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SOBOLEV SPACES ROBERT A. ADAMS Department of Mathematics The University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada A C A D E M I C P R E S S New York San Francisco London 1975 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT (B 1975, BY ACADEMPIRCE SS, INC. ALL RIQHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDINQ, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 111 Fifth Avenue, New Yak. New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NWl Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Adams, Robert A Sobolev spaces. (Pure and applied mathematics series; v. 65) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Sobolev spaces. I. Title. 11. Series: Pure and applied mathematics; a series of monographs and textbooks; v. 65 QA3.P8 [QA323] 51W.8~[5 15'.7] 74-17978 ISBN 0-12-044150-0 AMS (MOS)1 970 Subject Classifications: 46E30,46E35 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Preface This monograph is devoted to a study of properties of certain Banach spaces of weakly differentiable functions of several real variables which arise in connection with numerous problems in the theory of partial differential equations and related areas of mathematical analysis, arid which have become an essential tool in those disciplines. These spaces are now most often asso- ciated with the name of the Soviet mathematician S. L. Sobolev, though their origins predate his major contributions to their development in the late 1930s. Sobolev spaces are very interesting mathematical structures in their own right, but their principal significance lies in the central role they, and their numerous generalizations, now play in partial differential equations. Accordingly, most of this book concentrates on those aspects of the theory of Sobolev spaces that have proven most useful in applications. Although no specific applications to problems in partial differential equations are discussed (these are to be found in almost any modern textbook on partial differential equations), this monograph is nevertheless intended mainly to serve as a textbook and reference on Sobolev spaces for graduate students and researchers in differential equations. Some of the material in Chapters 111-VI has grown out of lecture notes [ 181 for a graduate course and seminar given by Professor Colin Clark at the University of British Columbia in 1967-1968. The material is organized into eight chapters. Chapter I is a potpourri of standard topics from real and functional analysis, included, mainly without Xi Xii PREFACE proofs, because they form a necessary background for what follows. Chapter I1 is also largely “background” but concentrates on a specific topic, the Lebesgue spaces LP(R), of which Sobolev spaces are special subspaces. For completeness, proofs are included here. Most of the material in these first two chapters will be quite familiar to the reader and may be omitted, or simply given a superficial reading to settle questions of notation and such. (Possible exceptions are Sections 1.25-1.27, 1.31, and 2.21-2.22 which may be less familiar.) The inclusion of these elementary chapters makes the book fairly self-contained. Only a solid undergraduate background in mathematical analysis is assumed of the reader. Chapters III-VI may be described as the heart of the book. These develop all the basic properties of Sobolev spaces of positive integral order and culminate in the very important Sobolev imbedding theorem (Theorem 5.4) and the corresponding compact imbedding theorem (Theorem 6.2). Sections 5.33-5.54 and 6.12-6-50 consist of refinements and generalizations of these basic imbedding theorems, and could be omitted from a first reading. Chapter VII is concerned with generalization of ordinary Sobolev spaces to allow fractional orders of differentiation. Such spaces are often involved in research into nonlinear partial differential equations, for instance the Navier- Stokes equations of fluid mechanics. Several approaches to defining fractional- order spaces can be taken. We concentrate in Chapter VII on the trace- interpolation approach of J. L. Lions and E. Magenes, and discuss other approaches more briefly at the end of the chapter (Sections 7.59-7.74). It is necessary to develop a reasonable body of abstract functional analysis (the trace-interpolation theory) before introducing the fractional-order spaces. Most readers will find that a reading of this material (in Sections 7.2-7.34, possibly omitting proofs) is essential for an understanding of the discussion of fractional-order spaces that begins in Section 7.35. Chapter VIII concerns Orlicz-Sobolev spaces and, for the sake of com- pleteness, necessarily begins with a self-contained introduction to the theory of Orlicz spaces. These spaces are finding increasingly important applications in applied analysis. The main results of Chapter VIII are the theorem of N. S. Trudinger (Theorem 8.25) establishing a limiting case of the Sobolev imbed- ding