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ANNUAL INDEX Census 2000 and Service Learning, Kathleen The Evolution of Human Rights in the Age of Socialldlucation Kennedy Townsend, 457 BiotechnologJyo,hn Paul Ryan and Benjamin Volume 63 The Changing Nature and Purpose of Assessment Hron, 302 in the Social Studies Classroom, Janet Alleman Exploring Development Issues Using the Internet, and Jere Brophy, 334 Richard A. Diem, 92 Jan/Feb. 1999: No. 1, pp. 1-64 China Update: Economic Reforms and Political Freedom Train: Building an Underground Railroad, March 1999: No. 2, pp. 65-128 Realities, Jana Sackman Eaton, 70 Wayne Hickman, MLL 6, M9-10 April 1999: No. 3, pp. 129-192 Content-Rich Commercial Websites in the Social From Mountain Men to Miers, Robert L. Stevens May/June 1999: No. 4, pp. 193-256 Studies, Aaron Willis, 157 and Jared A Fogel, 262 September 1999: No. 5, pp. 257-320 Cnitical Literaftoru trhee Social Studies: Challenges Fostering a Critical and Caring Classroom Culture, October 1999: No. 6, pp. 321-392 and Opportunities for the Elementary Classroom, Pamela B. Joseph and Mark A. Windschitl, Nov/Dec. 1999: No. 7, pp. 393-488 Neil Houser, 212 MLL 5, M14-15 Culture Shock: Using Art and Art Controversy to General Orders Pertaining to Removal of the Chero- Teach History, Robert McBride,J r.4 10 kees, Lee Ann Potter and Wynell Schamel, 32 Middle Level Learning Supplement (MLL) “Did They Actually, Really Believe This?” Authen Get Your Students Involved in Civics, Stephen C. January 1999: Issue 4 tic Medical Documents as a Window on the Past, Sansone, 228 May/June 1999: Issue 5 Julie Riley, MLL 4, M2-5 The Great American Prairie: An Integrated Fifth September 1999: Issue 6 Ecostudents: The New Wave of Students Abroad, Grade Unit, Terrence V. Stange and Susan L. Sandra Woy-Hazelton, 89 Wyatt, 216 index by Title Education for Sale: What's a (Democratic) Prinet- Help! I'm Last in Cyberspace!, Antoinette Kran A Questfo r Knowledge, Mary Teague Mason, ple Worth?, Michael Hartoonian, 241 ning and Lee Ehman, 152 Cindy Linzell, Janis Laybourn, and Shelley Elementary Students Learn about Native Amer? History Uninspired? A Critical Look at Tom Sny- McElwee, 382 cans: The Development of Knowledge and Empa der’s American History Inspirer: The Croil War, A Teacher's Reflections on Teaching and Assessing thy, Jere Brophy, 39 Chad C. Fairey, Clifford T. Bennett, and John in a Standards-Based Classroom, jody Smoth- Environmental Degradation in a Dependent Lee, 162 ers Marcello, 338 Region: The Rio Grande Valley of Mexico and How Newspapers Framed the U.S. History Stan A Walk Through Time: A Living History Proect, Texas, Richard C. Jones, 94 dards Debate, Patricia G. Avery and Theresa Alice Aud, Gini Bland, Barbara Brown, and Evaluating Students in a Course on Social Advo- Johnson, 220 Bruce Law, MLL 6, M13-16 cacy, Barbara L. Wysocki, 346 Human Rights and Foreign Policy: A Lesson Plan, Acting Out History: From the Ice Age to the Mod- em Age, Denee J. Mattioli and Frederick LEAP - Learning through Drake, MLL 4, M9-11 Affirmatrve Action: Contentious Ideas and Contro- versial Practices, john Michael Eden and John Paul Ryan, 110 = dollo)gclilelam-lalem msig ical ey-larele Allegheny Portage Railroad: Developing Trans- portation Technology, Brian Eick and Rick Wall- ner, 181 American History Websites for Use in Secondary Schools, William Leeman, 144 enrich students’ lives through innovative tour programs that | The American Trial Jury: Current Issues and Con- troversies, John Paul Ryan, 458 The Arrest Records of Rosa P,u arks, Stacey Bred- hoffWynell Schamel, and Lee Ann Potter, 207 Experiencing Authentic Assessment and