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GoerinG, Laura: Belyj’s Symbolist Abyss GRENIER, SVETLANA: Herzen’s Who is to Blame?: The Rhetoric of the New Morality KaHN, ANDREW: The Uses and Abuses of Literary History Kacsouss, GEorGE: Rhyming Patterns in Griboedov’s Gore ot uma KoLonosky, WALTER: Andrei Siniavskii’s Dissertation LaursEN, Eric: Transformation as Revelation: Sologub, Schopenhauer, and The Little Man MARTINSEN, DesBoraH: The Cover-Up: General Ivolgin and Private Kolpakov MarTVEYEV, REBECCA EpsTeIN: Textuality and Intertextuality in Dostoevsky’s Poor Folk MEERSON, O1Ga: Ivolgin and Hoibein: Non-Christ Risen vs. Christ Non-Risen MILLER-PoGacar, ANESA: POSTMODERNISM FORUM: Varieties of Post-Atheist Spirituality in Mikhail Epstein’s Approach to Culturology NeEsBET, ANNE: Coming Home to Homer: Gogol’s Odyssey PETERSON, DaLE: POSTMODERNISM FORUM: Introduction: Mikhail Epstein’s Russian Postmodernism RANCOUR-LAFERRIERE, DANIEL, VERA Loseva, ALEKSEJ LUNKOV: PSYCHOANALYSIS FORUM: Violence in the Garden: A Work by Tolstaia in Kleinian Perspective RUBINSTEIN, GEORGE: On Case Errors made in Oral Speech by American Learners of Russian SAFRAN, GABRIELLA: Love Songs between the Sacred and the Vernacular: Pushkin’s “Podrazhaniia” in the Context of Bible Translation SPEIKER, SvEN: Gogol and the Baroque Turner, C. J. G.: Psychology, Rhetoric, and Morality in Anna Karenina: At the Bottom of Whose Heart? WalrTe, SARAH TIFFANY: On the Linear Structure of Nabokov’s Dar: Three Keys, Six Chapters Wuitcoms, Curt: Treacherous “Charm” in Anna Karenina ZABUZHKO, OKSANA: Reinventing the Poet in Modern Ukrainian Culture 670 Slavic and East European Journal REVIEWS Aiken, Susan Hardy, Adele Marie Barker, Maya Korenova, and Ekaterina Stet- senko. Dialogues/Dialogi: Literary and Cultural Exchanges between (Ex) Soviet and American Women (CHRISTINE D. ToME!) Alekseyeva, Natasha, Elza Ivanova, and Natasha Defye. Russian Review and Expan- sion Grammar (BENJAMIN RIFKIN) Anderson, Roger, and Paul Debreczeny, eds., Russian Narrative and Visual Art: Varieties of Seeing (GALINA L. DE Rogck) Ando, Atsushi, Urai Yasuo, and Mochizuki Tetsuo, eds. A Concordance to Dostoev- sky’s Crime and Punishment (Marcus LEvITT AND Maria POLINSKY) Aronson, Howard I. Non-Slavic Languages of the USSR: Papers From the Fourth Conference (BERNARD COMRIE) Arountunova, Bayara. Lives in Letters: Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya and her Correspondence (LiNA BERNSTEIN) Barabtarlo, Gennady. Aerial View: Essays on Nabokov’s Art and Metaphysics (GaLyA DIMENT) Batalden, Stephen K., ed. Seeking God: The Recovery of Religious Identity in Orthodox Russia, Ukraine, and Georgia (PAUL VALLIERE) Bercoff, G. Brogi, G. Dell’Agata, P. Marchesani, and R. Picchio, eds. La Slavistica in Italia: Cinquant’anni di studi (1940-1990) (GaBRIELLA Impost!1) Bernik, France. Slowenische Literatur im Europaischen kontext: drei Abhandlungen (TimotHy PoGacar) Bitov, Andrei. The Monkey Link: A Pilgrimage Novel (Victor TERRAS) The Day Tito Died: Contemporary Slovenian Short Stories (TimoTHY PoGacar) Bock, Ivo. Die Spaltung und ihre Folgen: Einige Tendenzen der Tschechischen Literatur 1969-1989 (WALTER SCHAMSCHULA) Bokov, Viktor. Twenty Poems of Viktor Bokov (DELBERT PHILIPs) Brashinski, Michael, and Andrew Horton, eds. Russian Critics on the Cinema of Glasnost (Dina IoRDANOVA) Brewer, Bob. My Albania: Ground Zero (BERND FISCHER) Brown, Deming. The Last Years of Soviet Russian Literature: Prose Fiction 1975- 199] (CATHERINE THEIMER NEPOMNYASHCHY) Index Bunin, I. A. Selected Stories. 1. Babel. Four Stories. 1. If and E. Petrov. Selected Stories. M. Yu. Lermontov. A Hero of Our Time. A. S. Pushkin. Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin. F. M. Dostoevsky. Notes from Underground. L. N. Tolstoy. Sebastopol in December, Sebastopol in May. A. P. Chekhov. Selected Short Stories. E. Zamiatin. We (ALFRED THOMAS) Burrus, Christina. Art Collectors of Russia: The Private Treasures Revealed (Saran P. BurKE) Bynum, David E., trans and ed. Serbo-Croatian Heroic Poems: Epics from Bihaé, Cazin, and Kulen Vakuf (MARGARET HEIBERT BEISSINGER) Chances, Ellen. Andrei Bitov: The Ecology of Inspiration (KATHLEEN PARTHE) Coetzee, J. M. The Master of Petersburg (Bert BEYNEN) Cohen, Leonard J. Broken bonds: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia; Mihailo Crno- brnja. The Yugoslav Drama. Bogdan Denitch. Ethnic Nationalism: The Tragic Death of Yugoslavia. James Simmie and Joze Dekleva, eds. Yugoslavia in Turmoil (CHARLES WUKASCH) Comrie, Bernard, and Greville G. Corbett, eds. The Slavonic Languages (CHRISTINA E. KRAMER) Costlow, Jane T., Stephanie Sandler, and Judith Vowles, eds. Sexuality and the Body in Russian Culture (WILLIAM NICKELL) Croucher, Murlin, ed. and comp. Slavic Studies: A Guide to Bibliographies, Encyclo- pedias, and Handbooks (RUTH WALLACH) Cubberley, Paul. Handbook of Russian Affixes (JoNATHON Z. LuDwiG) Debeljak, Ales. Anxious Moments (Mic#aet Biccins) Defye, Natasha, and Munir Sendich, ed. Russian Review and Expansion Grammar (BENJAMIN RIFKIN) Derbyshire, William W. A Basic Reference Grammar of Slovene (RaymMonp H. MILLER) Diment, Galya. The Autobiographical Novel of Co-Consciousness: Goncharov, Woolf, and Joyce (NATALIA K. PERVUKHIN) Dostoevsky, Fyodor. A Writer’s Diary, Volume One: 1873-1876 (KATHLEEN PARTHE) Diment, Galya, and Yuri Slezkine, eds. Between Heaven and Earth: The Myth of Siberia in Russian Culture (TeEREsA PoLowy) Druzhnikov, Yuri. Dos’e begletsa: Po sledam neizvestnogo Pushkina (SVETLANA EvVDOKIMOVA) 672 Slavic and East European Journal Eckert, Eva, ed. Varieties of Czech: Studies in Czech Sociolinguistics (HANA FILIP) Efimovna, Alla, and Lev Manovich, eds. and trans. Tekstura: Russian Essays on Visual Culture (ALISON HILTON) Elsie, Robert, ed. and