theorem, and the imbedding theorems of Trudinger and T. K. Donaldson for Orlicz-Sobolev spaces given in Sections 8.29-8.40. The existing mathematical literature on Sobolev spaces and their general- izations is vast, and it would be neither easy nor particularly desirable to include everything that was known about such spaces between the covers of one book. An attempt has been made in this monograph to present all the core material in sufficient generality to cover most applications, to give the reader an overview of the subject that is difficult to obtain by reading research papers, and finally, as mentioned above, to provide a ready reference for PREFACE xiii someone requiring a result about Sobolev spaces for use in some application. Complete proofs are given for most theorems, but some assertions are left for the interested reader to verify as exercises. Literature references are given in square brackets, equation numbers in parentheses, and sections are numbered in the form m.n with m denoting the chapter. Acknowledgments We acknowledge with deep gratitude the considerable assistance we have received from Professor John Fournier in the preparation of this monograph. Also much appreciated are the helpful comments received from Professor Bui An Ton and the encouragement of Professor Colin Clark who originally suggested that this book be written. Thanks are also due to Mrs. Yit-Sin Choo for a superb job of typing a difficult manuscript. Finally, of course, we accept all responsibility for error or obscurity and welcome comments, or corrections, from readers. xv List of Spaces and Norms The numbers at the right indicate the sections in which the symbols are introduced. In some cases the notations are not those used in other areas of analysis. II * Ile 7.2 II1I * ;B 1 +B2II 7.11 ;B SPP(R")II 7.67 * II *;Bs*p(a)ll 7.72 1.1 1.1 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.27 5.2 8.37 1.51 1.52 7.7, 7.9 xviii LlST OF SPACES AND NORMS 7.29 8.14 3.1 3.12 7.33 8.7 1-40, 1.46 1.53 2.1 3.1 2.5 5.22 7.3 7.3 7.5 7.62 7.66 8.9 1.1 7.14 7.24, 7.26, 7.32 7.32 7.35 7.43 3.1 3.1 3.11 6.54 7.11 7.30 7.36,7.39 7.39 7.48 7.49 8.27 8.27 8.27 1.4, 1.6, 6.51 1.5,1.10 1.22 I Introductory Topics Notation 1.1 Throughout this monograph the term domain and the symbol R shall be reserved for an open set in n-dimensional, real Euclidean space R". We shall be concerned with differentiability and integrability of functions defined on Q-these functions are allowed to be complex valued unless the contrary is stated explicitly. The complex field is denoted by @. For c E @ and two + functions u and u the scalar multiple cu, the sum u 11, and the product uu are always taken to be defined pointwise as (4 ( 4 = cu(x), + (u+u)(x) = u(x) u(x), (uu) (x) = u(x), at all points x where the right sides make sense. (Az ty=pic,al p oint in R" is denoted by x = (xl, ..., x,,); its norm 1x1 = x~')~''T. he inner product of x and y is x.y = xjyj. If 01 = (a1, ..., E,) is an n-tuple of nonnegative integers aj, we call a a multi-index and denote by xu the monomial x";' ..ex:, which has degree la1 = C'j= aj. Similarly, if Dj = i?/axj for 1 sj -< n, then D' = D"1 ...D: denotes a differential operator of order Jal. D(o*.-*=o )u.u 1 2 I INTRODUCTORY TOPICS If a and fl are two multi-indices, we say PI c1 provided /3, I aj for 1 ~j s n. In this case a-B is also a multi-index and la-/3I + 1/31 = IQI. We also denote ... a! = a,! a"! and if fl I; a, The reader may wish to verify the Leibniz formula valid for functions u and u that are la1 times continuously differentiable near x. 1.2 If G c R", we denote by G the closure of G in R". We shall write G c c R provided G c R and G is a compact (Lea,c losed and bounded) subset of R". If u is a function defined on G, we define the support of u as SUPPU = {xEG:u(x)#O}. We say that u has compact support in R if supp u c c R. We shall denote by "bdry G" the boundary of G in R", that is, the set G n @where G' = R" G = N {x E R" :x 4 G} is the complement of G. If x E R" and G c R", we denote by "dist(x, G)" the distance from x to G, that is, the number inf,,,lx-yl. Similarly, if F, G c R", dist(F,G) = infdist(y,G) = inflx-yl. Y ~ F XEG YEF Topological Vector Spaces 1.3 We assume that the reader is familiar with the concept of a vector space over the real or complex scalar field, and with the related notions of dimension, subspace, linear transformation, and convex set. We also assume familiarity with the basic concepts of general topology, Hausdorff topological spaces, weaker and stronger topologies, continuous functions, convergent sequences, topological product spaces, subspaces, and relative topology. Let it be assumed throughout this monograph that all vector spaces referred to are taken over the complex field unless the contrary is explicitly stated. 1.4 A topological vector space, hereafter abbreviated TVS, is a Hausdorff topological space that is also a vector space for which the vector space oper-

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