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re STOPPING TRAFFIC TIDSACRAM EN TO[DueRoonmnne, DISABILITY RIGHTS AGTIVISTS@RICHT To} By Dee The Teme was rol hae to 880 the vation in wheschars. and hospi beds hae away ay Saciarentnpoice. Cost 20 eope sbciaied te steel cubide etcmias eae Cail wit lots and ‘ahelhas, mltary man ia 2 Hunter Towed his erie a he ye, Why ey gota be out here he stats ih the With Basson, 2 woman ple “Becase Te rahe belarestoain fe evets hn dir 2 nushe Name! The cops wee fer om comic he Slenm ur lagerhar ie Sehvereneager ‘Say wih tivesshovng Rover nacre fraser xocatc of Saddam’ ste bing leaps durng the fl 2 Eagnead Alin 3 days wore thy sagged fe qruesane, ax wating puppets cusae. Calon ogee has ad pias vo ut eseni.socid cetes yet ger pacing base Werte atthe agis of ave ure tay. Te best oie ca ale Be poral indezendeace of {7000 edt ae ited Caliomans who REMAIN nh trieeans win Disab et Tb ine 9 soafan of Sealed and te aes bogan a: mont ong eano-ut on ean sip ovsie 8 Bekeley supe INDE FEN DENT cn Gere Ff faye be) conoed ose, sere Fel weeps on dated ct, ard ook f Ieee eae a) vin ‘mean ne cee |g a a [appara ane hea ay cap on ae Otana's smnuteaners of 8 gota SFontown ond plow al ods Wh he SIDIO mine “aoa Soe ane be Seeninghreeg armed sean Secipeten v Netarisar eve bee ing (war rg Hat we bec um Sd sop als lo rese AN rosso oe yo ont happen 3 nom sane sera een vb nase Br here woe et onane ror aay oimanet ca 6 up noses ber ‘Akela tee vats pone hs is ines The US mix heres power Z odar,wal-ies tghing free MSY wih ai Es dome and ones ord 4 Geena en — sant oy wi ase “fv sana ed oan, eyo ‘4 Gere fs UnderndySal ome A halen causal tan, weatence- br Powe 3) De ea a “The Temvnaor was not hora s€ He unser ncans wth sabe aunty dng the Stet Doprssion. For 20 women in wbesknae and. hospital bode "hn inse, 4 rainon ot aestled ond ter. a8, Bey camped cue, scesned fins, Sled ana Sirens pole Oe ates pagan 9 nenn-ong cane-cattn a avo: a sable cura 2rd seope ed tho stat GUNG ‘dem Srp cubes Reveley apennanar Ni Fassanhy about the ehales he Calloma's sate Capit tis and Ses ea ‘wedchats. A mitay man in a Hurerer revi his engine a Fy, "Why 0 ey ta be out hare the eet ike rs?" Win 2asskn, 3 woman epi. Because aber {elavestet ine ses an e.narursiog Some” The sons wow tna onn coi ee, Siang. our igerhariie Sewerage afigy in knw, shoving over m3 rat eran! vocals of Saas sae Dlg ‘pled ding he fol of Baghdad. Alin 3 ays work, ay daggad ne gruesome, ae edn prope nin sy. Calla’ wget defen es pottesns ‘p ait ersental socal sereas yet aga using tse teeta af the mais of Sci na ave uncertain. Ta ast ound of aus ect Me poke! inderendeco of 47000) etsy and dsaded Calman wie ‘degond on te lander InHome Supporive ‘Services (HSS) fo surely tte of ag, boing, chang 20¢ gong 1 he broom Tae segrar wis noe a hing ekarpe of he nstoratie paver of ‘asl nig If Heepng ks ou! rrsing mes ani cher inn medes! che, Sale te ou go Prougs, more fan SURQ00 clety “and Saibod Caforians © picts: Sasareno's posed rduaions Barely daabie commun) fares. The not Ceald bee thi oath ere waka arid be Meal. coe series. They ald cle encampment war ous fe fustaton Sen fe nang homes ar county ospéls. Arie, 2. madera ersten of te an ange fy any mo ans tat wold ewes in the dsabiee conmunty conend Howls ml cooped op acrass fe empower peopl to chatae fe couse of it ‘Continued on til a meee we penne ee: pecs we! HO RUNING THESHOW? NEW COLLECTIVE SEEKS To AMPLIry mie of the ‘tarsiomalve ower itd long mt tespng elk auto ash hanes and cher hen Medra felis. Stove Me eu go. froug mare than SUGOCO eley and deatlen Caos auld fee tha oath care wees and Serb rush hones ar county heen. Detvstn the dsabeo community ented The meeing hed goe frugh he stadt cpealg prevafue Hal's, 1 sed ale wh only a cole harcore atendens srustroaned in a ad iat rave il at ‘ne oft mesina. nthe beck tcon famencos "he abet rneeng- Beraley fteraton Resse lous wih maniacal ‘ugh as the Bay area Boog Colac ipslrs snggkec wie quelnes or Shows. Ona du colecles aeean ade 12 hh expanding st, "a Sow space cohol ‘te of 3 space where geting oak is ote fechas." Tis