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SmecticLiquidCrystals:MaterialswithOne-Dimensional, Periodic Order Randall D. Kamien and Christian D. Santangelo rd Department of Physics and Astronomy, 209 South 33 Street, University of 6 0 Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396, USA 0 2 6 December2005; revised 16 January 2006 n Abstract. Smectic liquid crystals are materials formed by stacking deformable, a fluidlayers.Thoughsmecticsprefertohaveflat,uniformly-spacedlayers,boundary J conditionscanimposecurvatureonthelayers.Sincethelayerspacingandcurvature 0 areintertwined,theproblemoffindingminimalconfigurationsforthelayersbecomes 2 highly nontrivial. We discuss various topological and geometrical aspects of these materials and present recent progress on finding some exact layer configurations. ] G Wealsoexhibitconnectionstothestudyofcertainembeddedminimalsurfacesand briefly summarize some important open problems. D . Keywords: mean curvatureflow, foliations, liquid crystals h t a m [ 1. Liquid Crystals: Phases in Between Liquid and Solid 1 First characterized at the end of the 19th century, liquid crystals have v 4 gone from chemical curiosities to important optical and electronic de- 9 vices (de Gennes and Prost, 1993). In fact, this article relied on liquid 4 crystal technology to be produced! As their odd name implies, liquid 1 0 crystalshavesomepropertiesofacrystalandsomeofaliquid.Whether 6 nematic, cholesteric, or smectic, all these phases flow (like a fluid), at 0 least in some directions, while transmitting torques and forces (like a / h crystal)inothers.Thephaseweconsiderhereisthesmectic-A phase.A t a crystalischaracterizedasaperiodicstructure(thesimplestofwhichare m lattices).Ad-dimensionalcrystalisaperiodicstructureinddimensions : withdindependentperiodicities.However, itispossibletohave alower v i numberofperiodsthanthannumberofdimensions.Focussingond = 3 X dimensions, a one-dimensional periodic structure is a smectic, a two- r dimensionalperiodicstructureisacolumnarphase,athree-dimensional a structure is a crystal, and a phase with no periodicity is a fluid. In this article we will consider smectic phases and discuss minima of the free energy 1 F = d3x B( Φ 1)2+K ( N)2 (1) 1 2 |∇ |− ∇· ZV n o where the density of material is ρ(x) cos[2πΦ(x)/a], a is the one- ∝ dimensional spacing of the layers and N = Φ/ Φ is a unit vector ∇ |∇ | c 2008 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. (cid:13) Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.1 2 RandallD.KamienandChristianD.Santangelo field, normal to the level sets of Φ. The constants B and K are the 1 bulkandbendmodulus,respectively,andtheintegralisoverthesample volume V. In particular we are interested in minima with non-trivial topologyondomainswhicharenotsimply-connected.Beforediscussing those solutions, we will review the origins of the functional in (1). A one-dimensional periodic structure in three dimensions can be represented as an L summable density wave in R3 2 ρ(x) = ∞ ρ eijqx (2) j · j= X−∞ where ρ = ρ , so that ρ(x) real, and q is a vector pointing along ∗j j − the direction of the modulation with magnitude 2π/a, where a is the spacing between the “layers”. Each Fourier mode ρ for j = 0 is an j 6 order parameter for the smectic: if ρ = 0 for all j = 0, then the j 6 material is a fluid, while if some ρ is nonvanishing, it is a smectic. j Sinceais thespacingbetween thelayers, it is sufficientto keep track of just ρ since the presence of the fundamental mode is enough to signal 1 the order. Truncating (1) to the first non-trivial mode and writing ρ = ρ e 2πiu/a (Chaikin and Lubensky, 1995) we have 1 1 − | | 2π ρ(x) =ρ +2ρ cos (qˆ x u) (3) 0 1 | | a · − (cid:20) (cid:21) To study deformations and fluctuations of this periodic structure, we promote u from a constant to a scalar field u(x). This results in an Eulerian description of the material, i.e. the layers sit at surfaces of constantΦ(x) qˆ x u(x)or,equivalently, atthepeaksof thedensity ≡ · − wave. An alternative description is Lagrangian, in which we label each fiducial plane defined by qˆ x = n and consider deformations about n · these. When the deformations are small