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Slimthicc glute workout PDF

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome 1-5 Intro to Cutting 2 Health & Wellness 3 Motivation/Discipline 4 Tracking Progress 5 Nutrition & Supplements 6-12 Intro 6 Macronutrients 7-8 Groceries 9 Supplements 10-12 Calculating Calories and Macros 13-20 Calculating Calories 14-17 Tracking and Adjusting Macronutrients 18-20 Exercise Education and Routines 21-113 Exercise Education 22-27 Warm Up and Cool Downs 28-29 Terms 30 Week 1 31-37 Week 2 38-44 Week 3 45-50 Week 4 51-57 Week 5 58-64 Week 6 65-71 Week 7 72-78 Week 8 79-85 Week 9 86-92 Week 10 93-99 Week 11 100-106 Week 12 107-113 Core Workouts 114 HIIT Workouts 115 Glossery 116-153 DISCLAIMER Not For Resale All of the content provided throughout this program, as well as any other online resources provided by me, Ajahzi Gardner, are protected under copyright. As a customer, you are not allowed to copy, share, or redistribute any of these products or you will be subject to copyright infringement. Product Disclosure Although I, Ajahzi Gardner, am a certified personal trainer, I am not a registered dietician, nutritionist, or physician. The content of this program, is not intended to be used as, or substituted for, medical advice. Before starting any new training program or diet regimen, you should consult with your doctor. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your participation. WELCOME Welcome to the SLIMTHICC 12-Week Cutting Program! Thank you so much for your support and trusting me to guide you through this next phase in your fitness journey. This program will provide you with everything you need to know to have a successful cut these next 12 weeks, as well as the knowledge necessary to continue achieving your goals throughout the course of your fitness journey. I want to make this process as enjoyable and educational as possible. Why SLIMTHICC ? Slimthicc is more than just an aesthetic physique goal to me. I have finally reached a point in my life where I am completely confident and happy in my own skin. I spent a huge majority of my life being insecure about my shape and seeing a higher number on the scale than your average child/teen. I’ve been a thicker, curvier girl my entire life & even had doctors tell me I was overweight/pre-obese according to the body mass index (BMI) scale, which is BS btw :) I have proudly grown to love my curves, regardless of the number on the scale or a body fat percentage. My goal is not only to help you achieve your fitness/physique goals and live a healthier lifestyle, but to empower you, and all women, to radiate unconditional self-love and self- confidence. WHAT IS CUTTING? Cutting is a term used to describe a weight loss phase, specifically in the bodybuilding/fitness industry. In order to cut/lose weight, you must be in caloric deficit. A caloric deficit entails burning more calories than you are intaking on a regular basis. I am a firm believer that the slower the cut, the more sustainable the weight loss will be. An individual could significantly undereat and do hours of cardio to lose weight fairly quickly, but the weight loss would most likely be short term. As soon as that individual intakes a little more calories or cuts down on the cardio, the weight will typically return. In this program, I will provide you with all the information necessary to calculate your own macronutrients and how to gradually adjust them over time to continue making progress, workouts that get progressively more challenging to avoid plateau and continually increase caloric expenditure, as well as cardio that gradually increases over the duration of the 12 weeks. With this knowledge, I hope you can apply it to your fitness goals and make progress even after you complete the program. HEALTH & WELLNESS Fitness has become a huge trend in society over the last few years, especially for physique, or #bodygoals. My main focus for this program and what I stand for is health and wellness. I want to help you become the happiest, healthiest, best possible version of yourself. Health and wellness is a lot more than just exercise and counting calories, it consists of a healthy mind, body, and soul. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health! While the gym and these workouts might make you feel great, aka those post workout endorphins, you need to also make yourself and your happiness a priority. Stress can play a huge role in the prevention of weight loss due to the increase in cortisol levels. Be sure to minimize your stress as much as possible, surround yourself with good company and a good support system (I got you girl!), and to focus on doing things that make you happy. Another important factor that affects your health is your rest and SLEEP. Good sleep is extremely important, not only for brain and cardiovascular health but for recovery of those muscles after you smash these workouts! The program has 2 rest days in the split which should prevent overtraining and over-exhausting yourself. Lack