Volume 5 3.2013 e.v. Issue 1 e c i r c l e of the horizon is the earth and sky’s eVmerbnrala Equinox h c T e SKY’S EMBRACE A Publication of Horizon Lodge, OTO a c ’ leister rowley s D L L e ege ibeLLum sidered, this is not wholly truth. The life of man Part 2. This publication by Crowley was originally re- is but one segment of a serpentine curve which leased in The Equinox Volume III:1 in 1919. It is published reaches out to infinity, and its zeros but mark . . . . in A..A.. Class E. This Class of A..A.. libri came into use the changes from the plus to minus, and minus about the time of this publication and consisted of “manifes- to plus, coefficients of its equation. It is for this tos, broadsides, epistles and other public statements.” Crow- cause, among many others, that wise men in ley wrote of it in his Confessions “I wrote the book called old time chose the Serpent as the Hieroglyph De Lege Libellum, otherwise called The Sandal, in which I analyzed the Law as the source of light, life, love and lib- of Life. erty, and pronounced a panegyric upon it in each of these respects successively. For sustained sublimity of prose this Life then is indestructible as all else is. All de- book perhaps ranks next to those in which struction and construction are my pen was definitely and authentically changes in the nature of Love, inspired”. (Confessions pg. 831)These no- as I have written to you in the tions of Light, Life, Love and Liberty are former chapter proximate. Yet also written about in Liber Aleph Chapter even as the blood in one pulse- 151-159. Here these four qualities are lik- throb of the wrist is not the same ened to the Sphinx of which it is said to be blood as that in the next, so indi- the female partner of the masculine pyra- viduality is in part destroyed as mid. The four creatures that are embodied each life passeth; nay, even with in the sphinx are equated to the four L’s: The Bull is Life, the Lion is Light, the Man each thought. is Liberty and the Serpent is Love. These concepts have important implications for What then maketh man, if he di- an Understanding of the Creed and other eth and is reborn a changeling aspects of the Mass where they are men- with each breath? This: the con- tioned and should be studied and meditated sciousness of continuity given on accordingly. by memory, the conception of Michael Kolson his Self as something whose ex- istence, far from being threat- ened by these changes, is in verity assured by SYSTOLE AND DIASTOLE: these are the phas- them. Let then the aspirant to the sacred Wis- es of all component things. Of such also is the dom consider his Self no more as one segment life of man. Its curve arises from the latency of of the Serpent, but as the whole. Let him extend the fertilized ovum, say you, to a zenith whence it declines to the nullity of death? Rightly con- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 -1- CONTINUED FROM THE COVER his consciousness to regard both birth and death as Now this second mode is to dissociate the beings incidents trivial as systole and diastole of the heart which make up your life. Firstly, because it is easi- itself, and necessary as they to its function. est, you should segregate that Form which is called To fix the mind in this apprehension of Life, two the Body of Light (and also by many other names) modes are preferred, as preliminary to the greater re- and set yourself to travel in this Form, making sys- alizations to be discussed in their proper order, ex- tematic exploration of those worlds which are to periences which transcend even those attainments other material things what your own Body of Light of Liberty and Love of which I have hitherto writ- is to your own material form. ten, and this of Life which I now inscribe in this my little book which I am making for you so that you may Now it will occur to you in these travels that you come unto the Great Fulfillment. come to many Gates which you are not able to pass. This is because your Body of Light is itself The first mode is the acquisition of the Magical Mem- as yet not strong enough, or subtle enough, or pure ory so-called, and the means is described with accura- enough: and you must then learn to dissociate the cy and clearness in certain of our Holy Books. But for elements of that Body by a process similar to the nearly all men this is found to be a practice of exceed- first, your consciousness remaining in the higher ing difficulty. Let then the aspirant follow the impulse and leaving the lower. In this practice do you con- of his own Will in the decision to choose this or no. tinue, bending your Will like a great Bow to drive the Arrow of your consciousness through heavens The second mode is easy, agreeable, not tedious, and ever higher and holier. But the continuance in this in the end as certain