International J.Math. Combin. Vol.3(2017), 1-9 Smarandache Curves of Curves lying on Lightlike Cone in R3 1 Tanju Kahraman1 and Hasan Hu¨seyin U˘gurlu2 1. CelalBayarUniversity,DepartmentofMathematics,Manisa-Turkey. 2. GaziUniversity,GaziFacultyofEducation,MathematicsTeachingProgram,Ankara-Turkey. E-mail: [email protected],[email protected] Abstract: Inthispaper,weconsiderthenotionoftheSmarandachecurvesbyconsidering the asymptotic orthonormal frames of curves lying fully on lightlike cone in Minkowski 3- spaceR3. WegivetherelationshipsbetweenSmarandachecurvesandcurveslyingonlightlike 1 cone in R3. 1 Key Words: Minkowski 3-space, Smarandache curves,lightlike cone, curvatures. AMS(2010): 53A35, 53B30, 53C50 §1. Introduction In the study of the fundamental theory and the characterizations of space curves, the related curvesforwhichthereexistcorrespondingrelationsbetweenthecurvesareveryinterestingand an important problem. The most fascinating examples of such curves are associated curves and special curves. Recently, a new special curve is called Smarandache curve is defined by Turgut and Yılmaz in Minkowski space-time [9]. These curves are called Smarandache curves: IfaregularcurveinEuclidean3-space,whosepositionvectoris composedbyFrenetvectorson another regular curve, then the curve is called a Smarandache Curve. Then, Ali have studied Smarandache curves in the Euclidean 3-space E3[1]. Kahraman and U˘gurlu have studied dual 2 Smarandachecurves of curves lying on unit dual sphereS˜ in dual space D3 [3] and they have studied dual Smarandache curves of curves lying on unit dual hyperbolic sphere H˜2 in D3 0 1 [4]. Also, Kahraman,O¨nder and U˘gurlu have studied Blaschke approachto dual Smarandache curves [2] Inthispaper,weconsiderthenotionoftheSmarandachecurvesbymeansoftheasymptotic orthonormal frames of curves lying fully on Lightlike cone in Minkowski 3-space R3. We show 1 the relationships between frames and curvatures of Smarandache curves and curves lying on lightlike cone in R3. 1 §2. Preliminaries The Minkowski 3-space R3 is the real vector space R3 provided with the standart flat metric 1 1ReceivedNovember25,2016,Accepted August2,2017. 2 TanjuKahramanandHasanHu¨seyinUg˘urlu given by , = dx2+dx2+dx2 h i − 1 2 3 where(x ,x ,x )isarectangularcoordinatesystemofIR3. Anarbitraryvector~v =(v ,v ,v ) 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 in R3 can have one of three Lorentzian causal characters; it can be spacelike if ~v,~v > 0 or 1 h i ~v = 0, timelike if ~v,~v < 0 and null (lightlike) if ~v,~v = 0 and ~v = 0. Similarly, an arbitrary h i h i 6 curve ~x=~x(s) can locally be spacelike, timelike or null (lightlike), if all of its velocity vectors ~x(s) are respectively spacelike, timelike or null (lightlike) [6, 7]. We say that a timelike vector ′ is future pointing or past