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Preview Smoothing Properties of Bilinear Operators and Leibniz-Type Rules in Lebesgue and Mixed Lebesgue Spaces

SMOOTHING PROPERTIES OF BILINEAR OPERATORS AND LEIBNIZ-TYPE RULES IN LEBESGUE AND MIXED LEBESGUE SPACES 7 1 0 2 JARODHART,RODOLFOH.TORRES,XINFENGWU n a Abstract. We prove that bilinear fractional integral operators and J similar multipliers are smoothing in the sense that they improve the 0 regularity of functions. We also treat bilinear singular multiplier oper- 1 ators which preserve regularity and obtain several Leibniz-typerules in the contextsof Lebesgue and mixed Lebesgue spaces. ] A C . h 1. Introduction t a m Let K be an integral operator of order −ν. That is, let K be of the ν ν [ form 1 (1) K f(x)= k (x,y)f(y)dy, v ν ˆ ν Rn 1 3 where the kernel satisfies the estimate |k (x,y)| . 1 , for some 0 < ν |x−y|n−ν 6 ν < n. It is easy to see that K is smoothing, or rather improving, in the 2 ν 0 scale of Lebesgue spaces, in the sense that it maps a Lebesgue space into . another one with a larger exponent. More precisely, 1 0 K : Lp → Lq 7 ν 1 provided 0 < 1/q = 1/p −ν/n < 1. Under suitable additional regularity : v and cancellation conditions (see e.g. [56]), such K is also smoothing in the ν i X Sobolev scale. Namely r K :Lp → W˙ ν,p ν a where W˙ ν,p is the homogeneous Sobolev space of functions with their deriv- ative of order ν in Lp (the precise definitions of all function spaces used in thisarticle aregiven in Section 2below). Thisis astronger smoothingprop- erty, since by Sobolev embedding W˙ ν,p ⊂ Lq, when p and q are related as above. Of course, the most classical situation is that of the Riesz potential operators 1 I f(x)= c f(y)dy, ν νˆRn |x−y|n−ν 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 42B20; Secondary: 42B15, 47G99. Key words and phrases. Bilinear operators, multipliers, maximal function, smoothing properties, fractional derivatives, Leibniz rule, mixed Lebesgue spaces. 1 2 J.HART,R.H.TORRES,X.WU where the constant c is selected so that the Fourier transform of I f is ν ν given by I f(ξ) = |ξ|−νf(ξ). ν It is immediate that by defining Dsf(ξ) = |ξ|sf(ξ) we have for s < ν, d b (2) DsI = I . ν ν−s d b Formally, the case ν = 0 in (1) corresponds to Calder´on-Zygmund opera- tors which are no longer smoothing, but a slight modification of this simple calculus in (2) still holds for convolution operators. For example for n > 1, (3) ∂ I f = R f j 1 j where for j = 1,...,n, R are the Riesz transforms in Rn given by the j multiplier R f(ξ) = −iξ |ξ|−1f(ξ). As operators of order zero, the Riesz j j transforms R are not smoothing, but since they commute with derivative, j (4) d Ds(Rb f)= R (Dsf), j j they preserve both Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces for 1< p < ∞. Properly interpreted the calculus in (2)–(4) extends not only to other multiplier operators, but also beyond the convolution case to several classes of pesodifferential operators and even more general non-convolution opera- tors of Calder´on-Zygmund type (see e.g the book by Stein [53] for several results and references to the vast literature in the subject). In this article, we are interested in stating and proving analogous ver- sions of (2)–(4) for bilinear multiplier operators, improving and extending numerous results already in the literature in the subject and uncovering