as the other. But as the way of Way is itself of vital value: for it shall be that pres- error in the former lieth in Discouragement, so in the ently habit herself shall persuade you that the body latter are you to be ware of False Paths. I may say which is born and dieth within so little a space as indeed generally of all Works, that there are two dan- one cycle of Neptune in the Zodiac is no essential gers, the obstacle of Failure, and the snare of Success. CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE From the Editor Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Welcome to the spring edition of Sky’s Embrace! We ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS Horizon Lodge OTO are excited to bring you this issue, which kicks off http://www.seattle-oto.org another year of Horizon Lodge’s quarterly journal of 406 Dexter Ave. No. Seattle, WA 98109 Thelemic and magickal matters! This issue features part two of Aleister Crowley’s De Lege Libellum, as presented with commentary by Michael Kolson. So- ror Kelley Beebe continues her excellent series on the Saints of the E.G.C. with number seven, Moshe; while Soror Haley Stats offers a report on Daniel Gunther’s Contact the editor at presentation at Sekhet-Maat Lodge in Portland. New to Sky’s Embrace this issue is Frater Aion 131, who [email protected] provides some interesting speculation on the “war http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sea-oto/ engine” mentioned in the Book of the Law; and we http://www.cafeshops.com/horizonoasis also have Frater David Parks meditating on lust and http://www.livejournal. freedom. Altogether an interesting issue! Be sure com/community/horizon_oasis/ to check the calendar for informative and celebra- tory events coming up at Horizon. We wish you all a happy new year and a happy spring, as the lush green life and occasional sunshine return to the Northwest! love is the law, love unDer will. Mark -2- of your Self, that the Life of which you are become by force of its habit: it is for you to create by re- partaker, while itself subject to the Law of action peated act the true right habit of this consciousness and reaction, ebb and flow, systole and diastole, is of the Life which abideth in Light. And this is easy, yet insensible to the afflictions of that life which you if your will be strong: for the true Life is so much formerly held to be your sole bond with Existence. more vivid and quintessential than the false that (as I rudely estimate) one hour of the former makes an And here must you resolve your Self to make the impression on the memory equal to one year of the mightiest endeavours: for so flowered are the mead- latter. One single experience, in duration it may be ows of this Eden, and so sweet the fruit of its or- but a few seconds of terrestrial time, is sufficient chards, that you will love to linger among them, and to destroy the belief in the reality of our vain life to take delight in sloth and dalliance therein. There- on earth: but this wears gradually away if the con- fore I write to you with energy that you should not sciousness, through shock or fear, adhere not to it, do thus to the hindrance of your true progress, be- and the Will strive not continually to repetition of cause all these enjoyments are dependent upon dual- that bliss, more beautiful and terrible than death, ity, so that their true name is Sorrow of Illusion, like which it hath won by virtue of Love. that of the normal life of man, which you have set out to transcend. There be moreover many other modes of attaining the apprehension of true Life, and these two follow- Be it according to your Will, but learn this, that (as it ing are of much value in breaking up the ice of your is written) they only are happy who have desired the mortal error in the vision of your being. And of these unattainable. It is then best, ultimately, if it be your the first is the constant contemplation of the Identity Will to find alway your chiefest pleasure in Love, of Love and Death, and the understanding of the dis- that is, in Conquest, and in Death, that is, in Surren- solution of the body as an Act of Love done upon the der, as I have written to you already. Thus then you Body of the Universe, as also it is written at length shall delight in these delights aforesaid, but only as in our Holy Books. And with this goeth, as it were toys, holding your manhood firm and keen to pierce sister with twin brother, the practice of mortal love to deeper and holier ecstacies without arrest of Will. as a sacrament symbolical of that great Death: as it Furthermore, I would have you to know that in this is written “Kill thyself”: and again “Die daily.” practice, pursued with ardour unquenchable, is this And the second of these lesser modes is the practice especial grace, that you will