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Preface GTPases are now recognized to regulate many different steps in mem- brane vesicular transport. They are involved in the assembly of vesicle coats (budding), movement along cytoskeletal elements, and in vesicle targeting and in fusion. They are clearly a key group of regulatory proteins that control transport through both the exocytic and endocytic pathways. GTPases involved in membrane transport include the Rab and ARF fami- lies, Sarl, and dynamin. Because these GTPases are switches, they function by either responding to or controlling the activity of a range of upstream and downstream effectors. These include posttranslational modifying enzymes (such as prenyltransferases and myristyltransferases), factors which effect guanine nucleotide binding guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs) and guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), and factors which stimulate guanine nucleotide hydrolysis GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). Moreover, they may also interact with motors and structural elements dictating vesicle and organelle function. The number of identified effectors directing or responding to transport GTPases is expanding rapidly. The purpose of this volume is to bring together the latest technologies that have developed over the past 5 years to study their function. Because each family contains a variety of isoforms, the techniques described for a particular GTPase family member are likely to be useful for other members of the same family. Moreover, the underlying conserved structural fold suggests that each of the various techniques are also applicable to other members of the larger superfamily of Ras-like GTPases. Given the abundance of both Rab and ARF GTPases and the intense interest of the cell biology community in their function, we have provided short editorial overviews for these two sections that describe the central features of their function and structural organization. We are extremely grateful to the many investigators who have gener- ously contributed their time and expertise to bring this wealth of technical experience into one volume. It should provide a valuable resource to ad- dress the many issues confronting our understanding of the role of these GTPases in cell biology. WILLIAM E. BALCH CHANNING J. DER ALAN HALL xvii Contributors to Volume 329 Article numbers are in parentheses following the names of contributors. Affiliations listed are current. HPESOJ P. ALBANESI (51), Department of WILLIAM J. BELDEN (46), Department of Bio- ,ygolocamrahP University of Texas South- chemistry, Dartmouth Medical School, western Medical Center, Dallas, Texas ,revonaH New Hampshire 55730 1409-09357 SOPHIE BI~RAUD-DUFOUR (25, 28), Depart- NAFETS ALBERT (6), Department of raluceloM ment of Molecular and Cell Biology, ehT ,sciteneG Max Planck Institute for Biophys- sppircS hcraeseR ,etutitsnI La ,alloJ -rofilaC ical Chemistry, GOttingen D-37070, ain 73029 Germany KUN BI (38), Department of ,yrtsimehcoiB ytisrevinU of Texas Southwestern Medical KmlLL ALEXANDROV (3), Department of ,retneC Dallas, Texas 53257 Physical Biochemistry, Max Planck Insti- tute for Molecular Physiology, Dortmund DERK D. BINNS (51), Department of -amrahP ,20244 Germany cology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical ,retneC Dallas, Texas 1409-09357 MEIR ARIDOR (45), Department of Cell Biol- ogy, ehT Scripps Research Institute, La JAMES E. CASANOVA (23, 27), Department of ,alloJ California 73029 lleC Biology, ytisrevinU of ainigriV Health Sciences Center, ,ellivsettolrahC Virginia LORRAINE M. ARON (23), Monoclonal Anti- 80922 body ,ytilicaF University of ,aigroeG Ath- DAN CASSEL (33, 34), Department of ,ygoloiB ,sne