Instruction, Patricia G. the sights, sounds aa cies serves to engage students willy Avery, 368 Authentic Voices: Advice for Incorporating Amen- can Indians and Alaska Natrves in the Elemen- tary School Curriculum, Frances V. Rains and Karen Gayton Swisher, 46 Breaking New Ground: The Comprehenstve Social Studies Assessment Project, ¥‘ red Czarra, 360 Please callN ETC toll free at Can Statewide Assessments Help Reform the Social Studies Curriculum?, Bruce Brousseau, 356 (877) WHY-NETC to receive our latest catalog and 1998 Carter G. Woodson Book Awards, NCSS- to learn more! a Carter G. Woodson Book Awards Commit- New to NETC @? Please call our New Teacher Partner Hotline: tee 225 The 1820 Census of Manufactures, Lee Ann Pot- toll free: (877) WHY-NETC (877) 949-6382 : ter and Wynell Schamel, 310 Census 2000: Trends and Issues in Counting the Peo- [email protected] * www.educationaltravei.com ple, Nancy P. Gallavan, 451 OVEMBER DECEMB 471 David Shiman, 58 The Keys to Election 2000, AllanJ .L ichtman, 422 Gilligan, Syd Golston, and Rex Linville, 282 Human Rights for Children: The Unfinished Agen- Learning Across Cultures: From New York City to Mulling Over the Millennium, Charles Cross and da, William R. Fernekes, 234 Rotorua, Clair Schnell and Joan Brodsky William Hewitt, 398 ‘T thought the world was flat, like the map showed Schur, 75 Multiculturalism vs. Globalism, Nelly Ukpokodu, it:” Building Geographic Understanding with Ele- The Maryland Experience in Standards-Based 298 mentary Students, Gwendolyn Thompson, 269 Assessment, Marcie Taylor-Thomas, 364 Multiple Choice to Multiple Rubrics: One Teacher's The IEA Crvic Education Study: National and Modern Times: The Industrial Revolution and the Journey in Assessment, Michael M. Yell, 326 International Perspectrves, Carole Hahn and Concept of Time, Frans H. Doppen, MLL 4, My Brother and I: Brickyard Laborers in an Ohio Judith Torney-Purta, 425 M12-16 Town, Martha I. Pallante and Christian Shiv- The Issue of Subjectrvity in Authentic Social Stud The Monteverde Community-A Whole Greater than ely, MLL 5, M10-13 ies Assessment, Pat Nickell, 353 Its Parts, Quint Newcomer, 87 Natrve American Tribal Websites, Eric L. Miller, Jim Crow, Uncle Sam, and the Formation of the Mountains: A Global Resource: Introduction; Les- 54 Tuskegee Flying Units, William Percy, 14 son 1. Mountains Matter; Lesson 2. Sacred Moun- Nattve Americans as Mascots, Sharon Pray Muir, John Kay’s Croil War: A Multimedia Internet Pro- tains; Lesson 3. A Case Study of Mountain 56 ject for Middle School Social Studies, Russell B. Tourism in Vietnam; Lesson 4. Mountains of the Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young Peo- Olwell, 134 World: How We Can Help, Alton Byers, Nancy ple for 1999, NCSS-Children’s Book Coun- cil Joint Committee, pullout section May/June Observation as an Assessment Tool, Pat Nickell and Angene Wilson, 351 Opening Assessment to our Students, Diane Hart, 343 The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawait, Wynell Schamel and Charles E. Schamel, 402 Plotting and Analyzing: Graphic Calculators for Social Inquiry, joe Garofalo, Clifford Bennett, and Cheryl Mason, 101 Having students conduct surveys Radarset Satellite Images: A New Geography Tool for Upper Elementary Classrooms, joseph M. Kirman, 167 just gota lot easier with Reachinfgo r the Sky: The Growth of Mountain Tourism in Switzerland, Jennifer Truran Roth- well, 274 Survey Conductor Resources for Teaching about American Indians, Karen Harvey, 51 Saints or Sinners? The Case for an Honest Portray- al of Historical Figures, Susan |. Kent, 8 a comprehensive software package The Schookwide Symposium: A