come as it were by for- of the mental apprehension and analysis of ideas, tune into states which transcend the practice itself, mainly as I have already taught you, but with espe- being of the nature of those Works of Pure Light of cial emphasis in choice of things naturally repulsive, which I will to write to you in the chapter following in particular, death itself, and its phenomena ancil- after this. For there be certain Gates which no being lary. Thus the Buddha bade his disciples to meditate who is still conscious of dividuality, that is, of the upon Ten Impurities, that is, upon ten cases of death Self and not-Self as opposites, may pass through: of decomposition, so that the Aspirant, identifying and in the storming of those Gates by fiery assault himself with his own corpse in all these imagined of lust celestial, your flame will burn vehemently forms, might lose the natural horror, loathing, fear against your gross Self, though it be already divine or disgust which he might have had for them. Know beyond your present imagining, and devour it in a this, that every idea of every sort becomes unreal, mystical death, so that in the Passing of the Gate all phantastic, and most manifest illusion, if it be sub- is dissolved in formless Light of Unity. jected to persistent investigation, with concentra- Now then, returning from these states of being, and tion. And this is particularly easy to attain in the in the return also there is a Mystery of Joy, you will case of all bodily impressions, because all material be weaned from the Milk of Darkness of the Moon, things, and especially those of which we are first and made partaker of the Sacrament of Wine that conscious, namely, our own bodies, are the grossest is the blood of the Sun. Yet at the first there may and most unnatural of all falsities. For there is in us be shock and conflict, for the old thought persists all, latent, that Light wherein no error may CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE -3- the PurPose anD object of MagicK endure, and It already teaches our instinct to reject first of all those veils which are most closely wrapt about It. Thus also in meditation it is (for many men) “It may be stated that magick is the method of most profitable to concentrate the Will to Love upon training individuals towards total consciousness the sacred centres of nervous force: for they, like all by the stimulation of various centers of the mind things, are apt images or true reflexions of their sem- blables in finer spheres: so that, their gross natures and by the cultivation of field thinking. The ob- being dissipated by the dissolving acid of the Medita- ject of this training is the manifestation of initiated tion, their finer souls appear (so to speak) naked, and leadership towards a more conscious, better inte- display their force and glory in the consciousness of grated, and more interesting and significant social the aspirant. culture. In short, the object of magick is the un- Yea, verily, let your Will to Love burn eagerly toward foldment of the individual in all the ways of love; this creation in yourselves of the true Life that rolls its and the enlightenment of society to accept all the waves across the shoreless sea of Time! Live not your petty lives in fear of the hours! The Moon and Sun commitments of this unfoldment as the necessary and Stars by which ye measure Time are themselves conditions of progress.” but servants of that Life which pulses in you, joyous drum-beat as you march triumphant through the Av- – jacK Parsons enue of the Ages. Then, when each birth and death of yours are recognized in this perception as mere mile- stones on your ever-living Road, what of the foolish incidents of your mean lives? Are they not grains of sand blown by the desert wind, or pebbles that you spurn with your winged feet, or grassy hollows were the enD of cagliostro you press the yielding and elastic turf and moss with lyrical dances? To him who lives in Life naught mat- “As one coming from the South and the brilliant ters: his is eternal motion, energy, delight of never- failing Change: unwearied, you pass on from aeon to light of noon, with full knowledge of nature and aeon, from star to star, the Universe your playground, active communion with God, I go now toward the its infinite variety of sport ever old and ever new. All North into the fog and abandoning at every step a those ideas which bred sorrow and fear are known in their truth, and thus become the seed of joy: for you piece of myself, giving way, diminishing at each are certain beyond all proof that you can never die; stop, leaving a little more light for you, a little that, though you change, change is part of your own more clarity and warmth, a little more vitality, un- nature: the Great Enemy is become the Great Ally. til