s Social Studies20- Module 6 4 Assignment Booklet The country with ahighpercapitaincome butapoorly developed infrastructure would most likely be A. Alpha B. Beta C. Theta D. Omega InActivity 3 ofthis section, you were introducedtothe imaginary country ofMylandand its recentfind ofiron ore. You wereprovided with amapanda variety ofinformation about Myland. Now,you have beengiven the task ofdesigning astrategy todevelopMyland' iron ore. a. Identifypossibleproblems foreach ofthefollowing: • geographicfactors • infrastructure • political factors • socialfactors (Thereismoreroomforyouransweron the nextpage.) Social Studies20- Module 6 5 Assignment Booklet © b. Offerpossible solutions forthe problems that you identified. Social Studies20-IVIodule 6 6 AssignmentBooklet Section 2 Assignment: Case Studies Readall partsofyourassignmentcarefullyand recordyouranswersintheappropriate places. Yourassignmentforthis section is to write anewspapereditorial. Most sections ofanewspaper are concerned withreporting what happened. The editorial page ofevery newspaper, however, givesthe opinionsandideas ofvariouspeople. A goodeditorial will dothe following: • Startwith asummary ofactionsorevents. • Examine thesecritically, eithertopraisethem, toargue against them, orperhapsdoalittle ofeach. • Propose somethingelsethat shouldhave been done orshouldbedone in the future. • Explain why theseproposals will workbetter. Follow these steps whenyou write youreditorial. You aretochoose eitherquestion 1 or2 to respondto. You willbemarkedonthe following: • discussion andanalysis oftopic • defence ofpositionorproposal • quality oflanguageandexpression • organization Remember, doeitherquestion 1 or 2. 1. The province ofAlbertais rich withresources such as oil, good farmland, and forests. The governmentofAlbertatries to interestpeople fromboth inside andoutside Albertato invest inthe developmentoftheseresources. Inthe late 1980s, anumberofJapanese, American, andCanadiangroups announcedplansto build severalpulpandpapermills innorthernAlberta. Somepeople have seen these projects asbeing hazardoustothe environment, others as aboonforthe economy. Many see themasa combinationofthese twoviewpoints. Write anewspapereditorial thatexamines the issue ofdevelopment ofthe pulp andpaper mills in Alberta. Assess boththepotential problems andbenefits, basedonyourknowledge ofdevelopment andits consequences. State aclearopinion on what you think shouldbe done. You may wanttodrawcomparisons todevelopment in Brazil orIndia. 2. Write anewspapereditorial examiningeconomic development ineither Brazil orIndia. Assessboththe successes andfailures ofeconomic development, anddescribe apolicy that wouldbring the mostfuturebenefits tothe country. There is space providedforyouransweronthe followingpage.

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