pointing if the first compound of the vector is positive or negative, respectively. Foranyvectors~a=(a ,a ,a )and~b=(b ,b ,b )inR3,inthemeaningofLorentz 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 vector product of~a and~b is defined by e e e 1 2 3 − − ~a×~b=(cid:12)(cid:12) a1 a2 a3 (cid:12)(cid:12)=(a2b3−a3b2, a1b3−a3b1, a2b1− a1b2). (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) b b b (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 2 3 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Denoteby T~, N(cid:12)~, B~ themoving(cid:12)Frenetalongthecurvex(s)intheMinkowskispaceR3. 1 For an arbitrarynspacelikeocurve x(s) in the space R3, the following Frenet formulae are given 1 ([8]), T~ 0 κ 0 T~ ′ N~ = εκ 0 τ N~ ′ − B~ 0 ετ 0 B~ ′ where T~,T~ =1, N~,N~ =ε= 1, B~,B~ = ε, T~,N~ = T~,B~ = N~,B~ =0andκ ± − andτ aDrecurEvatureDandtoErsionofthespDacelikEecurvex(Ds)respEectiDvely[1E0]. HDere,εEdetermines the kind of spacelike curve x(s). If ε = 1, then x(s) is a spacelike curve with spacelike first principal normal N~ and timelike binormal B~. If ε = 1, then x(s) is a spacelike curve with − timelike principal normal N~ and spacelike binormal B~ [8]. Furthermore, for a timelike curve x(s) in the space R3, the following Frenet formulae are given in as follows, 1 T~ 0 κ 0 T~ ′ N~ = κ 0 τ N~ ′ B~ 0 τ 0 B~ ′ − where T~,T~ = 1, N~,N~ = B~,B~ = 1, T~,N~ = T~,B~ = N~,B~ = 0 and κ and τ − are curDvatureEand torsDion ofEthe tDimelikEe curveDx(s) rEespecDtivelyE[10].D E Curves lying on lightlike cone are examined using moving asymptotic frame which is de- noted by ~x, α~, ~y along the curve x(s) lying fully on lightlike cone in the Minkowski space { } R3. 1 For an arbitrary curve x(s) lying on lightlike cone in R3, the following asymptotic frame 1 SmarandacheCurvesofCurveslyingonLightlikeConeinIR3 3 1 formulae are given by ~x 0 1 0 ~x ′ α~ = κ 0 1 α~ ′ − ~y 0 κ 0 ~y ′ − where ~x,~x = ~y,~y = ~x,α~ = ~y,α~ =0, ~x,~y = α~,α~ =1 and κ is curvature function of h i h i h i h i h i h i curve α(s) [5]. §3. Smarandache Curves of Curves lying on Lightlike Cone in Minkowski 3-Space R3 1 In this section, we firstdefine the four different type of the Smarandachecurvesofcurves lying fullyonlightlikeconeinR3. Then,bytheaidofasymptoticframe,wegivethecharacterizations 1 between reference curve and its Smarandache curves. 3.1 Smarandache ~xα~-curves of curves lying on lightlike cone in R3 1 Definition 3.1 Let x = x(s) be a unit speed regular curve lying fully on lightlike cone and ~x,α~,~y be its moving asymptotic frame. The curve α defined by 1 { } α~ (s)=~x(s)+α~(s) (3.1) 1 is called the Smarandache ~xα~-curve of x and α fully lies on Lorentzian sphere S2. 1 1 Now,wecangivethe relationshipsbetweenxanditsSmarandache~xα~-curveα asfollows. 