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Contents Vol 79: Nos 1-4 Vol 79: No1 Politics and Comedy Endangered Scholars Worldwide i ARIEN MACK Editor’s Introduction RALPH M. ROSEN Efficacy and Meaning in Ancient and Modern Political Satire: Aristophanes, Lenny Bruce, and Jon Stewart JEFFREY P. JONES, GEOFFREY BAYM, AND AMBER DAY Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert Go to Washington: Television Satirists Outside the Box RONALD K. L. COLLINS Comedy and Liberty: The Life and Legacy of Lenny Bruce LEONARD FREEDMAN Wit as a Political Weapon: Satirists and Censors ROBERT GROSSMAN Occupy This: Humor versus Reality NIKAHANG KOWSAR Being Funny Is Not that Funny: Contemporary Editorial Cartooning in Iran ANGELIQUE HAUGERUD Satire and Dissent in the Age of Billionaires MARC SILBERMAN Bertolt Brecht, Politics, and Comedy SERGUEI ALEX. OUSHAKINE “Red Laughter”: On Refined Weapons of Soviet Jesters 1072 = social research Contents Vol 79: Nos 1-4 Vol 79: No1 Politics and Comedy Endangered Scholars Worldwide i ARIEN MACK Editor’s Introduction RALPH M. ROSEN Efficacy and Meaning in Ancient and Modern Political Satire: Aristophanes, Lenny Bruce, and Jon Stewart JEFFREY P. JONES, GEOFFREY BAYM, AND AMBER DAY Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert Go to Washington: Television Satirists Outside the Box RONALD K. L. COLLINS Comedy and Liberty: The Life and Legacy of Lenny Bruce LEONARD FREEDMAN Wit as a Political Weapon: Satirists and Censors ROBERT GROSSMAN Occupy This: Humor versus Reality NIKAHANG KOWSAR Being Funny Is Not that Funny: Contemporary Editorial Cartooning in Iran ANGELIQUE HAUGERUD Satire and Dissent in the Age of Billionaires MARC SILBERMAN Bertolt Brecht, Politics, and Comedy SERGUEI ALEX. OUSHAKINE “Red Laughter”: On Refined Weapons of Soviet Jesters 1072 = social research 217 CYNTHIA WILLETT, JULIE WILLETT, AND YAEL D SHERMAN The Seriously Erotic Politics of Feminist Laughter 247 JEFFREY I. ISRAEL Why Portnoy’s Complaint Matters NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Inside Back Cover Vol 79: No 2 Egypt in Transition v Endangered Scholars Worldwide XVii ARIEN MACK Editor’s Introduction TALAL ASAD Fear and the Ruptured State: Reflections on Egypt after Mubarak 299 TAREK OSMAN Young Egyptians: Their Society and Future 323 JOEL BEININ Egyptian Workers and January 25th: A Social Movement in Historical Context HAZEM FAHMY An Initial Perspective on “The Winter of Discontent”: The Root Causes of the Egyptian Revolution MOHAMMED TABISHAT Society in Cinema: Anticipating the Revolution in Egyptian Fiction and Movies 397 ATEF SAID The Paradox of Transition to “Democracy” under Military Rule 435 SALWA ISMAIL The Egyptian Revolution against the Police 463 JOE STORK Egypt: Human Rights in Transition Index, Volume 79 487 JUAN COLE Egypt’s New Left versus the Military Junta 511 MAGDI GUIRGUIS The Copts and the Egyptian Revolution: Various Attitudes and Dreams NATHAN J. BROWN Contention in Religion and State in Postrevolutionary Egypt NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Inside Back Cover Vol 79: No 3 The Future of Higher Education Endangered Scholars Worldwide ARIEN MACK Editor’s Introduction I: Keynote Panel: What Ought Universities Look Like in 20 to 30 Years? JAMSHED BHARUCHA, MATTHEW GOLDSTEIN, NEIL GRABOIS, ROBERT ZIMMER, DAVID VAN ZANDT Keynote Panel: What Ought Universities Look Like in 20 to 30 Years? lla: Restructuring Research Universities ANDREW DELBANCO Introduction JAMES J. DUDERSTADT The Future of the University: A Perspective from the Oort Cloud PETER BROOKS Outcomes, Testing, Learning: What’s at Stake? ilb: Restructuring Research