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Preview Social Service Review 2008: Vol 82 Index & Table of Contents

Index to Volume 82 Subjects achievement, academic 361-394 child care, center-based 361-394 adolescents 419-446 child welfare 61-91, 171-196, 273-290, Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 419-446, 615-638 (ASFA) 273-290 Child Welfare (journal) 61-91 adulthood 171-196, 419-446 childbearing, nonmarital 3-28, adulthood, transition to 171-196, 253-271, 485-510 419-446 childbearing, teenage 253-271 age, child 579-614, 663-702 civil control station 447-483 Aid to Families with Dependent Children compliance 197-222 (AFDC) 3-28, 291-334, 361-394, Connecticut Jobs First Program 579-614, 703-730 361-394, 579-614 Alien Assistance Services 447-483 courts 273-290 Alien Enemy Evacuation Program crime 419-446 447-483 critical thinking 29-60 altruism 29-60 curriculum 29-60 American Association of Social Workers derision latitude 119-147 447-483 Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 253-271, Americans’ Changing Lives Study 703-730 223-252 depression 579-614 Armed Forces Qualification Test development, professional 29-60 663-702 deviance 419-446 assessment, mental health 273-290 deviant peers 419-446 assistance, social 639-661 difference-in-differences methodology benefits, categorical 639-661 703-730 Benjamin v. McGowan 197-222 discretion 197-222, 273-290 biometric iechnology 291-334 discretion, caseworker 273-290 Bureau of Child Care 61-91 discretion, judicial 273-290 Bureau of Colored Children 61-91 distress, psychological 223-252 bureaucracy 197-222 diversion, welfare 703-730 California State Department of Social dosage effect 663-702 Welfare 447-483 Dost v. Wing 197-222 capacity, homeless shelter 511-550 doubling up 485-510 case record 61-91, 447-483, 615-638 drug use 419-446 caseload, welfare 197-222, 703-730 dynamics, income and poverty 3-28 categorical eligibility 291-334 Earl v. Turner 197-222 categorical universalism 639-661 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) census, homeless shelter 511-550 291-334, 703-730 Chafee Foster Care Independence Act education 3-28, 615-638, 663-702 615-638 efficiency 273-290 child care 361-394, 615-638 electronic benefit transfer 291-334 780 Social Service Review eligibility 197-222, 291-334 housing, subsidized 511-550 eligibility-compliance culture 197-222 identity, professional 29-60 employment 3-28, 119-147, 197-222, immigration 639-661 361-394, 579-614 implementation, program 579-614 epistemology 29-60 impression management 615-638 ethnic democracy 639-661 incarceration 511-550 evaluation, psychological 273-290 income 3-28 exemption, vehicle 291-334 income, low 361-394 extroversion 223-252 insurance, social 639-661 fair hearing 197-222 interactions, social 223-252 familiar zone 615-638 internment, Japanese American family 119-147 447-483 family preservation 61-91 Israel 639-661 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act ius sanguinis 639-661 of 2002 291-334 Japanese Americans 447-483 fathers 253-271 job quality 119-147 Federal Security Agency 447-483 judges, family court 273-290 financial incentives, welfare 703-730 knowledge base 29-60 flexible work options 119-147 Latent Class Analysis 419-446 Flexner, Abraham 29-60 Law of Return 639-661 Florida Family Transition Program (FTP) Lee, Porter 29-60 361-394, 579-614 legal involvement 419-446 Food Stamp Program 291-334 Mahalanobis