they can be represented as a height function or graph over each plane. If we choose our coordinates so that qˆ= zˆ, then n = h (x,y) u[x,y,h (x,y)] (4) n n − However, a unique solution for h requires that the deformed surface n not have any overhangs and, moreover, awkwardly mixes spatial co- ordinates with the Lagrangian coordinate n which labels the original surface.Despite this,as wewillsee subsequently,in restricted cases the Lagrangian representation is a useful tool. There are three essential actors in the free energy of smectics: the layer compression or strain, the bending or mean curvature, and the topology of the surfaces characterized by the intrinsic or Gaussian Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.2 SmecticLiquidCrystals 3 curvature. Using the phase field Φ, related to the density ρ via ρ ∝ cos(2πΦ/a), the unit layer normal is Φ N = ∇ (5) Φ |∇ | At a point on a surface, the two principle radii of curvature R and R 1 2 determine the two curvatures κ 1/R . These two curvatures can be i i ≡ combined into the mean curvature H = 1(κ +κ ) and the Gaussian 2 1 2 curvature K = κ κ . The former is a measure of the bending of the 1 2 layers in space, while the latter is an intrinsic quantity which is a local measure of geometric distortion and can be applied globally to gather topologicalinformation.Fortunately, thesequantitiesmaybeexpressed in terms of the layer normal: (Kamien, 2002) 1 H = N (6) 2∇· (cid:12)Φ(x,y,z)=c (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) K = [N(cid:12)( N) (N )N] (7) 2∇· ∇· − ·∇ (cid:12)Φ(x,y,z)=c (cid:12) (cid:12) where the expressions are evaluated on one of t(cid:12)he level sets of Φ. By working in this set of coordinates, it is possible to free these geometric quantities from the surfaces and, as we will show, allows us to relate different terms in the free energy. Because smectics have a preferred layer spacing, a, there is nec- essarily a strain energy associated with changing this spacing. While the two curvatures are natural from the geometric point of view, an expression for the compression strain is not as well defined. Returning to the family of equally spaced layers, we have na= Φ(x +anN) and n so, differentiating with respect to n, find that 1 = N Φ(x +anN) (8) n ·∇ which implies that Φ = 1. Thus the strain, when expressed in |∇ | terms of Φ must vanish when this condition holds (Kleman, 1983). For instance, we can define the strain u as zz u 1 Φ = 1 N Φ (9) zz ≡ −|∇ | − ·∇ or an alternate strain u˜ as zz 1 u˜ 1 ( Φ)2 (10) zz ≡ 2 − ∇ h i both of which vanish when Φ = 1. Moreover, in terms of u, the |∇ | Eulerian displacement field, it follows that u ∂ u + u2 and zz z ≈ O (cid:0) (cid:1) Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.3 4 RandallD.KamienandChristianD.Santangelo u˜ ∂ u+ u2 are identical to linear order in u and differ only zz z ≈ O in their nonlinear terms. Therefore, when considering the quadratic (cid:0) (cid:1) compression energy: 1 F = d3xBu2 (11) c 2 zz Z the harmonic term is independent of the specific choice of u – the zz lineartermwillalwaysbe∂ u.Whileu˜ arisesnaturallyfromaLandau z zz theory description of the nematic to smectic transition (de Gennes, 1972), there is no compelling reason to choose it over u – both are zz invariantunderrotations andvanishforequallyspacedlayers.Thecon- stant B is known as the bulk modulusand controls compression modes of the layers. As we will show in the following, the use of u allows zz us to further develop the geometric theory of smectics 1. In a similar vein, one could argue that the mean curvature H could be replaced by 1 2Φ. However, the nonlinear form H = 1 N unambiguously has 2∇ 2∇· the Laplacian as the first term in an expansion in powers of u, while there are many nonlinear generalizations of the Laplacian, including the full mean curvature. Putting this all together we have (Santangelo and Kamien, 2005a) B F = d3x [1 N Φ]2+λ2( N)2 , (12) 2 − ·∇ ∇· Z n o where the last term is the contribution of the layer curvature to the energy, and is quadratic in the radii of curvature. The constant λ = K /B has units of length and sets the natural lengthscale for defor- 1 mations. For the sake of