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Small Angle X-ray Scattering Metrology for Sidewall Angle and PDF

48 Pages·2005·2.42 MB·English
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Preview Small Angle X-ray Scattering Metrology for Sidewall Angle and

SSmmaallll AAnnggllee XX--rraayy SSccaatttteerriinngg MMeettrroollooggyy ffoorr SSiiddeewwaallll AAnnggllee aanndd CCrroossss SSeeccttiioonn ooff NNaannoommeetteerr SSccaallee LLiinnee GGrraattiinnggss Wen-Li Wu Ronald L. Jones, Tengjiao Hu, Christopher L. Soles, Eric K. Lin, Funding •NIST Office of Microelectronics Programs [email protected] ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005 • Introduction •Measurement of pitch and line width •Measurement of side wall angle & height •Line roughness including both side walls & top surface (on-going) •Conclusions ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005 CCrriittiiccaall DDiimmeennssiioonn SSmmaallll AAnnggllee XX--rraayy SSccaatttteerriinngg ((CCDD--SSAAXXSS)) Transmission SAXS •Silicon transparent for E > 13 keV •Developed using synchrotron technology •Non-destructive / No sample prep •Lab-scale device feasibility (in progress) •Use scatterometry targets ω •Beam spot size (40x40) µm •Collection time: (1 to 5) seconds/sample 2θ •Model fits simpler than scatterometry •Measure “2-D” and Buried patterns of metals & dielectrics •Via, post, pads, etc •High Precision for small line width (10-300 nm) •Sub-nm precision in pitch and linewidth •Sidewall angle and Pattern Cross Section •Technique “easier” with smaller structures ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005 Top down SEM of dense array of via pads 2-D and Buried Structures •Structures can be buried (metrology of 3- D circuits possible) •Transmission measurement samples all depths equally •2-D detector allows single measurement to characterize entire top-down shape. •Additional measurements provide pattern cross section (I.e. sidewall angle) •Full 3-D characterization possible of dense, high aspect ratio patterns Resulting CD-SAXS detector image shows 2 axes of diffraction. Entire top-down shape can be characterized in one measurement ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005 AA WWiiddee RRaannggee ooff SSaammpplleess Dense (1:1 spacing) 550 nm lines MMaatteerriiaallss mmeeaassuurreedd nnoonn--ddeessttrruuccttiivveellyy ••PPhhoottoorreessiissttss ((224488 nnmm,, 119933 nnmm,, EEUUVV)) ••EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg PPoollyymmeerrss ((PPMMMMAA,, PPSS)) ••OOxxiiddeess ((SSiiOO22)) ••NNaannooppoorroouuss MMaattrriicceess ••BBaarrrriieerr llaayyeerrss ((SSiiNN,, SSiiCCNN)) ••MMeettaall IInntteerrccoonnnneeccttss ((CCuu)) PPaatttteerrnn GGeeoommeettrriieess ••LLiinnee//SSppaaccee ppaatttteerrnnss ((ggrraattiinnggss)) ••AArrrraayyss ooff ccoolluummnnss ••AArrrraayyss ooff hhoolleess ((vviiaass)) Sparse (1:10 spacing) 15nm lines Hexagonal Close Packed 60 nm vias Line/Space Patterns in Oxide FILE: ISMT_S103_R_046.dat Model Name: Rectangle Period (nm): 173 Line Width (nm): 15 3 Line Height (nm): 370 Dev. in Period (nm): 4 Pattern SLD (cm^-2): 1e+10 Scale Factor: 6 Background: 600 2 y sit n e nt I 1000 9 8 7 6 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 -1 qU (nLmS) I, Richardson, TX x March 18, 2005 CCrriittiiccaall DDiimmeennssiioonn SSmmaallll AAnnggllee XX--rraayy SSccaatttteerriinngg ((CCDD--SSAAXXSS)) • Probing wavelength < 1 Å → measurement becomes easier as feature size gets smaller • Weak interaction between materials ( Cu, Ta, Si, C, O, H, etc.) → penetration power & Fourier transform (real objects) • Absorption edge exists for heavy elements including Ta ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005 challenges • Quantify imperfections of nano-pattern from X-ray data • Availability of intense x-ray source other than synchrotron ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005 • Introduction •Measurement of pitch and line width •Measurement of side wall angle and height •Line roughness including both side walls & top surface (on-going) •Conclusions ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005 SAXS characterization technique • Pitch Measurement 0.030 0.025 0.020 ) 1 0.015 - A ( q 0.010 0.005 0.000 -10 -5 0 5 10 D Peak order D = 237.1 ± 0.5 nm ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005 3 2 y t i s n e t n I 1000 9 8 7 6 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 -1 q (nm ) x ULSI, Richardson, TX March 18, 2005

•High Precision for small line width (10-300 nm) •Sub-nm precision in pitch and linewidth •Metal Interconnects SAXS characterization technique • Line
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