was i ul tao ane ha Ihules bere te custy lf piri ratio people below i up ste weed. n0 shi) Wate he bt ee fe meting ire iy nlaniaw a hour afer an extn ston ad id down Pe see, 99 my fire wih en ware Teed. Why combine your energies ad to prctist Soramento's propoed reduce Barely disabled community faces, The nent | ii oh tort eve ing Ee to heath sxe serves. Thoy alae it ofteercampranl was fos fe fustaton ct eoesnechigt iain Thee & abaje Te epton by ese The pale who wn an te ones Who a Freatsic” anda took al ng. oi an resistance movant cn fo fal ls nd ‘Amiel, 2 modemday arson of ne ani angel ay many io acors int wou alse saline 1S patie 86 Foovenles. thal cropped op acress fo empower people fp crate he cose of heir pMaah and led an i oppeslion 80 You corte recaweed io sorting thats Its! atoutcxressin—frentetnner when the ae so many oer ha He ncesstis not xan eae of" Tete was he ign stance o! conten thn 1 got ry aewe"e abou! cea cami sie spa, ‘ook 2 te demoarachcs ofthe gop was ver, very Bay re wae mutt, at ales § gender fl, and decom tide 20 Years oF age. Thi ee Ameria thats dened sae ta an ese peop a beyond complaining about geting eau me bulare determines cea t Continued on Page 14 Ton By Ashes 9 et aon say ot rene aig sacar bos 4 tune tt i Wor acy font! rem ‘ha tay 0 ceae Stove jour wi. se gah am ef ‘ied pope, Te tu at sa Cf meat sey ecu 9a evant They rs Saskia Cleve rr of nye 270 wo naa hotree ccs & ite nds and Sn Fors tent tesa gm be cue doors San out fal ty yf tare ney Rab br te ‘rhs intel wd ote pein wae § the at bt ¢ pel te kis ts hhundved-but itis smell steps live fase tha: Siw ew gop aan ge 4 fdng nec, lee robe he ‘aiso been hard at work sating up shows, Continued on Page 12‘) Song. Te Hey 18 Roving he courage tunderstanding that power is limited ic crucial to our resist~ ence to these wars as Well as our struggle against corporate domination of our Lives @ industrial destruction of the earth’ contin anyway How er we ae oss ‘tom tse war and aopy i'm sein er? ‘nrg a permanent a pave er fale & deeply cancers ona Sos) and peti vl a eveyone hfe US and and fe word. The war clue emponets (geet) and sofehserent of sally who Atoiote ces ih fea, conceals pow based cn voence, aid seek ‘0 enh otal nel fave o masse ear, ibiaty paca races, ighteanngMiy ‘anor and he polein eeu 2 ‘Hebgest wer of bese was Lng 8 erp mal popu tsktance to hase ws over hes st in year, has {put “atcas on the dense seugnes 4 sense tha boas ver thse that ae feernnalyaneced w te ne. Warshnkhas fed an atnephato of fer, sterghenhg hiatal Scions aid waskeng 1 conmuniy sltetemnaten and cxpstton (1 pethaps no. acct the ee 5 voto ‘movorent in fe US Tay & the Tea Pay ose aproach is bad cost cently on ea of “ae elg charaled Continued on Page 14 Shy san laerca once Maree ‘unten rae ie 886 ‘pts ech te of Irae se gly see an owe tine ce — one es somtne i eee 8 Sieber sor Face a py tht 1, “he she wo ear of sea e cos cute orth ade commer 30 ae (ats emai tedster et uly agges — abate eames ‘ial ne toe tna Waar bea eM oc roi vale — geogs w te 2 Iaee ae recog are vet: saa eu te mrgrlaed sr vag ur no cosh eps cuss. Tee's ‘vt aly ste oo gare teal tcf SH lany isis, inp ange, ee Cros conan hr. ea he ‘matale at — tough a may t TeBo Std te ate palmar ot ceo honsios bite expat dive al Hing "he ces fein a lec ales |i ra toi he wae nt 3 fofear rang coisig fl 0 a | aca rae or goed mass to fn he an eg ate ate tenon ou ten ak fees = fa rauice waters elon, imum, drt anton weinga¢ {lacie canoe, we ain aon oho rae oe ip game Brough Pe tree poco Saelines he Serato ot {ce puecies alas ste sonaling fer cu ede nr ba ss ene aby rests have 3 in ‘fe ato ng ir tg en ard to au caro nie wat ng fer he nae betes he rss, eee aps ar minge~ a6 fon ee ‘rough ee cep ma a ANE peo cheer aPecs Sopwith. Titan deserson. Sigshot autor ant frend ord corvado of any acts nthe Bay Aa ana ar the wa ae eto mst Cara afr Bang jd rng & role Paecine. He was stuck Be head ach 13,2009 ty 9 Dg weet eer 9se cana’ af apres! aganst eso fanatheld wa being oi rou Pasian land a Ww, ton sed a Fsumatc hoi ny and a fetal condition fr months erring operations ad wectons i an (ack hospi Aor fnaly boca Banca and slabe he hes deen cong the far stow wast of reaver. te gion Gakby adi paras wee we him nt for oer a yer rouge cet nore. The sumer Tt fetimed tM paren feose the Sora foils wtere te ‘onus beg. Trstan' longer memo ant guage aes ae inet He ows whe 2 Be romeber his ti but sale mab cage tities aesosed wit Rey muy 1 Ne ‘gh ort be. He 6 abo Rempene ard a oer move Ms 8 ecient) Se of his bay. He has ost ih i sa 2 ae Bina aosknat Trtan coer now Su a i sl wy us. He cones is feds aod hoe pod ‘emery of Be pst and aston sonse of who fee Bit them se mary. chalongee grating io. ol! nr lear community Ceaing fo vo wih to pa ant cates caused by his iy hs oa hard ender ofr Ingenng ects of war ‘and vobres. Tistais ry exe ip Be Gane of fgets contig asst agas prop in tbe occpked fenianss, where Pople a kid an inured ot daly be Ton wot hs er kr pubaton. For ‘mor himaton eo Teton, chock jisetastanory Page 2+ Slingshot » Autumn 2010 (Anderson | continues recovery after suffering he Tiead wound in Palesting| Returning Home tH etter from Tristan Hr etngsht Fesee Ths Tsien. Ayes end al apo as 19 SraatPatesire. Ora day 1 an Palstnan silage of Nin potesirg the Aparheld Wall Sat ekes aay men Paka and ‘We mare fh Wat andthe cron te orto Gown We marchadback the ge ‘ad th pros! carted or ceva hours. ‘Ate he potest was osty ove Saier Face wore sit woted AS ny tnd Gabby lls, he Boer Potce tal igh ‘elo targa prnade afte sil malom group of peopl | 039 eine the loeb | was tosted nconsgois én got sore ran damage Then Iwas in Be ICU and rebsbilision hosp for 18 ments. os s bx and varied © ave but they woul’ et ne, “Thank ou Each everyone he wen! oy sets a pret, Now {am pray 92a. am at ry. paenfs house, The hoe ipereroe was nese, Ihave ro mery ot fe pretest. len ranener tang sme re lar ine ost Today | am most beer bat sll bad Fel ee to eall or vis or waotenes | of 8 eck day ef am a eg hut a at fr dot wot gh, MY back ht and my Sgteyels in constant pan and wate, Isael i «fick op rant st | realy apenas to Isls wto have te gus Sad up agaist | have never been amber ha Deel were 80 rai. ta an so much me he we te hk Bos gin Soh gh i lctnleayiaasrabion Heh | DORR RS Seneca Se ty ay 99 rari a of Pe ea Wk or set ah ao a ie ‘eye gts cae, Te 4-1 aly om io gone asd on 3 yes Gare, gel {Sacks corm ees 3b 0 be et ‘ae tl — Go a matt Be pl slide cle oot obo ‘hats ecporse mace hl ile, The ol ing rd clack ‘mars corps Tea weet ha a neu rt sass ot 0 Shai ve mre een os rg tar a cry ot We tteareesbon a aot abn akg och hal hous own ot Fa etm, er” Who wg | Salsa tar mer een >a on fr ines at gown 700% Me va pst Saas Fy Sar pecpeces sows ts acevo ag tet st ut a ts Ooe be ‘rth mom neste ie Tk (ten wen ma on Sig fn ad we We doa cri wh se 92 So Bat thar bab ho an ee, ees temp eau te ete os fc er ap us sae ‘Sd ting at pee" wren ina fv rien sri ges gn he ote ne be athe noe ‘ores np atts wat eu a Hem genes sat Trey new Sie spate arts Fph se je ove oh The wr a Sen | er heal pe reo ae tse | seek nen stor gem ea, becores Wp ad | ost ey ows wh age Gnonay cat he nem wr etree a et | Sooo ase toms. Oher | sist ta aoe Meese foal ms ok ae ani row ~ he fee Pe Fi, te ‘ane he ope nt oes rns em ‘Pabee roe: is daa eck neo win ails atlas. Hooyaptes ansaos, Grmsoo se ere Re er es ood ‘onetig veo, hanson oan Sry | “tatu ccs a8 nate Oy he Sagat { cai bia oe eee ec at solezies memes. Ne wekore cre wo mate = fate, Dian, Des, Sarin, 90 ievaet hospés. Aer finaly becomng eresous and tals he has bean dng tne | haw, stow work of ewe Hs nent Gay ae is pares woe whe eel fer ofr yoo teogh hs et Proce Ts Sunny asin ned fo he part house ir the Sere ‘ehds whew ne cues hag. Tan's enaenn memory ana enguage cis ae et. He frows ta he ad he communi. Leamig (0 ve wi he pan and sieaies cavesa by his uy dae boon 2 ha render of te igang eet of war onto! of aes oop ate led and vod en aay bass Tian wrote is er for robes, Foe mmo infmion on isl, chack isteioitancrg ‘art ofr! down. We marched back to the wilage an fhe proest conned for several huts. ‘fete past wea mosly ever the Bact Pale wore sl verted up. AS my Wend ‘Satay tls me, bs Beier Poe fred