1 Theorem 3.1 Let x=x(s) be a unit speed regular curve lying on Lightlike cone in R3. Then 1 the relationships between the asymptotic frame of x and Frenet of its Smarandache ~xα~-curve α are given by 1 κ 1 1 T~1 κ′+κ(√1κ−′2κ2κ+1) κ′+√21κ−24κκ2 2√κ1−−κ′2κ1 ~x N~1 = (1 −2κ)−2√A (1 2κ)−2√A (1 −2κ)2−√A α~ (3.2) B~1 √−1−−21κ√A (1−−2κκ)3′/2√A (1κ−′−2+κκ)−3/22κ√2A ~y where κ is curvature function of x(s) and A is (2κ 1)(κ)2+(8κ 8κ2 2)κ 16κ4 24κ3+4κ2 2κ ′ ′ A= − − − − − − . (1 2κ)4 − Proof LettheFrenetofSmarandache~xα~-curvebe T~ ,N~ ,B~ . Sinceα~ (s)=~x(s)+α~(s) 1 1 1 1 n o 4 TanjuKahramanandHasanHu¨seyinUg˘urlu and T~ =α~ / α~ , we have 1 ′1 k ′1k κ 1 1 T~ = ~x(s)+ α~(s) ~y(s) (3.3) 1 √1 2κ √1 2κ − √1 2κ − − − where ds 1 1 = and κ< . ds1 √1 2κ 2 − Since N~ =T~′ T~ , we get 1 1 1′ .(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) κ (cid:13)κκ(cid:13) +κ 2κ2 κ +2κ 4κ2 2κ κ 1 N~ = ′− ′ − ~x(s)+ ′ − α~(s)+ − ′− ~y(s) (3.4) 1 (1 2κ)2√A (1 2κ)2√A (1 2κ)2√A − − − where (2κ 1)(κ)2+(8κ 8κ2 2)κ 16κ4 24κ3+4κ2 2κ ′ ′ A= − − − − − − . (1 2κ)4 − Then from B~ =T~ N~ , we have 1 1 1 × 1 κ κ 2κ2+κ B~ = − ~x(s)+ ′ α~(s)+ ′− ~y(s). (3.5) 1 √1−2κ√A (1 2κ)3/2√A (1 2κ)3/2√A − − From (3.3)-(3.5) we have (3.2). 2 Theorem 3.2 The curvature function κ of Smarandache ~xα~-curve α according to curvature 1 1 function of curve x is given by √A κ = . (3.6) 1 (1 2κ)2 − Proof Since κ = T~ . Using the equation (3.3), we get the desired equality (3.6). 1 1′ 2 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Corollary 3.1 If curve x is a line. Then Smarandache ~xα~-curve α is line. 1 Theorem3.3 Torsionτ ofSmarandache~xα~-curveα accordingtocurvaturefunctionofcurve 1 1 x is as follows A A +2κA κκA κA 2κκA +4κ2A Aκ 2Aκ+2κκ A ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′′ τ = − − − − − − 1 (1 2κ)3A2 − κA Aκκ2+κκ A κ2A 6Aκκ 3Aκ′2 + ′ − ′ ′ ′′ − ′ ′− ′− 1−2κ (1 2κ)4A2 − dB 1 Proof Sinceτ = ,N . Usingderivationoftheequation(3.5),weobtainthewanted 1 1 ds (cid:28) 1 (cid:29) equation. 2 SmarandacheCurvesofCurveslyingonLightlikeConeinIR3 5 1 Corollary 3.2 If Smarandache ~xα~-curve α is a plane curve. Then, we obtain 1 A A′+2κA′ κκ′A κ′A′ 2κκ′A′+4κ2A Aκ′ 2Aκ+2κκ′′A − − − − − − 3Aκ2 (cid:0)+(1 2κ)+κ′A Aκκ′2+κ′κ′′A κ′2A′ 6Aκκ′ ′ =0. (cid:1) − − − − − 1 2κ − 3.2 Smarandache ~x~y-curves of curves lying on Lightlike cone in R3 1 In this section, we define the second type of Smarandache curves that is called Smarandache ~x~y-curve. Then, we give the relationships between the curve lying on lightlike cone and its Smarandache ~x~y-curve. Definition 3.2 Let x = x(s) be a unit speed regular curve lying fully on lightlike cone and ~x,α~,~y be its moving asymptotic frame. The curve α defined by 2 { } 1 α~ (s)= (~x(s)+~y(s)) 2 √2 is called the Smarandache ~x~y-curve of x and fully lies on Lorentzian sphere S2. 1 Now,we cangivethe relationshipsbetweenxandits Smarandache~x~y-curveα asfollows. 