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S A LOV ENI ISSN 1448-8175 SOUTH AUSTRALIA A u s t r a l i a P o s t p r i n t a p p r o v e d PP 534387/00013 ISSUE No. 69 Autumn/ jesen 2014 NEWSLETTER Slovenski klub Adelaide Slovenian Club Adelaide Predsednikovo poročilo President’s Address Spoštovani člani, Dear members, Kar ne morem verjeti kako hitro je mimo tri mesece. I can not believe how quickly three months has past. It seems to me that we said goodbye to a Christmas not long ago and yet Komaj smo se poslovili od božiča in ze je pred vrati Velika here is almost Easter. noč. Once again a Christmas dinner proved to be very popular. Božično kosilo je bilo ponovno dokaz, da je vse bolj popularno. Caterer Joe prepared a four course meal for more than 150 Udeležilo se ga je preko 150 članov in prijateljev. “Caterer” Joe people. The food was delicious. Sadly our kitchen ladies are not je poskrbel za odlično kosilo. S štiri vrstnem menijem je bil po so young anymore therefore can no longer cook for so many mojem mnenju lahko zadovoljiv se tako zahtevne kritik. Na people. Thanks to Joe. žalost, naše utrujene kuharce niso več tako mlade, da bi bile pripravljene nahraniti toliko ust. We were delighted to meet with fellow countrymen-women from Melbourne on Sunday, 29th December 2013. They Veseli smo bili obiska naših rojakov iz Melbourna, ki ga je pilgrimaged to Penola (the home of Marry McKillop) and then organiziral verski center iz Kew-ja 26. decembra 2013. a few days later they continued on their journey to Adelaide. Poromali so v Penolo od tam pa nadaljevali izlet do Adelaide, On Sunday, 29th December the group joined us at the kjer so se na nedeljo, 29. decembra pridružili praznovanju v celebration mass in the Slovenian church. Later in the afternoon slovenski cerkvi Svete družine. Popoldan smo se zbrali pri we all met at the club to have dinner with Adelaide archbishop kosilu v našem klubu skupaj z našim adelaidskim nadškofom Phillip Wilson who presided over the mass with father Ciril and Philipom Wilsonom, ki je vodil slavno mašo v naši cerkvi father David. The archbishop was very impressed with our skupaj s patrom Cirilom in patrom Davidom. Gospod nadškof club. je bil izredno zadovoljen in presenečen nad našim klubom. There was a poor turnout on New Year’s Eve. Is it worth to Na Silvestrovanju se nas je zbralo le nekaj. Vprašanje pa je, če have the club open on this night in the future? se bo v bodoče sploh se splačalo odpreti klub na ta večer? On Sunday, 9th February we were entertained by a group of V nedeljo, 9. februarja pa smo imeli v klubu obisk glasbene Slovenian musicians. The popular singer Manca Špik grupe iz Slovenije. Popularna pevka Manca Špik je s svojim enchanted the audience, young and old, with her beautiful čudovitim glasom ocarala mlade in stare. Tudi Hajni Blagne je voice. The rest of the night was taken care by accordion player poskrbel, da je bilo veselo. Za smeh pa je poskrbel Klemen – singer Hajni Blagne and comedian Klemen Košir with their Košir. Bil je zares lep večer. talented performances. It was a truly enjoyable night. Tudi pusta smo počastili v nedeljo, 2. Marc. Imeli smo B.B.Q. On Sunday, 2nd March we celebrated “Pust”- carnival with a Pust pa ne bi bil pust brez pustnih krofov, za kar se moram iz B.B.Q. Pust wouldn’t be the carnival that it was without those srca zahvaliti ženam, ki so jih pripravile. Hvala bili so odlični. lovely donuts! A big thank you to the ladies who made such delicious buns (krofe). Rad bi se zahvalil vsem tistim kateri pomagate in podpirate naš klub. I would like to thank all those who tirelessly help and support our club. Vsem članom in prijateljem Slovenskega kluba želim vesele in varne velikonočne praznike. I wish to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and safe Easter. Lep pozdrav, Best regards, Ivan Cafuta Predsednik Ivan Cafuta President 1 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 *** Slovenski klub je odprt vsako nedeljo za druženje Slovenia South Australia can be viewed online : in večerja. Vi ste vsi toplo vabljeni. www.glasslovenije.com.au www.scribd.com/SloveniaSA (12,500+ reads) Slovenian Club is open every Sunday for www.dlib.si (digital library Slovenia) socializing and dinner. You are all warmly welcomed. 