trans. Anthology of Modern Albanian Poetry: An Elusive Eagle Soars (JOHN KoLstT1) Engel, Barbara Alpern. Between the Fields and the City: Women, Work, and Family in Russia, 1861-1914 (Loutss MCREYNOLDS) Erlich, Victor. Modernism and Revolution: Russian Literature in Transition (BRIAN HorowI!tTz) Feiler, Lily. Marina Tsvetaeva: The Double Beat of Heaven and Hell (SipELAN FORRESTER) Flier, Michael S., and Daniel Rowland, eds. Medieval Russian Culture Volume II (Marcia A. Morris) Geifman, Anna. Thou Shalt Kill: Revolutionary Terrorism in Russia 1894-1917 (Frank Goopwin) Geld, Isidore. Dictionary of Omissions for Russian Translators, with Examples from Scientific Texts (JONATHAN Z. LuDwic) Gliick, Johann Ernst. Grammatik der russischen Sprache (GUNTER SCHAARDSCHMIDT) Goldstein, Darra. Nikolai Zabolotsky: Play for Mortal Stakes (ANTHONY ANEMONE) Graham, Loren R. Science in Russia and the Soviet Union: A Short History (ANN HIBNER KoBLits) Gruber, Katarzyna, and Bengt Jangfeldt. Russica: The Russian Collection in the Nobel Library of the Swedish Academy: A Selective Catalog (RUTH WALLACH) Harress, Birgit. Mensch und Welt in Dostoevskijs Werk (RoBERT L. BELKNAP) Hollingsworth, Paul, trans. The Hagiography of Kievan Rus’ (IsoLDE THYRET) Horton, Andrew, ed. Inside Soviet Film Satire: Laughter with a Lash (Dina IORDANOVA) Hupchick, Dennis P. Culture and History in Eastern Europe (Nancy M. WINGFIELD) Janevski, Slavko. The Bandit Wind (GEORGE MITREVSK1) Jones, Malcolm V., ed. Dostoevsky and the Twentieth Century: The Ljubljana Papers (Liza KNapP) Index Junghanns, Uwe. Syntaktische und semantische Eigenschaften russischer finaler Infinitiveinbettungen (Gary H. Toops) Juritié, Zelimir B. Russian Repertory in the Croatian National Theatre 1874-1914 (SIBELAN FoRRESTER) Kelly, Catriona. A History of Russian Women’s Writing 1820-1992 (Mary F. Zirin) Kelly, Catriona, ed. An Anthology of Russian Women’s Writing: 1777-1992 (JupitH VOWLES) Koecke, Bernadette. Diminutive im polnisch-deutschen Ubersetzungsvergleich: Eine Studie zur Divergenzen und Konvergenzen im Gebrauch einer variierenden Bildung (GUNTER SCHAARSCHMIDT) Koschmal, Walter, ed. Perspektiven Sorbischer Literatur (CHARLES WUKASCH) Kretzschmar, Dirk. Die sowjetische Kulturpolitik von 1970-1985: von der verwalteten zur selbstverwalteten Kultur (EvGEN1 DOBRENKO) Kunert, Ilse, ed. Studien zur polnischen Literatur-, Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte im 18 Jahrhundert: Vortrage der deutsch-polnischen Polonistenkonferenz. April 1991 (SAMUEL FisZMAN) Ledkovsky, Marina, Charlotte Rosenthal, and Mary Zirin, eds. Dictionary of Russian Women Writers (ROBIN BisHaA) Levin, Iu. D. The Perception of English Literature in Russia: Investigations and Material (KEvin McCKENNa) Makin, Michael. Marina Tsvetaeva: Poetics of Appropriation (MICHAEL M. NayDAN) Mandelker, Amy. Framing Anna Karenina: Tolstoy, The Woman Question, and the