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1 1 0 2 g n i r p s the magazine of Southern Adventist University Small Group, Big Impact page 6 10 Why Our Nursing Students Are so Excited | 12 Alumni Homecoming Weekend | 16 Who Is That Adventist on Jeopardy!? Snow Day! After eight inches of snow, classes were cancelled for two days at Southern Adventist University, something that hasn’t happened since 1993. Students took advantage of the rare snow by building snowmen and igloos, sledding, and enjoying a campus-wide snowball fight. “When I woke up in the morning, I saw all the snow and I was super excited,” says Smirna Paz, freshman mass communication major from Florida. “I did everything you could do on a snow day.” Watch students enjoying the snow at southern.edu/columns. 2 Columns contents 6 10 12 16 features departments 6 | Small Groups 4 | New Media on a Growing Campus 19 | Professor Inspiration 20 | Life 101 As Southern’s enrollment breaks the 3,000 mark, the university is keeping a small-campus feel with 21 | Headlines Life Groups. 26 | Mission MInutes 10 | An Energizing Environment 27 | On the Move 31 | The Word for Nurses Nursing students are now learning in a large modern classroom building. Check out some of their favorite features of this new learning space. 12 | Alumni Homecoming Weekend 2010 Who attended the last Alumni Homecoming Weekend? Check out our photo album to see if you spot any familiar faces. 16 | Southern Put in Jeopardy! But no one’s complaining. In fact, there’s been a lot of cheering for the student who thrust Southern into the national spotlight and pulled the campus together. Spring 2011 3 »new media facebook Volume 63 Number 1 Portraying the Past Executive Editor Ingrid Skantz, ’90 Sherrie (Platt) Williams’, Managing Editor Lori Futcher, ’94 ’93, lifelong fascination with the Civil War time Layout Editor Ryan Pierce period grew when she Editorial Assistants observed a reenacting Jarod Keith, current Suzanne Ocsai, current class, The Common Soldier Rainey Park, ’10 of the Civil War, at Southern. Katie Partlo, ’06 Having participated in reen- Layout Assistant Daniel Añez, current actments for more than 13 Photography Leo Macias, current years, Sherrie (along with her husband, Baron, ’88, and son, Dakota) posed for an authen- President Gordon Bietz tic family Civil War portrait in Academic Administration Robert Young September 2010. The image Financial Administration Tom Verrill was captured by the reaction Student Services William Wohlers of light hardening silver on an iron plate (called “wet-plate Advancement Christopher Carey photography”), just as photos Marketing/Enrollment Vinita Sauder, ’78 were made 150 years ago, re- Marketing/University Relations Ingrid Skantz, ’90 sulting in an authentic-looking Alumni Relations Evonne Crook, ’79 Civil War image. Send correspondence to [email protected] Photo by Wendell Decker Send address changes to Alumni Relations flickr Southern Adventist University Post Office Box 370 Collegedale, TN 37315-0370 or email [email protected] Phone 1.800.SOUTHERN Fax 423.236.1000 Email [email protected] Website southern.edu Scripture in this issue is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (NIV). Copyright © 1973, 1978, A competitor takes part in the annual Southern 6 race on the An early spring blossom graces Southern’s campus with its 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights Biology Trail. flickr.com/photos/southernu/5474190760/ beauty. flickr.com/photos/southernu/5509748370/ reserved. And from The Message (MSG). Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission worth a click! of NavPress Publishing Group. COLUMNS is the official magazine of Southern Adventist University, produced by Marketing and University ellenwhiteanswers.org Relations to provide information to alumni, Southern Union constituents, and other friends of the university. ©2011, Religion Professor Jud Lake, author of Ellen White Under Fire, hosts this website devoted to responding to criticisms of Ellen White. 4 Columns »new media youtube posterous Got fully accepted to Southern Adventist University today. I’m terrified ... ♥ lol Today was my last day here in Chattanooga. I’ve had a lot to think »Katie Stricklin, future student about these past couple of days, getting to reflect on my past life here at Southern, all the Got the first copy of my book today. mistakes I made, the Excitement! memories I’ve created. I »Rainey Park, ’10 just can’t believe it. I’m Recent graduate Rainey Park Leading animation industry blog leaving this place forever. just published the book Love, Cartoon Brew featured this short It’s an incredible feeling, having Kirsten, about student missionary film by senior animation student people who like to be around you Kirsten Wolcott, who was Robin George. The film, called just for the sake of being around murdered in Yap. Visit “Tezcatlipoca,” is a beautiful retell- you. I’m so privileged, lucky, adventistbookcenter.com to order your own copy. ing of an ancient Aztec legend. blessed, whatever you want to call it. When I first came to this school, I See the film at southern.edu/columns. didn’t know anyone. Period. I knew that I wanted to be a film major only Found out a book I co-authored in because I really, really liked movies. 