Universities DAVID SCOBEY Introduction 1074 = social research 619 M. S. VIJAY KUMAR The New Landscape for the Innovative Transformation of Education HENRY S. BIENEN The Financial Future of Research Universities Illa: Roadmapping University Development 637 ARJUN APPADURAI Introduction 639 JOHN AUBREY DOUGLASS China Futurisms: Research Universities as Leaders or Followers? AHMED C. BAWA South African Higher Education: At the Center of a Cauldron of National Imaginations lllb: Roadmapping University Development ALAN RYAN Introduction DANIEL FALLON Europe Inches Forward on Higher Education Reform, Focus: Germany 741 JORGE BALAN Research Universities in Latin America: The Challenges of Growth and Institutional Diversity LISA ANDERSON Fertile Ground: The Future of Higher Education in the Arab World NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Inside Back Cover Index, Volume 79 1075 Vo! 79: No 4 Human Rights and the Global Economy Nehal Bhuta, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, and Miriam Ticktin, Guest Editors Arien Mack, Editor Endangered Scholars Worldwide i ARIEN MACK Guest Editors’ Introduction NEHAL BHUTA Guest Editors’ Introduction Part I: Human Rights and Economic Policy in Practice OLIVIER DE SCHUTTER The Role of Human Rights in Shaping International Regulatory Regimes MANJARI MAHAJAN The Right to Health as the Right to Treatment: Shifting Conceptions of Public Health Part Il: Global Poverty and the Obligations of Rich Countries SAKIKO FUKUDA-PARR The Right to Development: Reframing a New Discourse for the Twenty-First Century CHRISTIAN BARRY AND GERHARD OVERLAND Are Trade Subsidies and Tariffs Killing the Global Poor? Part Ill: Human Rights, Climate Change, and Global Justice SIRI GLOPPEN AND ASUNCION LERA ST. CLAIR Climate Change Lawfare JACKIE DUGARD, JENNIFER MACLEOD, AND ANNA ALCARO A Rights-Based Examination of Residents’ Engagement with Acute Environmental Harm across Four Sites on South Africa’s Witwatersrand Basin 1076 _—s social research 957 KATHRYN HOCHSTETLER Climate Rights and Obligations for Emerging States: The Cases of Brazil and South Africa 983 DES GASPER Climate Change: The Need for a Human Rights Agenda Within a Framework of Shared Human Security Part IV: Corporations and Human Rights Obligations MIRIAM TICKTIN Introduction GAY W. SEIDMAN Regulation at Work: Globalization, Labor Rights, and Development CHRISTOPHER LONDON Coffee, Certification, and the Incorrigibility of Capitalism INDEX NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Inside Back Cover Index, Volume 79 1077 Index of Contributors 931 ALCARO, ANNA, JACKIE DUGARD, AND JENNIFER MACLEOD A Rights-Based Examination of Residents’ Engagement with Acute Environmental Harm across Four Sites on South Africa’s Witwatersrand Basin 771 ANDERSON, LISA Fertile Ground: The Future of Higher Education in the Arab World 637 APPADURAI, ARJUN Introduction 271 ASAD, TALAL Fear and the Ruptured State: Reflections on Egypt after Mubarak 741 BALAN, JORGE Research Universities in Latin America: The Challenges of Growth and Institutional Diversity 865 BARRY, CHRISTIAN AND GERHARD OVERLAND Are Trade Subsidies and Tariffs Killing the Global Poor? 669 BAWA, AHMED C. South African Higher Education: At the Center of a Cauldron of National Imaginations 33 BAYM, GEOFFREY, AMBER DAY, AND JEFFERY P. JONES Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert Go to Washington: Television Satirist Outside the Box 323 BEININ, JOEL Egyptian Workers and January 25th: A Social Movement in Historical Context 551 BHARUCHA, jAMSHED, MATTHEW GOLDSTEIN, NEIL GRABOIS, ROBERT ZIMMER, DAVID VAN ZANDT Keynote Panel: What Ought Universities Look Like in 20 to 30 Years? 