matching 171-196 foster care 61-91, 171-196, 419-446 marriage promotion 253-271 Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing marriageability 253-271 Study 253-271, 485-510 matching 171-196 functionalism, structural 29-60 material hardship 485-510 Gadamer, Hans-Georg 29-60 maternal deprivation 61-91 good cause exemption 197-222 math skills 663-702 goodness-of-fit index 223-252 Mathematica Policy Research 3-28 governance 615-638 guardian ad litem 273-290 means test 291-334 Head Start 663-702 mental health 223-252, 273-290, Head Start enrollment age 663-702 395-417, 579-614 health 3-28, 119-147 mental illness 395-417 health, mental 223-252, 273-290, Milford Conference 29-60 395-417, 579-614 Minnesota Family Investment Program Healthy Marriage Initiative 253-271 (MFIP) 361-384, 579-614 hermeneutics 29-60 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality history, social work 29-60 Inventory 223-252 homeless shelter, single adult 511-550 Missouri Division of Family Services homelessness 485-510, 511-550 419-446 homelessness, family 485-510 mothers, adolescent 615-638 homelessness, street 511-550 mothers, single 3-28, 119-147, 485-510 housing 485-510 National Comorbidity Study 223-252 housing, community-based 395-417 National Conference of Charities and housing, psychiatric 395-417 Correction 29-60 housing, psychiatric, reaction to National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work 395-417 Strategies (NEWWS) 361-394, housing, special needs 395-417 579-614 housing, special needs, reaction to National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 395-417 171-196 Index to Volume 82 781 National Study of the Changing reunification 61-91 Workforce 119-147 risk 419-446 Nationality Law 639-661 root mean squared error of neighbor 395-417 approximation 223-252 neuroticism 223-252 sanction, welfare 197-222, 703-730 New Hope project 361-394 Self-Sufficiency Project evaluation New Jersey 3-28 361-394 New York City 511-550 Separate State Program 703-730 Nikkei 447-483 shelter, homeless 485-510 normed comparative fit index 223-252 simulation 703-730 normed fit index 223-252 Social Assistance Program 447-483 not in my backyard phenomenon Social Casework (journal) 61-91 (NIMBY) 395-417 social evolution 29-60 outcomes 171-196, 663-702 Social Service Review 61-91 outcomes, behavioral 663-702 social work 29-60, 61-91 outcomes, child 361-394 social work profession 29-60 outcomes, developmental 663-702 social work, history 29-60, 61-91, outreach 395-417 447-483 parent, single 3-28, 119-147, 485-510 St. Louis, MO 273-290 parents 579-614 stability 3-28 patterns, employment 3-28 standardized root mean square residual pedagogy 29-60 223-252 Personal Responsibility and Werk Oppor- street-level bureaucracy 273-290, tunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 615-638 (PRWORA) 3-28, 197-222, stress, employee 119-147 253-271, 291-334, 361-394, 579-614, structure, family 485-510 703-730 Suffolk County, NY 197-222 personality 223-252 Supervised Independent Living Philadelphia Department of Public 615-638 Welfare 61-91 supervisor effectiveness 119-147 Philadelphia Society to Protect Children support, family 485-510 from Cruelty 61-91 support, institutional 485-510 Philadelphia, PA 61-91 support, social 223-252, 485-510 policy 253-271, 361-394, 485-510, Survey of Income and Program Participa- 579-614, 703-730 tion (SIPP) 291-334 policy effects 703-730 