several completely new ones. The prototypes for our work for 0 < ν < 2n will be bilinear fractional integral operators, while for ν = 0 they will be Coifman-Meyer multipliers. We will obtain, however, results for more gen- eraloperatorsunderminimalregularityassumptionsonthemultiplierwhich do not allow for pointwise smooth estimates on their corresponding kernels. The bilinear fractional integral operators are defined for 0 < ν < 2n by 1 I (f,g)(x) = C f(y)g(z)dydz. ν νˆR2n (|x−y|2+|x−z|2)(2n−ν)/2 The constant C is chosen again so that, using the Fourier transform, we ν have the representation 1 I (f,g)(x)= e−ix(ξ+η)f(ξ)g(η)dξdη. ν ˆR2n (|ξ|2 +|η|2)ν/2 More generally we can consider for 0 ≤ ν < 2n bilbineabr multipliers of the form T (f,g)(x) = m (ξ,η)e−ix(ξ+η)f(ξ)g(η)dξdη, mν ˆ ν R2n where b b (5) |∂β∂γm (ξ,η)| . (|ξ|+|η|)−ν−|β|−|γ|. ξ η ν βγ SMOOTHING BILINEAR OPERATORS AND LEIBNIZ-TYPE RULES 3 Note that we are allowing now ν = 0, which corresponds to the case of the nowadays classical Coifman-Meyer multipliers. We will actually treat multipliers where the pointwise regularity estimates in (5) are replaced by H¨ormander-type ones using only appropriate Sobolev space regularity. Roughlyspeaking,ifT isabilinearoperatoroforder−ν describedabove, ν we will show that T (f,g) has ν more derivatives than f and g (hence it is ν smoothing if ν > 0). Our main results could be interpreted by saying that (6) DsT (f,g) ∼ T (Ds−νf,g)+T (f,Ds−νg), ν 0 0 where T is an operator of order 0. 0 In making these informal statements precise, we need to review some of the existing literature alluded to before. Our recount is not intended to be exhaustive, but we shall rather point out some of the results most closely related to ours. As it will be clear from our narrative below, there is a high level of interest in the subject and a very active community working on similar problems. Several overlapping recent results have been obtained independently by different authors. As already mentioned, for ν = 0 the operators in (5) are Coifman-Meyer multipliers as studied by those authors in [22]-[25]. They are examples of operators within the multilinear Calder´on-Zygmund theory further devel- oped by Christ-Journ´e [19], Kenig-Stein [44] and Grafakos-Torres [40]. In particular, bilinear Calder´on-Zygmund operators are operators of the form (7) K(f,g)(x) = k(x,y,z)f(y)g(z)dydz ˆ R2n for x ∈/ suppf ∩suppg, where the kernel satisfies the estimates (8) |DαDβDγk(x,y,z)| . (|x−y|+|x−z|)−2n−|α|−|β|−|γ|, x y z and such that they act as the product of functions on Lebesgue spaces, i.e, K :Lp1 ×Lp2 → Lq for 1 < p ,p < ∞, 1 + 1 = 1 (appropriate end-point results hold too). 1 2 p1 p2 q Other examples of these operators are provided by bilinear pesuodifferential operators of order zero. For m ∈ R, a bilinear pseudodifferential operator of order m is given by P (f,g)(x) = a (x,ξ,η)e−ix(ξ+η)f(ξ)g(η)dξdη, am ˆ m R2n where b b (9) |∂ρ∂β∂γa (x,ξ,η)| .