5EBI Radio Committee Slovenian Radio Dragi ljubitelji slovenskega radia, Iskreno se zahvaljujem vsem, ki ste se udeležili radijskega sestanka. Prepričan sem, da je med name še veliko volje za delo, kakor tudi za poslušanje. Udeleženci sestanka pa ste videli, da nam zmankujejo moči. Naše prošnje, da se nam bi kdo pridružil in sprejelvsaj polurno oddajanje na mesec pade na gluha ušesa. Naši potomci ne razumejo slovensko. Sedanji slovenski Adelaide Hills emigranti pa so neobčutljiva slama, ki jo veter nosi v mrtvo neskončnost niča. Dobrodošli v jesenski izdaji Slovenija Južna Avstralija novice. Torej, da ne bi zaradi bolezni in starost šlo vse k vragu ter da ne bo čas prehitro zabrisal našo daljavo, bomo morali skrajšati čas Welcome to the Autumn edition of the Slovenia na plovico – na polurno oddajanje tedensko. Drugo možnost je, South Australia newsletter. da bi nekdo druge, tretje generacije sprejel z oddajanjem v angleškem jeziku, (tega sigurno vsi znajo). Kdor ima le malo Slovenia South Australia čuta zavednosti, ljubezni ter topline do materine beside in krvi First published in 1997. naj se javi enemu odbornikov, ki mu bo pomagal se prilagoditi mikrofonu. Input and involvement from all Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Kri ni voda! Če vas je le nekaj v hlačah prosim dvignite roko in se nam pridružite; ne za naš marveč za narodni blagor. Slovenia South Australia Newsletter Editorial email contacts: Ivan Legiša Adrian Vatovec Predsednik [email protected] ** Rosemary Poklar Dear friends of Slovenian radio, [email protected] I sincerely thank all of you who attended the radio meeting. Mailing address: 11 Lasalle Street I am sure that there is amongst us still a great will for the work, Dudley Park South Australia 5008 as there is also for listening. Those of you who attended the meeting saw that we are running out of strength. contributions: Ivan Cafuta Our requests for someone new to join us and undertake at least Draga Gelt OAM one half-hour broadcast a month fall on deaf ears. Ivan Legiša Rosemary Poklar Our descendants do not understand Slovenian. Today's Anica Strgar Slovenian migrants are indifferent straw that the wind carries to Adrian Vatovec the dead immensity of nothingness. Cassandra Vatovec Therefore, so that everything might not go to the devil because Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo, 24ur.com, Delo, of illness and age, and that our long history might not be too SiOL.net, The Slovenia Times, Slovenske Novice, Zurnal24 Slovenia South Australia sponsors: quickly wiped out, we will have to shorten our time by half - to  Slovenian Club Adelaide one half hour program a week. Another possibility is that someone of the second, third generation takes on broadcasting Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community in the English language (certainly we all know English). for Issue No.70 of The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Anyone who has a little sense of consciousness, love and warmth for their mother's words and blood should talk to one of Copies of Slovenia South Australia newsletter are lodged with the committee members who will help them to adapt to the the National Library of Australia, State Library of South microphone. Australia, and the National Library of Slovenia (NUK). 2 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 Blood is not water! If you are at all interested, please raise WORLD LACE CONGRESS your hand and join us; not for us but rather for national well- Adelaide being. July 18 – 20, 2014 Ivan Legiša President Bonython Hall, and Elder Hall Adelaide University Vida Končina, Ivan Legiša, Cvetka Petrovski and Rosemary 9.00am – 5.00pm daily Poklar. Lace display from around the world including The Slovenian Adelaide 5EBI Radio Program team for 2013 is Ivan Legiša president, Vida Končina, Rosemary Poklar, Cvetka Slovenia Petrovski, Stanka Sintič, and Anna-Maria Zupančič. Rosemary Poklar and Cvetka Petrovski are delegates to 5EBI. Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee or the appropriate program presenter if you wish to acknowledge someone’s birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Tune into FM 103.1mhz. Internet: www.5ebi.com.au The Slovenian program broadcasting in Adelaide continuously for over 30 years. Primopredaja na Uradu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu EBI Digital World With the introduction of digital broadcasting 5EBI now 25. 