1998 is still generating royalties after twitter That was it. I had never filmed being translated into Spanish … viva anything, made any movies on my South America! own, or anything like that. I was completely walking blind into this »Victor Czerkasij, ’83 Southern Adventist thing. But now, I’ve got this ... I Referring to The Ride of Your Life, co-authored by University puts on some don’t even know the words that Andy Nash, ’94, and Alex Bryan, ’93 great programs, but today’s can describe it ... family. We’ve Renewal church service knocked it eaten, hung out, cried, complained, out of the ballpark! OUTSTANDING laughed, road tripped, camped, danced, longboarded, swam, and » Nathan Lewis, junior hiked together. And now, just like communication major that, I’m gone. Every single person I’ve met has, in some way, impacted me and There is nothing like sitting in class helped me be who I’ve become. & knowing God is speaking directly And for that, it’s my turn to say to you through a teacher’s lecture! thank you. Thank you for your kind- » Heather Dappolonia, ness, thank you for your friendship. junior film production major »Theo Brown, ’10 Students placed a “Gordon Bietz” snowman in front of iconic Wright Hall. flickr.com/photos/southernu/5348771835/ Connect with Southern Adventist University: website: southern.edu flicker: flickr.com/photos/southernu youtube: youtube.com/user/SouthernAdventistU facebook: f acebook.com/pages/Southern-Adventist-University-Official twitter: twitter.com/SouthernNews Spring 2011 5 Small Groups on a Growing Campus By Angela Baerg, ’06 Southern celebrated a milestone at the start of this academic year when, for the first time, enrollment surpassed 3,000. Exciting as this is, To tackle the challenge of a growing university, Southern’s Chaplain a larger student body brings with it Brennon Kirstein declared a campus- wide effort “to make Southern smaller,” not in the number of students, but by a new challenge: how to keep our keeping students connected through “Life Groups.” These small Bible study student community close-knit. groups meet weekly to enrich lives through fellowship and study. This semester, more than 20 Life Groups are gathering across campus. The motto of Southern’s Life Groups ministry is: “No need to knock. When you’re part of this small-group family, the door is always open.” Let’s take them at their word and drop in on a few groups now. 6 Columns Southern’s Life Groups all share one common goal: to make God relevant to students’ lives. Testimonies to the Church students sprawled across his living room “We were studying the death of Jesus Smoothies whir in the blender as the furniture feel this study group is their on the cross and how the pain He went front door clicks open and shut, usher- home away from home. through was far more than physical ing cheerful voices and happy footsteps The room is full now, and Ricky sig- pain,” she shares. “Somehow talking into the house. It’s Friday evening, and nals that he’s ready to begin. Smoothie about it helped us realize on a deeper participants of the Testimonies to the sips grow silent as the group starts to level how powerful what He did for us Church Life Group are arriving for their read from the testimonies. Each person still is for our lives.” regular study time. takes a paragraph as they go around the As questions and thoughts are shared, Junior pre-physical therapy major circle until someone sees something he the atmosphere is open, respectful, Ricky Irizarry, the group’s leader, got his or she wants to discuss. The conversa- and non-judgmental. Before the group first taste of small-group life his fresh- tion may run for one minute or fifteen, knows it, it’s time to go. Vespers will be man year when he attended a small depending on how much the group starting shortly at the church, and the group in his resident assistant’s room. has to say. Although all of the group’s students head for their cars. When Ricky got his own place off studies are uplifting and beneficial, one For junior nursing major Bethany campus, he knew he wanted to host a night in particular stands out in the Werner, the benefits of being part of a small group to recreate those powerful memory of April McNulty, a junior small group extend far beyond Friday experiences. It’s evident that the college social work major. night. “Our small group,” she says, Spring 2011 7 “helps remind me of my true priorities melted away. She and her co-leader, up in everyday conversation,” says and holds me accountable.” Michael Gee, had planned to keep sophomore engineering major Jonathan the meetings to half an hour so con- Sackett. “I found that with this group.” See the Unseen versation