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Slope stability and stabilization methods PDF

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SLOPE STABILITY AND STABILIZATION METHODS secon d edition LEE W. ABRAMSON + THOMAS S. LEE SUNIL SHARMA + GLENN M. BOYCE SLOPE STABILITY AND STABILIZATION METHODS SLOPE STABILITY AND STABILIZATION METHODS Secand Edition LEEW. ABRAMSON. Hatch Mon MacDonald Mila, Hew Jersey THOMAS 8. LEE Parsons. Bincheshof, Quade & Douglas ‘Sun Francoco, Calfom s SUNIL SHARMA Univers of Kana Masoom, Idaho GLENN M. BOYCE Parsons, 2rnckerhs, Quad & Douges San Francia, Cars ® AWiey-Interesience Publication JOHN WILEY & SONS. INC, he nes Deen ne Se CONTENTS: PREFACE ai ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. xe ‘ABOUT THE AUTHORS ai 1. GENERAL SLOPE STABILITY CONCEPTS 1 We Alea Aniyatneon 21 ‘Ams o SlepStbiity Analysis #2 13 Ramo Sas #2 1 Rgineemst topes 11 LAT Kinki ots cal EM #3 Lea Cu Shys 615 Ee tame #18 AA Rsaining Stoseres 24 La Lambie ¢ 28 VS Prats and Dimnons ul Landis # 12 Tandslide Rates ami types of Mire 3 29 1 utes Conus Slope Teles 1 hate Conse Aptnd ts Shpe Sibibty #4 1 Types Tapat Da ee Seo Sig Anayen 136 1a Coatiens 1 8 12. Ske Topogephy #316 1 Bossble fees of Puqana Cmnttan #37 Material Propertin #39 TRS. Sie Seog £42 km ranger Cons VP Seinmisty #49 1.9 Suisantge Moss cnd Bach Analy Or Slope bi Avolises #31 LA Concioms 2 83 Retiews #53 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY PRINCIPLES Tanna 6 Lae 1 Augudicon £88 ‘ype and Chataceviaiovel Choker Sot Paposin # $0 21 alluial Deposice #20 222 Glacial Deposits #68 224 Lion Dopo #65 221 Residul Depots ¢ 57 29 Colin ds Deposits #69 2A Mane Dagesie £ 7 2s Melingee £71 228 uke Espero Dopo 72 23 Types Chirwiser of Rooke £73 SA Sikes 7 ER2 Sambi £35 233. Limescmes sl elated Canbonies ces 24 Ypncow Rocks £75 BRS Pemenstic Yolenie Rocks 76 236. Meanorphis ark: 76 Conliyie Ran Aesututed th Sloss #76 Sell och brie 72 Geologie Sie ures Biseoaimils 8 peantoaer 2 (Grcund Sucass 1 75 Weahering £79 Presiing atch Art es #1 PA Clay Mineralngy #82 BAG Sein Bots Fh Torch #8 ASL Tandlide-Prone Oseorets 185 252. Fundamontl rt antlien 24 252. Coofl Chest ale oetigetions and entdcrions © 95 Retosmnies #99 ‘GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Thoms 00 S31 Imalslnns 11 1 Rovio of Cetunswatar semen #162 ‘ovement Grover £106 22. Priel of Grover Mca #16 SA Site CendFions 108 VAL Groundwater Levels £108 3a2 Zonoe 108 ABA Aguies #111 BRA Aquicies U2 BBS Sermted Maer FE BG. Anlsin Wate 7 1° 333 Spins 14 2A Tygon ol Emmet Howe #18 SAL Rowoll #11 BAZ nua #10 BAS. Regmnal ine £18 25 Hietaton f Gunueces Lele 1125 $5.1 RalaGal 7131 AS! wets F128 ns #82. Silly Dodi £12 9 Inner Cosa Stucnres ca Grea ee Fis! 125 ASS) Sine $7 rw Mesunes £127 RL PoninePots Powe #125 4.22) Negi Pore Posures #131 AR.) Mansursmnacet ore Presues #138 102 BA wine Lave sf Desi 13 RI General 038 32 Waning Borel Appr £139 itd Hsorifiation and Ineo of Grout Cin, 43 38.1 Ped lentes of Groundsse Canina #2 R52 Iaerpetatum of GrowmewatesCondicans 2 3.0. Grouneseater i Sipe Sits Acaysis #1 3101 Dossopg Cesar ‘he Fold Tila #1 S02 Gronadner Ect Slope Salty #146 10% Groundwcer in Rock #5 S11 Mepioring of Groundscter Postust 151 MULL Pesoates and Olvera Wels 715 ILD. neltion of Pezomcts 119 AV Flucwocng Geoundteare Leek + 158 112 Other nstouteny—Racnall Gagan #158 Hetero #159 4. GEOLOGIC SITE EXPLORATION 168 Thomas § Lae 4 nvodustion #162 42 Desk Snidy 10 42.1 AsaableBirng a £16 422, Prvieus Geslog.¢ Explain «#192 425 Meadowion of Landeide-Pone Terrains tal Tepoenphic Bxpresions 73 424 AirPhotw £175 St TSeld Shady 2 G8 ASU Site Reconnuianes #188 4} Lplorson Meo #197 451 inboetion | 17 48a SugerDriligg 228 A Rotary Wok Daling £290 34a Linas aturw of Aer al iey Wa Dring £25 AAS Sampling nthe Gnueal #2 446 Lange turtles £208 28 ‘Tedg Wriuns #209 $5L tw San tong F209 452 Geophysical Testing £228 253) Bonslle Goopie Lg, £229 Ed Muncaings Ras 257 355 Raticeutem Dang 235 6 enh aioa Program Design #235 AA Tosatons and Mumnter of Borshels #35 462 Depot Hurehotes #297 Retin ash #2 LABORATORY TESTING AND INTERPRETATION Suni Shares BA invetion F242 3° lect Sexe Comes 2A 52 MotnCinale #24 54 Maly Coat Fatae Ceo F215 S11 nv Flore Breepe—Unsauraed soils ¢ 7 SAL Moi-Coolomb Hevelsein yy Saeco F289 55 blftvs/Toa Suete Analysts #250 SS.1 Guta ulSatety £252 6 Ses Bae #284 G1 Types eld Son Farhs 257 fo Show Szagk u! Soe 288 52. Shou Seg of Canal Sols # 260 RA Sheer Suen of FneGained Sous 265 ATS Sint Sewn Chace Suis £261 Piscepances hetseen Hilt I aevatny S25 Sraglh Tosing £260 $5.6 Select and Prue tet Saeaples #271 S77 Lahoud Tero Condi #2 575 Tw SITANSEP Method £772 BY Vasa Tests #278 SA get Shear Tee #28 STL ioe Sinple Soo WSS) hed #257 S572 Chaat Fest 128 282

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