2. 2014 simulcast the FM service on digital radio. Na Uradu vlade za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu je danes Pevski zbor – Choir dosedanja ministrica za Slovence v zamejstvu po svetu Tina Komel predala posle novemu ministru Gorazdu Žmavcu. Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. Primopredaja je bila izvedena korektno, je poudaril novi minister Gorazd Žmavc. Tini Komel se je zahvalil za uspešno New members are welcome to join because as we know, most delov v 11 mesecih, sam pa bo nadaljeval z že postavljeno Slovenians can sing. It’s in our DNA. strategijo na Uradu, poudarek pa bo v večjem povezovanju na gospodarskem področju, zlasti s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu ter na področju mladih. 3 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 Gorazd Žmavc je član IO DeSUS, mestni svetnik na Ptuju, kjer je med drugim predsednik komisije za odlikovanja in priznanja ter predsednik odbora za gospodarstvo. New Minister for Slovenians Abroad 25. 2. 2014, STA Gorazd Žmavc plans to focus on the young generation of the Slovenian diaspora and on economic cooperation in his term as minister for Slovenians abroad. Taking over from Tina Komel on Tuesday, he said he would continue the work of his predecessors. Addressing reporters after meeting Komel for the change of office, Žmavc said he did not plan any major changes at the Office for Slovenians Abroad. But said that he would like to boost economic cooperation with Gorazdu Žmavc in Tina Komel the diaspora, also through closer collaboration with other government departments. Novi minister za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu As part of these efforts he plans to seek the diaspora's help in attracting investors to Slovenia. "Slovenians can be the biggest Avtor: Gašper Lubej, STA, 24.02.2014 promoters of our economy," Žmavc said. Novi minister za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Gorazd He first plans to visit Slovenian minorities in the neighbouring Žmavc bo nadaljeval z že postavljeno strategijo na resorju, countries, suggesting the visits would not be just a formality pozornost pa bo usmeril tudi v večje povezovanje z zunanjim in but would focus on concrete solutions. gospodarskim ministrstvom, je napovedal po imenovanju v DZ. Tina Komel agreed economic cooperation and the young generation came as key priorities. "Unless we have young people in our Slovenian organisations and societies, these will unfortunately become extinct," she said. Listing her achievements, Komel mentioned the creation of a Slovenian business incubator in Trieste, a reading room in Munich, Slovenian language lessons at several schools, especially in Croatia, and good cooperation with Slovenian organisations and local authorities abroad. Nove državne sekretarke v Uradu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Gorazd Žmavc 4.3.14 Da je DeSUS zdaj prevzel oba zunanja resorja, je sicer lahko čudna, a tudi kar praktična situacija, je dodal. Žmavc bo najprej Vlada Republike Slovenije je na današnji dopisni seji, na poskusil oceniti kadrovske razmere na svojem resorju, nato pa predlog ministra brez resorja za področje odnosov Vlade RS za bo na osnovi že postavljene strategije nadaljeval "kontinuiteto Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, razrešila s funkcije dela tega ministrstva", je dejal v izjavi novinarjem. Njegova državnega sekretarja v Uradu Vlade RS za Slovence v prednostna naloga bo gospodarsko sodelovanje, zlasti s zamejstvu in po svetu dr. Borisa Jesiha in za novo državno Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu. Za nadaljnje aktivnosti na sekretarko v Uradu imenovala gospo Brigito Čokl. tem resorju je namreč po njegovem mnenju pomembna koordinacija z gospodarskim, pa tudi zunanjim ministrstvom, ki ga vodi prvak DeSUS Karl Erjavec. *** Kot poročajo številni mediji, ministrica za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Tina Komel zapušča svoje mesto in na njeno mesto prihaja 66-letni Gorazd Žmavc iz vrst Demokratične stranke upokojencev. Do spremembe naj bi prišlo v okviru rekonstrukcije slovenske vlade, ki zaobjema tudi mesto ministra za zdravstvo ter ministra za gospodarski razvoj. Dosedanja ministrica Tina Komel bo po novem, kot