Small Grants and Ambassador’s Fund Program Quarterly Report September 2010 – November 2010 SGAFP Project Office House No. 10, Street No. 56, F-6/4, Islamabad T: +92 51 2827725-7, Fax: +92 51 2827728 Email: [email protected] , Website: Contents Office Establishment & Staff Recruitment: ..................................................................................... 3 Financial Systems & Reporting: ......................................................................................................... 3 Development of Standard Operating Procedures ........................................................................... 3 Key Activities under Monitoring and Evaluation: .......................................................................... 4 Media & Communication: .................................................................................................................. 4 Launching workshops/Campaigns: ............................................................................................. 4 SGAFP website: ................................................................................................................................ 5 Brochures: .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Media and Communication Officer ............................................................................................... 6 Ambassador Fund-Applications Processing: ............................................................................... 6 Cases Reviewed by TEC: ..................................................................................................................... 6 Logging of the Applications and Documentation: .......................................................................... 8 Grant Management MIS ...................................................................................................................... 9 Region wise breakup of received applications: ........................................................................... 9 Sector wise breakup of received applications: ........................................................................... 10 Region Wise analysis of received applications: ......................................................................... 10 Institutional Assessment and Support to Applicant Organizations ........................................... 11 Planning for Next Quarter (December 2010- February 2011): ..................................................... 11 Issues and Recommendations: ......................................................................................................... 12 Annex I: List of SGAFP Project Staff: .............................................................................................. 14 Annex II: Excel based database: ....................................................................................................... 15 Office Establishment & Staff Recruitment: The SGAFP is operating from House 10, Street 56 in Sector F-6/4 Islamabad. To kick off the project interventions, the SGAFP office arranged all necessary equipment and furniture/fixture during the period under report which either by borrowing from NRSP or procuring locally. The project office has undertaken all necessary documentation for the bulk procurement of the remaining furniture, fixtures and IT equipment which will be completed in the second quarter. The initial arrangements and institutional support from NRSP has been instrumental in rolling out the project activities as per the agreed timeline. During the period under review, SGAFP Office was able to bring on board the key project staff. Besides, the Project Office strategized to fill the remaining vacant positions as per the need of the project. The SGAFP staff list is attached at Annex I. Financial Systems & Reporting: The entire team of Finance & Contracts of SGAFP has joined the project. As the NRSP’s computerized financial accounting system is already available, a chart of accounts for the project was developed and put into use in October, 2010. Four foreign currency bank accounts (US Dollars interest bearing bank accounts) have been opened with Habib Bank Limited, CDA Civic Centre Branch, Islamabad. Three local currency accounts (PKR Interest bearing bank accounts) were also opened in early September 2010, one for the project’s operating expenses, and one each for the Small Grants and Ambassador’s Fund components. The Finance Section prepared and submitted the invoices for the month of September 2010 to USAID for reimbursement of the incurred expenses which has not been cleared so far. An invoice for the month of October and November is in process and will be submitted in the first week of December, 2010. The project office is expecting that this reimbursement will take place in the coming quarter. Development of Standard Operating Procedures Following discussions during the orientation meeting on September 1, 2010 at NRSP’s Head Office to bring forward the launch of the SGAFP earlier than the agreed timelines, NRSP and KPMG jointly submitted the Grants Manual. This, together with the Grants Supplement, has now been approved by USAID. Following this approval, the SGAFP is now starting its rollout campaign. Regional and Inception Workshops are being planned to be held in the provinces during November and December. KPMG has submitted a draft Accounting and Finance manual which is under review by SGAFP management, and feedback for incorporating the required changes will be provided to KPMG. The finalized accounting and finance manual will be submitted to USAID for review and approval. After incorporating USAID’s comments if any, a final Financial Management Plan will be ready for use of the project. Key Activities under Monitoring and Evaluation: Through the institutional support and technical assistance of NRSP, the SGAFP project office was able to draft the following key documents: Monitoring & Mitigation Plan Performance Management Plan Annual Work Plan The Monitoring and Mitigation Plan provides a roadmap for the implementation of SGAFP; starting from the launch campaigns for information dissemination to the processing of applications, in a systematic manner. It entails the verification of information through objectively verifiable indicators (OVIs) and provides guidance for the distribution of roles and responsibilities. The Performance Management Plan for grantees outlines the major indicators to ensure that SGAFP grantees are compliant to the USAID rules/regulations, implement the projects as per the contract agreements, maintain operational transparency, and