wouldn’t die out and people See the Unseen’s members study “Elijah and the chariot of fire!” wouldn’t lose interest, but they were in the abstract things that are all around “The apostles at Pentecost!” for a surprise. us—those things we cannot see but “Jonah and the whale!” “At first I tried to end it after half an that deeply impact our lives, such as As the guessers call out Bible stories, hour, but everyone wanted to keep on the depth of God’s power and the the students up front frantically shake going,” she says. “Students at Southern Great Controversy. their heads and continue to act out have the option of using Life Groups for “Talking about issues with your peers their challenging charade: Paul and worship credit, but many of our mem- helps you realize how real they are,” says Silas being released from prison. Finally bers are attending regularly whether sophomore pre-dietetics major Emily Lambeth. “The group has made me think more deeply about how powerful God is and how powerful the devil can be and how I need to be ready to stand up against evil.” It’s been dark outside for hours, but the students don’t care. Long after Krys- tal and Michael’s tentative 30-minute time limit, the members thoughtfully emerge from the Student Center, head- ing toward their cars for a late Tuesday night run to Sonic, where their fellow- ship continues. “Spending time studying with oth- ers has moved my friendships from a superficial level to a spiritual one,” shares Krystal. “It’s really great because when you’re struggling, you know you Life Groups provide Southern students with a safe place to share and grow spiritually. have other people who are moving in the same direction who can help you on someone guesses it, and the next group they need the credit or not.” your spiritual journey.” goes up front. After all the teams have The group’s circle of comfy chairs re- taken a turn, sophomore engineering flects the spirit of the study—a circle of Discipleship Studies major Krystal Anderson, the group faith and friendship. After an icebreaker Mouthwatering potato soup steams leader, reveals what all of their charades activity, members share honest life in the kitchen as tired college students have had in common: the supernatural. updates, prayer requests, and testimo- stream in through the front door. It has Having never led a small group be- nies. Some are happy, and some are sad, been a long day for all, but they’re about fore, Krystal was nervous about the first but all are real. Seeing the same people to get a double-shot of nourishment— meeting of See the Unseen. Soon after week after week breaks down barriers of both physical and spiritual. the group began, however, her fears shyness as members gradually open up Heads bow for prayer, and then a line to one another. forms in the kitchen, where soup is gen- “When I joined, I was looking for a erously ladled into ready bowls. Junior group where I could talk freely about accounting major Steven Mercer, the religious things that don’t often come group leader, believes spiritual hunger runs just as deep as physical hunger. “My goal for my group is that ev- eryone who attends will take their relationship with God more seriously,” 8 Columns says Steven. Once the food is gone and bellies are full, group members debrief on their week and share prayer requests. For many of the students, such as sophomore engineering major Jeremy spiritually, and that’s why I came to Mercer, small groups are a totally new Southern.” experience. Although church and vespers are “I like the whole concept,” Jeremy very important, being surrounded by shares. “It’s an hour of my week when unfamiliar people at large events can students realize that yet again they’re I take a break from life. I relax with leave one feeling alone. By contrast, it discussing a topic that has been heavy friends, and we learn more about God’s is hard to be invisible in a small group on the hearts of several group members word together.” where you are asked to read aloud, this week. Neither Kristina nor Suranny Prayer requests are finished now, share about your week, and discuss your knew these ladies’ personal struggles and the study begins. The topic var- thoughts on Scripture. when they chose this topic, but God ies weekly, and this week’s discussion “Hearing a sermon is one thing, but did. Lizeth Rego, a junior nursing stu- is about the delicate balance between stumbling upon an idea on your own in dent, was nervous when she transferred grace and works. Verse by verse, the the Bible and verbally and prayerfully here last semester. She knew only one group wades through James 2, searching exploring it is another thing completely,” person. Fortunately, the one person she for the individual applications God has Steven explains. “You’re forced to en- knew invited her to join this group. for each of their hearts. gage in thinking about it, and when the “I came here looking for something Junior pre-physical therapy major evening is through, it