Model for Learning, Walt Cottingham, 22 that enables students to: The Scourge of Genocide: Issues Facing Humanity Today and Tomorrow, Samuel Totten, 116 Serrous Fun in Social Studtes for Middle Schoolers, v Create - custom-made surveys Dan Rea, MLL 6, M2-5 Select from 100 subject libraries containing Shiprwreck: Using Literature and Student Imagina- tion to Teach Geography, Donna Kay Mau, 2000 questions developed by polling professionals MLL 5, M2-6 vy Conduct - the surveys Shipwrecked through the Pages: A Literary Quiz, Jennifer Truran Rothwell, MLL 5, M16 Administer on computers or with paper and pencil The Social Studies Classroom on the Eve of the Cyber ¥ Analyze - the results Century, Jana Sackman Eaton, 139 Perform: several statistical analyses Social Studies Assessment: The Role of the Nation- al Board for Professtonal Teaching Standards, and produce charts and graphs Ronald G. Helms, 378 Stop Misusing Tests to Evaluate Teachers, Monty Neill, 330 ORS Publishing Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: An Www.orspub.com 800.462.8913 Approach to the Geography Curnculum, Dou- Visit us at the NCSS conference in Orlando - Booth 152 glas Heffington and Judith Mimbs, 80 SVE Series on World and US. History, Clifford T. Bennett,J .R ichelle Joe, and Ken Watson, 162 Taking Student Government Seriously, }.R. Bolen, MLL 4, M6-8 Irish Famine Curriculum & Video Available Approved and distributed by the New Jersey Holocaust Education Commission, this 115-page study guide was field-tested by advanced placement students in European History. It includes a Teacher/Student Summary, followed by units on Laws and Legislation, Eviction, Mortality, Racism, Emigration, Genocide, and Poetry. It is indexed by ERIC, and is now available in full text on the web site of the Nebraska Department of Education: www.nde.state.ne.us/SS/irish famine.html The spiral- bound paper copy of the curriculum is available for $20.00, and an edited version of the PBS-aired video, “When Ireland Starved” (VHS) is also $20.00. If ordered together, the cost is $35.00 shipped. Send check or P.O. to IFCC (Irish Famine Curriculum Committee), 757 Paddock Path, Moorestown, NJ 08057. Phone (609) 727-4255 for further information. Teaching Multicultural Social Studies in an Era of Index by Author edge and Empathy, 39 Political Eclipse, Alan Singer, 28 Alleman, Janet and Jere Brophy, The Changing Brophy, Jere and Janet Alleman, The Changing Teaching Presidential Impeachment, jean A. Luck- Nature and Purpose of Assessment in the Social Nature and Purpose of Assessment in the Social owsi and JamesJ .L opach, 106 Studies, 334 Studies Classroom, 334 Theme-Based Portfolio Assessment in Social Studies Aud, Alice, Gini Bland, Barbara Brown, and srousseau, Bruce, Can Statewide Assessments Help Teacher Education, Andrew J. Milson and Bruce Law, 4 Walk Through Time: A Living Reform the Social Studies Curriculum?, 356 Sarah M. Brantley, 374 History Project, MLL 6, M13-16 Brown, Barbara, Alice Aud, Gini Brown, and Threshing Out the Myths and Facts of Internet Safe- Avery, Patricia G., Authentic Assessment and Bruce Law, A Walk Through Time: A Lrving ty: A Response to “Separating Wheat from Chaff.” Instruction, 368 History Project, MLL 6, M13-16 Michael Berson, Irene Berson and Elizabeth Avery, Patricia G. and Theresa Johnson, Hozw Byers, Alton, Nancy Gilligan, Syd Golston, and Ralston, 160 Newspapers Framed the U.S. History Standards Rex Linville, Mountains: A Global Resource: Toward a Humane World: Making a Difference Debate, 220 Introduction; Lesson 1. Mountains Matter; Les- with Social Studies, Ted, Levy, 6 Bennett, Clifford, Chad C. Fairey, and John Lee, son 