provide requisite reports as per the required standards. The draft Annual Work Plan is currently under review at the SGAFP office and shall be finalized in the coming quarter after thorough discussions within the team. The Monitoring plan and Performance Management Plans have been submitted to the USAID for review and feedback and they would be finalized once these are received from USAID. Media & Communication: Launching workshops/Campaigns: The SGAFP Project Office is cognizant to the need of disseminating maximum information about the project across Pakistan, especially in the relatively remote and backwards areas of the country so that a diversified range of civil society organizations and NGOs come up with innovative proposals. . To this effect, the SGAFP has planned launching workshop with the rollout plan for November and December. This will comprise regional workshops across Pakistan and an inception workshop in Islamabad to be attended by key stakeholders. One orientation workshop in Khyber Pakhtunkha has already taken place at November 3, 2010 at Peshawar which was coordinated by US Consulate Peshawar. With the institutional support of NRSP, the SGAFP will ensure that maximum number of the local civil society organizations, NGOs, and other stakeholders attend these workshops. This will result into maximum visibility needed at the outset of the project. A schedule has been developed for the SGAFP launch (including dates and venues for regional workshops in Punjab and Sindh). The agenda and presentations for these have been developed. In consultation with the relevant stakeholders, the regional workshops schedule for Sindh and Punjab has been developed. The SGAFP is networking with the USAID funded Gender Equity Program (GEP) of Aurat Foundation for combined launching ceremonies. It has been planned that launching workshop in Sindh will be organized by Aurat Foundation on 6th December at Karachi, and the Punjab event will be organized by SGAFP on 9th December at Lahore. SGAFP project office is updating an NGO directory and accordingly the invitation letters have been sent to the available list of NGOs and civil society organizations. It is hoped that these launching workshop events will prove to be instrumental in information dissemination and the SGAFP project office foresees a major breakthrough in terms of number of applicants in the next quarter. SGAFP website: The SGAFP project office has launched its website in the reporting quarter. The SGAFP website ( ) is currently operational and provides relevant information about the project to the applicants. After in-house approval of the design and contents of the website, it was shared with USAID. The USAID has approved the website during the month of October, 2010. Apart from generic information of the SGAFP, the website also provides an access to the applicant’s guidelines for Ambassador’s Fund and Small Grants. The application form in Urdu and fact sheet for small grants, shared by USAID, have also been uploaded on SGAFP website. The SGAFP will regularly monitor the website and keep it uploaded with latest information on the project and changes in policy and procedures, if any. Brochures: During the period under review, the SGAFP project office designed and developed introductory brochures in Urdu and English. These brochures provide necessary information and guidelines for accessing the project funding. The brochures were shared with USAID for concurrence. These have been printed in sufficient numbers and will be circulated among a wide range of target audience, including those attending the launching workshops. The SGAFP now plans to translate these brochures in major regional languages viz. Sindhi, Pashto and Balochi. Media and Communication Officer The position of Media and Communication has been advertised and a total of 131 applications have been received and are under review at the SGAFP office. This position will be filled during December 2010 so that he/she can take care of the media and communication needs of the project in an effective manner, and also liaise with the concerned person in USAID and other USAID projects. Ambassador Fund-Applications Processing: The SGAFP project office has been successful in putting in place required systems and procedures in order to enable the applicants to submit their applications. Likewise these applications are being processed for necessary desk review, technical assessment and onward submission to the USAID. The project office is also providing necessary handholding and technical assistance to the applicants to fine tune the applications. During the reporting quarter, cumulatively 111 applicant organizations submitted applications on the prescribed SGAFP format. In addition, 119 applicants who submitted simple project proposals/concept notes were requested to resubmit their applications on the prescribed form. The prescribed application form was also provided to such applicants. Applications guidelines were also communicated to all applicants. As per procedures, the received applications have been logged and acknowledgements transmitted to the applicants. Out of 111 total applications received, the SGAFP project office was able to process 42 applications (38% of the total). The further breakup of the status of processed applications is given in the Table 1 below. Table 1: Status of the processed applications at SGAFP project office Total Applicatio In Referred to Reviewed Status of Applications Cases ns Referred process other by TEC & Transmitted to USAID back to at Grants programme Transmitted Approved In Total applicant Section to USAID process 111 27 4 1 10 5 5 10 Of 111 total received applications, 27 were referred back to the applicants for more information and one application was referred to USAID GEP. Of the 10 applications sent to USAID, five were approved and decision on the remaining was awaited. Cases Reviewed by TEC: In line with the project documents, a Technical and Evaluation Committee has been established at the SGAFP project office. This committee is mandated to review and appraise the processed applications from different aspects and recommend approval or rejection of applications to USAID which has the final authority in such matters. The TEC has following representatives: COP, DCOP, Manager FA & Contracts and M&E officer from SGAFP Office Technical experts on a need basis from NRSP HO Technical experts from Sub-partners: KPMG and RSPN on need basis Of the ten cases reviewed by the TEC during reporting quarter, 9 have been recommended for approval and 1 has been recommended for rejection. Concurring