a hgh eboly eas grade 2 he ema melon froup of peng | as A. Wt inthe feahead. | was knackoe unconscious and get some bait darape. Then | was fa ICU and rehabsaon hosptal for 18 mens. as so toeng and | waned 2 fee but ey woul et me. “Thank you so mc everyone who went omy beneis and press, New am pet oo | fan a! my. pats house The hele ‘petite mas lesa. | have ao mea) o ‘he pros. remere rings soe ne ler ne hoop, Today | am mosty beter at ti bored, Feel oe mn cl oF vt on weakens, ten fee! sick and ny ef ara eg hu an dont wo e.My Back Pris and my ‘ihteye isn consantpan and users. Israel a fucked up cast sta | rally sopreiste fo Isrels wo have fe gus 1 sland wp agaist | have never Deen yee mal people were 20 ait. ae ‘mea sa much fe wl tee ok tf my ends and community her ine Bay ro and aeund m0 wa "know mate el goverment Hinks that extoma vole wi tae of preter, Gtlve cn tft nee te Br 4 "F bankrupt sys ty JosoD.Patret eka PB Foy) As Sicgset gos ress, we ae unsure ‘weV ever publish oer ss of Me pape a ‘is gyi keaton. a ew rane ago, 00 lendord declared wanuy and the Lag oul baling where we have ut oc right be soi inte peal Sen moxRs © pay of 2 Si. milo tank st hat he en papi tre bun, he ite of fg he Lang Haul iting is sat tought — erg mode Beauly Pocagmatnge = EP ec leew bimeed eh how sy esinary Rarer aepaons and Ives canbe cshed bythe hearessnunbe's Tra faodess mon make up and wila down, Lig te ting oui cr oar ana ot ur fait we aay fam ur tent on te. "ways imegired that wed cbse up the Long Haul wien I ot knocked down Dy an arhquaka if 2 brick Bung prone 72 iN Love Teslan sien laces pect ne erey epee tho vemhd us wty wee egal lo ange ths ine sptan, Pops communes, and alinaaly th eat should mater more tan [an tes and tanks, To repeat, we dont know what mght heppor 25 Iie i, so-P nena leaving a uns. | vill ke empl he sieumstarcas. he charac, the pote aus — is cleat at ptular people th ft GoM MELE Bu He cr oes 2h Te ate gos 00. Dscnes of, are ‘omy tata ayo win sg, Oana "os or bin sk tase bor oka spe tot. | sen stots gee anda bana, pee sg at at on ae sre onde th el re is he ‘heer he ft nm ace i ee Sgt = says lag fr raw ora ange eders. psbarjtrs, Fra, Saco, ei waka soap yu tnd ‘reli rtm teen rg, orl uciere ve ace by a Sirah: § caleienatrr ale steele oinone (7a coer manta woe ele ‘eeu cme "rks pope wo mae isa, danny fret, urn Sen, anime Fpl, Clin as, ay ora Key. favre, tow, Halas, Cre, Ptr Sey | Same. Tr | Slingshot New Volunteer Meeting | _ eer ose genre ec th singe ar Smee ew ate" na fan, Nowamber 25,2010 at #9 al Ba Teagan are ee be ‘Aticla Deadline & Next Issue Dato Sib yar aces rn 5 Jan 6 anatsam Yalu, Nur 108 Cretan 20.000, Pred ibe, 200 Slingshot Newspaper Spenser ny Log Haul fica 124 Shack Avenue lng, PO Bex 3051, Sey. CA 4703 ono (10) 580 O78 lige. «insta tnca Circulation Infermation eee Sanne cieerores She reemuueee ‘tha exitame vietence wil scare cf protester bus con at naopen hope oe ae ‘eat nage you ate mo. “ove Trin a Bankrupt sysien By Jesse, Paror oka PB Foye) ‘As Sisto goes pps, we ae ure vweTcver publi sora of We pape ‘ie pyle ean. a “ew martha 250 ut landers decd anny 27d We Long a bung where wo have our oF mht be ld te net fe mont pay of a $1 rll bank dent at hey an up against Mouiing “Tha ea of srg he ong aul bushg 2 sot bought — fe ea odest aut fe ‘ho mossy. hace han-oul et he SIngsbot calecive has imaoier here fr fe at 15 yeas Dating te days babed in sun ‘rough leaky sights, anda ght has an ihevcry salty he a poet teense Fido ‘Sheng pace wt feeky obeones of the Long Hau infehan wit constant hater of ravelng punks, murah honaass oop and sefobeoesed “equ can be ‘ieracing anda pain, bit rely thas helped Us stay sh, flexble and abe to lah at sees: Long Hou! 2 tring carmunity ister despite of ayshineen, 1's deeening not sing wheter wet etm sey Fete or net Were arg te est ‘ne can — oping a post fis box so people an each ur # we nave to move ard hen [us wating as cay es aoe tam out ‘ate shoulé wo Bx he hak in he rat bee Ire wri ans come? Wa, Lquess tat wuld be: contoss i wo get Kckod cut. No point loong for snaher space 0: spening to mush tne agonang ur we rest