poročajo, poslanka v Državnem zboru. Brigita Čokl 4 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 zahvalujem Cvetki za njeno prostovoljno in dobro in lepo delo. Brigita Čokl, univ. dipl. ekon., je opravljala vodstvena dela na Hvala Cvetka. področju financ in računovodstva od leta 1978 naprej, najprej dvanajst let v EMO Celje in kasneje, od leta 1991 do 2012, v Anica Strgar ETOLu iz Celja. V času svojega dela si je pridobila znanja in delovne izkušnje s področij financ in upravljanja. Odlikuje se OCVIRKI kot dobra menedžerka in vodja, ki svoje delo zna prilagoditi Imam duhovno potrebo. Rad bi z vami malo kramljal, delil zastavljenim ciljem in dani situaciji. Pred imenovanjem za svoja čustva, misli in bolečino. V potrebi, če vam bom znal tudi državno sekretarko na Uradu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po prisluhniti, bo to posebna vrlost. Ker se trudim biti z vsemi svetu je opravljala funkcijo državne sekretarke na Ministrstvu prijazen, v sto pričakovanih trenutkih, ki mi bodo dani, bom, za zdravje. šibek med močnejšimi, v miru razgalil srce in se v delužu milosti zahvalil Bogu za polno nedrje vsakovrstnih dobrot. Vir: USZS Žmavc to Reform Financing for Slovenian Diaspora 17. 3. 2014 Ljubljana - The Office for Slovenians Abroad will aspire for the Slovenian minority in Italy and Austria to get representative bodies, as well as aim to reform the system of funding for the Slovenian diaspora, Minister for Slovenians Abroad Gorazd Žmavc announced on Monday. The funds earmarked for Slovenians abroad will be distributed more selectively from now on, Žmavc told the press and added that the funds will go to the projects which will prove to be better structured and will not only be based on old patterns. The youth remains a top priority for the office, said the minister Ocvirki and noted that their main strategic objectives include (pesmi in prozi), 2014 developing Slovenian identity through language, culture, Ivan Burnik Legiša education and science as well as securing funds for associations of the Slovenians abroad. I AM SLOVENIAN TOO Establishing joint representative bodies in Italy and Austria is Dear Slovenians, important to Žmavc, who feels that these bodies are a way of please, participate, and encourage your children and connecting the minority community to the mother country. grandchildren to participate as well. Otherwise, the Office for Slovenians Abroad also intends on Whether you are 1st, 2nd or even 3rd generation Slovenian, connecting local businesses to Slovenian managers abroad and you are encouraged to write an essay entitled coordinating operations of institutions for Slovenians abroad. Source: STA I AM A SLOVENIAN TOO Some pointers: your parents' language, how do you feel talking VEČNI SPOMINI Slovenian, what do you like about Slovenia and its culture, do Odšla sem daleč v tujino in ne morem pozabiti moj dom. you feel you belong, pride, Slovenian books, Slovenian films, food, national costumes, songs and music, your participation in Ko zjutraj sem se ustala sem slišala ptice peti in žvrgoleti in cultural events and more and so much more . . . How do you sama sebi dejala, kako nas nesem vse seboj. feel among Slovenians? Pozabiti sem mogla na moj dom. I would like your essays on May 11, 2014, to give time for judging and for book design. I would love to have it published Prišlo so ta mlada leta in uganjale sem mladost, pa dokler sem by the end of the year. še bila mlada nisem mislila na starost. So, please, keep reading and think about how you feel. Write down your feelings and send them back to me. The essay Pa kje so tista mlada leta, so zginila čez noč. can be short, but please no more than 500 words. Thank you. Ko gledam daleč v temno noč, samo luna je šla z menoj in če Why do you feel you are a Slovenian too? Do you know some ravno svet se še vrti na svoje moč, pa nas ne pusti od tam kjer Slovenian language? Do you like Slovenia? Are you proud of smo mi prišli nekoč. Slovenians? Why do you feel Slovenian? Anica Strgar *** Naša druga generacija. Cvetka Petrovski (Jelusič) ki se nahaja na radio 5EBI FM Adelaide za Slovence. Se osebno 5 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 ENTRY FORM: Slovenski Adelaide je nov Facebook stran. Name: Spodbujamo vse Slovence, še posebej 2. in 3. generacije Surname (optional): Avstralskih Slovencev, da se pridružijo. Age: Trenutno 400 plus članov. Address: Place of Birth: Slovenia Australia Channel YouTube ENTRIES: Due 11th May, 2014 (to allow judges to read all the entries and for design and publishing of the e-Book). Please circle: "I agree/do not agree to have my Essay published in the e-Book" ESSAYS – you can decorate your page(s): 1. Essays and/or drawings - children to 7 years of age (3 prizes) 2. Young Slovenians from 8 to 12 years of age (3 prizes) 3. Young Slovenians from 13 to 17 years of age (3 prizes) 4. 