(1+|ξ|+|η|)m−|β|−|γ|. x ξ η m B´enyi-Torres [11] showed that for m = 0 these bilinear Calder´on-Zygmund operators also satisfy for s > 0 and 1/p +1/p = 1/q < 1 the estimate 1 2 kJsPa0(f,g)kLq . kJsfkLp1kgkLp2 +kfkLp1kJsgkLp2, 4 J.HART,R.H.TORRES,X.WU where Js is the inhomogeneous derivative operator \ (Jsf)(ξ) = (1+|ξ|2)s/2f(ξ). Moreover, along the lines of (6), B´enyi-Nahmod-Torres [10] showed that for b a symbol of order m > 0, (10) P (f,g) = P (Jmf,g)+P (f,Jmg), am b0 c0 for some symbols of order zero b and c , which gives then 0 0 kPam(f,g)kLq . kJmfkLp1kgkLp2 +kfkLp1kJmgkLp2, for all 1 < p ,p < ∞ and 1 + 1 = 1. This idea goes back to the work of 1 2 p1 p2 q Kato-Ponce [42]. Similar estimates for more general classes of symbols were given by B´enyi et al [8] and [9] and Naibo [52]. Several classes of operators in the H¨ormander classes BSm given by symbols satisfying the differential ρ,δ inequalities (11) |∂α∂β∂γa (x,ξ,η)| . (1+|ξ|+|η|)m+ρ|α|−δ(|β|+|γ|), x ξ η m for 0 ≤ ρ,δ ≤ 1 were considered in those works. In particular, it was shown in [52] that the boundedness Lp1 × Lp1 → Lp with 1/p + 1/p = 1/p, 1 2 1 < p ,p < ∞ of an operator with symbol in a class BSm , automatically 1 2 ρ,δ impliesitsboundednessonBesov spaceswithpositivesmoothnessandbased on the same Lp exponents. It was also proved in [52] that the same result is truefor any bilinear multiplier operator mappingLp1×Lp1 → Lp. A similar result for multipliers was obtained in [10] in the scale of Sobolev spaces but with p > 1. The boundedness properties of the operators I in the scale of Lebesgue ν spaces were studied by Kenig-Stein [44]. They showed that (12) I : Lp1 ×Lp2 → Lq ν for 1 < p ,p < ∞, 0 < 1 + 1 − ν = 1, and 0 < ν < 2n. Bernicot et 1 2 p1 p2 n q al [12] looked at bilinear pseudodifferential operators P with m < 0 and am also homogeneous version P˙ , where the estimates in (9) are modified by am replacing(1+|ξ|+|η|)with(|ξ|+|η|). Inparticular,theoperatorsI (ormore ν generally T satisfying (5)) are homogeneous bilinear pseudodifferential mν operators of order m = −ν. The authors in [12] showed, using a calculus similar to (10), that (13) kIν(f,g)kLq . kDs−νfkLp1kgkLp2 +kfkLp1kDs−νgkLp2 if 1 < p ,p < ∞, 0 < 1 + 1 − s = 1, and 0 < s < 2n and ν ≤ s. We will 1 2 p1 p2 n q show that actually (14) kDsIν(f,g)kLp . kDs−νfkLp1kgkLp2 +kfkLp1kDs−νgkLp2, if 1 < p ,p < ∞, 1 + 1 = 1, 0 < ν < 2n and s > max(0, n −n). This is 1 2 p1 p2 p p now a smoothing property on the Sobolev scale and by Sobolev embedding SMOOTHING BILINEAR OPERATORS AND LEIBNIZ-TYPE RULES 5 an improvement of (13) for some range of the exponents. In particular, (15) I :Lp1 ×Lp2 → W˙ ν,p ν for 1< p ,p < ∞, 0 < 1 + 1 = 1, and 0< ν < 2n, improving (12). 1 2 p1 p2 p We point out that other smoothing-type estimates have been proved for the bilinear fractional integral operators before. For example, in [1], Aimar et al proved that the I maps from products of Lebesgue spaces with appro- ν priate indices into certain Campanato-BMO type spaces when 1 + 1 ≤ ν. p1 p2 n Such spaces provide the right setting when working on spaces of homoge- neoustype. More recently, Chaffee-Hart-Oliveira [15] showed usingdifferent methods that (16) I : Lp1 ×Lp2 → I (BMO), ν s for certain ranges of 1 < p ,p < ∞ and 0≤ s < ν satisfying 1 + 1 = ν−s. 1 2 p1 p2 n Note that (15) is also an improvement of (16) whenever ν − s < n since W˙ ν,p ⊂ I (BMO) if 1 = ν−s < 1. The results in [15], however, apply to a s p n larger rangeof exponents and also to more general operators that we cannot cover with our techniques. The estimate (14), and hence (15), hold for the multipliers T as well, mν (17) kDsTmν(f,g)kLp . kDs−νfkLp1kgkLp2 +kfkLp1kDs−νgkLp2, and we can allow the Coifman-Meyer case ν = 0 too. We note that after our work was completed we received an independent preprint