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Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Day-to-day Life PDF

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SOCIAL SKILLS for TEENAGERS ADULTS AND ASPERGER with S Y N D R O M E bythesameauthor HintsandTipsforHelpingChildrenwithAutismSpectrum Disorders UsefulStrategiesforHome,SchoolandtheCommunity DionE.BettsandNancyJ.Patrick ISBN:9781843108962 of relatedinterest ASelf-DeterminedFuturewithAspergerSyndrome SolutionFocusedApproaches E.VeronicaBlissandGenevieveEdmonds ForewordbyBillO’Connell,DirectorofTraining,FocusonSolutions ISBN:9781843105138 AspergerSyndromeandSocialRelationships AdultsSpeakOutaboutAspergerSyndrome EditedbyGenevieveEdmondsandLukeBeardon ISBN:9781843106470 AspergerSyndromeandEmployment AdultsSpeakOutaboutAspergerSyndrome EditedbyGenevieveEdmondsandLukeBeardon ISBN:9781843106487 TheCompleteGuidetoAsperger’sSyndrome TonyAttwood ISBN:9781843104957hb ISBN:9781843106692pb RevealingtheHiddenSocialCode SocialStoriesTMforPeoplewithAutisticSpectrumDisorders MarieHowleyandEileenArnold ForewordbyCarolGray ISBN:9781843102229 N A N C Y J. PAT R I C K A Practical Guide to Day-to-Day Life SOCIAL SKILLS for TEENAGERS ADULTS AND A S P E RG E R with S Y N D R O M E JessicaKingsleyPublishers LondonandPhiladelphia Firstpublishedin2008 byJessicaKingsleyPublishers 116PentonvilleRoad LondonN19JB,UK and 400MarketStreet,Suite400 Philadelphia,PA19106,USA www.jkp.com Copyright©NancyJPatrick2008 Allrightsreserved.Nopartof thispublicationmaybereproducedinanymaterialform (includingphotocopyingorstoringitinanymediumbyelectronicmeansandwhetheror nottransientlyorincidentallytosomeotheruseof thispublication)withoutthewritten permissionof thecopyrightownerexceptinaccordancewiththeprovisionsof the Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988orunderthetermsof alicenceissuedbythe CopyrightLicensingAgencyLtd,SaffronHouse,6–10KirbyStreet,LondonEC1N8TS. Applicationsforthecopyrightowner’swrittenpermissiontoreproduceanypartof this publicationshouldbeaddressedtothepublisher. Warning:Thedoingof anunauthorisedactinrelationtoacopyrightworkmayresult inbothacivilclaimfordamagesandcriminalprosecution. Libraryof CongressCataloginginPublicationData ACIPcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryof Congress BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN9781843108764 ISBNpdf eBook9781846428449 PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesby Thomson-Shore,7300JoyRoad,Dexter,Michigan,UnitedStates,48130 This book is dedicated to the teenagers and adults with Asperger Syndrome who only want to be understood and understand. Acknowledgements Iwouldliketoacknowledgemyhusband,Bill,forhisloveand steadfastsupportforourthirty-threeyearsofmarriage.Iwant to acknowledge my three children—Craig, Scott and Blair—for making life exciting and worth living. I want to acknowledgemysweetgrandsonCraigforkeepingmeyoung. Additionally, I want to thank Laura Gardner, my research assistant,forherencouragementandhelpfulresearch,Kathryn Siconolfi and Steven Collier for their marvelous stories and MessiahCollegeforprovidingstudentandfacultygrantsthat helped facilitate this writing project. Contents Introduction: Asperger Syndrome and the Experiences of Teens and Adults 9 What is Asperger Syndrome? 13 Experiences of Teens and Adults with Asperger Syndrome 16 1. A Social World 42 What are social skills? 42 What are communication skills? 47 How are social skills and communication skills related? 54 Steps to increase social competence 55 2. Friends and Family 60 Acquaintances 60 Family 67 Friends 73 Dating 80 Marriage 85 Parenting 91 Strangers 95 3. Health and Medical 102 Nutrition, fitness and sleep 102 Mental healthcare 108 Healthcare 113 4. Living Arrangements 119 Living at home, supported living, and independent living 119 Self-care 124 Home care 127 Budgeting and financial management 130 5. Education, Training, and Employment 133 Career and vocational assessment 133 College, technical institutes and apprenticeships 138 Finding employment 144 Keeping a job 146 6. Adaptive Tools 151 Assistive technology 151 Direct instruction 154 Effective listening 154 Eye gaze 156 Fix-up strategies 157 Lists 158 Note-taking 159 Role-playing 159 Scripts 160 Self-assessment 160 Self-determination 161 Self-disclosure 162 MYJOURNAL 164 GLOSSARY 198 REFERENCES 200 SUBJECTINDEX 205 AUTHORINDEX 208

This resource provides practical strategies for helping teenagers and adults with Asperger Syndrome to navigate social skills, friendships and relationships at home and in the community.The author offers advice and useful strategies for tackling day-to-day problems such as visits to the dentist or t
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