Georgia 20603 learsI-noinhceT Institute of ,ygolonhceT WILLIAM E. BALCH (1,2, 25, 45), stnemtrapeD Haifa ,00023 Israel of Cell dna Molecular Biology, ehT sppircS PHILIPPE CHAVRIER (29), Institut Curie- Research Institute, La Jolla, ainrbJilaC Section ,ehcrehceR CNRS UMR ,441 'siraP 73029 xedeC ,50 ecnarF MANUEL A. BARBIERI (16), Department of WEI CHEN (18, 19), National Center for -eG Cell Biology and Physiology, Washington nome Resources, Santa re, New Mexico ytisrevinU School of Medicine, .tS Louis, 50578 Missouri 01136 SAVVAS SIDIROFOTSIRHC (14), Laboratory of CHARLES BARLOWE (46), Department of Bio- Biological Chemistry, Medical School chemistry, Dartmouth Medical School ytisrevinU of loannina, loannina ,01154 Hanover, New Hampshire 55730 eceerG BARBARA BARYLKO (51), Department of DAHSMAHS COCKCROFT (38), Department of Pharmacology, University of Texas South- Physiology, University College, London western Medical Center, Dallas, Texas ,JJ6E1CW United Kingdom 1409-09357 EDNA CUKIERMAN (33), Department of Biol- CRESTINA L. BEITES (52), Programme ni Cell ogy, Technion-lsrael Institute of -lonhceT Biology, Hospital for Sick Children, -eD ogy, Haifa ,00023 Israel partment of Biochemistry, University of MICHAEL P. CZECH (30), Program ni -uceloM Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G ral enicideM and Department of -simehcoiB lX8 yrt dna Molecular Biology, University of xi xii CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 329 Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, SUSAN FERRO-Nov1cK (24), Department of Massachusetts' 01605 Cell Biology, Boyer Center for Molecular HANNA DAMKE (47), Department of Cell Biol- Medicine, Howard Hughes Medical Insti- ogy, The Scripps Research Institute, La tute, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510 Jolla, California 92037 MICHEL FRANCO (29), Institut de Pharmacolo- PmTRO DE CAMILLI (50), Department of Cell gie, Mol~culaire et Cellulaire, CNRS UPR Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 411, Valbonne 06650, France Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510 SCOTT R. FRANK (27), DNAX, Palo Alto, Cal- ifornia 94304 MARIA ANTONIETTA DE MATFEIS (42), De- JOHANNA FURUHJELM (20), Institute of Bio- partment of Cell Biology and Oncology, technology, PB56, University of Helsinki, Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Santa Maria Helsinki FIN 00014, Finland lmbaro, Chieti 66030, Italy THIERRY GALLI (21), Trafic Membranaire et MAGDA DENEKA (13), Department of Cell Bi- Plasticitd Neuronale, INSERM U536, Insti- ology, Utrecht University School of Medi- tut Curie, Paris Cedex ,50 France cine, Utrecht 3584 CX, The Netherlands DIETER GALLWITZ (6), Department of Molec- JULIE G. DONALDSON (26), Laboratory of Cell ular Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Bio- Biology, National Heart, Lung, and Blood physical Chemistry, GOttingen D-37070, Institute, National Institutes of Health, Germany Bethesda, Maryland 20892-0301 JAMES R. GOLDENRING (23), Institute for Mo- MATTHEW T. DRAKE (40), Department of In- lecular Medicine and Genetics, Depart- ternal Medicine, Washington University ments of Medicine, Surgery, Cellular Biol- School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri ogy and Anatomy, Medical College of 63110 Georgia and Augusta Veterans Affairs Med- ROCKFORD K. DRAPER (39), Department of ical Center, Augusta, Georgia 30912-3175 Molecular and Cell Biology, The University ROGER S. GOODY (3), Department of Physical of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute of 8860-38057 Molecular Physiology, Dortmund 44202, Germany LI-L1N Du (11), Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale Univer- BRUNO GOUD (17), Laboratoire MOcanismes sity School of Medicine, New Haven, Con- Moldculaires