from Brummer- Naibo [14] dealing with homogeneous pseudodifferential operators of differ- ent orders. Their results can be applied to smooth multipliers too, obtain- ing estimates similar to (17). The techniques employed by these authors, however, are very different from ours. They rely on smooth molecular de- compositions. To some extent, they are a bilinear counterpart of the results by Torres [55] and Grafakos-Torres [39] in the linear case. The results in [14] apply also to x-dependent smooth symbols, which cannot be treated by our methods, but the multipliers we study have very limited amount of regularity and, as far as we know, estimates involving smooth molecular decompositions require pointwise smoothness on the symbols. Taking m = 1, (17) leads to the already known Leibniz rule 0 (18) kDs(fg)kLp . kDsfkLp1kgkLp2 +kfkLp1kDsgkLp2. This estimate also has a long history starting with works of Kato-Ponce [42] and Christ-Weinstein [20]. The validity of the rule for the optimal range of exponents 1/2 < p < ∞, 1 < p ,p ≤ ∞, 1 = 1 + 1 and s > max(0, n−n) 1 2 p p1 p2 p or s a positive even integer, was finally settled by Muscalu-Schlag [51] and Grafakos-Oh [37]. We refer to [37] for previous works, additional weak- type estimates, and counterexamples for the limitations on s. The case p = p = p = ∞ was then further considered by Grafakos-Maldonado- 1 2 Naibo [35] and completely resolved by Bourgain-Li [13]. 6 J.HART,R.H.TORRES,X.WU Motivated by applications in time-dependent partial differential equa- tions, there has also been some interest in obtaining Leibniz rules in the mixed Lebesgue spaces LpLq(Rn+1). The first such result involved a com- t x mutator estimates with fractional derivatives only in the space variable x and was obtain by Kenig-Ponce-Vega [43]. Torres-Ward [57] obtain then a result with the full derivatives in all variables. Denoting by Ds the frac- t,x tional derivatives in Rn+1, it was a shown in [57] that (19) kDts,x(fg)kLpLq . kfkLp1Lq1kDts,xgkLp2Lq2 +kDts,xfkLp1Lq1kgkLp2Lq2, for 1 < p,q,p ,q ,p ,q < ∞, 1 = 1 + 1 , 1 = 1 + 1, and s > 0. Notice 1 1 2 2 p p1 p2 q q1 q2 that this restricts the target indices p,q to be larger than 1. In this article, we adapt the arguments in [37] to mixed Lebesgue spaces and obtain kDs T (f,g)k t,x mν Lp,q (20) . kDts,−xµfkLp1Lq1kgkLp2Lq2 +kfkLp1Lq1kDts,−xµgkLp2Lq2 for 0 ≤ ν < 2n + 2, 1 < p ,q < ∞, i = 1,2, 1/p = 1/p + 1/p , 1/q = i i 1 2 1/q +1/q , and s ∈ 2N or s > max(0, n+1 −(n+1), n+1 −(n+1)). In 1 2 p q particular the case ν = 0 in (20) can beused to extend (19) to the full range 1/2 < p,q < ∞ for the appropriate values of s. We mention that other authors have considered mixed derivatives varia- tionsof (19)too. Whenn = 1, letDs andDs bethefractionalderivatives in x t the respective one-dimensional variables x and t. Benea-Muscalu [2] showed first that in R1+1, kDβDα(fg)k t x LpLq (21) . kfkLp1Lq1kDtβDxαgkLp2Lq2 +kDtβfkLp1Lq1kDxαgkLp2Lq2 +kDxαfkLp1Lq1kDtβgkLp2Lq2 +kDtβDxαfkLp1Lq1kgkLp2Lq2. forα,β > 0,1< p ,q ≤ ∞,1 ≤ p,q < ∞, 1 = 1 + 1 ,and 1 = 1 + 1 . The j j q q1 q2 p p1 p2 authors also state that the result hold in higher dimensions. In the case of Lebesgue spaces the analog mixed derivative version of (18) was previously studied by Muscalu et al [50]. Using different methods, Di Plinio and Ou [27] prove some multiplier resultswhichimplicitlyallowthemtoextended(21)tothecase1/2 < p <∞ provided α > max(0, 1 −1) and q ≥ 1. Finally, we recently became aware p of a new version [3] of the work of Benea-Muscalu [2], and another preprint [4] by the same authors treating (21) in the full quasi-Banach space case. The combined results of [3] and [4] allow for 1/2 < p < ∞ and 1/2 < q <∞ under the condition α,β > max(0, 1 − 1,1 − 1). Moreover, in an even p q more recent version [5] the same authors reduced the condition on β to β > max(0, 1 −1). q Wepointoutthatneither(21)implies(20)northeotherwayaround. Our proofof (19)iscarriedoutinalldimensionsnandallowsalso1/2 <p,q ≤ 1. In the context of mixed Lebesgue spaces, the version using full derivatives SMOOTHING BILINEAR OPERATORS AND LEIBNIZ-TYPE RULES 7 faces a new technical difficulty that forces us to consider versions of Hardy spaces in the mixed-norm setting. This does not seem to be the case in the mixed derivative situation, where one can iterate some vector valued estimates in x and t in some computations. We believe our arguments could be modified to give the mixed derivatives version (21) of Benea-Muscalu for thefull range of exponents too, butwe will not carry out such computations here. We are able to treat multipliers T with limited amount of regularity mν by applying some of the tools introduced by Tomita [54], and further de- veloped by Fujita-Tomita [32], Grafakos-Si [38], Grafakos-Miyachi-Tomita [36], Miyachi-Tomita [49], and Li-Sun[46] for ν = 0, and Chaffee-Torres-Wu [16] for ν > 0. The techniques for the boundedness results of multipliers (or rather paraproducts) in [27], [3], and [4] are then substantially different from ours. Once the boundedness of certain multiplier operators is estab- lished, the Leibniz rules follow by what are now familiar arguments, which also work on mixed Lebesgue spaces. As already mentioned, we follow the proof of the Leibniz rules in [37], which also share some features with the ones used in [51], [3], and [4], and the ones alluded to in [27]. One common ingredient is the important log estimate for the translated square function. The arguments given in [37] for such estimates immediately extend to the mixed-norm situation. AfterthedefinitionsinSection 2,alloftheresultsinvolvingmultiplierop- erators in Lebesguespaces are presented in Section 3. Ourmain resultthere isTheorem3.3. Wethenextend inSection 4thesmoothingandLeibnizrule estimates for T to mixed Lebesgue spaces, proving in Theorem 4.4 the mν analogous of Theorem 3.3 in this context. The Appendix at the end of this article has a technical estimate involving Hardy spaces in the context of mixed norms, which appears to be new. 2. Function spaces Let S(Rn) denote the Schwartz class of smooth, rapidly decreasing func- tions, with the its standard topology, and S′(Rn) be the topological dual of S(Rn). For a function f ∈ S(Rn), we take for definition of the Fourier transform the expression given by f(ξ) = f(x)e−ix·ξdx, ˆ Rn and, as usual, extend thisbdefinition to S′(Rn) by duality. Let S0(Rn) be the subspace of all f ∈ S(Rn) such that (22) f(x)xαdx = 0 ˆ Rn for all α ∈ Nn. 0 We have already defined in the introduction I f(ξ) = |ξ|−sf(ξ), for 0 < s s < n; and Dsf(ξ) = |ξ|sf(ξ), for any s > 0. These definitions certainly c b d b 8 J.HART,R.H.TORRES,X.WU make sense for any function in S(Rn). We can extend them to all s ∈ R in the same way, Dsf(ξ) = |ξ|sf(ξ), butrestricting