2. Sacred Mountains; Lesson 3..A Case Study The Turn of the Millennium, Robert Cohen and History Uninspired? A Critical Look at Tom Sny- of Mountain Tourism in Vietnam; Lesson 4. Diana Turk, 432 der’s American History Inspirer: The Crvil War, Mountains of the World: How We Can Help, 282 The U.S. Census: America’s Reflecting Pool, Jennifer 162 Children’s Book Council, Joint Committee with Truran Rothwell, 435 Bennett, Clifford, Joe Garofalo, and Cheryl NCSS, Notable Social Studies Trade Bookfso r US. Supreme Court Trends, Charles F. Williams Mason, Plotting and Analyzing: Graphic Cal- Young People for 1999, May/June pullout sec- and Hannah Leiterman, 387 culators for Social Inquiry, 101 tion Understanding Political Polls: A Key Citizenship Bennett, Clifford T.,J .R ichelle Joe, and Ken Wat- Cohen, Robert and Diana Turk, The Tim oft he Skill for the 21st Century, Kevin Pobst, 415 son, SVE Series on World and US. History, 162 Millennium, 433 Using Computers to Design Historical Communities, Berson, Michael, Irene Berson, and Elizabeth Cottingham, Walt, The Schoolwide Sympostum: A April Mock, MLL 6, M11-12 Ralston, Threshing Out the Myths and Facts of Model for Learning, 22 The Value of Teaching Values, Jeff Passe, 124 Internet Safety: A Response to “Separating Wheat Cross, Charles and William Hewitt, Muling “The War that Never Ended:” Special Education from Chaff,” 160 Over the Millennium, 398 Students Write History, Diane Zigo, MLL 6, Berson, Irene, Michael Berson and Elizabeth Czarra, Fred, Breaking New Ground: The Com- M6-8 Ralston, Threshing Out the Myths and Facts of prehenstve Social Studies Assessment, 360 We Must Integrate Human Rights into the Social Internet Safety: A Response to “Separating Wheat Diem, Richard A., Exploring Development Issues Studies, Ed O’Brien, 171 rom Chaff,” 160 Using the Internet, 92 We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will be Bland, Gini, Alice Aud, Barbara Brown, and Doppen, Frans H., Modern Times: The Industrial Killed with Our Families: Stories from Rwanda Bruce Law, 4 Walk Through Time: A Lrving Revolution and the Concept of Time, MLL 4, by Philip Gourevitch, Book Review by History Project, MLL 6, M13-16 M12-15 Samuel Totten, 122 Bolen, J.R., Taking Student Government Seriously, Drake, Frederick and Denee J. Mattioli, Acting What Is a Hero? Students Explore Their Concep- MLL 4, M6-8 Out History: From the Ice Age to the Modern tions oft he Heroic, joseph O'Brien and Steven Brantley, Sarah M. and Andrew J. Milson, Age, MLL 4, M9-11 H. White, MLL 5, M6-9 Theme-Based Portfolio Assessment in Social Stud- Eaton, Jana Sackman, China Update: Economic “Will the Circle be Unbroken?” Using Oral Histo- tes Teacher Education, 374 Reforms and Political Realities, 70 nes to Tell the Story oft he Crvil Rights Move- Bredhoff, Stacey, Wynell Schamel, and Lee Ann Eaton, Jana Sackman, The Social Studies Class- ment, Ellen Spears and Marcia Klenbort, 198 Potter, The Arrest Records of Rosa Parks, 207 room on the Eve of the Cyber Century, 139 Women Reformers in the Progresstve Era, Judith Brophy, Jere, Elementary Students Learn About Eden, John Michael and John Paul Ryan, Affir- McDonough, 315 Nattve Americans: The Development of Knowl- mattve Action: Contentious Ideas and Contro- NOVEMBER DECEMBER 473 versial Practices, 110 Mountains of the World: How We Can Help, 282 Jones, Richard C., Exvironmental Degradation in Ehman, Lee, Help! I'm Last in Cyberspace!, 152 Hahn, Carole and Judith Torney-Purta, The IEA a Dependent Region: The Rio Grande Valley of Eick, Brian and Rick Wallner, Allegheny Portage Crowe Education Study: National and Interna- Mexico and Texas, 94 Railroad: Developing Transportation Technology, tional Perspecttves, 425 Joe,] .R ichelle, Clifford T: Bennett, and Ken Wat- 181 Hart, Diane, Opening Assessment to our Students, son, SVE Series on World and U.S. History, 162 Fairey, Chad C., Clifford T. Bennett, and John 343 Joseph, Pamela B and Mark A. Windschitl, Fos- Lee, History Uninspired? A Critical Look at Tom Hartoonian, Michael, Education for Sale: What's tering a Critical and Caring Classroom Culture, Snyder's American History Inspirer: The Crvil a (Democratic) Principle Worth?, 24\ MLL 5, M14-15 War, 162 Harvey, Karen, Resources for Teaching about Amer Kent, Susan L., Saznts or Sinners? The Case for an Fernekes, William R., Human Rights for Children: ican Indians, 51 Honest Portrayal of Historical Figures, 8 The Unfinished Agenda, 234 Heffington, Douglas and Judith Mimbs, Sws- Kirman, Joseph M., Radarsat Satellite Images: A Fogel, Jared A. and Robert L. Stevens, From tainable Development in Costa Rica: An New Geography Tool for Upper Elementary Mountain Men to Miners. 262 Approach to the Geography Curriculum, 80 Classrooms, 167 Gallavan, Nancy P., Census 2000: Trenandd Isssu es Helms, Ronald G., Social Studies Assessment: The Klenbort, Marcia and Ellen Spears, “Will the Cir- in Counting the People, 451 Role of the National Board for Professional Teach- cle Be Unbroken?” Using Oral Histories to Tell Garofalo, Joe, Clifford Bennett, and Cheryl ing Standards, 378 the Story of the Croil Rights Movement, 198 Mason, Plotting and Analyzing: Graphic Cal Hewitt, Bruce and Charles Cross, Mulling Over Kranning, Antoinette and Lee Ehman, He/pI!’ m culators for Social Inquiry, 101 the Millennium, 398 Last in C Jyberspace! 152 Gilligan, Nancy, Alton Byers, Syd Golston, and Hickman, Wayne, Freedom Train: Building an Law, Bruce, Alice Aud, Gini Bland, and Barbara Rex Linville, Mountams: A Global Resource: Underground Railroad, MLL 6, M9-10 Brown, 4 Walk Through Time: A Living His- Introduction; Lesson 1. Mountains Matter; Les- Houser, Neil, Critical Literature for the Social Stud- tory Project, MLL 6, M13-16 son 2. Sacred Mountains; Lesson 3:.A Case Study wes: Challenges and Opportunities for the Ele Laybourn, Janis,M ary Teague Mason, and Shel- of Mountain Tourism in Vietnam; Lesson 4: mentary Classroom, 212 ley McElwee, 4 Quest for Knowledge, 382 Mountains of the World: How We Can Help,282 Hron, Benjamin and John Paul Ryan, The Evo- Lee, John, Chad C. Fairey, and Clifford T. Ben- Golston, Syd, Alton Byers, Nancy Gilligan, and lution of Human Rights in the Age of Biotech nett, History Uninspired? A Critical Look at Tom Rex Linville, Mountams: A Global Resource: nology, 302 Snyder's American History Inspirer: The Croil Introduction; Lesson 1. Mountains Matter; Les Johnson, Theresa and Patricia G. Avery, How War, 162 son 2: Sacred Mountains; Lesson3 :.A Case Study Newspapers Framed the U. 8. History Standards Leeman, William, American History Websites for of Mountain Tourism in Vietnam; Lesson 4: Debate, 220 Use in Secondary Schools, 144 Outstanding New Reference UNDERSTANDING THE COLOMBIA LITERATURE OF WORLD WAR II A Student Casebook Genetic to Issues Sources and Efigineering JURFRREY L. SINGMAN Understanding the The History of Nigeria Daily Life in Literature of World War II By Toyin Faloia Medieval Europe A Student Casebook to Issues, (The Greenwood Histories By Jeffrey L. Singman of the Modern Nations) Sources, and Historical Documents 1999 © 296 pages © 0-313-30682-6 * $35.00 (The Greenwood Press By James H. Meredith “Daily Life Through History” Series) (The Greenwood Press The Watergate Crisis 1999 © 288 pages * 0-313-30273-1 © $45.00 “Literature in Context” Series) By