the end of my journey when the Rose blossoms And now, rooted in this perfection, your Self become in its fullness on the Cross. I am Cagliostro.” the very Tree of Life, you have a fulcrum for your lever: you are ready to understand that this pulsation The Freemason and Magician, Count Cagliostro, of Unity is itself Duality, and therefore, in the high- est and most sacred sense, still Sorrow and Illusion; died in the Vatican prison of San Leo on August which having comprehended, aspire yet again, even 26, 1795, a victim of the Inquisition. unto the Fourth of the Gifts of the Law, unto the End of the Path, even unto Light. -4- IV you will already have experienced that the Quintes- OF LIGHT sence thereof is pure Light, an ecstacy formless, and without bound or mark. In this Light naught exists, I PRAY YOU, be patient with me in that which I for It is homogeneous: and therefore have men called shall write concerning Light: for here is a difficulty, it Silence, and Darkness, and Nothing. ever increasing, in the use of words. Moreover, I am myself carried away constantly and overwhelmed But in this, as in all other effort to name it, is the root by the sublimity of this matter, so that plain speech of every falsity and misapprehension, since all words may whirl into lyric, when I would plod peaceably imply some duality. Therefore, though I call it Light, with didactic, expression. My best hope is that you it is not Light, nor absence of Light. Many also have may understand by virtue of the sympathy of your sought to describe it by contradictions, since through intuition, even as two lovers may converse in lan- transcendent negation of all speech it may by some guage as unintelligible to others as it seemeth silly, natures be attained. Also by images and symbols wanton, and dull, or as in that other intoxication have men striven to express it: but always in vain. given by Ether the partakers commune with infinite Yet those that were ready to apprehend the nature wit, or wisdom, as the mood taketh them, by means of this Light have understood by sympathy: and so of a word or a gesture, being initiated to apprehen- shall it be with you who read this little book, lov- sion by the subtlety of the drug. So may I that am ing it. However, be it known unto you that the best inflamed with love of this Light, and drunken on of all instruction on this matter, and the Word best the wine Ethereal of this Light, communicate not suited to the Aeon of Horus, is written in The Book so much with your reason and intelligence, but with of the Law. Yet also the Book Ararita is right wor- that principle hidden in yourself which is ready to thy in the Work of the Light, as Trigrammaton in partake with me. Even so may man and woman be- that of Will, Cordis Cincti Serpente in the Way of come mad with love, no word being spoken between Love, and Liberi in that of Life. All these Books also them, because of the induction (as it were) of their concern all these Four Gifts, for in the end you will souls. see that every one is inseparable from every other. And your understanding will depend upon your I wish to write to you with regard to the number 93, ripeness for perception of my Truth. Moreover, if the number of Velhma. For it is not only the number so be that Light in you be ready to break forth, then of its interpretation Agaph, but also that of a Word Light will interpret to you these dark words in the unknown to you unless you be Neophyte of our Holy . . language of Light, even as a string inanimate, duly Order of the A..A.. which word representeth in itself adjusted, will vibrate to its peculiar tone, struck on the arising of the Speech from the Silence, and the another cord. Read, therefore, not only with the eye return thereunto in the End. Now this number 93 is and brain, but with the rhythm of the Life which thrice 31, which is in Hebrew LA, that is to say NOT, you have attained by your Will to Love quickened and so it denieth extension in the three dimensions to dancing measure by these words, which are the of Space. Also I would have you to meditate most movements of the wand of my Will to Love, and so closely upon the name NU that is 56, which we are to enkindle your Life to Light. told to divide, add, multiply, and understand. By di- vision cometh forth 0.12, as if it were written Nuith! In this mood did I interrupt myself in the writ- Hadith! Ra- Hoor-Khuith! before the Dyad. By addi- ing of this my little book, and for two days and tion ariseth Eleven, the number of True Magick: and nights sleeplessly have I made consideration, by multiplication Three Hundred, the Number of the wrestling vehemently with my spirit, lest by Holy Spirit or Fire, the letter Shin, wherein all things haste or carelessness I might fail toward you. are consumed utterly. With these considerations, and