ey fur. Thee Slade sage sl — the ew unc ‘The banusiy Is ove of ose Ypily aol evens nou Ines‘ alae how easy ecinary furan aspatons ard Tes canbe cued by tb hates nutbos a foeoese mon makeup and wit dom. Los te bulng © ove cur conte! ane ot cur aut — me aways ai cur fet on me, T aays imagined tat vee dose yp me Long Ful nent got knosied caw by a ceartuate — i bk burg rene To LENE experiences like this remind us why we're struggling to change this insane system falopse. Thal would tole a goed way © ‘lo ths chat. But having toad by 2 Bark land thn gute to make ay er yon — at aboang hare, Lika so many snd usable us, he ‘ect ma we've vd and etd and ven 1 bling — att has become apa of and that weve become a pat of — Ineanhgless Wat raters tbe stm owrerahp, not we. Array eperences he Ine romnd us wy ove atggng Wo charge tis nse syst. People, communis, ane alinaly the earh chould mater mre an td tes and banks, To tepeat we deal know what ig hagpen as | wit tis, so Fm ienbonaly lepig = ot unsald | woud xpi ie ‘eurmlncee, fa chasis, the pena Causes — iis car that parc people Irate dacs th nvad the taney: Ye oan acto rao — but rhe moment te have fe walt or move oman so me ent bun bios ve might need eres. We iaow thew is a ‘recosie aid 2 anepy, ti bo ery kor po feact unl we have a beter pre of he inpleatons rou space. Ways be barknpicy ccut wil let te lender keep me bung cr raybe whoever buys fe buldng wit us stay nour skys, ad with eu cant cap ese. Waybe sorcone syroatahe fo us ould purchase the buling. Maybe wo con Sorehow coninue wih higher rant Maybe el tim fi a Read space td facal ere ain fas fy fom De ret 2 last hodout agahst te geicaion of Berkey Anaher word e posable tary ‘moment — we have his Wer oly bec tre al onaer Is niet and Spend oe srsking ee ting Depending on wt hoppens, Long Haul zy sek conmanly supped, pase wath is spae for upstes. Unf we near some ‘ews, pease sisal alle: PO Bax 38, Seroly CA S470. yeu war © vet et Distal ofee cel or ema fst ate sure were sil ‘Autumn 2040 » Slingshot - Page 3 We Love ‘Em Vertical! Eureka Redwood Tree-sit Continues cody vs rods ts, Tibi ron mune ‘he sur of he dead Ancient Aa pope oe er vera arte ahr 7, res, far Fish resins to connercal tafe im orzo —Anenymaus Counly CY secogmens oh Fanti ere Sipuese 1,7 rare ccna pep up wih aly. A cee forse heusho deepal coe of Tho eowcod. ee 1 the talest_ ing ean, cere ‘pean on ean Ther masse rinks fan grow ove 20 fot n daretr ard feeningy ivdral tees are mow The ens, gong tpt shel each ‘he’ Fom storg wa reeneeeng est feos beneath fe salina neterk at sucks (a water ond cormunioses tf he trstest ines in tres ct owe. Ta cap acon putes Rouse ot gals of war ry day 1b be ost tomes he tos mate an le er tops the craves Shoot a Burks cae refrabons hin ‘poimuate ar all om De Canopy thet oaks oan nm so Ruckbary bushes, ar fre tees, en oak, sed fem, loves, andar eaweods have ab been ponod gow ne mace bane ‘fol gown eden, risking 2 mae fee rns ie av sata grove canrocer the (pune oy 3 man wk an the 99 nia freee. Sabmaner Fe to, epnuce tnd an he cay, hu eve aching The around. The sees petarnca fo mis, unl ine wi hl ean gb perature "ea is gong fo at ham castal, rang them a uriue aarnear of he afecs of tlm choge. Feral seni esearch of the retvoads cancpy syst is il ts ifarey, Momesge awl be lot reir # the pratee of conmica_Togorg fxagienes te rering sons of ot mer nn ‘cond iow _gores, Sieen_Diarond {Caifomias lgest shal owner of recs Fee ranging over 420000 aes oan an area known 25 the Notay tact whch an Import hasta or spotot aus, come ‘na ane bic bear. Local res Au there sais or ostr msvooms.Sarw say the sol nd cae i he aa 6 he ws baer growing redwood toes Greet Diamond, he owner of the Mekay rack tesens te eongush he bcs felatonehgs Bemeon Woes, sears ard wid ‘ia’ ball up over te pas. can by car fuming ana. inersive hebdesprayig Esk caused oy Gea’ cag has eon Shown fo cae ‘massive mbisions tal arta sat soswnng groanes wh falen Sabie and endanger the homes of nose ‘nose pepary bowers tbe en. Clr ‘utng dovariaes ne land ard wipos out complex ecoyeems, weteas selina Topgig praciees cout alow huran vse of