631 BIENEN, HENRY S. The Financial Future of Research Universities601 BROOKS, PETER Outcomes, Testing, Learning: What’s at Stake? 531 BROWN, NATHAN J. Contention in Religion and State in Postrevolutionary Egypt 487 COLE, JUAN Egypt’s New Left versus the Military Junta 1078 = social research 61 COLLINS, RONALD K. L. Comedy and Liberty: The Life and Legacy of tenny Bruce 33 DAY AMBER, JEFFERY P. JONES, AND GEOFFREY BAYM Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert Go to Washington: Television Satirist Outside the Box 575 DELBANCO, ANDREW Introduction 785 DE SCHUTTER, OLIVIER The Role of Human Rights in Shaping International Regulatory Regimes 639 DOUGLASS, JOHN AUBREY China Futurisms: Research Universities as Leaders or Followers? 579 DUDERSTADT, JAMES J. The Future of the University: A Perspective from the Oort Cloud 931 DUGARD, JACKIE, JENNIFER MACLEOD, AND ANNA ALCARO A Rights-Based Examination of Residents’ Engagement with Acute Environmental Harm across Four Sites on South Africa’s Witwatersrand Basin 349 FAHMY, HAZEM An Initial Perspective on “The Winter of Discontent”: The Root Causes of the Egyptian Revolution 713 FALLON, DANIEL Europe Inches Forward on Higher Education Reform, Focus: Germany 87 FREEDMAN, LEONARD Wit As a Political Weapon: Satirists and Censors 839 FUKUDA-PARR, SAKIKO The Right to Development: Reframing a New Discourse for the Twenty-First Century 983 GASPER, DES Climate Change: The Need for a Human Rights Agenda Within a Framework of Shared Human Security 899 GLOPPEN, SIRI AND ASUNCION LERA ST. CLAIR Climate Change Lawfare 551 GOLDSTEIN, MATTHEW, JAMSHED BHARUCHA, NEIL GRABOIS, ROBERT ZIMMER, DAVID VAN ZANDT Keynote Panel: What Ought Universities Look Like in 20 to 30 Years? 551 GRABOIS, NEIL, JAMSHED BHARUCHA, MATTHEW GOLDSTEIN, ROBERT ZIMMER, DAVID VAN ZANDT Keynote Panel: What Ought Universities Look Like in 20 to 30 Years? 113 GROSSMAN, ROBERT Occupy This: Humor versus Reality Index, Volume 79 1079 511 GUIRGUIS, MADGI The Copts and the Egyptian Revolution: Various Attitudes and Dreams 145 HAUGERUD, ANGELIQUE Satire and Dissent in the Age of Billionaires 957 HOCHSTETLER, KATHRYN Climate Rights and Obligations for Emerging States: The Cases of Brazil and South Africa 435 ISMAIL, SALWA The Egyptian Revolution against the Police 247 ISRAEL, JEFFREY 1. Why Portnoy’s Complaint Matters 33 JONES, JEFFERY P., GEOFFREY BAYM, AND AMBER DAY Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert Go to Washington: Television Satirist Outside the Box 117 KOWSAR, NIKAHANG Being Funny Is Not that funny: Contemporary Editorial Cartooning in Iran 619 KUMAR, M. S. VIJAY The New Landscape for the Innovative Transformation of Education 1045 LONDON, CHRISTOPHER Coffee, Certification, and the Incorrigibility of Capitalism 931 MACLEOD, JENNIFER, JACKIE DUGARD, AND ANNA ALCARO A Rights-Based Examination of Residents’ Engagement with Acute Environmental Harm across Four Sites on South Africa’s Witwatersrand Basin 819 MAHAJAN, MANJARI The Right to Health as the Right to Treatment: Shifting Conceptions of Public Health 299 OSMAN, TAREK Young Egyptians: Their Society and Future 189 OUSHAKINE, SERGUEI ALEX. “Red Laughter”: On Refined Weapons of Soviet Jesters 865 OVERLAND, GERHARD, AND CHRISTIAN BARRY Are Trade Subsidies and Tariffs Killing the Global Poor? 1 ROSEN, RALPH M. Efficacy and Meaning in Ancient and Modern Political Satire: Aristophanes, Lenny Bruce, and Jon Stewart 697 RYAN, ALAN Introduction 397 SAID, ATEF The Paradox of Transition to “Democracy” under Military Rule 1080 social research

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