consistency, one should add to this expression p a term of the form F = K¯ d3x [( N)N (N )N], (13) K ∇· ∇· − ·∇ ZV coming from the Gaussian curvature. Since this term is a total deriva- tive, it can be reduced to an integral on the boundary and, therefore, cannot play a role in the minimization of the energy that determines theconfigurationofthelayers.Theusualgroundstatewhichminimizes (12) depends on an arbitrary unit vector n: Φ = n x, corresponding · to equally spaced layers along the n direction. The free energy of this solution vanishes since N = n is constant and Φ = n =1. |∇ | | | It will become clear why we have chosen this nonlinear form for u . In the following section, however, we will linearize this theory – a zz process which results in an unambiguous form for u . zz 1 Indeeduzz =1 √1 2u˜zz =u˜zz+ u˜2zz and soenergies based onuzz will differfrom those wit−h u˜zz−only by anharmOonic terms. (cid:0) (cid:1) Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.4 SmecticLiquidCrystals 5 Onlyinveryfewcasescanwesatisfythetermsintheenergyindivid- ually. The difficulty of this problem has to do with the nontrivial way that the terms in equation (12) interact. It is instructive to consider a familyof evenly spaced layers x (s ,s )parameterized by (s ,s ),with n 1 2 1 2 x = x +naN. At any point (s ,s ) on x , we have the two principal n 0 1 2 0 curvaturesκ andκ . Theradii of curvature of the nth layer are just 1,0 2,0 R = R +na from which it follows that i,n i,0 κ i,0 κ = (14) i,n 1+naκ i,0 From the definitions of H and K it follows that the curvatures of the nth layer are: K 0 K = (15) n 1+2naH +n2a2K 0 0 H +naK 0 0 H = (16) n 1+2naH +n2a2K 0 0 Thus if the layers are evenly spaced, the only way for the bending to vanish for all layers (H = 0) is for K (and thus K ) to vanish (Di- n 0 n Donna and Kamien, 2003). This interplay between even spacing, the Gaussiancurvature,andthemeancurvatureis arecurringmotif inthis work and will be discussed further in the following. It is clear that in order to have configurations with non-vanishing curvature, the layer spacing must necessarily vary. 1.1. Topological Defects The ground state or equilibrium configuration of the field u subject to boundary conditions is the goal of our analysis. While the boundary conditions at infinity can usually be taken to be u = 0 or u = 0, ∇ we may introduce additional boundary conditions via topological de- fects (Chaikin and Lubensky,1995). Inparticular, becauseΦ is aphase field, it can wind by multiples of 2π around defects. In the so-called “London limit”, we simply remove a line from R3 around which the phase winds. It is possible to instead allow the density ρ to vary in 1 space: the solution to the full equation has ρ vanishing at the core 1 of the defect rendering the energy finite. This extra complication is tangential to our discussion and we will use the London theory in the following. Much of the physical understanding of defects comes from the lin- earized form of the theory or, equivalently, the quadratic energy (Kle- man, 1983; de Gennes and Prost, 1993): B 2 F = d3x (∂ u)2+λ2 2u (17) l z 2 Z (cid:20) (cid:16)∇⊥ (cid:17) (cid:21) Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.5 6 RandallD.KamienandChristianD.Santangelo The first term is the linearized compression strain and measures the stretching along the layer direction, taken to be zˆ. We define = ∇⊥ xˆ∂ +yˆ∂y,thegradientintheplaneperpendiculartozˆ,andseethatthe x second term is the Laplacian in that plane, which we recognize as the linearized form of the mean curvature, H. It is important to note that theoriginaltheorywasquadraticinthestrainu andthecurvatureH. zz There is no reason, physical or otherwise, that this truncation should be valid – it is used primarily because of its solvability. In addition, the ambiguity arising from the freedom to choose different forms of the nonlinear free energy does not arise in the linear theory. In order for the density to be single-valued, we have u dℓ = na (18) ∇ · IΓ for some n Z whenever the contour Γ goes around the defect. The ∈ combination na= b is called the Burgers vector (Chaikin and Luben- − sky, 1995). This can be promoted to differential