Michael A. Genovese 1999 © 272 pages * 0-313-30417-3 © $39.95 Culture and Customs (Greenwood Press Guides to Historic Events of the Twentieth Century) of Colombia Genetic Engineering 1999 « 240 pages ¢ 0-313-29878-5 « $39.95 By Raymond Leslie Williams A Documentary History and Kevin G. Guerrieri Edited by Thomas A. Shannon For detailed information on all of the titles (Culture and Customs of Latin America (Primary Documents in American History in these acclaimed series, visit us online at and the Caribbean) and Contemporary Issues) http://www.greenwood.com 1999 © 176 pages * 0-313-30405-X © $45.00 1999 © 320 pages ¢ 0-313-30457-2 © $49.95 (SREENWOOD PRESS 88 Post Road West * P.O. Box 5007 © Westport, CT 06881-5007 © Telephone (203) 226-3571 © Office FAX (203) 222-1502 EDUCATION ABOUT ASIA Education About Asia has received high praise from DISCOVER A WORLD OF educators—from kindergarten through university— who have found it an exciting and highly practical INFORMATION ON ASIA! teaching resource. Now in its fourth year, EAA is designed specifically to be a tool for K-16 teachers Essays describing educational programs who wish to bring information on Asia to their and techniques that have been tested in classrooms classrooms similar to your own Published in the Spring, Fall, and Winter, Education Subjects ranging from ancient cultures and About Asia will enhance your understanding of Asia literatures to current events and help you prepare your students for the world of A guide to resources for classroom use—films, the 21st century. books, CD-ROMs, websites, software, and other educational tools To review the Tables of Contents for past issues, read selected articles, or subscribe, please visit the AAS Occasional thematic issues on topics of exceptional importance, such as Asiari religions website Www.aasianst.org. (Spring 1997), Asian geography (Spring 1998), and Asian history (Spring 1999) Subscription Rates: . and much, much more! Individuals: U.S., $18.00/yr; Non-U.S., $22.00/yr Organizations: U.S., $24.00/yr; Non-U.S., $28.00/yr. Association for Asian Studies 1021 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 USA Back issues are available for purchase at $7.00 each, Tel: (734) 665-2490; Fax: (734) 665-3801; plus postage and handling. E-Mail: [email protected] http://www.aasianst.org = Leiterman, Hannah and Charles F. Williams, Age, MLL 4, M9-11 tion U.S. Supreme Court Trends, 387 Mau, Donna Kay, Shipzwreck: Using Literature and Neill, Monty, Stop Misusing Tests to Evaluate Levy, Tedd, Ticvard aH umane World: Making a Student Imagination to Teach Geography, MLL Teachers, 330 Difference with Social Studies, 6 5, M2-6 Newcomer, Quint, The Monteverde Community- Lichtman, AllanJ. ,T he Keys to Election 2000, 422 McBride, RobertJr .,C u/ture Shock: Using Art and A Whole Greater than Its Parts, 87 Linville, Rex, Alton Byers, Nancy Gilligan, and Art Controversy to Teach History, 410 Nickell, Pat, The Issue of Subyjectrvity in Authenti Syd Golston, Mountams: A Global Resource: McDonough, Judith, Women Reformers in the Pro- Social Studies Assessment, 353 Introduction; Lesson 1: Mountains Matter; Les gresstve Era, 315 Nickell, Pat and Angene Wilson, Odservation as son 2: Sacred Mountains; Lesson 3:.A Case Study McElwee, Shelley, Mary Teague Mason, Cindy an Assessment Tool, 351 of Mountain Tourism in Vietnam; Lesson 4: Linzell, and Janis Laybourn, 4 Quest for O'Brien, Ed, We Must Integrate Human Rights into Mountains of the World: How We Can Help, 282 Knowledge, 382 the Social Studies, 171 Linzell, Cindy, Mary Teague Mason, Janis Lay- Miller, Eric L., Natrve American Tribal Websites, O'Brien, Joseph and Steven