prety a oops oy me ge Grow acne stings ofthe deat Ancient hes, Fark Fra eaance 1 connects feveopment of Hunbolts temperate Fane cones pop up wih acy. A Propcees hosing. doveoprent suscz of eka has spate te carsuctr of tee ‘ng of several irperled ‘eyay eves eouneds ees. Tobe talits peels voto etal an te oer ral ov em Borztat—Ananymeus Cay Siponsa fy Doe “Tne tedwcod Wee. he talest fang ‘rganam en fe nel Thar mas Ours fr ecw ever 20 feet in daraior and ‘senna dedial tees are me The cmrures, gg ie ptt shel each fer or sang winds and itewezeng tht ‘eos beam Bie sola newark at ks up alr and coraruricaes to Be Disest lndals in tres of neee. Tis cally ate putes Iowan of gan of wer fey ay 10 the fepmost needles AS ie oar rare ard le thee tps, he comms hol 24 va ks al retains, nich feunate oxgans mateal fom the exreny thet oaaks owe mid Murlooory Dishes. 06) ire tees. tan cabs Sword lems, cto, and sal roads 1a al been pened gin he mass branes oblgran fedwaee, making 4 mate ee rote the af aotal grove connected Io ne ound by a ma wu han ke a nd Slomandors are Bon, rope i Socanopy, wouter muching ‘he gourd. Te Weer prereoe for is, olctate il kaly ren gktal terpese se s gong aac he crasicaly aking fem a uniue barmet of the efets of Gina change. Fama scenic esearch o fhe veduoacs camoy oystam i sil fs fone knowkige tat wl be wst forever ¢ he praciee of commercial lsohg eningostes he vemaning stands of of awh res. ‘Before 165, te cows of Souther Creo ang heron Catena wa pop th ‘ver 2 lin ars of rsd fae. Of tighaateape sss. than tree, pucent Ferans bey. The ange oes wee miles fad enppes i havend bro singe, ‘wore ani ofr coneicbon pociek Yale ot oeauy ad wont, ost the Bay ava’ redcods wre cto uid San Francesa. macho tien burned up in 2 atria reso 806, Humtoa Couns wi fests have veen ‘san form of cznome opt 3 canny. Tne sels "om Caloris gol sh were inieciecicenet daiedeehhneanimiaiiaodnadh Second gout. proves. Green Clanard (Calforas targest singe own ofan foes, managing over 420,09 aces) om an ‘ea Known as be Ney wat ich at Inport habia! fr spate ons coha ‘amon and Back bear. Loc eins hunt Ben sole foros mushrooms. ere say {ha sl an cna ina area the ot best “or grog reewood ees. Green Diamond, fe ober of Me MEKey Pact reais to eunuch ects realoships tween Woes, tears and ld nals bu up ove the pas cent cee fing and. inensve het <paying. Ensin eased by lar cating hes been shown 10 cave mastve mudsides at froze saknan spawning grounds wih flan ers and. endanger the noms of tose ‘woso pepery bares tbe aes. Gear ating Sevaes Me lar 906 wipes oUt toxpler ocaysens, whefeasslciva oping prcices cout alow numn se of these beaut second grow rests we pezoeng the ara for fue generations Fars ao rare inte eo fda alge foeen rin Poe fn we 98. precions forthe foes and Steam cl sare rege oer 10 anue fet ileal jee fspawing aid abi tenes of Severe. eckacal Segatsion and gba ciate charge, the Preesto callor Gre Danond me po bhie“onmeniay tend image nd ed Ihe picts lear cating Twat years ar the timber ndsiys ‘sue ees fling On aie: side of em a | Headwaters Forest was and is an 80,000 pissed cnber cena ee gba ave sample hal canard © Goes a Tani pes oh rest eaulng gh “0020 aces “rol as ot used a4 elena "Fe carpag ope sae of Me ages! tose Non Zend Eu aca popuat Known snes of eg eon! tees dry mass oven c decondense ! ensnce mend Thoonde fai ore of Oa Gry Chan ed when 2 ‘et scon gu Earh Fiat the. prtcpant fom vavelng Dewtteais dagas, U2 WeSC 0 5 0 fal on hin, nets bt radon cleotide ong atieage Jes than tree arco remans oda. Th aniant ones wee riled and chipped its Rehand mbar, sting, vera, ant ener soMsebO profits "ale or er beauy and workaiy- Mes of Uh Bay Aras rood were cL I San Franceoe much of afich buted pe atau res of 806 ‘mois Cauny’s wid frets nave sen ‘sma om of eoroni cult for acorn. “ho stor er Calfoma’s sos rsh were anes. by the Prony of Me Vase and Imwogaby set abut tubing tigger and ater sin risa atthe sown $76 The sete eve conquer te widerass was at he fest hn Hobo ara Mendoaras Seeringy Pextavsib test n toss bres, worse "eamyng eapacny” and “p0bal trae charge" tnt far in he las ‘er hanesing