form by introducing a defect density m(x) which is a vector field pointing along the defect line (de Gennes and Prost, 1993). The defect line is along the curve r(s) R3 with local unit tangent t(s)= dr/ds and we write ∈ L m(x) = na δ3[x r(s)]t(s) (19) − Z0 It follows that m = 0 for defect lines that either run off to infinity ∇· or are closed loops. From Stoke’s theorem, we have the local condition: u= m (20) ∇×∇ To find the ground state configuration of the smectic in the presence of defects, we write u as the sum of a regular part σ and a singular part τ so that ∂ u= ∂ σ+τ with τ = m (de Gennes and Prost, 1993). i i i ∇× This is most easily done in Fourier space where iq m(q) τ(q) = − × (21) q2 where we have chosen τ = 0, absorbing any of the longitudinal parts of τ into σ. Havi∇ng· enforced the boundary conditions via the introduction of the singular part of u, we insert the expression for u ∇ into the free energy and minimize over the remaining variable, σ. This results in δF zˆ (q m) 0= l = B q2+λ2q4 σ q 1 λ2q2 · × (22) δσ (cid:26)h z ⊥i − z(cid:16) − ⊥(cid:17) q2 (cid:27) Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.6 SmecticLiquidCrystals 7 so that q 1 λ2q2 (q m q m ) z x y y x σ(q) = − − (23) q2 q⊥2+λ2q4 (cid:0) z(cid:1) ⊥ and (cid:0) (cid:1) Bλ2 d3q zˆ (q m)2 F = | · × | (24) l 2 (2π)3 q2+λ2q4 Z z ⊥ Because of the anisotropy of the smectic, we can have defects which areparalleltothespecial,zˆaxisanddefectswhichareperpendicularto it.Theformerarecalledscrewdislocationswhilethelatterareknownas edge dislocations (Kleman, 1983). Defects can, of course, have a mixed character when they are oblique to the zˆ axis. For an edge dislocation pointing along the yˆ axis, m = nayˆδ(x)δ(z) or m(q) = (2π)nayˆδ(q ). y In order to calculate the energy we will need a long length cutoff L /2 y for q and a short distance cutoff q = π/ξ for q . We have y max z Bλ2n2a2 q2 F = dq dq x δ(q = 0) edge 4π x zq2+λ2q4 y Z z x BL √λn2a2 qmax 1 y = dq z 4√2 Z−qmax |qz| BL n2a2√π λ p y = (25) √2 sξ sothattheenergyperunitlength(F/L )isfinite(deGennesandProst, y 1993;Kleman,1983).Forascrewdislocation,m = nazˆδ(x)δ(y)andthe free energy vanishes meaning that the smooth part of u can “screen” the strain from the boundary at the defect. The spatially dependent solutions for the edge and screw dislocations are na x2 x u = exp 1,0, (26) edge ∇ 4 πλ|z| (−4λ|z|)(cid:20) −z(cid:21) na u = p [y, x,0] (27) ∇ screw 2π(x2+y2) − respectively. 1.2. The Edge Again It is instructive to notice that the result for edge dislocation is simply the gradient of x u(y,z) = sgn(z)b 1 √2λ|z| dte t2/2 (28) − − 2√2π Z−∞ Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.7 8 RandallD.KamienandChristianD.Santangelo where we will now switch to the Burgers vector b = na. For z > 0, − we have ∂ λ∂2 u = 0 while for z < 0, ∂ +λ∂2 u = 0. There is a z − x z x discontinuity between the upper and lower half planes which precisely (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) enforces the condition (18). To see this, we take the clockwise path in the yz plane, starting at (y,z) = ( ,0 ), going to (+ ,0 ), to − − −∞ ∞ (+ ,0+) and back to ( ,0+). We have ∞ −∞ u dℓ = u( ,0+) u( ,0+) + u( ,0+) u( ,0 ) − ∇ · −∞ − ∞ ∞ − ∞ ZΓ +(cid:2) u( ,0 ) u( ,(cid:3)0 )(cid:2) (cid:3) − − ∞ − −∞ b b = b(cid:2) = b (cid:3) (29) 2 − − 2 − Using this result, we can calculate the energy directly by noting that B 2 F = d3x ∂ u λ 2u 2λ∂ u 2u (30) l z z 2 ZM (cid:26)h ∓ ∇⊥ i ± ∇⊥ (cid:27) B 2 = d3x ∂ u λ 2u z 2 ZM (cid:26)h ∓ ∇⊥ i (cid:27) 1 Bλ d3x (∂ u u) ∂ ( u)2 z z ± ZM (cid:26)∇⊥· ∇⊥ − 2 ∇⊥ (cid:27) We take M to be all of R3. In the upper half plane, we pick the minus sign,whilein the lower half planethe plussign so thatthe firstintegral over M vanishes and the second becomes a surface integral over ∂M, the xy plane. We see then that the energy is b2 x2 F = BλL ∞ dx exp − l y 16πλξ Z−∞ (2λξ′) BL b2 λ y = (31) 8√2π sξ′ where,again,wehaveintroducedashort-distancez cutoff,ξ .Bychoos- ′ ing ξ = ξ/(64π2) the two expressions for the energy can be made to ′ agree.Theimportantpointis thattheenergy hasthesamedependence on the physical parameters, b, B and λ. The insight of Bogomoln’yi, Prasad, and