18 years plus - Adult Slovenians (3 prizes) Send the essays and entry forms to the address: http://www.youtube.com/user/SloAusChannel1?feature=watch D. GELT, PO BOX 1053, Mountain Gate, Vic 3156 or via email Honorary Consul Derry Maddison - Opening of Slovenian [email protected] or [email protected] Consulate in Melbourne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEFBygBqgb0&list=UU4_TweWFlh- 905nyeRFssgQ More information: Draga on 03 9756 0103 or 0438 025 402 Official opening of the Slovenian Consulate in Melbourne, THE EXHHIBITION: Victoria, headed by Honorary Consul Derry Maddison took Slovenian Association Melbourne, place on March 7, 2014. 82 Ingrams Rd. Research Victoria This is the first time a Slovenian Consulate has opened in WHEN: Melbourne and is a historic moment for Slovenian Victorians. exact date of the exhibition to be announced The Slovenian diplomatic service is planned to expand in this Good luck and kind regards part of the world. Following the Melbourne Consulate opening, Draga Gelt OAM Slovenia is planning to open Consulates in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth in Australia. Consulates will also be opened Slovenian Adelaide in New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. These Consulates will be overseen by the Slovenian Embassy in Canberra, Australia, as the regional centre. The Slovenian Consulate in Melbourne is located at – 6 Lachlan Court Come and join us! Sunbury 3429 Victoria e: [email protected] m: +61 408 332 753 t: +61 3 8390 9030 Slovenian Adelaide is a new Facebook page. We encourage all Slovenians, particularly 2nd and 3rd generation Australian Slovenians to join. Currently 400 plus members. *** 6 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 During February Slovenian Australians had the pleasure of Klemen Košir interview listening to 3 highly talented performers from Slovenia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8GfPkV4rzg&list=UU4_TweWFlh- 905nyeRFssgQ Manca Špik, Hajni Blagne and Klemen Košir gave memorable performances that left the audience wanting more, more, more … Slovenia Australia channel recorded interviews with these three artists and the interviews can now be viewed on YouTube. Med februarjem so Slovenski Avstralci imeli užitek poslušati 3 zelo talentiranih izvajalcev iz Slovenije. Manca Špik, Hajni Blagne in Klemen Košir so dali nepozabne predstave, ki so zapustili občinstvo želijo več, več, več ... Slovenija Avstralija kanal je posnel intervjuje s temi tremi *** umetniki in intervjujev se zdaj lahko ogledate na YouTube. Matej Mohorič - Tour Down Under 2014 interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD7GhDFA5bQ&feature=c4- Manca Špik interview overview&list=UU4_TweWFlh-905nyeRFssgQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW0cxLoxTiE&list=UU4_TweWFlh- 905nyeRFssgQ Interview with Slovenian pro cyclist Matej Mohorič after completion of the Tour Down Under 2014, held in Adelaide, Australia. At just 19 years of age, Matej is the youngest rider in the 2014 WorldTour. In 2012 he won the Junior World Road Race Championship, and in 2013 he took the U23 Road World title. Hajni Blagne interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAeif8AyFF0&list=UU4_TweWFlh- 905nyeRFssgQ *** Peter and Anita Bole Schneider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frDrGah4vC0&list=UU4_TweWFlh- 905nyeRFssgQ Young Slovenian Australians, brother and sister, Peter and Anita Bole Schneider are very keen cycling enthusiasts. Both volunteered at the 2014 Tour Down Under. Peter is also involved in competitive cycling. 