tree: Photegrapis show lumbjsdscatesing. the ler eovood cateasos wi oth sinles 3s eu 35 raw ‘aber The aes of Hunole Coys wow sites se ire whe remerins of en Ps ‘bled up Me maw of conmecalr “ha aya cause fr hat is cf ope re sin and rain The steps ae woth, calcusee wih Re Nrowege. bal (ray isa foros of nate, eh mus be rerpedoa n ever e be dled, Tho oof siiing mist and ere hats of sunligh ing he carey the core of Her Sus min deep py They Ne. sf ayeay an ump, walted ec hurt carrases mrbred,sreved ard een led Uotirg tho forests ty love nigh he ters. exho. ment mecees in oceanic ‘hears, saying ste Ip Soep gety ke a roher Canepy wii Mi, lbs and ows ever Wola for a uneepsed att fool avay. On good cays te bee peop ‘no spent her hes. sispended In he anopies or Humaoats ance a res ‘eet ret shot the shit wih ne ote ‘wes, fui the fens between he meas (ool an ng euosysts wih good une: Ser ays 5 2 ante siuage fo Li sun, res tng & eter Sle of hom a6 olessonal nba ascend te ree Nole enw pes Tre sith was fs usa as 3 deerse tele in New Zodard butt becane popular rg the ss moveren! oi cscbedene | days of ect stn group Earth Fs i he fexty Ss AL ist poope cited tvetenad tect jus a8 one publty stuns, but stem hey began const Ve vlagos 20 cond er Ives alt the ance wth the hep of ope, patos and auceas Te 2oial tse of sbetaang bepan © mege a Heaswites Fotest wae and isan 20000- aero complex hal crnared 6 goes cf of ge forest equaing ugly 10000 aces ‘he carpi fo protect sone of ha rest non sands of oro vedios ees ersince miailzed ‘oisands ol way Paricpans er tavelng Seatheas, dics, ‘vkermenia lawyers ad fea “eens yBuraiss, aber emangets ard. Srbar ferloyos. or the couse ofa deca ong Single. in hose yeas nie wae avy fies © dita, ight sippy rine Te rate kggng mio Recados Many people came defense with the into forest idea that they were going to save the trees, only to later understand that it was the trees who saved them. ‘i te deep sir aliments un mien 10 Me wi Mary peal care tho‘oes ene wth bao at oy were gong. 200 he baee, only 1. alr Cinertane that ites te tees who soied ‘em. seo ho to, a eer MG 8 hosice wer cing er a loved ane whose regnace uthopel They fom 8 ‘elatonhip with tes on fhe chopsing Bock in Cuer b erember Wek legacy ard Hep the “ts of te Set Fanson i he net fe in dni The ove and atertion das nt vay rove, but trough the simple st of ‘ghing spss vat wear ld val, ‘ie ote of hopelessness broken. he nay, e-em for Be bes ae Pepa 61 he wors'—t © ‘he comecten (o fhe Ear at ceaes sorting acerca, ‘mageal momerte and evens Mat nave he overt chang sy thee nas sucha fry of actiy ano even the rain eanigrs wore ava of al he atone aking place er years afr the cll wer: out t eave Heads, fe ‘ederal govemment paid Pace uurbefe CEO, Charlo harm, 4800000 for 7600 aes reectng We fhe i oltyroun groves m guest. (4 thew glove na saved a lnk carp). The Texastased lgghg aia Nac used pubic sympamy fr the oes Io reas is oft mar ay a for of en. vls ts etuton ancl evaded Hunw’ pine fap ways. te 7.500 ao race! sk ios fut of veka, Ch snes a5 2 stamert be aly cf gassroas actuetso gavanze Ihe ble ory and ratonaly er to ect te majesty fre ot growth res: ‘ere gona “ist ke he ary ngs of sraler eos at find & balance between umen need for land se and_prowetons or me fess. and Steams fat salran ‘enue. oer ‘ontrue Hel mlen3-0d eyes of paurrg fant bit In ines ol severe soeiea doyeadaien and dood ciate change, te ott cl on Gren Diamond oie ap 2 Sar evienmertytendly image ard end the precinct, “Tse yea afer the tnaer iusy’s rurcer of Davi Gypsy Chain, kk whan tee wae cu s02¢ flat on in Cees centnue “0 fice okt naassmet_ and ‘ectess dsregat for slay. fon umber crmpay wares as vel sl srpement ‘Geen Dianond spy rece sewed and ben Rasy fetod, Be supper ines of 3 ‘te ter, alenrg het olatom p sds ove 535 foot down the eo, Thi host lovers ronioert polesers anaes Wes necessary al wil They conte nt he Comoary changes poibes.Vsios win any lee of clrbng experence a anays Teesed and wecome. To nd vedas on he Hekay Tat Tree Vilage and oer acins vistwmiehurboaLon, ath Fit chaps across tha courty seek im oud 9 roverent of sskmotioet