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Xerox University Microfilms 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 LD3907 ♦G7 Weias, RicM k I Jetreift^. W 3 - X951 small augl*. scattering of 'neutrons. .'*45 3pJcJ-3apt‘ lllus. ,diagrs. Thesis (Lhoio) - PVi.U., Graduate i School, 1951o Bibliography: poJ^a C 81979,, loXeutrons. 2 .cj.ioctr.lc discharges through gases. I.Title* 3* Dissertations, Academic - K.Y.U. - 1951* Shall list Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 THIS DISSERTATION HAS BEEN MICROFILMED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED. library of M W YORK RRlVRRSX'pj UNIVERSITY HEIGHT.-? SMALL ANGLE SCATTERING OF NEUTRONS R. J. weiss August 31y-195Q" A dissertation in the Department of Physics submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, at New York University. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction p i Theory p 2 Bragg Reflection p 13 Effect of a Conglomerate of Spheres P 15 Particle Shape P 17 Other Applications p 18 Experiment p 20 Refraction p 20 1. Effect of n. p 22 R 2. Effect of p 22 f 3. Effect of p 2A A. Effect of \ p 25 5. Effect of a. p 26 b 6, Effect of P 30 Diffraction P 32 1. Effect of P 32 A 2. Effect of P 3A Intermediate Range P 3A Magnetic Scattering p 36 Summary P 36 Acknowledgements P 37 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Bibliography List of Symbols 4 G 0 G r Co s turning point of tiKB wave equation ?,= [ + ‘- Gr, - I*'- - phase shift of /£*^‘ partial wave. T = positional coordinate Jn = Btssel function 5 = dist ace wave passes from center ->f particle Q s angle between incident and scattered wave X s angle between chord of partial wave and radius of particle j? = $:$m6 = p.ayleigh-Oans distribut:' en fu ction = 0" = total scattering cross section per orrticle = form /'actor to = mosaic spre-d rt»)= scat :ering amplitude of powder sample Cj"(&)- differential scattering cross section for powder sample V = volume of powder sa sole \fj - probability function 71 r no. of particles in powder sanple U) - beam half width after scattering M)0= 11 " M before " Co = deviation of wave at surface of particle rt = number of particles traversed s coherent cross section ct, = density A = Avagadro's no. s atomic weight [) =s constant -2- F) = Ilaxwellian distribution function (T - neutron velocity /I X - average value of in the i.axwellian distri but Ion above cr'ii leal wave length. C - absorpt or coefficient Jf. - j«ak intensity of bea irons■rdttei throw ;1 powder sample ^ = total reflected intensit,r from 'Mirror (no sample) ■7" = •o°nk " " " 11 ” " 8 - cons'.ant A = full width at half :-.axi -.urn (m m ) N - number of particles per cc in powder sample •p - fracti n of beau suffering 3 ’all an pie scatterin'* dL - der’s.it-- ior rticle (jL - a.(parent densit• of powder sample % - t’-ic mess of .powder sample M- - neutron '?.guetic moment 8 = me tic induction -3- SMALL ANGLE SCATTERING OF NEUTRONS Introduction When a well collimated beam of neutrons or x-rays ( ' minutes of arc) is passed through finely divided material, the beam is found to di- 1,2 verge. This is attributed to diffraction and refraction occurring at each individual particle. The theoretical interpretation of the broaden­ ing of the beam has been the subject of much discussionj and a great deal 3 of x-ray work has been done in this field. Two "conflicting” theories 4 5 6 dominated the field - that of Rayleigh-Gans * or Guinier (diffraction ry only) and that of Von Nardroff (refraction only). As late as 1949 papers appeared which refuted one theory or the other on the basis of experimen- “I p tal results, even though a thesis by Van de Hulst had appeared in 194-6 which showed that for electromagnetic radiation the Rayleigh-Gans and Von Nardroff theories were both limiting cases of the correct approach to the problem. (Unfortunately the thesis was published abroad). The important consideration, as pointed out by Van de Hulst, is the relative phase change in traversing the particle as compared to the phase change in traversing the same path length in vacuo. If this phase change p << / the Rayleigh- Gans theory is valid while if ^ >>/ the Von Nardroff theory is valid. A recheck into experimental results has shown that this, indeed, was the case and only the accidental choice of particle size determined the mag­ nitude of The present work is theoretically and experimentally extended to the neutron case; the essential difference being that we deal with a scalar wave equation (Schrodinger*s equation) for neutrons and a vector wave equation (Maxwell's equations) for x-rays. THEORY We begin by calculating the effect of a single spherical particle containing N nuclei/cc on a plane wave of neutrons impinging on the par- \ -«»8 tide. The wave length of the neutrons is A ^ 10 cm. and the particle A . diameter afI > 100 g The Schrodinger equation within the particle is = - «• <p (2) where = wave number in free space = and <>c , the Fermi poten­ tial, is given by « . v ' l K Z - w ' & f * (*, V The j/ are the indices corresponding to lattice positions and y O" = scattering cross section for the y th nucleus OL* - absorption 11 ii ii The + refers to the phase of scattering. - jJf/ . _"i<w5 t^ _ y -3ff x. For most nuclei « « //OO cOm. J O~' ^ ^ c>* We drop terms in O a. leaving We next expand <<. into a Fourier series in periodicities corresponding V to reciprocal lattice vectors •> -. 2 * « r 2 * P & Kr<*Z> u) * y »<e f1 ^ Multiplying through by j£ and integrating over we have -> -7 «•< ■ v - 2v * [ £ A -A * r' (5) The Schrodinger equation with a periodic potential has a solution of the form ' -? rf? .’*-r r * * 2 c * * <6) 2 * - - If we substitute this into the Schrodinger equation as well as the expression for *c we get ‘-9 ^ z r & t /r) - **]je x 2 2 a*k c«je * / tic.r **. Equating coefficients of £ we have (8) When there is no Bragg scattering the wave is little deviated and CQ is larger than all the C „ . We then have (p*Co£ (9) £' » wave number in lattice and »/7if (io) M c« (n) « r Z * ( £ f f ** i i( Substituting ^ y* (XL- = scattering amplitude we have (12) s j where the j?% »s are the isotopic abundancesj the i's are the nuclear spins and the CL and are scattering amplitudes for the spins of the neutron and nucleus parallel and anti-parallel. CL is termed the coherent scattering amplitude. The index of refraction is defined as 771L ' &T if-'‘-if*-- (13) (**-/) * ‘ ° -firtti We let Rewriting the wave equation in the particle by substituting (9) in (1) we have , . ^ «<£. ^7 ^ */* = O in the medium and V $ +~ -O in free space. 9 The general solution can be given as a sum of partial waves. 00 (15) Jtco Due to symmetry we need not consider the azimuthal angle *-f X* satisfies the differential equation (16) t _ f i-# o d.rl in the particle and by replacing by -ft we have the equation satis­ fied in free space. The differential scattering cross section is given by9 ais)- 2 ^ * 0(1-2 '^) (17) ^ r | JtsO where ^ is the phase shift of the Jt ^ partial wave. To determine this phase shift we make use of the WKB method.^ The WKB method is a semi-classical approach which is useful when the fractional change in the wave number is small in a distance . This is true for neutrons and *«r x-rays for which the index of refraction is very close to unity, differing by S’ = 10“6. The solutions to (16) are^ I / I f? *TT* ^ pVn [ j ^ dT— IC ^ the particle (18) * V where is the turning point, is the particle radius and f a ] V - <* £] (19) ln ^ree space (20) cv j>-. (%£] ™

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