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Small Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Aerospace Engineering PDF

116 Pages·2016·54.36 MB·English
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Preview Small Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Aerospace Engineering

Small Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Mariana Peralta Páscoa Martinho Marques Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering Supervisor(s): Prof. Aires José Pinto dos Santos Prof. Edgar Caetano Fernandes Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. Fernando José Parracho Lau Supervisor: Prof. Edgar Caetano Fernandes Member of the Committee: Prof. Jorge Manuel Martins Barata December 2016 ii Tomyparents,foreverything. Tomygrandmother,whodidnotlive longenoughtoseemebecomeanengineer. iii iv Acknowledgments In order to express my gratitude to the people that surround me I would like to start this section with a quote,fromAntoineSaint-Exupe´ry,thatsays: “Thosewhopassbyusdonotgoalone,anddonotleave usalone;theyleaveabitofthemselves,andtakealittleofus.” I must recognize that I have a long list of people who I should be thanking, and I apologize for the longacknowledgmentsection. Firstofall,Iwouldliketothankeveryonedirectlyinvolvedinthisproject. Iwanttothankallthestaff of Omnidea Lda. for taking me in as one of their own. A special word to Hora`cio Moreira, for all the patience, for sharing his knowledge with me and for guiding me through the process. Thank you for spendingallthistimeteachingme,forreviewingmyworkandforhelpingme. Iwouldalsoliketothank Rei Fernandes, for all the good talks during this time, Renato Salles for the help, Ricardo Pereira for spendingsomuchtimebuildingpiecesfortheteststandandtoFilipaLourenc¸o,whoalwayshadakind word. ToTiagoPardal,ownerofOmnidea,Iwouldliketothankhimforgivingmethisopportunity. ToEdgarFernandesandAiresdosSantos,mysupervisors,anenormousthankyouforbeingthere for me during this time and for guiding me in the right direction, in every step of this work. Most of all, thankyouforteachingmepatientlyandpersistently. Forthosewhomadeitpossiblewithoutbeingdirectlyinvolved. Tomyparents,whothoughtmeunconditionalloveandsupport,whopushedmetobebetter,stronger andtoflyhigh. Iamsorryforthebadmoodinthedifficulthours. Thisthesisisforyou,becausenoone elseintheworldhassupportedandlovedmelikeyoudo. Tomybrother,whopushedmetoovercomemyselfandbeanexampletohim. Tomyaunts: Isabelthatisasecondmothertome,thathasthekindestheartandbiggestpatience; andClaudia,likeanoldersisterandoneofmybestfriends,whoIcantalktoandalwayshasanadvice to give me. Thank you for being there, for believing in me. To my uncle, Nuno, for the example that he is,fortakingmedownhiswingandshowingmethatIcandomore. ToJoa˜o,forhisloveandsupport,forbeingproudofmeandmakemelaugh. Toallmyfriends,thatwerealsoapartofthis. AspecialwordforSarahSaint-Maxent,SaraVelasco, Carolina Smet, Andreia Ferreira, Anto´nio Fayad and Telma Oliveira. Thank you for putting up with my difficultpersonalityandforsupportingme. Tomygrandmother,MariadoCarmo,whooncetoldmeshewouldbeveryproudifhergranddaughter onedaybecameanengineer. v vi Resumo Esta tese de mestrado insere-se no projecto S-SHE da empresa Omnidea Lda. Ambicionando iniciar- senoaˆmbitodoslanc¸adores,aOmnideapretendeposicionar-secomumconceitoinovadornaa´reada pressurizac¸a˜odostanquesdereagentes. O trabalho desenvolvido visa projectar, construir e testar um proto´tipo. O sistema desenvolvido e´ flex´ıvelosuficienteparapermitirqueoestudosejafaseado. Inicialmenteusa-sepressurizac¸a˜oexterna paraprovaraestabilidadeeocomportamentodomotore,apo´sestafase,havera´ umestudodoconceito daautopressurizac¸a˜oatrave´sdearrefecimentoregenerativo. Esteproto´tiposera´ capazdeproduzirumaforc¸adaordemde25Nefoidesenhadoparaumapressa˜o de15barnacaˆmara. Oobjectivoinicialna˜opassapormaximizaraeficieˆnciadoproto´tipo,masporter umsistemaquecujofuncionamentosejaesta´vel. Otrabalhodesenvolvidopodeserdivididoemquatrofases: projectopreliminar,projectodetalhado, construc¸a˜o da bancada e testes. A primeira fase inclui todo o dimensionamento da caˆmara de com- busta˜o, bemcomoaana´lisedaqueima-recorrendoaumsoftware dispon´ıvel. Umapartesignificativa do trabalho versou tambe´m sobre o estudo da transfereˆncia de calor e arrefecimento da caˆmara. A ana´lise te´rmica permitiu escolher o material adequado e o combust´ıvel que permite ir de encontro ao objectivo de autopressurizac¸a˜o. O projecto detalhado foca os pormenores do sistema e o desenho de algumaspec¸as. Oplanodetestesestevetambe´minclu´ıdonotrabalhodesenvolvido. A campanha de testes foi o culminar deste projecto e todo o seu plano e tratamento de dados faz partedestetrabalho. Palavras-chave: motor de foguete com reagentes l´ıquidos, autopressurizac¸a˜o, arrefeci- mentoregenerativo,injec¸a˜ogasosa,ignic¸a˜orepet´ıvel. vii viii Abstract ThismasterthesisisapartofS-SHEprojectofthecompanyOmnideaLda. Thecompanyaimstoenter therocketmarketwithadifferentconceptofpressurizationofthereactantstanks. In this framework the scope was to design, build and test a prototype. The developed system is flexible enough to allow a phased study. Initially external pressurization is used to prove the engine’s stabilityandunderstanditsbehaviour. Afterthisphasethestudyofself-pressurizationusingregenerative coolingisconducted. The prototype should be able to produce a thrust of 25N with a chamber pressure of 15bar. At this stageoftheprojectthere,maximizingtheefficiencywasnotthemainconcern. Theworkcanbedividedinfourstages: preliminaryproject,detailedproject,constructionandtests. Thefirstphaseincludesthesizingandtheburnanalysis-usingavailablesoftware. Animportantpartof theworkhastodowiththeheattransferanalysis. Thisstudyallowstochoosethematerialandthefuel thatmeetstheprojectrequirements. Thetestplanisalsoapartofthework. Thetestcampaignandthedataanalysisarethefinalpartofthework. Keywords: smallliquidpropellantrocketengine,self-pressurization,regenerativecooling,gaseous injection,repeatableignition. ix x

the rocket market with a different concept of pressurization of the reactants tanks. In this framework the scope was to design, build and test a prototype. The developed system is flexible enough to allow a phased study. Initially external pressurization is used to prove the engine's stability and
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