a full understanding of the mysteries of the Numbers In exercise of Will and of Love are implied motion 666 and 418, you will be armed mightily in this Way and change, but in Life is gained an Unity which of far flight. But you should also consider all num- moveth and changeth only in pulse or in phase, and bers in their scales. For there is no means of is even as music. Yet in the attainment of this Life CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 -5- CONTINUED FROM THE PREVIOUS PAGE revealing the Law to them that walk in chains, for resolution better than this of pure mathematics, since that this is your particular function. already therein are gross ideas made fine, and all is Now here is the Mystery of the Origin of Evil. ordered and ready for the Alchemy of the Great Work. Firstly, by Evil we mean that which is in opposition to our own wills: it is therefore a relative, and not an I have already written to you of how, in the Will of absolute, term. For everything which is the greatest Love, Light ariseth as the secret part of Life. And in evil of some one is the greatest good of some other, the first, the little, Loves, the attained Life is still per- just as the hardness of the wood which wearieth the sonal: later, it becometh impersonal and universal. axeman is the safety of him that ventureth himself Now then is Will arrived, may I say so, at its mag- upon the sea in a ship built of that wood. And this netic pole, whence the lines of force point alike every is a truth easy to apprehend, being superficial, and way and no way: and Love also is no more a work, intelligible to the common mind. but a state. These qualities are become part of the Universal Life, which proceedeth infinitely with the All evil is thus relative, or apparent, or illusory: enjoyment of the Will, and of Love as inherent there- but, returning to philosophy, I will repeat that its in. These things therefore, in their perfection, have root is always in duality. Therefore the escape from lost their names, and their natures. Yet these were the this apparent evil is to seek the Unity, which you Substance of Life, its Father and Mother: and without shall do as I have already shewn you. But I will now their operation and impact Life itself will gradually make mention of that which is written concerning cease its pulsations. But since the infinite energy of this in The Book of the Law. the whole Universe is therein, what then is possible but that it return to its own First Intention, dissolving The first step being Will, Evil appears as by this def- itself little by little into that Light which is its most inition, “all that hinders the execution of the Will.” secret and most subtle Nature? Therefore is it written: “The word of Sin is Restric- For this Universe is in Truth Zero, being an equation tion.” It should also be noted that in The Book of whereof Zero is the sum. Whereof this is the proof, the Thirty Aethyrs {Book 418} Evil appears as that if not, it would be unbalanced, and something Choronzon whose number is 333, which in Greek would have come from Nothing, which is absurd. importeth Impotence and Idleness: and the nature This Light or Nothing is then the Resultant or Totality of Choronzon is Dispersion and Incoherence. thereof in pure Perfection; and all other states, posi- tive or negative, are imperfect, since they omit their Then in the Way of Love Evil appears as “all opposites. that which tends to prevent the Union of any two things.” Thus The Book of the Law sayeth, under Yet, I would have you consider that this equality or the figure of the Voice of Nuit: “take your fill and identity of equation between all things and No thing will of love as ye will, when, where and with whom is most absolute, so that you will remain no more in ye will! But always unto me.” For every act of Love the one than you did in the other. And you will under- must be “under will,” that is, in accordance with the stand this greatest Mystery very easily in the light of True Will, which is not to rest content with things those other experiences which you will have enjoyed, partial and transitory, but to proceed firmly to the wherein motion and rest, change and stability, and End. So also, in The Book of the Thirty Aethyrs, the many other subtle opposites, have been redeemed to Black Brothers are those who shut themselves up, identity by the force of your holy meditation. unwilling to destroy themselves by Love. The greatest gift of the Law, then, cometh forth by the Thirdly, in the Way of Life Evil appears under a most perfect practice of the Three Lesser Gifts. And subtler form as “all that which is not impersonal so thoroughly must you travail in this Work that you and universal.” Here The Book of the Law, by the are able to pass from one side of the equation to the Voice of Hadit, informeth us: “In the sphere I am other at will: nay, to comprehend the whole at once, everywhere the centre”. And again: “I am Life and and for ever. This then your time-and-space-bound the giver of Life” {....