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SLC Turnberry Limited Report and Financial Statements 31 Decernbar 2008 Ww SLC Turnberry Limited Registered No: SC177840 Directors TW Tama MDW Sseie KL Sea ‘Secretary Trine Auditors Feet & Yoong 17? 1 bore Laon Ps Londen SEL2AF Registered office ued Uo) aysnie A269. SLC Tumberry Lirited i reer RAMETERS ES Directors’ report ‘The deco present rapt and ancl scatameats By yen wae M Deowabe 2008 Results and dividends “The loos fo the yer, ae sao, sound £256,000 Uh directors so not etermend ofan vidende Princlpal activities and review of the business ‘The principal astivg ofthe company ime apzeation athe Westin res oll wai vce Jes The ureters expect ie yenorl ovo oF act coin ne fu Disabled employees _Applcatns fa mga hy eae pero ar wags filly conndere, Resin in minh Spltudes uf the aplisant concer. inthe cvert of anber of Zu hacmtng diab, evry oa it sade tease tari plement with econ ete a angrily Aragyed. IL be poly ul he sorry ou enna, eer developer axl promrton of sd pstsora should as fsa abl, be env ik tha aber apie The compary a ml Sppevtonine eeplyet “The company recognise he high trends qed mesa tha hath sfety and wat ft cniployers work is customers un the genoml pub, Company polices ahi e>gnd ae egub'y [oe with ie eostivs af sneing hr Tes standards to aon Employee involvement ‘he compan places considerable vale oo te falvemen of ls ployee al as cna to Kren (bem nfm en mos afecting them wi employees and onthe wists matey ating te porleroance uke wonpaas, This achieved zouk val a ans vel Directors. ‘The dette who sorsd the company dng the ysar were as flows EW Picea MAP Wale SSIs BL Seow ‘There ars vce! inarons req atclonuc under he Companics Act LBS Suppllor payment policy Ihe vropay's policy isto sec ers of paycea wie cupplirs bea area ths tee oP each ‘ranseron fn ane dha supe are mide sa of tower of payment and de hy te eras pipinenl |Av31 Desemihor 200, company had an average of 17 days purchases oustanding intra eres SLC Tumberry Limited Directors’ report Auditors ‘resolu remota Ems & Young CLP as andes will bo purto he eur atthe Anoual Genet Meine By oer of ie booed vfs Orie Secretary 22 Devsmber 2004 SLC Tumberry Limited Statement of directors’ responsibilities in respect of the financial statements Company law requis the divetrsopreate Final utes for eas usar your which ve ‘nue and ti vis ofthe ste of slats of te eospar and The profi Te of he copay fo a Pie. Tn poparing dune Teil semen, le airetors sree ‘sect auto csouning policy nd ben apy chem couse aks eels ral etates hl resemble a eae: + ste waotaor appli aconmtng stands have bon lsd, subject to any material dopants cloned and exphined in te isa teens; and propre oui satmnt ya he ang voce bass wal is eapproptil to prea tat fs company il cowie fa busines, “The retrs averse fo sping proper sevaning ess which delose with rexonahle accoray any tine the faa pein ole ceapany ante ene tem lo eae tha te Fania sttereasceveply withthe Compares Ace 1985, Ty ate eso respite fr safegvarng to asc of The enya sal heme for hing reson ble step Lr le preset el dese oF Und oer regu, Independent auditors’ report tothe mamnors of SLC Turaberry Limited ‘We haes adie he congsny aol stents for dhe yer endod 31 Deceibr 2003 hie opie th Profit and Lous Account, Slaeion of Total Recognise Ca wl Lost Balance Sel nee tela mies 117 19. The Has sotements have been pepared onthe oss he uoeaurting pais sto sere, "his roc adele othe crampanss meals, asa by n accord with Seetion 235 Ce Campane Act 1983. yr i sort his bee unite 2 a we lt sae W The cegeES"+ ‘ost ee wiley ars romieed Wo nl tem im ex audore poet and fer no oka poss. TO (bs fllost xa petted yo, vr dn no cep or cue rep avon eller Uh he ‘sonpany mud te wunpey"s embers bad, fr oor andt-wark fr his repe. o er fe pisos we