H. White, What Is bourn, and Shelley McElwee, 4 Quest for 54 @ Hero? Students Explore Their Conceptions of Knowledge, 382 Milson, AndrewJ.and Sarah M. Brantley, Theme- the Heroic, MLL 5, M6-9 Lopach, James J. and Jean A. Luckowski, Téach- Based Portfolio Assessment in Social Studtes Olwell, Russell B., John Kay's Crvil War:.A Mul ing Presidential Impeachment, 106 Teacher Education, 374 timedia Internet Project for Middle School Social Luckowsi, Jean A. and James J. Lopach, Teach- Mimbs, Judith and Douglas Heffington, Sws- Studies, 134 ing Presidential Impeachment, 106 tainable Development in Costa Rica: An Pallante, Martha I. and Christian Shively, My Marcello, Jody Smothers, 4 Teacher's Reflections Approach to the Geography Curriculum, 80 Brother and I: Brickyard Laborers in an Ohio Mock, April, Using Computers to Design Historr- Torun, MLL 5, M10-13 Classroom, 338 cal Communities, MLL 6, M11-12 Passe, Jeff, The Value of Teaching Values, 124 Mason, Mary Teague, Cindy Linzell, Janis Lay Muir, Sharon Pray, Nattve Americans as Mas- Percy, William, Jim Crow, Uncle Sam, and the For- bourn, and Shelley McElwee, 4 Quest _for cots, 56 mation of the Tuskegee Flying Units, 14 Knowledge, 382 NCSS-Carter G. Woodson Book Awards Com- Pobst, Kevin, Understanding Political Polls:.A Key Mason, Cheryl, Joe Garofalo, and Clifford Ben- mittee, 1998 Carter G. Woodson Book Azards, Citizenship Skill for the 21st Century, 415 nett, Plotting and Analyzing: Graphic Calcula- 225 Potter, Lee Ann, Stacey Bredhoff, and Wynell tors for Social Inquiry, 101 NCSS-Children’s Book Council Joint Com- Schamel, The Arrest Records of Rosa Parks, 207 Mattioli, Denee J. and Frederick Drake, Acting mittee, Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Potter, Lee Ann and Wynell Schamel, The 1820 Out History: From the Ice Age to the Modern Young Peoplfeo r 1999, May/June pullout sec- Census of Manufactures, 310 NovEMBER/ DECEMBER 1I999 475 Potter, Lee Ann and Wynell Schamel, General Sansone, Stephen C., Get Your Students Involved Susan L. Wyatt, The Great American Prairie: Orders Pertaining to Removal of the Cherokees, in Crvics, 228 An Integrated Fifth Grade Unit, 216 32 Schamel, Charles E. and Wynell Schamel, The Stevens, Robert L. and Jared A Fogel, From Rains, Frances V. and Karen Gayton Swisher, 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawai, Mountain Men to Miers, 262 Authentic Voices: Advice for Incorporating Amer 402 Swisher, Karen Gayton and Francis V. Rains, ican Indians and Alaska Nattves in the El Schamel, Wynell and Charles F.. Schamel, The Authentic Vorces: Advice for Incorporating Amer- mentary School Curriculum, 46 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawa, ican Indians and Alaska Nattves in the Ele- Ralston, Elizabeth, Michael Berson, and Irene 402 mentary School Curriculum, 46 Berson, Threshing Out the Myths and Facts of Schamel, Wynell and Lee Ann Potter, The 1820 Taylor-Thoma, Marcie, The Maryland Exper Internet Safety: A Response to “Separating Wheat Census of Manufactures, 310 ence in Standards Based Assessment, 364 from Chaff.” 160 Schamel, Wynell and Lee Ann Potter, General Thompson, Gwendolyn, “I thought the world was Rea, Dan, Serraus Fun in Social Studies for Middle Orders Pertaining to the Removal of the Chero- Jlat, like the map showed it:” Building Geographic Schoolers, MLL 6, M2-5 he "eS, 32 . Understanding with Elementary Students, 269 Riley, Julie, “Did They Actually, Really Beheve Schamel, Wynell, Stacey Bredhoff, and Lee Ann Torney-Purta, Judith and Carole Hahn, The IEA This?” Authentic Medical Documents as a Win Potter, The Arrest Records of Rosa Parks, 207 Civic Education Study: National