Sommerfield, was to turn thiscalculation around:by rewritingthefreeenergyas aperfectsquare plus a total derivative we can bound the energy from below simply throughtheboundaryconditions(Bogomol’nyi, 1976;PrasadandSom- merfield, 1975). Moreover, when there are solutions of the lower order differential equation in the perfect square satisfying the appropriate boundaryconditions, theenergy arisessolely from theboundarycondi- tions. Such states are called BPS states and their energy is sometimes Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.8 SmecticLiquidCrystals 9 called “topological” because of its sole dependence on the boundary conditions. Inthenextsection weconsidertherotationally invariantmodelwith this decomposition in mind. 2. Rotational Invariance: From Here to Nonlinearity The quadratic approximation employed in the previous section has the drawback that it does not preserve the invariance of the free energy under rigid rotations of the layered structure. This rotation invariance is preserved by the higher order terms that would appear in an explicit expansion of the energy in the deformation u(x,y,z). As it happens, these nonlinear terms are crucial for understanding a number of physi- cal phenomena not captured by the quadratic approximation, yet they rendertheenergytoocomplexforastraightforwardanalyticalsolution. 2.1. BPS Solutions In the full free energy, there are also exact minima that satisfy a BPS flow equation (Santangelo and Kamien, 2003; Santangelo and Kamien, 2005a). We start with the nonlinear theory (12): B F = d3x [1 N Φ]2+λ2( N)2 2 − ·∇ ∇· Z n o Following the discussion in the last section, we complete the square yielding: B F = d3x (1 Φ λ N)2+2λ(1 Φ ) N (32) 2 −|∇ |− ∇· −|∇ | ∇· Z h i While the first cross term is a total derivative ( N), the second is ∇ · not. However, we write Φ N = [N( N)] Φ |∇ |∇· ∇· ·∇ = [N( N) (N )N] Φ (33) ∇· − ·∇ ·∇ where the additional term vanishes because N2 = 1 and N Φ. Re- ||∇ casting this in terms of the geometric invariants, we have 1 Φ H = Φ[N( N) (N )N] KΦ (34) |∇ | 2∇·{ ∇· − ·∇ }− Thus, we can convert the cross term in (32) into a total derivative plus a purely geometric quantity (Santangelo and Kamien, 2005a): B F = d3x (1 Φ λ N)2+4λΦK 2 " −|∇ |− ∇· Z Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.9 10 RandallD.KamienandChristianD.Santangelo +2λ N Φ[N( N) (N )N] (35) ∇·{ − ∇· − ·∇ }# If we restrict ourselves to systems for which K = 0, we again have the BPS decomposition. Fortunately, edge dislocations introduce layer bending in only one direction, and hence a single edge dislocation could be a BPS configuration, as could be a collection of parallel edge defects. Whether or not such configurations exist depends on whether all boundary conditions of the problem can be fulfilled by the lower order “BPS” equation: 1 Φ = λ N (36) −|∇ | ∇· WehavestudiedthisequationnumericallybyswitchingtoLagrangian coordinatesforthelayers.Intermsoflayersdescribedbyanembedding X for layers labeled by n, this can be rewritten as the flow equation n a N ∂ X = (37) n n · 1 2λH − where we have used ∂Φ/∂n = a. If we start with a layer at n = 0 with vanishing Gaussian curvature, this flow generates new surfaces with vanishing Gaussian curvature, enabling us to find an exact solution for smectics with multiple parallel edge dislocations and to determine the energy due to bending the surrounding layers. The nonlinear BPS equation precludes, on the surface, superposition. However, in terms of u˜ = (z Φ)/λ and the new variables α= x/√λz and β = z/λ, we find − an expansion around β = (Santangelo and Kamien, 2005a): ∞ 1 1 0 = ∂ u˜ α(1 ∂ u˜)3∂ u˜+ (1 ∂ u˜)2 2∂2u˜ (∂ u˜)2 β − β2(1 ∂βu˜)3( − β α − β − β α − h i 1 4(1 ∂ u˜)∂ u˜∂ ∂ u˜+2(1 ∂ u˜)2∂2u˜ + (38) − − β α α β − β α ) O(cid:18)β2(cid:19) Thus, for large β, we may write our solutions as a power series around β = . The lowest order, non-trivial equation for u˜ = f(α) is indepen- ∞ dent of β and satisfies 1 α∂ f +(∂ f)2 +∂2f = 0 (39) 2 α α α h i Through the Hopf-Cole transformation S = exp f/2 we have { } α∂ S +2∂2S = 0, (40) α α a linear equation. Kamien_Santangelo.tex; 2/02/2008; 3:38; p.10

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