of adequate resting/sleeping can significantly affect your performance in the gym, as well as your progress. I don’t want you to only be making progress on the scale or in the gym, I want you to progress in all aspects of life! MOTIVATION/DISCIPLINE Motivation will come and go, it’s inevitable! “How do you stay motivated?” is my most frequently asked question and the answer is that I don’t. You need to make your goals and your health a priority because no one else can/will do it for you. One thing I always remind myself is that I will never regret a workout. Yes, it can be hard to get to the gym, and yes, you might not be having the best day, but chances are that a workout will only make you feel better! Not only will those post-workout endorphins keep flowing, but that feeling of working toward/accomplishing your goals is something you can’t beat. Every single day is fresh start to work toward the best version of yourself, take advantage! Build long-term healthy habits that you can maintain after the next 12 weeks! Of course, I want this experience to be enjoyable for you but you’re going to need to work hard to achieve your goals. TRACKING PROGRESS There is a huge variety of ways to track progress and the best way is whatever one you prefer! You can use a scale, tape measure, body fat percentage, progress pictures, how your clothes fit, and most importantly how you feel. I would definitely make how you’re feeling your number one priority. The number on the scale could be dropping and you might love how you look in the mirror but if you’re feeling awful then something needs to change. The scale can be such an inconsistent measurement of progress for a variety of reasons. Body weight fluctuates a ton especially for women, as well as the fact that throughout this program you might make some changes in your body composition, meaning you might be developing some muscle mass while you’re losing fat which could prevent a huge decrease in the number on the scale. If you are the kind of person that lets the number on the scale dictate how you feel about yourself and allow it to discourage you then don’t feel obligated to weigh yourself. I didn’t weigh myself my entire 6-month bulk because I didn’t want the number on the scale to keep me from working toward my goals. Progress is progress regardless of what any number tells you. Progress Pictures Pictures are an amazing measurement of progress. Although, the before pictures can be difficult to take, I promise you will thank yourself later. One of the biggest mistakes in my fitness journey was not taking enough progress pictures. I suggest taking the pictures with minimal clothing (sports bra, spanks, bra, underwear, bathing suit) to best show your fat loss and muscle definition over time. NUTRITION & SUPPLEMENTS NUTRITION Nutrition will be the most important factor in your progress. Your caloric intake (how much food you eat) and caloric expenditure (how many calories you burn), otherwise known as energy balance, is what dictates whether you lose, gain, or maintain your weight. While calories are the main factor, how nutritious your food is is just as important. I suggest your diet to consist of 80 percent healthier, whole nutritious foods and the other 20 percent consisting of any processed, “less healthy,” treat options that you want to incorporate into your diet. NOTE: Counting macros is not necessary or required to see progress! Ultimately, your energy balance will determine whether or not you gain, lose, or maintain weight. You can clean up your diet, watch your portions/serving sizes and still see progress. If you are brand new to macronutrients, I personally suggest calculating your macros and tracking every once in a while to make sure your calorie intake is in line with your goals. You can easily be under-eating or overeating without even realizing it. If you prefer not to track or if counting calories negatively affects your mental health, you do not need to track. Our bodies are VERY smart and work hard to keep us functioning efficiently. Metabolic adaptation is the term used to explain the changes made in our metabolism under different caloric intake and expenditure. You might have heard people refer to this concept as “metabolic damage,” or ruining your metabolism due to a deficit. Your metabolism does not get damaged, it simply adjusts to your caloric intake and expenditure to keep you alive and well. If you are significantly undereating, you body can adjust to this intake and try to hold on to any extra weight or fat for energy storage since your body is not being provided with enough calories and nutrients. Metabolic adaptation is important because this explains why your cut should be slow and steady! As you gradually increase your caloric expenditure and decrease your caloric deficit, not only are you maintaining a healthy energy balance for a healthy functioning body, you are also preventing metabolic adaptation by leaving plenty of time for macro and cardio adjustments.

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