Victorian Novel (BARBARA HELDT) Markov, Vladimir. Kommentar zu den Dichtungen von K. D. Bal’mont 1910-1917 (CHRISTINE BOROWEC) Markovié, V. M., and W. Schmid, eds. Russkaia novella: Problemy teorii i istorii (CHARLES ISENBERG) Matejka, Ladislav, ed. Crosscurrents 11: A Yearbook of Central European Culture (BRONISLAVA VOLKOVA) May, Rachel. The Translator in the Text: On Reading Russian Literature in English (ADRIAN WANNER) Mikos, Michat. W Pogoni za Sienkiewiczem: z odnalezionych dziennikéw Almy Curtin (REUEL K. WiLsoNn) Minto, Marilyn, trans. Russian Tales of the Fantastic (AMy MANDELKER) 674 Slavic and East European Journal Nijinska, Irina, and Jean Rawlinson, trans and ed. Bronislava Nijinska: Early Memoirs (Rosina NEGINSKY) Nuorluoto, Juhani. Die Bezeichnung der konsonatischen Palatalitat im Alkirchen- slavischen: Ein graphematisch-phonologische Untersuchung zur Rekonstruktion und handscriftlichen Uberlieferung (ANDREW CorRIN) Olinas, Felix. Surematu Kalevipoeg (Guntis SMIDCHENS) Olesky, Wiestaw, and Oscar E. Swan. W labiryncie (Labyrinth of Life) (Curistina Y. BETHIN) Paperno, Irina, and Joan Delaney Grossman, eds. Creating Life: The Aesthetic Utopia of Russian Modernism (NaNcY LYNN Cooper) Partridge, Monica, ed. Alexander Herzen: Collected Studies (T. YEDLIN) Peace, Richard. Dostoevsky’s “Notes from Underground” (RADHA BALASUBRAMA- NIAN) Pervukhina, Natalia. Anton Chekov: The Sense and Nonsense (GEORGE GIBIAN) Polakiewicz, Leonard A. Supplemental Materials for Fifteen Modern Polish Short Stories (KATARZYNA DZzIwIREK) Popkin, Cathy. The Pragmatics of Insignificance: Chekov, Zoshchenko, Gogol (Linpa H. Scatton) Potichnyj, Peter J., Marc Raeff, Jaroslaw Pelenski, and Gleb Zekulin. Ukraine and Russia in Their Historical Encounter. and Stephen Velychenko. National History as a Cultural Process: A Survey of the Interpretations of Ukraine’s Past in Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian Historical Writing from the Earliest Times to 1914 (MARK VON HAGEN) Pouncy, Caroline Johnston, ed. and trans. The Domostroi: Rules for Russian Households in the Time of Ivan the Terrible (Eve Levin) Pyman, Avril. A History of Russian Symbolism (EvELYN BrisToL) Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel. Tolstoy’s Pierre Bezukhov: A Psychoanalytic Study (ADELE BARKER) Ripellino, Angelo Maria. Magic Prague (ALFRED THOMAS) Roth-Souton, Daniéle. Vladimir Nabokov: l’enchantement de I’exil (Jerr EDMUNDS) Rozewicz, Tadeusz. Forms in Relief and Other Works: A Bilingual Edition. Tadeusz Rdézewicz. Bas-Relief and Other Poems (HoLT MEYER) Segel, Harold B. Twentieth-Century Russian Drama: From Gorky to the Present (ALLISON ComiINns-RICHMOND) Index Sendich, Munir and Natasha Alekseyeva, comp. Texcm xax o6bexm u cpedcm6o o6y4enuan pyccKomy A3biKy (KATHLEEN E. DILLON AND OLGa E. KaGan) Shkandrij, Myroslav. Modernists, Marxists, and the Nation: The Ukrainian Literary Discussion