2 Theorem 3.4 Let x = x(s) be a unit speed regular curve lying on lightlike cone in R3. Then 1 the relationships between the asymptotic frame of x and Frenet of its Smarandache ~x~y-curve α 2 are given by T~ 0 1 0 ~x 2 N~2 = √κ2κ 0 √−12κ α~ − − B~2 √12κ 0 √−κ2κ ~y − − where κ is curvature function of x(s). Theorem 3.5 The curvature function κ of Smarandache ~x~y-curve α according to curvature 2 2 function of curve x is given κ =√ 2κ. 2 − Corollary 3.3 Curve x is a line if and only if Smarandache ~x~y-curve α is line. 2 Theorem 3.6 Torsion τ ofSmarandache~x~y-curveα according tocurvaturefunctionofcurve 2 2 x is as follows 2√2κ ′ τ = − . 2 4κ2 4κ3 − Corollary 3.4 If Smarandache ~x~y-curve α is a plane curve. Then, curvature κ of curve x is 2 constant. 6 TanjuKahramanandHasanHu¨seyinUg˘urlu 3.3 Smarandache α~~y-curves of curves lying on lightlike cone in R3 1 In this section, we define the third type of Smarandache curves that is called Smarandache α~~y-curve. Then, we give the relationships between the curve lying on lightlike cone and its Smarandache α~~y-curve. Definition 3.3 Let x = x(s) be a unit speed regular curve lying fully on lightlike cone and ~x,α~,~y be its moving asymptotic frame. The curve α defined by 3 { } α~ (s)=α~(s)+~y(s) 3 is called the Smarandache α~~y-curve of x and fully lies on Lorentzian sphere S2. 1 Now we can give the relationships between x and its Smarandacheα~~y-curve α as follows. 3 Theorem 3.7 Let x = x(s) be a unit speed regular curve lying on lightlike cone in R3. Then 1 the relationships between the asymptotic frame of x and Frenet of its Smarandache α~~y-curve α 3 are given by T~3 √κ2κ 2κ √κ−2κ2κ √κ−212κ ~x N~3 = −κ4√+A−2κ3 −2κ2κ′+4κ√κA−′+2κ3−4κ2 κκ′−κ′√+A−κ3−2κ2 α~ B~3 −3κ2κ′+√5Aκ√κ′−κ2κ−4+2κ4κ3−4κ2 √κA2√κ′κ−2κ−κ2′κ κ5−4κ4√+4Aκ√3+κ22κ−32κκ′−4κ2κ′ ~y where κ is curvature function of x(s) and A is A=(4κ4 16κ3+16κ2)(κ′)2+κ′( 10κ5+38κ4 36κ3) 2κ7+12κ6 24κ5+16κ4. − − − − − Theorem 3.8 The curvature function κ of Smarandache α~~y-curve α according to curvature 3 3 function of curve x is given (4κ4 16κ3+16κ2)(κ)2+κ( 10κ5+38κ4 36κ3) 2κ7+12κ6 24κ5+16κ4 κ = − ′ ′ − − − − . 3 (κ2 2κ)2 p − Corollary 3.5 If curve x is a line. Then, Smarandache α~~y-curve α is line. 3 Theorem3.9 Torsionτ ofSmarandache α~~y-curveα according tocurvaturefunctionofcurve 3 3 x is as follows τ = b1 κκ′−κ′+κ3−2κ2 + 2b2(κ−κ′) b3κ2 3 A(κ2 2κ) A − A (cid:0) − (cid:1) SmarandacheCurvesofCurveslyingonLightlikeConeinIR3 7 1 where b ,b and b are 1 2 3 b1 = 6κ(κ′)2+9κ2κ′+5(κ′)2+5κκ′′ 4κ3κ′ 8κκ′ − − − A κκ κ +(3κ2κ′ 5κκ′+κ4 4κ3+4κ2) ′ + ′− ′ − − 2A κ2 2κ (cid:18) − (cid:19) A κκ κ b2 = (κ2−κ)κ′′+(2κ−1)(κ′)2−(κ2κ′−κκ′) 2A′ + κ2′−2κ′ (cid:18) − (cid:19) b = (5κ2 16κ+12)κ2κ +(2κ 8)κ(κ)2+2κ3κ 3 ′ ′ ′′ − − A κκ κ (2κ3κ′ 4κ2κ′+κ5 4κ4+4κ3) ′ + ′− ′ . − − − 2A κ2 2κ (cid:18) − (cid:19) Corollary 3.6 If Smarandache α~~y-curve α is a plane curve. Then, we obtain 3 b κκ κ +κ3 2κ2 +(κ2 2κ) 2b (κ κ) b κ2 =0. 