7 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 Sochi Olympics: Slovenia Exceeded All Expectations 23 Feb 2014 / By STA, T. M. As the curtain falls on the Sochi Olympics, Slovenia can look back gleefully on the most successful winter games in history. Eight medals, more than in six previous winter games combined, including two golds, mark an apex for Slovenian winter sports. Created by Adrian Vatovec *** Pahor Optimistic About Future of Slovenian Minorities 20. 2. 2014, STA Eight medals is arguably a tally that few expected before the games began two weeks ago though many may have wished it. President Borut Pahor hosted Thursday a reception for Tina Maze achieved the peak of her career with golds in members of the Slovenian minority in Austria, Croatia, downhill and giant slalom, the only accolades missing in her Hungary and Italy to mark the recent Slovenian Culture Day. illustrious collection of achievements. The president expressed an optimistic view of the future of the minorities, saying things were getting better and problems were turning into opportunities. Pahor said that areas touching on the minorities in general saw headway being made over the past years. "Problems are turning more into opportunities than the other way around," the president said. He pointed to what he called "historical European flow" which goes towards eliminating borders, uniting nations and building a Europe of coexistence and multiculturalism. He stressed he was a believer in the idea of a united Europe, one that prevents the continent from returning to geopolitics of yesteryear. Pahor also said that Slovenia had become "much more committed to its main mission, that is to preserve the Slovenian identity in a way that (the minorities) see fit in Ski jumper Peter Prevc, only 21 and already a winner of a their environment and among their and our people". The silver and a bronze medal, showed he has got the kind of nerves Slovenian state is also much less patronizing, he added. But typically associated with much more seasoned athletes. changes have also occurred at the level of minorities, Pahor Snowboarder Žan Košir is the third member of the team to have went on. The minorities now understand that what we need is won two medals, with one each added by cross country skier more cooperation and less old ideological prejudices, he said. Vesna Fabjan and biathlete Teja Gregorin, who plans to retire soon. Representatives of the minorities also struck relatively optimistic tones and expressed gratitude for the help from the home country. However, Darko Šonc of the Association of Slovenian Societies in Croatia was more pessimistic, saying that their member organisations were having trouble attracting younger generations despite well-crafted "marketing campaigns". He stressed the need for an "action plan for the future", in which a multidisciplinary panel of experts would advise the minorities what to do. The president organises the reception for the minorities every year around the 8 February, the Slovenian Culture Day. This year, the event was postponed due to the Olympics. 8 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 Indeed, Slovenia was the second most successful country in the Olympics in terms of medals per capita, edged only by Norway. Add to that another 19 top-ten finishes and the small nation's feat becomes even more impressive. Tini Maze bo izjemni olimpijski uspeh prinesel okoli 40 tisočakov. (Foto: Reuters) Slovenski dobitniki olimpijskih medalj sicer z nagradami olimpijskega komiteja in športnega ministrstva ne bodo Sochi was the first winter Olympics to feature a Slovenian obogateli, si bodo pa njihovi računi precej opomogli. team, and the ice hockey players exceeded all expectations. Drawn into a "group of death" with the United States, Russia Tina Maze bo za zlato medaljo dobila okoli 40.000, polovico and Slovakia, they defied all expectations by beating Slovakia od olimpijskega komiteja, polovico od ministrstva. Peter Prevc in the group competition and then defeating Austria to qualify bo za srebro dobil okoli 30 tisočakov, bronasti Vesna Fabjan in for the quarter finals. Teja Gregorin pa vsaka okoli 20.000. Na ministrstvu namreč natančnih izračunov višine nagrad še nimajo. Seventh place overall is a truly impressive achievement for a country with only a handful of clubs and fewer than 200 Če bi (želimo si jo) zlato medaljo dobili recimo naši skakalci, registered players. bi vsak od njih dobil okoli 27 tisočakov, resno pa bi lahko ogrozili