f to S (Rn) when s < −n. 0 Note that since in such a case f(ξ) vanishes to infinite order at the origin and so Ds nowdmaps S (Rn)bcontinuously into S (Rn). Hence we can also 0 0 extend the definition of Ds to tbhe dual of S (Rn), which can be identified 0 as the class of distributions S′(Rn) modulo polynomials. Fixafunctionψ ∈ S (Rn)whoseFouriertransformissupportedin1/2 < 0 |ξ| < 2 and ψ(ξ) > c for 3/5 < |ξ| < 5/3 and for k ∈ Z define the 0 Littlewood-Paley operator b ∆ f = ψ ∗f, k 2−k where ψ (x) = 2knψ(2kx). We will call such function a Littlewood-Paley 2−k function. For 0 < p,q < ∞ and s ∈ R, we recall that the homogeneous Triebel- Lizorkin spaceF˙s,q is thecollection of all f ∈ S′(Rn)(modulopolynomials) p such that 1 q kfk = (2sk|∆ f(x)|)q <∞. F˙ps,q (cid:13)(cid:13) k∈Z k ! (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13) X (cid:13)Lp (cid:13) (cid:13) When this is taken modul(cid:13)o polynomials, it is a B(cid:13)anach space norm if 1 ≤ (cid:13) (cid:13) p,q < ∞ and a Banach quasi-norm if either p or q are less than 1. A choice of a different function ψ with the same properties stated above produce equivalent (quasi-)norms. Furthermore, we define W˙ s,p for s ∈ R and 0 < p < ∞tobethesetofallf ∈ S′(Rn)suchthatDsf ∈ Lp with(quasi-)norm kDsfk , and note that for 1 < p < ∞ and s ∈ R, one has W˙ s,p = F˙s,2 Lp p with comparable norms. In particular, F˙0,2 = Lp for that range of p. On p the other hand for 0 < p ≤ 1, F˙0,2 coincides with the Hardy space Hp. The p inhomogeneous versions aregiven by Fs,q = F˙s,q∩Lp andWs,p = W˙ s,p∩Lp. p p Similarly the homogeneous Besov spaces defined by the (quasi-)norms 1 q q kfk = 2skk∆ f(x)k B˙ps,q Xk∈Z(cid:16) k Lp(cid:17) ! and their inhomogeneous counterparts are given by Bs,q = B˙s,q ∩Lp. p p For the purposes of the article, we will only consider the mixed Lebesgue spaces LpLq(R×Rn), or simply LpLq(Rn+1), or LpLq(Rn+1), for 0< p,q < t x t x ∞, which for us will be defined by the (quasi-)norms 1/p p/q kfkLptLqx(Rn+1) = ˆR(cid:18)ˆRn|f(t,x)|q dx(cid:19) dt! . We could obtain, of course, versions of our results in mixed Lebesgue spaces defined by a different ordering of the variables, but we just consider the SMOOTHING BILINEAR OPERATORS AND LEIBNIZ-TYPE RULES 9 above one because of the significance in applications in partial differential equations. If ψ has the same properties as before but in Rn+1 and 1 < p,q < ∞, it also holds (see [57]) that 1 2 (23) kfkLptLqx(Rn+1) ≈ (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) Xk∈Z|∆kf|2! (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)LptLqx(Rn+1). (cid:13) (cid:13) Finally, we will need a mixed-n(cid:13)orm version of t(cid:13)he Hardy spaces. For 0 < (cid:13) (cid:13) p,q < ∞, the mixed Hardy space Hp,q(Rn+1) is defined to be the collection of all f ∈ S′(Rn+1) (modulo polynomials) such that 1 2 kfkHp,q(Rn+1) = (cid:13) |∆kf|2 (cid:13) < ∞. (cid:13)(cid:13) Xk∈Z ! (cid:13)(cid:13)LptLqx(Rn+1) (cid:13) (cid:13) Clearly, by definition and (2(cid:13)3), Hp,q(Rn+1) =(cid:13) LpLq(Rn+1) whenever 1 < (cid:13) (cid:13) p,q < ∞. When either p or q is less than or equal to one, there appears to be much less known about other properties of these spaces. We do mention that a different definition was given by Cleanthous-Georgiadis-Nielsen [21] using non-tangential maximal functions. They showed that their mixed Hardy spaces also coincide with