of the 1920s (GEORGE MIHAYCHUK) Sjoberg, A., L. Durovié, and U. Birgegard. Zoaomonocosckuli nepuod pyccKkozo AumepamypxHozo0 a3bika/The Pre-Lomonosov Period of the Russian Literary Language (Gitta HAMMARBERG) Slaski, Jan. Wokot literatury whoskiej, wegierskiej i polskiej w epoce renesansu: Skice komparatystyczne (SAMUEL FISZMAN) Suxoparov, Sergej. Aleksej Krucéenyx: Sud’ba budetljanina (GERALD JANECEK) Straus, Nina Pelikan. Dostoevsky and the Woman Question: Rereadings at the End of a Century (NiNA PERLINA) Taruskin, Richard. Musorgsky: Eight Essays and An Epilogue (ROSAMUND BaRTLETT) Tertz, Abram (Andrei Sinyavsky). Strolls with Pushkin (ANDREW R. Durkin) Turner, C. J. G. A Karenina Companion (Amy MANDELKER) Tyrell, John, ed. Jandéek’s Operas: A Documentary Account, and John Tyrell, ed. and trans. /ntimate Letters: Leos Jandéek to Kamila Stésslova (Erik ENTWISTLE) Vadimov, Alexandr. Zhizn’ Berdiaeva: Rossiia (BRIAN Horow!Tz) Vampilov, Aleksandr. Duck Hunting. Last Summer in Chulimsk. Two Plays by Aleksandr Vampilov (MELIssA T. SmiTH) Veder, William R., trans. The Edificatory Prose of Kievan Rus’ (FRANCIS BUTLER) Vroon, Ronald, and John E. Malmstad, eds. Readings in Russian Modernism: To Honor Vladimir Federovich Markov (Patricia CARDEN) Wagner, William G. Marriage, Property and Law in Late Imperial Russia (Lee A. FARROW) Wolff, Larry. Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment (ELIisE KIMMERLING WIRTSCHAFTER) Ziegerer, Penka. Die Nacherzahlformen im Bulgarischen (BarBARA M. MozpZiERZ) Bapan, Xeupuk. J7oamuxa pycckou aumepamypwi nayana XX eexa (EpwarD MANOUELIAN) Boromonos, H. A. Mamepuaavnt x O6u6auozpadbuu pycckux saumepamypuo- xyOomcecmeeHHbix aAbmaHaxoe u cC6opxHuKos, 1900-1937 (GEORGE CHERON) 676 Slavic and East European Journal liimug, Boned (Schmid). /7po3a kak noa3ua: Cmambu o noeecmeoexuu 6 pyccKkou Aaumepamypot (CHARLES ISENBERG) laicep-lHutTman, Cpetnana. BenedOuxm Epogees «Mocxea-[emywku». uau «The Rest is Silence» (EDUARD VLAsOov) Jlo6pexxo, Esrenuti. Memaqgopa eaacmu: Jlumepamypa cmaauncKkou anoxu 6 ucmopuxeckou oceeuenuu (KONSTANTIN KUSTANOVICH) Ecumosa, H. Mnxmepmexcm @ peauzo3Hoix u Oemonuyectiux momusax B. I. Axcexnoea (THOMAS GAITON MARULLO) Kocromapos, Bb. [. 43eikoeou exyc anoxu (FREDERICK L. VAN Doren) Muxaiinos, O., pen. /Jumepamypa pyccxozo 3zapy6emva (1920-1940) (THomas GalTON MaRULLO) Cnouumckas, JImgua, pen. Mup ITlywxuna: J[neenuxu-nucoma H. O. u C. JI. TTywxunvix 1828-1835 (JoHN M. ELvison) Tapnanos, E. 3. Koncmanmun Doqanos: Jlezenda u deticmeumeabxocmb (ALEXEI SAVELIEV AND GERALDINE KELLEY) Iisapy6ana, Camyun (Schvarzband). HMcmopua «Iloeecmei Beaxuna» (PAUL DEBRECZENY) ®epm, Jltoumuna. Ocobexnocmu pazeumua pyccKol AeKcuKU 6 HOBetWMU Nepuod (Ha Mamepuaae 2azem) (EDNA ANDREWS) OrkuHg, AnekcaHyp. JQpoc neeo3moxHo2z0: Mcmopua ncuxoaxaau3za 6 Poccuu (ELIoT BORENSTEIN) i * a

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