du Transport lntracellulaire, UMR CNRS 144, lnstitut Curie, Paris Cedex necticut 06520-8002 ,50 France NEVETS DUNKELBARGER (12), Department of A. GUMUSBOGA (16), Department of Cell Bi- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Uni- ology and Physiology, Washington Univer- formed Services University of the Health sity School of Medicine, .tS Louis, Mis- Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 souri 63110 ARNAUD ECHARD (17), Laboratoire M(ca- WEI Guo (12), Department of Cell Biology, nismes MolOculaires du Transport Intracel- Yale University School of Medicine, New lulaire, UMR CNRS 144, lnstitut Curie, Haven, Connecticut 06520-8002 Paris Cedex ,50 France 1RONASIH HORIUCHI (15), Department of Ge- AHMED EL MARJOU (17), Service des Pro- riatric Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital, tdines Recombinantes, UMR CNRS 144, In- Kyoto City 606-01, Japan stitut Curie, Paris Cedex ,50 France TONOHUAN HU (39), Department of Molecu- YAN FENC (19), Department of Chemistry and lar Biology, University of Texas Southwest- Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Bos- ern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 75390- ton, Massachusetts 02115 9148 CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 329 xiii CHUN-FANG HUANG (43), Institute of -uceloM ANTHONY LEE (48), Department of Bio- ral Medicine egelloC of ,enicideM National chemistry and Biophysics, University of Taiwan ,ytisrevinU ,iepiaT Taiwan ,001 -eR Pennsylvania School of Medicine, ehT public of anihC Johnson Research Foundation, Philadel- IRIT HUBER (33, 34), Department of ,ygoloiB phia, Pennsylvania 9506-40191 Technion-lsrael Institute of ,ygolonhceT FANG-JEN S. LEE (43), Institute of raluceloM Haifa ,00023 Israel Medicine College of Medicine, National ROBERT TOD HUDSON (39), Department of nawiaT ,ytisrevinU ,iepiaT Taiwan ,001 -eR raluceloM Biology and ,ygoloiborciM esaC public of anihC nretseW Reserve ytisrevinU School of -ideM MARK A. LEMMON (48), Department of Bio- ,enic ,dnalevelC Ohio 0094-60144 chemistry and Biophysics, University of WALTER HUNZIKER (22), Institute for -uceloM Pennsylvania School of Medicine, ehT ral and Cell Biology, Singapore ,906711 -eR Johnson Research Foundation, -ledalihP public of eropagniS phia, Pennsylvania 9506-40191 CATHERINE L. JACKSON (31), Service ed Bio- ROCER LIPP~ (15), Max Planck Institute for eimihc te Gdn~tique Mol~culaire, CEA/ raluceloM Cell Biology and ,sciteneG Euro- Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, Cedex ,19119-F pean Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hei- ecnarF grebled ,71196 Germany TREVOR R. NOSKCAJ (37), Department of -eH DANIEL LOUVARD (21), es~negohproM et -giS matology, Royal Free and University Col- nalisation ,serialulleC URM 144, lnstitut egel Medical School Royal Free ,supmaC ,eiruC Paris Cedex ,50 ecnarF London NW3 2AF, United Kingdom VARDIT MAKLER (33), Department of Biol- GERALD C. JOHNSTON (34), Department of ogy, Technion-lsrael Institute of -lonhceT Microbiology and Immunology, Dalhousie ogy, Haifa ,00023 Israel ,ytisrevinU Halifax, Nova Scotia, adanaC B3H 4H7 WILLIAM A. MALTESE (4), Department of MANDY JONGENEELEN (13), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Med- Cell Biology, Utrecht ytisrevinU School of ical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio -41634 ,enicideM Utrecht 3584 ,XC ehT Nether- 4085 "sdnal ANNE-MARm MARZESCO (21), esknegohproM JES K. KLARLUND (30), Ophthalmology and et noitasilangiS ,serialulleC URM ,441 Insti- Visual secneicS Research ,retneC ytisrevinU tut ,eiruC Paris Cedex ,50 ecnarF of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pitts- JEANNE MATTESON (2), Departments of lleC ,hgrub Pennsylvania 31251 dna Molecular Biology, ehT Scripps -eR STUART KORNFELD (40), Department oflnter- hcraes Institute, La Jollu, California 73029 nal Medicine, Washington University Kolcnl MIURA (37), Laboratory of ralulleC School of Medicine, .tS Louis, Missouri ,ygolocnO Division of Basic ,secneicS -aN 01136 tional Cancer Institute, National setutitsnI NICHOLAS T. KTISTAKIS (38), Department of of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 29802 ,gnilangiS Babraham Institute, egdirbmaC 2BC 4AG, United Kingdom KARIN MOHRMANN (13), Department of lleC ,ygoloiB thcertU ytisrevinU School of -ideM LYNNE A. LAP1ERRE (23), Institute for -celoM ,enic thcertU 3584 ,XC ehT sdnalrehteN ular Medicine and Genetics, Departments of ,enicideM Surgery, Cellular Biology and JON S. MORROW (42), Departments of -lohtaP Anatomy, Medical College of Georgia and ogy, and ,raluceloM ,ralulleC and Develop- Augusta Veterans Affairs Medical ,retneC mental Biology, Yale ,ytisrevinU New -aH Augusta, Georgia 5713-21903 ven, Connecticut 01560 xiv CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 329 JOEL MOSS (32, 35, 44), Pulmonary-Critical partment of Biochemistry, University of Care Medicine Branch, National ,traeH Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G Lung, and Blood Institute, National Insti- 1X8 tutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 29802 JOHAN PERANEN (20), Institute of -lonhcetoiB BRYAN D. MOYER (1, 2), Departments of lleC ogy, PB56, ytisrevinU of Helsinki, Helsinki and Molecular Biology, ehT Scripps -eR FIN ,41000 Finland hcraes Institute, La Jolla, California 73029 PETER J. PETERS (22), Dutch recnaC hcraeseR AMY B. MUHLBERG (47), Department of lleC ,etutitsnI Amsterdam, The sdnalrehteN Biology, ehT Scripps hcraeseR ,etutitsnI La AYNE PEYROCHE (31), Service ed Biochimie ,alloJ California 73029 te euqit~nOG Mol~culaire, CEA/Saclay, OK1MUF NAGANO (8), Department of -uceloM -rus-fiG Yvette, Cedex ,19119-F ecnarF ral Biology and Biochemistry, Osaka Uni- ELAH PICK (33), Department of Biology, versity Graduate School of Medicine/ Technion-lsrael Institute of ,ygolonhceT Faculty of Medicine, Osaka ,1780-565 Haifa ,00023 Israel napaJ PAK PHI POON (34), Departments of -iborciM HIROYUKI NAKANISHI (7), Department of Mo- ology and Immunology, Biochemistry and lecular Biology and Biochemistry, Osaka Molecular Biology, Dalhousie ,ytisrevinU ytisrevinU Graduate School of Medicine/ Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4H7 Faculty of Medicine, Osaka ,1780-565 napaJ RICHARD T. PREMONT (36), Department of ,enicideM Duke ytisrevinU Medical ,retneC JENNIFER NAVARRE (23), Institute for -uceloM Durham, North Carolina 01772 ral Medicine and ,sciteneG Departments of ,enicideM Surgery, Cellular Biology and BARRY PRESS (19), Dana Farber Cancer -itsnI Anatomy, Medical College of Georgia and ,etut Harvard lacideM ,loohcS Boston, -saM Augusta Veterans Affairs Medical ,retneC sttesuhcas 51120 Augusta, Georgia 5713-21903 HARISH RADHAKRISHNA (26), Department of WALTER NICKEL (41), Biochemie-Zentrum Biology, Georgia Institute of ,ygolonhceT Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls ,tdtisrevinU Atlanta, Georgia 3630-23303 grebledieH ,02196-D Germany PAUL A. RANDAZZO (37), Laboratory of PETER NOVICK (11, 12), Department of lleC ralulleC Oncology, Division of Basic Sci- Biology, Yale University School of -ideM ,secne National Cancer Institute, National cine, New Haven, Connecticut -02560 Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 2O08 29802 SATOSHI ORITA (10), Discovery Research RICHARD L. ROBERTS (16), Department of Laboratories, Shionogi and Company, Cell Biology and Physiology, Washington Limited, Osaka ,1780-565 Japan ytisrevinU School of ,enicideM .tS Louis, Missouri 01136 JEAN H. OVERMEYER (4), Department of Bio- chemistry dna Molecular