will be more yours more spiritual,” she says. “I love when we Coty Malone recently transferred to and ultimately have a greater impact on study the Word together. It helps me be Southern from a public university, your life.” encouraged when I feel like giving up.” searching for more spirituality. He knew The only problem with the hour the only a few people when he arrived, and Women of Spirit ladies spend together each week is that Steven invited him to join Discipleship “What is threatening your peace it slips away too quickly. Before they Studies Life Group. “At my old univer- right now?” know it, Kristina is offering a closing sity, I basically just went to class and Senior nursing majors Kristina Dunn thought about how they can all apply then went home because everyone else and Suranny Villamizar, the group’s their study to their upcoming week, and went out and partied,” he remembers. co-leaders, pause to give everyone a they are jotting down prayer requests “This small group has helped me grow chance to mull it over. A warm breeze in a special journal to remind them sweeps back the ladies’ hair as pansies to follow-up later and see how things sway lazily nearby. Rays of sunlight sift work out. They close with prayer and through the trellis, sucking the week’s hug their goodbyes. As they leave, their stresses away. The answers come pour- burdens feel lighter somehow. Coming Soon! ing out: finances, work, school, always “There is nothing like God’s word to wanting more. It’s hard enough to keep bring just the message you need for that Life Groups 2.0 fruits and veggies in our daily diets; day,” Kristina says. “God’s word is made often the fruits of the Spirit are even manifest in friendship. Small groups are Next year, the Life Groups experi- more neglected. vital so that we can be there for each ence on Southern’s campus will “That’s why Suranny and I created other as we’re working through the become even more powerful as these this group,” Kristina shares. “I attended same questions and the same stresses. groups continue to multiply, providing a women’s group my freshman year, They keep people from slipping through more worship options for students as and I really looked up to those seniors. the pews.” a carefully planned, intentional part of When I felt lost, they offered me sup- If recent trends continue, enrollment Southern’s master plan. port and guidance.” at Southern will continue to grow—but In Life Groups 2.0, Campus Min- The steady munching of hummus and in the meantime so will these small istries will hire student leaders with pita chips pauses as the ladies bow their groups, making Southern smaller one more training, accountability, and a heads for prayer and begin the study. smoothie, charade, bowl of soup, or detailed job description to help take The conversation deepens as the thought-provoking question at a time. n Life Groups to the next level. Spring 2011 9 Southern Adventist University Opens the Doors of Florida Hospital Hall By Ingrid Hernandez, junior business administration and public relations major T hings have changed dramatically dropped and I was in complete awe of mentoring program. It also offers better- since Erica Singh, sophomore the design and how big this hall really equipped labs and resource centers for nursing major, was accepted into is,” says Erica. “I got lost a few times try- the popular nursing program. the nursing program. This semes- ing to get to class! But I fell in love.” The three-story, 33,000-square-foot ter, her first day of classes was Once in the correct classroom, Erica facility differs greatly from the former charged with an energy much different found a very enthusiastic professor. It School of Nursing home. The limited than usual. This feeling was present in was the beginning of a new journey for amount of classroom space in Herin every student and faculty member of Southern nurses, one that would take Hall had forced nursing classes to spread the School of Nursing. It was finally place in a large, modern facility. out among various parts of campus time to start attending classes in Florida for years, with students traveling from Hospital Hall. A Home for Every Dynamic building to building to get their assign- Erica purposely waited to enter the The size of the classroom Erica en- ments done. building until the first day of classes, tered, along with all the other class- “The fact that all the utilities of knowing the self-built suspense would rooms and tutoring rooms in Florida the program are in one building really turn into great surprise. And it did. Hospital Hall, provides needed space for makes the new building effective,” says “When I walked inside, my mouth an extensive curriculum and dynamic Erica. 10 Columns

Period. I knew that I wanted to be a film major only .. the final contestant pool was selected for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, .. makes this ESL class different .
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