to the recommendations of TEC, the USAID approved five cases worth USD 284,884, and one case has been rejected. Grants request for release of grants under Ambassador Fund is being prepared and will be submitted in the next quarter. Table 2 below shows the cases reviewed by TEC during the reporting period. Table 2: Details of the cases reviewed by the TEC S. Organization Organization Province Sector TEC USAID No Name Type Recommendations decision (approval / rejection) 1 Department of Government Khyber- Health Recommended for Approved Nephrology, Institution Pakhtunkhwa approval Khyber (KP) Teaching Hospital 2 Khpal Kor NGO Khyber- Social Assistance Recommended for Approved Foundation, Pakhtunkhwa approval Swat (KP) 3 Al-Sadat NGO Punjab Social Recommended for Approved Welfare Society, Assistance/Flood approval Rajanpur Rehabilitation 4 The CareFirst NGO Punjab Health Not recommended Rejected Foundation, for approval Multan 5 Municipal Government Gilgit Baltistan Education Recommended for Approved Public Library, Institution approval Gilgit 6 Babuzai CBO Khyber- Agriculture Recommended for Pakhtunkhwa approval (KP) 7 Parwaz CBO Khyber- Social Recommended for Pakhtunkhwa Assistance/Flood approval (KP) Rehabilitation 8 Shan-e-Mustafa CBO Punjab Social Recommended for Assistance/Flood approval Rehabilitation 9 Qaisrani Rural CBO Punjab Social Recommended for Support Assistance/Flood approval Development Rehabilitation S. Organization Organization Province Sector TEC USAID No Name Type Recommendations decision (approval / rejection) Program (QRSDP) 10 Make A Wish NGO All four Social Assistance Recommended for Foundation provinces approval Pakistan The province and sector wise bifurcation of the TEC reviewed cases are presented in the Table 3 below. Table 3: Province and sector wise bifurcation of TEC reviewed cases Province Number Sector Number Punjab 4 Social Assistance 6 KP 4 Agriculture 1 Gilgit Baltistan 1 Health 2 All Pakistan 1 Education 1 The TEC reviewed applications are mostly from KP and Punjab and the focused area is primarily for Social assistance (flood response activities), as flood response is considered as a priority area by applicant organizations. This is understood in the aftermaths of unprecedented floods in the history of Pakistan that calls for immense relief and rehabilitation Logging of the Applications and Documentation: As the result of initial networking, information dissemination and proactive engagement with NGOs and civil society organizations, the SGAFP project received a positive response. USAID also played its key role in encouraging and routing the applicants to SGAFP project office. The SGAFP project office established a login system in the very outset to register the applications with the project. All 111 applications received on the prescribed format were logged in with the project. Likewise 119 concept notes project proposals that were not developed on the template were also registered for reference/record. The SGAFP office has maintained an updated record of the applications log. The project shall build on this to further fine tune management of the applications record at the SGAFP office. Grant Management MIS At the onset of the project, USAID promised to provide a modified version of the small grants MIS/data base being used by OTI. In USAID’s opinion this MIS/data base could be effectively used for tracking the grants at SGAFP. The SGAFP project office is in touch with USAID for getting this grants management MIS/database. At the moment , the project office has established an excel based spread sheet (see Annex II) that provides complete record of the application with details like date of the origination of application, contact details of the applicants/focal persons, timeline for desk review and onward submission to the TEC and its approval/disapproval by the TEC etc. In addition, it also covers the post-grant processing phases i.e. the approval by the USAID, contract negotiation, award of contract and budgeting etc. Till the time the SGAFP project office gets a MIS from USAID and it is customized to the requirements of the SGAFP, the project office will continue maintaining excel based database. Region wise breakup of received applications: During the quarter SGFAP has received Applications from all over the Pakistan, including AJK and Gilgit Baltistan (GB). Fig.1 reflects the No. of applications received from all the four provinces, AJK and GB. Fig. 1: Region wise bifurcation of received applications 50 45 43 40 36 35 30 25 19 20 15 10 7 4 5 2 0 0 FATA Gilgit Balochistan AJK Sindh Khyber Punjab Baltistan Pakhtunkhwa During first quarter, majority (71%) of the Applications received were from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provinces. So far the applications turn out has been low from FATA, GB Balochistan and AJK. Accordingly, the SGAPF project office is planning to hold introductory launching workshops in these regions. Special focus will be given to such areas that have been ‘quite’ as of now to ensure that a homogeneous response is received from all across Pakistan. The SGAFP project office is planning to maintain a directory of the NGOs and CBOs working in such remote and backward areas and linkages will be established with such organizations to encourage them to access the SGAFP. Sector wise breakup of received applications: 35 Fig. 2: Sector wise bifurcation of applications 32 30 25 19 19 20 18 15 10 10 7 4 5 1 1 0 0 Governance Energy Gender Social Education Multi Sector Economic Health Agriculture Social Assistance Growth Assistance/ Flood Rehabilitaion The trend of the applications is responsive to the immediate and rehabilitation needs in the backdrop of the Floods 2010 with devastating aftermaths. A little less than 50% of the applicants have pointed out the need of social assistance leading to floods rehabilitation and revitalization of the land-based livelihoods of smallholders. The other prominent sectors are Health, Economic Growth, Education, multi-sector and so on. The trend of the applications is likely to be change as the time passes. However it clearly calls for the concerted efforts to place a focus on important sectors like Energy and Governance. Region wise analysis of received applications: The region wise analysis of the received applications is given in the Table 4 below: Table 4: Region and sector wise analysis of the applications received in first quarter Region wise bifurcation of the received applications Sector/Thematic Area Punjab KPK Sindh Balochistan AJK G.B Total Floods/Social Assistance 13 6 11 - 2 - 32 Agriculture 10 7 1 - 1 - 19