} “‘Come unto me’ is a foolish soul shall travel according to its nature in its orbit, CONTINUED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE -6- word: for it is I that go.” “For I am perfect, being Not”. For this Life is in every place and time at once, introDuction to liber Xv, so that in It these limitations no longer exist. And you will have seen this for yourself, that in every act the gnostic Mass of Love time and space disappear with the creation sr. Melissa of the Life by its virtue, as also doth personality it- tuesDay, aPril 16th, 7:00 P.M. self. For the third time, then, in even subtler sense, horizon loDge “The word of Sin is Restriction.” Lastly, in the Way of Light this same versicle is the key to the conception of Evil. But here Restriction is This class will provide a general in the failure to solve the Great Equation, and, later, overview of the structure and to prefer one expression or phase of the Universe to symbolism of the central public the other. Against this we are warned in The Book and private ritual of of the Law by the Word of Nuit, saying: “None” {....} “and two. For I am divided for love’s sake, for Ordo Templi Orientis. the chance of union”, and therefore, “If this be not We will begin with a brief history aright: if ye confound the space marks, saying: They of the ritual, and include temple are one: or saying, They are many;” {....} “then ex- layout, roles of the officers, and pect the direful judgments” {....} the key points of participation for Now therefore by the favour of Thoth am I come to the end of this my book: and do you arm yourselves the congregation. accordingly with the Four Weapons: the Wand for Liberty, the Cup for Love, the Sword for Life, the If you have a Missal please bring Disk for Light: and with these work all wonders by it for reference. the Art of High Magick under the Law of the New Aeon, whose Word is Thelema. This will be the first in a series of Michael Kolson is an occult bookseller, editor and workshops dedicated to introduc- writer of note, and an important member of the OTO ing the Mass to newer members on a local, national and international level. of our community. All levels of experience are welcome to con- tribute to the discussion. -7- a r s : t s e.g.c. K b iver of tars he aints of by elley eebe P 7: M art osheh Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. times the Philistines are mentioned in the Pentateuch, and the ascendency of the state of Israel. (4) Welcome to the next installment of “Saints of the E.G.C.”, Moving still further back, 1 Kings 6:1 says the Israelites in which every installment focuses specifically on one Saint came out of Egypt 480 years previous to the building listed in the fifth Collect of Liber XV, the Gnostic Mass. This of the temple of Solomon. That puts the events of Exo- time, we will focus on Mosheh, or Moses as he is better known dus in 1500 BCE. But here we have a problem. That in the English-speaking world. was the period of the rule of the 18th dynasty of Egypt, when a series of strong kings embarked on an aggres- sive program of empire-building and dominated all of To begin, I wish to quote Crowley’s words about Moses the Levant, extending their rule all the way to the west- in Liber Aleph: ern bank of the Euphrates. And where Egypt didn’t rule, the Hurrians and the Hittites did. (5) The Follower of Tahuti was an Egyptian whose Name is lost; but the Jews called Him Mosheh, or Moses, and But there is no whisper of these empires in Exodus or their Fabulists made Him the Leader of their Legendary Joshua, and how likely is it that any of these powers Exodus. Yet they preserved His Word, and it is IHVH. (1) would have allowed Joshua and the Israelites to run around conquering Canaan? Apparently even Crowley didn’t put credence in the existence of Moses or the legend of the Exodus. He So does that signal the death of Exodus? Well, it cer- was only one of the first of a long line of skeptics who tainly shows we’re well justified in distrusting Biblical place Exodus in the category of a Hebrew fairy-tale. timelines, especially when those timelines are rooted But a close look at the archeological and textual evi- in events that took place well before the lives of the dence cautions us against throwing the baby out with the chronographers--Exodus is estimated to have been first bath-water. Although there is no evidence that allows written down in approximately the 7th – 6th centuries us a glimpse of any historical figure named Moses, and BCE. (6) while many elements of Exodus are clearly highly un- likely, there are some