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families policy, antihomeless 485-510 (TANF) 3-28, 197-222, 253-271, policy, public 361-394 291-334, 361-394, 579-614, 703-730 policy, welfare 703-730 time limits, welfare 703-730 postivism, scientific 29-60 typology 419-446 poverty 3-28, 361-394, 579-614 waiver 703-730 practice 29-60, 61-91 Wartime Civilian Control Administration practices, frontline 579-614 447-483 profession 29-60 weather 511-550 propensity scoring 171-196 welfare 3-28, 197-222, 253-271, psychopathology 419-446 291-334, 361-394, 579-614, 703-730 quality 273-290 welfare reform 3-28, 197-222, 253-271, reading skills 663-702 291-334, 361-394, 579-614, 703-730 recipients, welfare 3-28, 197-222, welfare regime 639-661 253-271, 291-334, 361-394, 579-614, welfare state 639-661 703-730 willful noncompliance 197-222 referral 273-290 work 3-28, 119-147, 197-222, 361-394 relocation camp 447-483 World War Il 447-483 782 Social Service Review Authors ALDERSON, DESIREE PRINCIPE; GENNE- ing and Influence on the Field's TIAN, Lisa A.; DowseTT, CHANTELLE Early Professional Development” J.; Imes, AMy; and Huston, ALETHA 731 C. Effects of Employment-Based Pro- KAGOTHO, NJERI See Fedoravicius, grams on Families by Prior Levels of Nicole Disadvantage 361 KLERMAN, JACOB ALEX See Danielson, BERZIN, STEPHANIE Cosner Difficulties in Caroline the Transition to Adulthood: Using Lee, KYUNGHEE The Effects of Children’s Propensity Scoring to Understand Head Start Enrollment Age on Their What Makes Foster Youth Vulnerable Short- and Long-Term Developmen- 171 tal Outcomes 663 CARLSON, MarciaJ . See Lopoo, Leon- Ler, SUNG Kyonc__ See Zippay, Allison ard M. Lens, Vicki Welfare and Work Sanctions: CurRAN, LauRA, and PFEIFFER, STEFANI Examining Discretion on the Front “You Can’t Tie and Untie Love That Lines 197 Fast”: Family Preservation and Reuni- LINCOLN, KAREN D. Personality, Negative fication in Midcentury Philadelphia Interactions, and Mental Health 61 223 DANIELSON, CAROLINE, and KLERMANJ,a - Lopoo, LEONARD M., and CARLSON, MAR- cos ALEX Did Welfare Reform Cause cia J. Marriageability among the Part- the Caseload Decline? 703 ners of Young Mothers 253 DowsettT, CHANTELLE J. See Alderson, McKERNAN, SiGNE-Mary _ See Ratcliffe, Desiree Principe Caroline FeporRAVicius, NICOLE; MCMILLEN,J . McMILLEN,J .C urtis See Fedoravicius, Curtis; Rowe, JILt E.; KAGOTHO, Nicole; See Vaughn, Michael G. Nyert; and Warr, Norma C. Funnel- Meyer, DanieL R.; Ha, YooNsooK; and ing Child Welfare Consumers into Hu, Met-CuHen Do High Child Sup- and through the Mental Health Sys- port Orders Discourage Child Sup- tem: Assessment, Referral, and Qual- port Payments? 93 ity Issues 273 Moore, QuINN See Wood, Robert G. FERTIG, ANGELA R., and REINGOLD, Da- Morris, PAMELA A. Welfare Program Im- vip A. Homelessness among At-Risk plementation and Parents’ Families with Children in Twenty Depression 579 American Cities 485 Morris, Parricia MCGRATH Reinterpret- FINEGOLD, KENNETH _ See Ratcliffe, ing Abraham Flexner’s Speech, “Is Caroline Social Work a Profession?”: Its Mean- GaL, JOHN Immigration and the Categori- ing and Influence on the Field’s cal Welfare State in Israel 639 Early Professional Development 29 GENNETIAN, Lisa A. See Alderson, Desi- Morris, PaTricia MCGRATH A Reply to ree Principe Yvonne M. Johnson 739 Ha, YooNsooK See Meyer, Daniel R. O’FLAHERTY, BRENDAN, and Wu, TING Hu, Met-CuHen See Meyer, Daniel R. Homeless Sheiters