and Interna- dow to the Past, MLL 4, M2-5 Schnell, Claire and Joan Brodsky Schur, Learn- tional Perspectrves, 425 Rothwell, Jennifer Truran, Reaching for the Sky: ing Across Cultures: From New York City to Totten, Samuel, The Scourge of Genocide: Issues The Growth of Mountain Tourism in Szoitzer Rotorua, 75 Facing Humanity Today and Tomorrow, 116 land, 274 Schnur, Joan Brodsky and Claire Schnell, Learn- Totten, Samuel, We Wish to Inform You that Tomor- Rothwell, Jennifer Truran, Shipwrecked through ing Across Cultures: From New York City to row We Will be Killed with Our Families: Sto- the Pages: A Literary Quiz, MLL 5, M16 Rotorua, 75 ries from Rwanda by Philip Gourevitch, Book Rothwell, Jennifer Truran, The U.S. Census: Amer- Shiman, David, Human Rights and Foreign Polt- Review, 122 ica 5 Re A TIN Pool. 435 cy: A Lesson Plan, 58 Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy, Cerszs 2000 and Ryan, John Paul, The Amencan Tral Jury: Cur Shively, Christian and Martha I. Pallante, My Service Learning, 457 rent Issues and Controversies, 458 Brother and I: Brickyard Laborers in an Ohio Turk, Diana and Robert Cohen, The Tim of the Ryan, John Paul and Benjamin Hron, The Evo- Town, MLL 5, M10-13 Millennium, 432 lution of Human Rights in the Age of Biotech- Singer, Alan, Téaching Multicultural Social Stud- Ukpokodu, Nelly, Mu/tculturalism vs. Globalism, nology, 302 ies in an Eva of Political Eclipse, 28 298 Ryan, John Paul and John Michael Eden, Affir Spears, Ellen and Marcia Klenbort, “Will the Cir- Wallner, Rick and Brian Eick, A/legheny Portage mattve Action: Contentious Ideas and Contro- cle be Unbroken?” Using Oral Histories to Tell the Railroad: Developing Transportation Technolo- versial Practices, 110 Story of the Crvil Rights Movement, 198 fy, 181 Stange, Terrence V. and Watson, Kenneth, Clifford T. Bennett, and J. Richelle Joe, SVE Series on World and U.S. His- Primary Sources tory, 162 White, Stephen H. And Joseph O’Brien, Vhat Is a Hero? Students Explore Their Conceptions for the study of of the Herowc, MLL 5, M6-9 Willis, Aaron, Content-Rich Commercial Websites U.S. History in the Social Studtes, 157 Williams, Charles F. and Hannah Leiterman, U.S. Supreme Court Trends, 387 The Perspectives on History Series Wilson, Angene and Pat Nickell, Odservation as consists of 75 concise anthologies of excerpts from an Assessment Tool, 351 written documents, photos, cartoons, songs, poems, Windschitl, Mark A., Fosteringa C ritical and Car- ads, maps, etc., from focused periods in American ing Classroom Culture, MLL 5, M14-15 History. Each 60-68 page volume has an intro- Woy-Hazelton, Sandra, Ecostudents: The New duction from the editor, 16-30 primary source Wave of Students Abroad, 89 documents, a piece written by a teenager who lived Wyatt, Susan L. and Terrence V. Stange, The at the time, and a list of suggested further reading. Great American Prairie: An Integrated Fifth Grade Unit, 216 Documents represent varying multicultural Wysocki, Barbara L., Evaluating Students in a points of view from men, women, average citizens, Course on Soctal Advocacy, 346 military leaders, government officials, etc. Gr.5-12 Yeil, Michael M., Multiple Choice to Multiple Rubrics: One Teacher's Journey in Assessment, 326 $6.95 each or $6.00 for orders of 25+ plus S&H Also: Reproducible Teachers’ Guides: Zigo, Diane, “The War that Never Ended:” Spe- For Parts I & II - $25; for Part III - $15; Both for $35 cal Education Students Write History, MLL 6, Call for our latest catalog of books & plays M6-8 Discovery Enterprises, Ltd. 1-800-729-1720 or Fax: 978-287-5402 Sebi a¥P ay,

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