Biology, Medical ENAIVLYS ROBINEAU (28), Institut ed Pharma- egelloC of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio 4085-41634 cologie Mol~culaire te ,erialulleC CNRS, Valbonne ,06560 ecnarF GUSTAVO PACHECO-RODRIGUEZ (32, 44), lacitirC-yranomluP eraC Medicine ,hcnarB MICHAEL G. ROTH (38), Department of Bio- National Heart, Lung, and Blood ,etutitsnI ,yrtsimehc University of Texas Southwest- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, nre Medical ,retneC Dallas, Texas 53257 Maryland 29802 LILAH ROTHEM (33), Department of ,ygoloiB X1Ao-RONG PENG (52), Programme ni Cell Technion-lsrael Institute of ,ygolonhceT Biology, Hospital for Sick Children, De- Haifa ,00023 Israel CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 329 xv MIRIAM ROTMAN (33), Department of Biol- VLADIMIR I. VENPELS (50), Department of lleC ogy, Technion-lsrael Institute of -lonhceT Biology, Yale University School of -ideM ogy, Haifa ,00023 Israel ,enic New Haven, Connecticut 01560 ANJA RUNGE (15), Max Planck Institute for ELENA SMIRNOVA (49), Department of Bio- raluceloM Cell Biology and ,sciteneG Euro- lacigol ,yrtsimehC ytisrevinU of ,ainrofilaC pean Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hei- School of ,enicideM Los Angeles, -rofilaC grebled ,71196 Germany ain 7371-59009 MICHAEL SACHER (24), Department of Cell PHILIP D. STAHL (16), Department of Cell Bi- Biology, Boyer retneC for Molecular -ideM ology and Physiology, Washington -revinU ,enic Yale University School of ,enicideM sity School of Medicine, .tS Louis, Mis- souri 01136 New Haven, Connecticut 01560 YOSHIMI TAKAI (7, 8, 9, 10), Department of LORRAINE C. SANTY (27), Department of lleC Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Biology, University of Virginia, Health Osaka University Medical School, Osaka Sciences Center, Charlottesville, Virginia ,8558-007 Japan 80922 KOHJl TAKEI (50), Department of -simehcoiB TAKUYA SASAKI (8, 9, 10), Department of Bio- try, Okayama University School of -ideM ,yrtsimehc Tokushima ytisrevinU School of cine, Okayama-shi, Okayama ,8558-007 ,enicideM Tokushima ,3058-077 Japan napaJ AXEL J. SCHEIDIG (3), Department of lacisyhP DANIEL R. TERBUSH (2), Department of Bio- Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute for chemistry and Molecular Biology, Uni- Molecular ,'ygoloisyhP Dortmund ,20244 formed Services University of eht Health ynamreG ,secneicS Bethesda, Maryland 41802 SANDRA L. SCHMID (47), Department of lleC WILLIAM S. TRIMBLE (52), Programme ni Cell Biology, ehT Scripps hcraeseR ,etutitsnI La Biology, Hospital for Sick Children, -eD ,alloJ California 73029 partment of Biochemistry, University of SANJA SEVER (47), Department of Cell Biol- Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G ogy, ehT Scripps Research Institute, La lX8 ,alloJ California 73029 ALEXANDER M. NAV RED BLIEK (49), -trapeD ment of Biological ,yrtsimehC ytisrevinU of 1HCIMORIH 1KATARIHS (9), Division of -celoM California, School of Medicine, Los ular and Cell Biology, Institute for lacideM Angeles, California 7371-59009 ,ecneicS Dokkyo ytisrevinU School of -deM ,enici Mibu ,3920-123 Japan PETER NAV RED SLUIJS (13), Department of Cell Biology, Utrecht ytisrevinU School of ASSIA SHISHEVA (5), Department of Physiol- ,enicideM Utrecht 3584 ,XC ehT Nether- ogy, Wayne State ytisrevinU School of -deM "sdnal ,enici Detroit, Michigan 10284 MARTHA VAUGHAN (32, 35, 44), Pulmonary- STEVEN SHOLLY (47), Department of Cell -iB lacitirC Care Medicine Branch, National ology, ehT Scripps Research Institute, La ,traeH Lung, dna Blood ,etutitsnI National ,alloJ California 73029 Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland DIXIE-LEE SHURLAND (49), Department of Bi- 29802 ological Chemistry, University of -rofilaC NICOLAS VITALE (35, 36), Center ed Neuro- ,ain School of ,enicideM Los Angeles, -ilaC ,eimihc 1NSERM ,833-U ,gruobsartS xedeC fornia 7371-59009 ,48076 ecnarF RICHARD A. SINGER (34), Department of Bio- ANGELA WANDINGER-NEss (18, 19), -trapeD yrtsimehc and Molecular Biology, Dalhou- ment of Pathology, ytisrevinU of New Mex- eis ,ytisrevinU Halifax, Nova Scotia, Can- oci Health Sciences ,retneC Albuquerque, ada B3H 4H7 New Mexico 13178 xvi CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 923 DALE E. KCONRAW (47), Department of lleC DEMHA ZAHRAOUI (21), esdnegohproM te Biology, ehT Scripps hcraeseR ,etutitsnI La noitasilangiS ,serialulleC URM ,441 Institut ,alloJ California 73029 ,eiruC Paris Cedex ,50 ecnarF SEUOCAJ T. NAMSSIEW (45), Department of ON1RAM ZERIAL (14, 15), Max Planck Insti- Cell Biology, ehT Scripps Research Insti- etut for Molecular Cell Biology and -teneG ,etut La Jolla, California 73029 ,sci European Molecular Biology Labora- XILEF T. DNALEIW (41), Biochemie-Zentrum tory, Heidelberg ,71196 Germany Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls ,t~itisrevinU GNAIXNUY ZHU (40), Department of lanretnI grebledieH ,02196-D Germany ,enicideM Washington ytisrevinU School of ELKE WILL (6), Department of Molecular ,enicideM .tS Louis, Missouri 01136 ,sciteneG Max Planck Institute for Bio- YAJ NAMREMMIZ (19), ytisrevinU of ,ogacihC physical Chemistry, GOttingen ,07073-D Pritzker School of ,enicideM ,ogacihC Illi- ynamreG nois 01606 1 Rab NOITCNUF-ERUTCURTS WEIVREVO 3 1 Structural Basis for Rab Function: An Overview By BRYAN D. MOYER and MAILLIW E. HCLAB Rab proteins, members of the Ras superfamily of low molecular weight GTP-binding proteins (-20-25 kDa), modulate tubulovesicular trafficking between compartments of the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways, a 3 Simi- lar to Ras, Rab GTPases cycle between active, GTP-bound and inactive, GDP-bound states. 4 This brief introductory chapter summarizes Rab struc- ture-function relationships in the context of membrane trafficking and serves as a prelude for the accompanying chapters, which describe specific methods for elucidating Rab function. The unifying theme in research elucidating Rab structure-function rela- tionships has been the Rab GTPase cycle model (Fig. 1) (reviewed in Refs. ,1 2, and 4). In the cytosol, Rab proteins are maintained in the GDP-bound state by interaction with a GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI). 5 GDI delivers Rab-GDP to donor membranes where GDI may be displaced by a GDI displacement factor (GDF). 6 Subsequently, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) is believed to stimulate exchange of GDP for GTP. 8,7 Trans- port intermediates containing activated Rab bud from donor membranes, where Rab-GTP recruits effector molecules required for trafficking to acceptor compartments. 3,1 Recent studies suggest that Rab effectors regu- late the motility of transport intermediates along cytoskeletal elements and mediate the docking/fusion of transport intermediates with acceptor membranes. 2~-9 Prior to or concomitant with membrane docking and fusion, a GTPase activating protein (GAP) is thought to stimulate Rab-mediated hydrolysis of GTP to GDP and recruited effector molecules dissociate from 1 j. S. Rodman and A. Wandinger-Ness, J. Cell Sci. 113, 183 (2000). 20. Martinez and B. Goud, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 14t)4, 101 (1998). 3 F. Schimm611er, I. Simon, and S. R. Pfeffer, J. Biol. Chem. 273(35), 22161 (1998). 4 g. M. Olkkonen and H. Stenmark, Int. Rev. Cytol. 176, 1 (1997). 5 S.-K. Wu, K. Zeng, I. A. Wilson, and W. E. Balch, Trends Biochem. Sci. 21, 472 (1996). A. B. Dirac-Svejstrup, T. Sumizawa, and S. R. Pfeffer, EMBO J. 16(3), 465 (1997). T. Soldati, A. D. Shapiro, A. B. D. Svejstrup, and S. R. Pfeffer, Nature 369, 76 (1994). O. Ullrich, H. Horiuchi, C. Bucci, and M. Zerial, Nature 368, 157 (1994). A. Echard, F. Jollivet, O. Martinez, J.