proračun Risi: če bi osvojili zlato, bi 25-erica The success led to an unprecedented wave of cheering in hokejistov dobila 110.000 evrov od države. Od olimpijskega Slovenia, providing a welcome break amidst the bleak reality of komiteja bi jim po formuli pripadlo še 250.000 evrov, a so se economic depression. tam ustrezno zavarovali pred to nevarnostjo: proračun za nagrade so omejili na 150 tisočakov. Janez Kocjančič, the retiring head of the Slovenian Olympic Committee, said Sochi was "by far the most successful In kako nagrajujejo svoj ponos v tujini? Olympics for us." Najradodarnejši so v Kazahstanu, za zlato ponujajo 184.000 evrov. V Latviji so za vsakega olimpijskega zmagovalca "We were right in saying that we are heading to Sochi with the pripravili 141.000 evrov, v Italiji 140.000 evrov in v Ukrajini strongest team ever. We've placed in the group of the most 110.000 evrov. Domačini Rusi obljubljajo polovico manj, successful winter-sport nations," he said as the games closed. 56.000 evrov. Posebnost je Finska, kjer za zlato medaljo Petra Majdič, the head of the Slovenian team, hopes the success hokejistom obljubljajo 60 tisočakov, kar je še enkrat več kot will motivate people to take up sport. drugim svojim športnikom. "I hope people go out and start doing sport. Our athletes have In ker je pomembno sodelovati, ne pa zmagati, Britanci, Hrvati, shown that there is a beautiful energy in sport. If you ever Švedi in celo najuspešnejši narod na zimskih olimpijskih igrah, despair, remember sport, it is always beautiful." Norvežani, svojih športnikov za uspehe ne bodo nagradili z denarjem. *** 40 tisočakov za zlato, 30 za srebro in 20 za bron 12.02.2014 | 24UR Takšne nagrade sta športnikom, ki nas v Sočiju razveseljujejo s svojimi uspehi, namenila olimpijski komite in športno ministrstvo, kjer pa natančnih številk še nimajo. A če bo Tina Maze za zlato dobila 40 tisočakov, bi se morali skakalci v primeru moštvene zmage zadovoljiti vsak s 27. Laufarji, Cerkno, Slovenia *** 9 SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 69 Autumn / jesen 2014 Tina Maze, The Pop Star Who Won Gold In The Olympic Downhill, Is Skiing's Biggest Badass February 13, 2014 Playing her ski like a guitar: Tina Maze is the most interesting woman in skiing. She won the gold medal in the downhill in a historic tie at the Olympics on Wednesday. The 30-year-old from Slovenia is one of the more volatile figures in the sport. She destroyed everyone in the 2012-13 World Cup season, earning twice as many points as anyone else in the overall standings. She has also been a source of controversy throughout the years. Off the mountain, Maze is the most famous Olympians in In 2012 the Swiss team filed an official protest against her over the full-body underwear that she wore under her suit at a World Slovenia, partly because of her status as a pop star. Cup race in Austria. They claimed that the aerodynamic Her 2012 song “My Way is My Decision” hit No.1 on the underwear gave her an unfair competitive advantage. She Slovenian music charts. The music video for it is quite responded by writing, “NOT YOUR BUSINESS” on her sports something: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53D_Oghkntg bra and flashing it after her run at the next race: She also has a line of jewelry. Her personal life is hot topic as well. She's currently dating the head of her support team, 46-year-old Italian Andrea Massi. In the middle of a sluggish 2013-14 season on the World Cup circuit, she and Massi fired her coach and hired a new one. She has now regained her form, just in time for the biggest event of the year. In December of 2012, Maze’s team got in a dust-up with Lindsey Vonn. They claimed Vonn yelled an expletive at Maze after she crossed the finish line, and filed an official protest. The protest was rejected outright, but the relationship the two has remained testy. Maze celebrates like a professional wrestler after her runs. The cartwheel is her go-to move: 10

in the English language (certainly we all know English). Anyone who .. Drawn into a "group of death" with the United States, Russia bra and flashing it after her run at the next race: . the West Slavic languages, a dialect that still uses the Old provinces, and unique forms of the colloquial lang
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