interesting parallels between the story Let us leave the Bible for the moment, then, and take and the extra-biblical evidence which reveals that Exodus a look at whether there are any outside sources for the may have been built on a kernel of truth. inception of the Israelites. A possible early source is an inscription found at two Egyptian temples in Nubia, Let us begin with the chronology. We do have one date where a group of people called the “Shasu of Yhw” are on which most scholars agree: the destruction of Jeru- attested in a list of Asiatic peoples dated to the 18th salem by the Babylonian king Nebuchadrezzar in 586 dynasty. “Shasu” was the name the Egyptians gave to BCE. (2) groups of nomadic or semi-nomadic pastoralists who wandered Canaan and even appeared in the eastern Del- According to 1 and 2 Kings, (3) 430 years elapse be- ta from time to time, seeking water for their flocks. It tween Solomon’s 4th year of reign and the destruction appears from the Nubian lists that at least one of these of Jerusalem, which puts the beginning of the reign of groups of Shasu were associated with a deity, or perhaps Solomon in around 1020 BCE. What happened in Ca- a place named after a deity, the Egyptians called Yhw, naan during this time? Egyptian and Levantine sources which is commonly acknowledged today to be the first show that the Philistines ruled the eastern coast of the record of the tetragrammaton. (7) Mediterranean and independent states began to pop up inland in the power vacuum caused by the collapse of the Egyptian and Hittite empires and their withdrawal from the region. This is in accord with the numerous -8- During the conquests of the 18th and 19th dynas- worship that would form the basis of the iconoclastic ties, Egypt embarked upon a policy of rounding up counter-worship of YHVH? (13) This last bit is sheer large groups of Canaanites and bringing them back to speculation, of course, but it seems possible. Egypt to work as slaves. The goal of the kings was to depopulate and undermine the people in Canaan so So although Exodus can be shown by the preponder- the Egyptians could more easily maintain their hold ance of the evidence not to have been 100% factual, over the region. (8) does this mean the text has no value? Of course not. It is a myth, embedded with enough tantalizing bits It seems likely to me that some of the Shasu of Yhw of historical facts to draw us into a full exploration of may have been mixed in among those people, or per- its mysteries. Further, it tells us valuable things about haps came to the eastern Delta for water and then the followers of YHVH, the people who believed they were not allowed to leave. Moving back to the Bible, had a contract with God where he gave them Canaan Exodus 1:11 mentions that it was the Hebrews who and carte blanche to destroy all who stood in their built the city of Rameses, which has definitely been way. For better or worse, the story of Exodus welded found, under the name Pi-Ramses, (9) to have been the Israelites into a nation—and the effects are being located in the eastern Delta. felt even today. During the reign of the next king, Merneptah, the Notes: now-famous Merneptah stele was carved to com- (1) Crowley, Aleister. The Book of Wisdom or memorate that king’s victories over several groups of Folly, Liber Aleph Vel CXI. The Hermetic Library Canaanite people. It includes the line, “Israel is laid at Hermetic.com. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. Verse 73. waste, his seed is not,” (10) the first official mention of <http://hermetic.com/crowley/book-of-wisdom-or- Israel. This cannot be taken as evidence of the Exo- folly/tbwf2.html> dus, however, for the stele is clearly talking about a (2) Redford, Donald B. Egypt, Canaan, and Israel campaign in the Levant in which a number of people in Ancient Times. Princeton: Princeton University were subdued. Press, 1992. p 467. (3) The New English Bible with the Apocrypha. At this point, the baby-bathwater contingent might Oxford University Press, 1970. be likely to throw up their hands, but Egyptian and (4) Redford, op. cit. pp 296-297. Canaanite texts shows this was a unique time period (5) ibid. pp 148-160. in the history of the Levant. Thirty-four years after (6) ibid. p 258. the death of Ramesses II, Merneptah found himself (7)Aling, Charles, and Billington, Clyde. The Name in a desperate struggle against a fierce group of peo- Yahweh in Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts. http:// ple who seemed to come out of no www.biblearchaeology.org/post/2010/03/08/The- where. Called the Sea-Peoples by the Egyptians and Name-Yahweh-in-Egyptian-Hieroglyphic-Texts.aspx the Philistines in the Bible, the confederation of Ioni- Accessed 8 Mar 2013. ans subsequently invaded and overran the entire east- (8) Redford, op. cit. pp 