mixed Lebesgue spaces when both indices are larger than one. We do not know if such mixed Hardy spaces coincide with the Hp,q(Rn+1) above for other values of p and q, but it is likely. Also, a wavelet characterization of Hp,q as defined above was obtained in Georgiadis-Johsen-Nielsen [33]. In any case, for our purposes,what we need is the following estimate. If 0 < q,p < ∞ and f ∈ Hp,q(Rn+1)∩L2(Rn+1), then (24) kfkLpLq(Rn+1) ≤ Cp,qkfkHp,q(Rn+1). Although the case p = q is well known, we could not locate in the literature the case p 6= q when either exponent is smaller or equal to one. We find this case to be rather non-trivial and we provide a proof in the Appendix. 3. Bilinear multipliers on Lebesgue spaces Our first result is concerned with the bilinear Fourier multipliers of the form T (f,g)(x) = m (ξ,η)ei(ξ+η)xf(ξ)g(η)dξdη mν ˆ ν R2n for 0≤ ν < 2n, and f,g ∈ S(Rn) where m satisfies the size condition ν b b (25) |m (ξ,η)| . (|ξ|+|η|)−ν. ν Note that the size condition (25) guarantees that the operators are well- defined and the integral is absolutely convergent. However, the multipliers T are not a priori boundedon Lebesgue spaces without regularity on m . mν ν 10 J.HART,R.H.TORRES,X.WU We will need the following auxiliary functions. Let M (Rn) be the col- ν lection of all sequences of functions {Φkν}k∈Z satisfying suppΦkν ⊂ {|(ξ,η)| ≈ 2k} and (26) |∂β∂γΦk(ξ,η)| ≤ C (|ξ|+|η|)ν−|β|−|γ|, ξ η ν β,γ for all (ξ,η) 6= 0 and all multi-indices β,γ ∈ Nn, whereC is aconstant in- 0 α,β dependentofk. Atypicalexampleis{Φk} := {(|ξ|2+|η|2)ν/2φ(2−kξ,2−kη)}, ν where φ is a Schwartz function supported in {|(ξ,η)| ≈ 1}. Thefollowing resultprovides a sufficient condition for T to besmooth- mν ing. In the case ν = 0 and m = 1 it is just the Leibniz rule (18) with the 0 same range of exponents in [37] and [51]. Theorem 3.1. Let m be a multipliers satisfying (25) for some 0 ≤ ν <2n, ν and let 1 < p ,p < ∞ and p be such that 1/p +1/p =1/p. Suppose that 1 2 1 2 (i) for any Φ ∈ C∞(R2n\{0}) satisfying (26), T is bounded from ν mνΦν Lp1 ×Lp2 to Lp with norm C , and 1 (ii) for any {Φk} ∈ M (Rn), {f } ∈ Lp1(ℓ2), and {g }∈ Lp2(ℓ2) ν ν k k k{TmνΦkν(fk,gk)}k∈ZkLp(ℓ1) ≤ C2k{fk}k∈ZkLp1(ℓ2)k{gk}k∈ZkLp2(ℓ2). Then for s ∈2N or s > max(0, n −n), and f,g ∈ S(Rn), p (27) kTmν(f,g)kW˙ s,p ≤ C′(kfkW˙ s−ν,p1kgkLp2 +kfkLp1kgkW˙ s−ν,p2). Moreover, if C ,C . A for some quantity A depending on m , then 1 2 mν mν ν C′ . A . mν The proof of Theorem 3.1 needs the following version of the Littlewood- Paley estimate that we take from [37]. Lemma 3.2 ([37]). Let m ∈ Zn\{0} and ψm(x) = ψ(x + m) for some Schwartz function ψ whose Fourier transform is supported in the annulus m m 1/2 ≤ |ξ| ≤ 2. Let ∆ (f) = Ψ ∗ f. Then for 1 < p < ∞ there is a j 2−j constant C = C(n,p) such that 1/2 (28) (cid:13)(cid:13) |∆mj (f)|2 (cid:13)(cid:13) ≤ Cln(1+|m|)kfkLp(Rn). (cid:13)(cid:13) Xj∈Z (cid:13)(cid:13)Lp(Rn) (cid:13)  (cid:13) We note(cid:13)for further use that t(cid:13)he proof of this result in [37] is based, as in (cid:13) (cid:13) the classical case, on the vector valued singular integral Tf(x)= K(x−y)f(y)dy = Ψ (x−y)f(y)dy ˆ ˆ 2−j Rn (cid:26) Rn (cid:27)j as an operator from Lp(Rn,C) → Lp(Rn,ℓ2) and showing that the kernel satisfies the H¨ormander integral condition ˆ kK(x−y)−K(x)kC→ℓ2dx ≤ ˆ |Ψ2−j(x−y)−Ψ2−j(x)|dx |x|>2|y| j∈Z |x|>2|y| X

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