for Single Adults: Huston, ALeTHA C. See Alderson, De- Why Does Their Population Change? siree Principe 511 IMrs, AMY See Alderson, Desiree PaRK, YOOSUN Facilitating Injustice: Trac- Principe ing the Role of Social Workers in the JOHNSON, YVONNE M. In Response to Pa- World War II Internment of Japanese tricia McGrath Morris's “Reinterpret- Americans 447 ing Abraham Flexner’s Speech, ‘Is PFEIFFER, STEFANI See Curran, Laura Social Work a Profession?’: Its Mean- RANGARAJAN, ANU See Wood, Robert G. Index to Volume 82 783 RATCLIFFE, CAROLINE; MCKERNAN, SIGNE- fork Options as a Strategy to Assist Mary; and FINEGOLD, KENNETH Ef- Working Families 119 fects of Food Stamp and TANF Poli- VAUGHN, MICHAEL G.; SHOOK, JEFFREY J.; cies on Food Stamp Receipt 291 and McMILLen,J . Curtis Aging Out REINGOLD, Davin A. _ See Fertig, of Foster Care and Legal Involve- Angela R. ment: Toward a Typology of Risk Rowe, Jin E. See Fedoravicius, Nicole 419 SHOOK, JEFFREY J. See Vaughn, Ware, Norma C. See Fedoravicius, Michael G. Nicole SiLver, LAUREN J. Minding the Gap: Ado- Woop, Rosert G.; Moore, QUINN; and lescent Mothers Navigate Child RANGARAJAN, ANU Two Steps For- Welfare 615 ward, One Step Back: The Uneven Simmons, LEIGH ANN See Swanberg, Jennifer E. Economic Progress of TANF Sosin, MICHAEL R. The Frank R. Breul Recipients 3 Memorial Prize 1 Wu, Tinc See O'Flaherty, Brendan SWANBERG, JENNIFER E., and SIMMONS, Zippay, ALLISON, and Ler, SUNG KYONG LeiGH ANN Quality Jobs in the New Neighbors’ Perceptions of Commu- Millennium: Incorporating Flexible nity-Based Psychiatric Housing 395 Book Reviews ABELA, JOHN R. Z., and HANKIN, BENJa- CHETKOVICH, CAROL, and KUNREUTHER, MIN L., eds. Handbook of Depression FRANCES From the Ground Up: in Children and Adolescents. Stacey Grassroots Organizations Making So- Freedenthal 765 cial Change. Jennifer E. Mosley 157 BENNER, Curis; Leere, Laura; and Pas- CNAAN, RaM A.; BoppiE, STEPHANIE C.; ror, MANUAL Staircases or Tread- McGrew, CHARLENE C.; and KANG, mills? Labor Market Intermediaries JENNIFER The Other Philadelphia and Economic Opportunity in a Story: How Local Congregations Sup- Changing Economy. Timothy P. Hilton port Quality of Life in Urban Amer- 343 ica. Carl Milofsky 338 BERRICK, JILL DUERR, and GILBERT, NEIL, FrYMER, Pau Black and Blue: African eds. Raising Children: Emerging Americans, the Labor Movement, Needs, Modern Risks, and Social Re- and the Decline of the Democratic sponses. Renée Spencer 747 Party. Philip F Rubio 752 BRAWLEY, EDWARD ALLAN Speaking Out HANDLER, JOEL F., and HASENFELD, YE- for America’s Poor: A Millionaire So- HESKEL Blame Welfare, Ignore Pov- cialist in the Progressive Era; The erty and Inequality. Sanford FE. Schram Life and Work of Robert Hunter. Pat- 149 rick Selmi 348 Hero, Ropney E. Racial Diversity and So- CHASKIN, ROBERT J., and ROSENFELD, cial Capital: Equality and Community Jona M., eds. Research for Action: in America. RobertJ .C haskin 749 Cross-National Perspectives on Con- HiGGins, STEPHEN T.; SILVERMAN, KEN- necting Knowledge, Policy, and Prac- NETH; and Heit, SARAH H., eds. Con- tice for Children. James K. Whittaker tingency Management in Substance 556 Abuse Treatment. Damaris Rohsenow CHERRY, RoBerT Welfare Transformed: 563 Universalizing Family Policies That Houzer, Harry J., and NIGHTINGALE, Work. Demetra Smith Nightingale 335 DeMetRA Smirn, eds. Reshaping the

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