221-224. ern Mediterranean coastal region. They pushed out (9) ibid. p 185. the Hittites and the Egyptians (11) (10) Merneptah Stele. Wikipedia.org. <http:// but the mountainous region east of the Jordan river en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merneptah_Stele> Accessed 8 had always been difficult to manage politically. The Mar 2013. various tribes who lived in those mountains began to (11)Redford op. cit. 253-255. create an identity of their own, pushed to band to- (12) ibid. pp 297-298. gether for protection by the periodic forays of the (13) Assmann, Jan. Moses the Egyptian: The Mem- Philistines. (12) And so the nation of Israel came to be. ory of Egypt in Western Monotheism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. p 3. And is it so unlikely that in the ensuing chaos back in Egypt, the builders of Pi-Ramses managed to escape and make their way back to their own people, car- rying with them knowledge about Egyptian forms of -9- l f D P ust anD reeDoM by aviD arKs ORIGINALLY this space was to be occupied tween censoring some peoples fantasies or not by an article on mindfulness, but unfortu- being able to finance the site for everyone. nately, my own anger with the world over- Similarly, the federal government recently takes me. The oft quoted phrase, “If you are sentenced porn producer Ira Isaacs to 4 years not outraged, you are not paying attention,” under federal obscenity charges (http://www. in many ways stands in opposition to mind- fbi.gov/losangeles/press-releases/2013/ira- fulness and deliverance from lust of result. isaacs-sentenced-in-adult-obscenity-case). He produced and sold scat fetish porn across Thus far, one of the most difficult aspects of state lines. The descriptions of his content Thelema has been learning to allow others (and personality) did seem to border on the to express their wills. I have learned that so extreme, yet his level of sales does seem to much of my anger with others and the world show some interest in his work. arises less from their actions and more from my desire to control... nay, they are the same. Regarding “Also, take your fill and will of love Each person that fails to act the way I feel s/ as ye will, when, where and with whom ye he should fails to allow my world to work the will! But always unto me” (AL 1:51), Crow- way it should; that leads to anger, anxiety and ley writes in the commentaries “One need no resentment. Therein lies my current engage- more than distinguish that the earlier phrase ment with mindfulness. By learning to live permits all manner of acts, the latter all possi- in the moment, every interaction becomes ble partners... In real life, we have seen in our one of “unutterable joy.” own times Oscar Wilde... and countless oth- ers, many of them engaged in first-rate work Periodically, having to live in the world rips for the world, all wasted, because the mob me from the moment into the anger and anxi- must make believe to be ‘moral.’ (The Law ety of the barren expanse of time spread out is for All 54) This phrase abolishes the Elev- before me. Vere Chappell’s research on Ida enth Commandment, Not to be Found Out, by Craddock details her struggles with the cen- authorizing Incest, Adultery, and Pæderasty, sorship of the time through the Comstock which everyone now practices with humiliat- laws. When I first learned of Craddock I ing precautions... and make shame, slyness, failed to see the significance or need for her cowardice and hypocrisy the conditions of sacrifice. Recent events have me wondering success in life.” One could debate the The- what other options people have to fight for lemic morality of the specifics of the state- liberty. ment, but one would also imagine that The- lema would encourage us to defend the rights Recently a popular fetish networking site has of individuals to express fantasies free from been forced by credit card industry pressure superstition, tyranny, and oppression. to limit free and legal speech. Fetlife main- tained strict content guidelines and was heav- As a defender of liberty, I remain at a loss as ily moderated but allowed discussion of scat, to effectively combat such oppression. Isaa- bestiality, incest and underage fantasies. The cs was prosecuted|persecuted via the Obama site owner pointed out that although he was Justice Department. Arguably, I could vote personally discomforted by such fantasies differently, but will that realistically travel he felt there should be a forum for people to farther than countless legal scholars and in- express themselves as long as it remained in dustry experts aiding the defense. Should I re- the realm of fantasy. Visa however, used fi- alistically expect to fare better under another nancial pressure to force Fetlife to choose be- administration? How do I combat pressure -10-