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Social Emotional Consequences of Accelerating Gifted Students Lianne Hoogeveen PDF

234 Pages·2008·0.9 MB·English
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Preview Social Emotional Consequences of Accelerating Gifted Students Lianne Hoogeveen

Social Emotional Consequences of Accelerating Gifted Students Lianne Hoogeveen Cover design: Annelies Vlasblom This study was partially supported by a grant from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (grant nr. 40400-691300 and -19863), and by financial support of the Nelissen-Smit Foundation. ISBN/EAN: 978-90-9023333-8 Titel: Social emotional consequences of accelerating gifted students Auteur: Hoogeveen, L. Social Emotional Consequences of Accelerating Gifted Students Een wetenschappelijke proeve op het gebied van de Sociale Wetenschappen Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen op gezag van de rector magnificus prof. mr. S.C.J.J. Kortmann, volgens besluit van het College van Decanen in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 22 oktober 2008 om 10.30 uur precies door Alida Johanna Maria Hoogeveen Geboren op 25 oktober 1960 te Wassenaar Promotor: Prof. Dr. L. Verhoeven Copromotor: Dr. A.G. van Hell Manuscriptcommissie: Prof. dr. A.M.T. Bosman Prof. dr. W.C.M. Resing (Universiteit Leiden) Prof. dr. C.L.M. Witteman In herinnering: Madeleine Jochems Mijn paranimf Mijn lieve wijze vriendin v vi CONTENTS_____________________ ________ CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Background 3 Gifted children 3 Academic acceleration 4 Social-emotional consequences of acceleration 5 Gifted education and acceleration in the Netherlands 6 The present research 7 Aims 7 Outline of the present thesis 9 CHAPTER 2 EFFECTS OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR GIFTED STUDENTS. A RESEARCH REVIEW Abstract 11 Introduction 13 The evaluation of educational programs for gifted students 18 Purpose of the present study 19 Method 20 Results 23 Effects on cognitive performance 23 Effects on social performance 26 Effects on social emotional characteristics 27 Other factors of influence 30 Conclusions 32 Discussion 33 CHAPTER 3 TEACHER ATTITUDES TOWARD ACCELERATED STUDENTS Abstract 39 Introduction 40 Academic acceleration 40 Teacher opinions about acceleration 41 Education and acceleration in the Netherlands 42 Purpose of the present study 43 Method 44 Results 46 Survey 46 vii Intervention study 55 Discussion 57 CHAPTER 4 SELF-CONCEPT AND SOCIAL STATUS OF ACCELERATED STUDENTS IN THE FIRST TWO YEARS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL Abstract 63 Introduction 65 Self-concept 66 Social status 69 Acceleration in the Netherlands 72 Method 73 Results 78 Self-concept 78 Social status 82 Discussion 88 CHAPTER 5 SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GIFTED ACCELERATED AND NON-ACCELERATED STUDENTS Abstract 95 Introduction 96 Method 101 Results 105 Self-concept 105 Behavioral profile 110 Social contacts 111 Individual variation among accelerants 113 Conclusions and discussion 113 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION 117 Effects of educational programs for gifted students 118 Academic acceleration in the Netherlands 120 Teacher attitudes toward accelerated students 121 Social-emotional consequences of acceleration 122 Academic acceleration revisited 124 Future research 127 Educational implications 129 viii NOTES 131 REFERENCE 133 APPENDICES 155 SUMMARY 201 SAMENVATTING 209 DANKWOORD 219 CURRICULUM VITAE 223 ix x

it clear that the development of students at school can vary greatly (Cito Groep, 8 of the Law on Dutch Primary Education, part 4). programs for gifted students in general and the social-emotional effects of academic environmental factors (e.g., family, school) are considered (Gagné, 1993; 2000
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