tive foe Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors Avesrhed fhe Sateen! uf Dirco. Response Un oupiy'sdislen ue respons ar hs Preparation of the omacal satcncnts in accordance wilh applicable Ute Kinga a at aceon, Stade Cone eens tn ut then clentears i aocorsnce wth event egal andy roguistomts and United Ringalom Awting Sind ‘ie cep ta. you oar option a co whet the Hiner atatenient give us an hr view an te rope repaed in aecodiace wife he Comics Ack 885, We also poet o you i, nox onion, the Directors Repor fool easitent wi the Gawacia acereas, te empany hae no hep pepe scouting ecods 7k lave bot hci al tbe nfresin and explanations We eq ee aor adit rl rmasinn specie yer segming Ahectory rerun el anattions Ww he ches tet dla We rei Ihe Distr’ Ropar an wns tr puns So rep. if we hicomteworare Ay spparr mses it Basie of audit opinion We candied our snitm accordance with Uned Kington Audiing Stara vad by the Anitng Pretiees Bord, an ilitincladsexacintoa. tat bse of evdense relevant oe non s lielosures ith rate! cements, Kala nhuter an tvesment ofthe iii extznates 92 jjgomente made 2 the econ the pepattion ofthe Inet teent and of wheter He 2ecoung pois ae approgriato the companys etcumsance,cnsistenty applied an sdequarey Atisoleet ‘We planted ad perford ou aie ao a aati al he intrenron and explanations ch ve gid noetear Toner pie as Wh ive. videnes ta gi sana erence are ‘Sania statemens fee tum mca cusatement. beer ced by rd rete brlaiyox vor. Soring ou opinion ne lan saute the everal adcquaeyof hs preseration oe iloroetn i ‘he flaca semen Independent auditors’ report to the mombors of SL Turmbony Lind caries Opinion Tour opinion the Fuaneilstencus give a auc and fi view ofthe see of ahr of te company asm 31 Deir 2003 ml oe fr Ue ye he nea lve eas wep Pere see dance ‘the Companies Act 1985, Ears bet bof sow evan uie ener fro 22 Deemer 04 SLC Turnberry Limited! a secret EASES NSA A cS set Profit and loss account torte year anded 31 December 2003 wer ue oes tm Ee Tumover awe aes Com afro Gar Gah Grose prott wae sat Adie expan ay Gigs operating essiprot 3 30 ssteu pope a ii barge 6 o 6s (Rosayorotton artinery sebviden behve lao: as ‘taxon (essyproi ow urinary ales 7 fis (Hosaorot retsines for de ancl year me Statement of total recognised gains and losses “Tere no meted guns ox xis be tn he ss of 125690 wb te sable oe ‘heya ended Doster 2002 2000p £212 000, ‘the results ave bea terived belly Sor comnuigopeston in bth yee. ‘SLC Tumbery Limited Balance sheet at 31 December 2005 203 2002 Noes 1000 ‘oon Fre assets Tangs ast. ss wa losers 9 3a 3m rcs Soc 6 Debus " Charon ‘rewtore cut fling doen one yn n Nat current abtes Tote acets fee cumentiabittig Creators acy il doe leritre Ban ue eae 8 sen 16802 carry Caplan raven Caled yp share capa 6 - Capa eeerve nie Tree and ose a2coo no aay Equity sharchotders"fands eRe SLC Tumberry Limmed in rectum ne TROON RN ARNE Notes to the financial statements tM Deeamber 2003 1. Aecounting policies ‘sis of reparation The mati stsments ar prepared under the Wissel castenmvenon, and in asso wit pplieable THC aevoung aan “The eorpany fas ested umber ston 229 of he Campunies ct 1985 nt ea cansolidte Nita World Guy, Led 2 te neunion i ot oneal ore pope fog aoe and aio 3 company osinot ood Coch ow sttersent the company te ake advange ol he wef afoded by xt 228 oe Companie Act OES ‘cto fe soly oom bud 0 Sirona Tots Reso Word fe, which cparee cored Fail sates isi pllicty aadble Oo bis basis onan extn oma ‘he ruiereat oF TRS Le presenta staat! of cath ows ‘elated partes wanoactons Aga subeday undertaking of Sarwood Hotels & Resor's Wolo, the compony bs taken sdvantogsof hm enum ia RS B Related ree dscusures ao wo sloe esctoas wi ht ‘embors othe pr headed by Strood Hotel & Reso Were To. 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