love wave louse rarvokn st acon oknes of fae ane wi spores. fhe ferdcame of rusia captaism aczobraes the cestuton othe nual won, wf st quicken ata ines ou reasiance the eet sworn ote ig he ooo Whie te banda ol fone npestonsesseri io pesereng what it sSpacas we have lel, we gust co racy tr ou tlaonship wih he pat tm Tedueone, cjetfing frm f© one thal fecogies ha regenerative povers of be ao he right tlie. the bt ees, cur paning eflos woul prose Sas cutgh or delet plans to ex before ‘hey make oF te eraving board, When ot fons fal stor, Be expefences out anmuniy srs n fe stugge ep new forms of resin. If our Mes foe, he geund youre sinng on irae tended # Page 4 Slingshot + Autumn 2010 DIY-Do IT RIGHT! ter reading ne “Custmie your be — tink oul Be sane Fae are ee sie 497 of Sige (Sureer” 2008) 1 Decane wy enti-sasio stout isting fas bm sy" handlebars 01 ny beat vp Dt mourain tke, Troe raed Sra bare Should allay he beck pobems Mat | hod been having whveritng my old bate. 2 Wel 5 resing my balance and lily fla ing. Hovever, due pat cably and a maior ak of coordination, Iwas ana to ‘al bse higher herolebars ysl Forney, @ tend of mite who nad steady cusiomane fe awn ane tt me be faule stall a sel of ratad “bint sie Tatars, He asl he new nenlebar Ste rad | went cg fir te suns hop ever atl: ‘Wel not realy. About 9 wook ty, Iwas locking my ble fo parking meer downtown tahen these net nandebas woke oo ‘om be Ranear slr a foes salt oan. Cursing al fe while | waked down fo ‘ne a arava soe oi reatarhed the avers si the peer ies bos Recut one weet eet cent | was stegped ata nieserton ute he etre fot eal sppot oft a forte dogo angle ‘rom te Yet of bike The heneabar sl ‘as sihty co. stall ard had beoome etc fom he sebirg to! at some ‘ey Seay sens of What might ave appre ha staan chen se wh was “oh in font of 3 2:0 i, inatentive Vine tm tt entusate and svppoive of DI, Fm nga et mere caus. My ont was m3 uty and ean boner 10 get he prone sting mse fo te a. a8 fa fury and in omer 9 ake 9 cial ck t His WOK | MOUM eve. otoad bath mecha uccup's 4 tal cen fhe ‘wes ohspest he tik bere icing ot Der Yer means Taking Respensiily fr Youre We ae natdeprcing on OSHA Ihe FDA, muna buldngnspezes, or any ‘fr bureauzany lek alr out salty we gar DY ths means we have Do TERghL By Oo Fight, Im not eben Whe foorete, siperiial sut bul Me Iadanetas, Our delngs shoul 2, shuctraly sound, ou bles. mechani ‘af, and ur fod nen, SY PIRATE PRENTIC Dang. Right means not eal the aumgsred ogginayo sanewiches tet have heen sing In he tun fra ew dys. means oot caus you" ol calagse by ting taugh 2 k-bearng hoa uble rerovaing your atic (is happened to a fond) 1 moans not lost ecrooiing ural by cating rough fe Mouse ie wth ssa (anche lend chi no) You cn soi alanis more by recaling eur fo ales ad chides td tne soos than by eating how’ etn manu Remeber alte bad tgs al happened 0 ‘hose fe who redo eto lt te i Cribe ses win charac il of rie and rv. Who stow 3, bil nel gute a8 much as hey hoght eye. aod win seve aoeesoral contacts no have ovr ty oars combined experience ong. genera’ minisrance and canstucion wo, They WH me al er pamary fring eetencas wore andson ‘ont wh ote roe experinced paca You dort nae Bese arin aprenice ‘oleam capa or ary cher tad Butyou hou te retwcting wih peopl ou most in SA stars and eo sol doses ad ‘bing emconplee ta ores Ti Fai. and assenbing be Wols ad rratal youl eed bolo you sa ar froest Of cause is lst wil rover be Semple, becaute he's vay gag fe Seneting you dat exert Hower, fe revo camp yur Isl the state and mere enpyasle the expeence wil be. Theres an abosteupor safectin. when pope Swe, end eoyirg fale > Doe Who» pang anyeig mechan ink of ts free dmonsoral jgsaw puzie secple pit ager, san be aon apart fed, and reatontieg Corsi Te ‘ania, but if ings look to puzzng. consul nb roe egeienced feds, bere String fa ngs apa “Thee & an sesh quay in OY tats ‘cing in he expensive, mess prodoat curser cre that pormeaio tela socely. ‘hater isa beac of 2 house, evry pee IDI is a det enressen ofthe person who ‘ed Be proud of your wos at Br tercrmee nl ct

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