-J. Lacap6re, A. Rousselet, I. Janoueix-Lerosey, and B. Goud, Science 279, 580 (1998). 01 S. Christoforids, H. M. McBride, R. D. Burgoyne, and M. Zerial, Nature 397, 621 (1999). ~l S. R. Pfeffer, Nat. Cell Biol. 1, El7 (1999). -~1 M. G. Waters and S. R. Pfeffer, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 11, 453 (1999). thgirypoC © 1002 yb cimedacA sserP llA sthgir of noitcudorper ni yna mrof .devreser SDOHTEM N1 ,YGOLOMYZNE .LOV 923 00/9786-6700 /(1(.53$ 4 Rab GTPases ] 1 [ ronoD ~ > / / rotpeccA e n a r b m e M e n a r b m e M °°P 3TP Pi ~D Flo. .1 Model of the Rab GTPase cycle. Rab-GDP/GDI complexes are targeted to donor membranes where GDF displaces GDI and a GEF stimulates Rab-GDP/GTP exchange (step 1). Transport intermediates containing Rab-GTP bud from donor membranes. Rab- GTP recruits effector molecules, which mediate the migration, docking, and fusion of transport intermediates to acceptor membranes (step 2). GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP by a GAP and effector molecules dissociate from Rab (step 3). GDI is recruited by RRF and extracts Rab-GDP from acceptor membranes for initiation of another round of the Rab GTPase cycle (step 4). See text for complete details. GDI, GDP dissociation inhibitor; GDF, GDI displacement factor; GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor; GAP, GTPase activating protein; RRF, Rab recycling factor. Rab. 31 GDI, recruited to membranes by a putative Rab recycling factor (RRF), 41 then extracts Rab-GDP from acceptor membranes and the Rab-GDP/GDI complex recycles to donor membranes for initiation of another round of transport. Rab GTPases contain conserved and unique sequence elements that mediate function, including GDP/GTP binding, subcellular targeting, and 31 V. Rybin, O. Ullrich, M. Rubino, K. Alexandrov, I. Simon, M. C. Seabra, R. Goody, and M. Zerial, Nature 383, 266 (1996). 4~ p. Luan, W. E. Balch, .S D. Emr, and C. G. Burd, J. Biol. Chem. 274(21), 14806 (1999). ] 1 [ Rab NOITCNUF-ERUTCURTS WEIVREVO 5 1MP 1G 3t~ switch II switch I Rab CDR .GIF .2 structure Crystal of .A3baR mediate that elements structure Pertinent baR noitcnuf are labeled and dessucsid ni the text. ,N N terminus; ,C C (site terminus of lynareglynareg dipil addition); baR CDR, baR gninimreted-ytiratnemilpmoc for (site region cificeps effector ;)gnidnib guanine G1-G3, gnidnib-esab ;sfitom PM1-3: gnidnib-muisengam/etahpsohp ;sfitom GTP, enisonaug triphosphate; gM ,+2 divalent muisengam ion; hctiws f-II: regions gniogrednu GTP binding during changes conformational large dna .sisylordyh effector recognition (Fig. 2). 4 Rab proteins contain three highly conserved guanine base-binding motifs (termed G1 to G3) which mediate guanine nucleotide binding and three highly conserved phosphate/magnesium-bind- ing motifs (termed PM1 to PM3), which bind and coordinate a divalent magnesium ion with the/3- and y-phosphates of GTP. On GAP-stimulated hydrolysis of GTP to GDP and loss of the terminal phosphate group, two regions in spatial proximity to the y-phosphate, termed switch I (also called the effector domain) and switch II, undergo dramatic conformational changes, which result in reduced affinity for bound effector molecules and Rab inactivation. During Rab reactivation, GEF-stimulated conformational changes in the switch I, switch II, and P loop regions facilitate extrusion of GDP and incorporation of GTP. The C-terminal regions of Rab proteins are highly divergent and contain two structural elements dictating function. First, the extreme C termini

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