1 ′ ′ 2 ′ 3 − − − − − (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 3.4 Smarandache ~xα~~y-curves of curves lying on lightlike cone in R3 1 In this section, we define the fourth type of Smarandache curves that is called Smarandache ~xα~~y-curve. Then, we give the relationships between the curve lying on lightlike cone and its Smarandache ~xα~~y-curve. Definition 3.4 Let x = x(s) be a unit speed regular curve lying fully on Lightlike cone and ~x,α~,~y be its moving asymptotic frame. The curves α and α defined by 4 5 { } (i) α~ (s)= 1 (~x(s)+α~(s)+~y(s)); 4 √3 (ii) α~ (s)= ~x(s)+α~(s)+~y(s) 5 − 2 are called the Smarandache ~xα~~y-curves of x and fully lies on Lorentzian sphere S and hyper- 1 bolic sphere H3. 0 Now, we can give the relationships between x and its Smarandache ~xα~~y-curve α on 4 Lorentzian sphere S2 as follows. 1 Theorem 3.10 Let x=x(s) be a unit speed regular curve lying on lightlike cone in R3. Then 1 the relationships between the asymptotic frame of x and Frenet of its Smarandache ~xα~~y-curve α are given by 4 T~4 √κ2 κ4κ+1 √κ21−4κκ+1 √κ2−14κ+1 ~x − − − N~4 = √2aa1c11+b21 √2a1bc11+b21 √2a1cc11+b21 α~ B~4 √κ2−c41κ(+1−1√κ)+2ab11c1+b21 √κ2−4κc+1κ1+√a21a1c1+b21 √κ2−a14(κκ+−11√)−2ab11κc1+b21 ~y 8 TanjuKahramanandHasanHu¨seyinUg˘urlu where κ is curvature function of x(s) and a ,b ,c are 1 1 1 √3(κ 2κκ 5κ2+5κ3 κ4+κ) ′ ′ a = − − − 1 (κ2 4κ+1)2 − √3(2κ+κ 8κ2+2κκ +2κ3) ′ ′ b = − 1 (κ2 4κ+1)2 − √3( 2κ +κκ +5κ 5κ2+κ3 1) ′ ′ c = − − − . 1 (κ2 4κ+1)2 − Theorem3.11 Thecurvaturefunctionκ ofSmarandache~xα~~y-curveα accordingtocurvature 4 4 function of curve x is given κ = 2a c +b2. 4 1 1 1 q Corollary 3.7 If curve x is a line. Then, Smarandache ~xα~~y-curve α is line. 4 Theorem 3.12 Torsion τ of Smarandache ~xα~~y-curve α according to curvature function of 4 4 curve x is as follows a c +b b +a c 2 1 1 2 1 2 τ = 4 2a c +b2 1 1 1 where a ,b and c are p 2 2 2 a2 = √3(c′1−c′1κ−c1κ′+b′1+c1κ2+a1κ)−√3(c1−c1κ+b1)(cid:18)κκ2κ−′−4κ2+κ′1+ a′1c12a+1ac11c+′1b+21b1b′1(cid:19) (κ2−4κ+1) 2a1c1+b21 b2 = √3(c′1κ+c1κ′+a′1+c1−c1κ+b1+a1κ−a1qκ2+b1κ2)−√3(c1κ+a1)(cid:18)κκ2κ−′−4κ2+κ′1 + a′1c12a+1ac11c+′1b+21b1b′1(cid:19) (κ2−4κ+1) 2a1c1+b21 c2 = √3(a′1κ−a′1+a1κ′−b′1κ−b1κ′−c1κ−a1)−√3(aq1κ−a1−b1κ)(cid:18)κκ2κ−′−4κ2+κ′1+ a′1c12a+1ac11c+′1b+21b1b′1(cid:19). (κ2−4κ+1) 2a1c1+b21 q Corollary 3.8 If Smarandache ~xα~~y-curve α is a plane curve. Then, we obtain 4 a c +b b +a c =0. 2 1 1 2 1 2 Resultsofstatement(ii)canbe givenbyusingthe similarwaysusedforthe statement(i). References [1] Ali A. T., Special Smarandache Curves in the Euclidean Space, International J.Math. Combin., Vol.2, 2010 30-36. [2] Kahraman T., O¨nder, M. U˘gurlu, H.H. 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