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SKF @ptitude Analyst Installation Manual PDF

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SKF @ptitude Analyst Installation Documents the Installation of @ptitude Software and User Manuals Supports Microlog Analyzer, Microlog Inspector, MARLIN, W V/T, WMx, IMx and DMx Part No. 32296500-EN Revision A Installation Manual Copyright  2013 by SKF USA Inc. All rights reserved. 5271 Viewridge Court., San Diego, CA 92123-1841 USA Telephone: (858) 496-3400, Fax: (858) 496-3531 Customer Service: 1-800-523-7514 SKF USA Inc. ® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © SKF 2013 The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior written permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential arising out of the use of the information contained herein. SKF reserves the right to alter any part of this publication without prior notice. Patents: US 4,768,380 • US 5,679,900 • US 5,845,230 • US 5,854,553 • US 5,992,237 • US 6,006,164 • US 6,199,422 • US 6,202,491 • US 6,275,781 • US 6,489,884 • US 6,513,386 • US 6,633,822 • US 6,789,025 • US 6,792,360 • WO/2003/048714 • US 5,633,811 • US 5,870,699 • US 6,437,692 • US 7,103,511 • US 7,697,492 Product Support – Contact Information Product Support – To request a Return Authorization, Product Calibration or a Product Support Plan, use the web page links for direct contact and support. Product Sales - For information on purchasing condition monitoring products, services or customer support, contact your local SKF sales office. General Product Information For general product information (i.e., product data sheet, accessories catalog, etc.), visit the Condition Monitoring Products page on SKF.com and select the appropriate product link. Technical Support Group Discuss/review issues of specific interest with maintenance and reliability specialists from around the world at the SKF Knowledge Centre. For technical support on issues like troubleshooting product installation, troubleshooting product performance, etc., use our technical support web page to contact one of our Technical Support Groups. Product Registration Please take a moment to register your product at www.skf.com/cm/register to receive exclusive benefits offered only to our registered customers, including receiving technical support, tracking your proof of ownership, and staying informed about upgrades and special offers. (Please visit our website for more details on these benefits.) Tell us how we’re doing! It’s important that you’re satisfied with the quality of our product user manuals. We appreciate your feedback; if you have comments or suggestions for improvement, please tell us how we’re doing! 081313js End-User License Agreement (d) Person. The term “Person” shall mean an individual, a partnership, a THIS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (this company, a corporation, an “Agreement”) is entered into by and between association, a joint stock company, a SKF USA Inc. and/or SKF Condition Monitoring trust, a joint venture, an Center AB (hereinafter referred to collectively as unincorporated organization, or a the “Licensor”) and any person or business that governmental entity (or any executes this Agreement by clicking the “I agree” department, agency, or political icon at the end of this Agreement or by subdivision thereof). accessing, using, or installing the Software (“Licensee” or “You”). Licensor and Licensee (e) Software. The term “Software” shall shall be referred to collectively in this mean the software application entitled Agreement as the Parties. Software for Wireless Monitoring System V/T, SKF @ptitude Analyst, BY CLICKING THE ACCEPTANCE BUTTON OR SKF @ptitude Inspector, SKF @ptitude ACCESSING, USING, OR INSTALLING THE Observer, SKF @ptitude Decision SOFTWARE, OR ANY PART THEREOF, YOU Support or any other software within EXPRESSLY AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL OF the SKF @ptitude family suite, which THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU is an application developed, owned, DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF marketed, and licensed by Licensor. THIS AGREEMENT, THE BUTTON INDICATING The term Software shall include the NON-ACCEPTANCE MUST BE SELECTED, object code of Software for Wireless AND YOU MAY NOT ACCESS, USE, OR Monitoring System V/T, SKF @ptitude INSTALL ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE. Analyst, SKF @ptitude Inspector, SKF @ptitude Observer, SKF @ptitude 1. DEFINITIONS Decision Support or any other object code within the SKF @ptitude family (a) Derivative Works. The Term suite and any and all user manuals, or “Derivative Works” shall have the other technical documentation, same meaning as set forth in the U.S. authored by Licensor in connection Copyright Act, as amended from time with Software for Wireless Monitoring to time, in title 17 of the United States System V/T, SKF @ptitude Analyst, Code. SKF @ptitude Inspector, SKF @ptitude Observer, SKF @ptitude Decision (b) Effective Date. The term “Effective Support or any other software within Date” shall mean the date on which the SKF @ptitude family. The term Licensee assents to the terms of this “Software” includes any corrections, Agreement by clicking the “I agree” bug fixes, enhancements, releases, button at the bottom of this updates, upgrades, or other Agreement. modifications, including custom modifications, to Software for (c) Intellectual Property Rights. The Wireless Monitoring System V/T, SKF term Intellectual Property Rights shall @ptitude Analyst, SKF @ptitude mean all rights arising or protectable Inspector, SKF @ptitude Observer, under the copyright, trademark, SKF @ptitude Decision Support or any patent, or trade secrets laws of the other software within the SKF United States or any other nation, @ptitude family suite and any and all including all rights associated with the user manuals. The term Software protection of computer programs also includes any supplemental, add- and/or source code. on, or plug-in software code provided to Licensee in the course of receiving Software on as many Product Support Plan services from networked clients Licensor. The term Software shall not (workstations) as authorized be construed to include the source by your network license, as set code for Software for Wireless forth more particularly in the Monitoring System V/T, SKF @ptitude applicable purchase order or Analyst, SKF @ptitude Inspector, SKF other ordering documents @ptitude Observer, SKF @ptitude memorializing your license Decision Support or any other acquisition; provided, however, software within the SKF @ptitude that all network clients family suite. (workstations) are connected to a single licensed database 2. LICENSE residing in your principal business office. (a) Grant of License. Licensor grants Licensee, pursuant to the terms and (iii) If you obtained a network conditions of this Agreement, a non- license of the Software, you exclusive, non-transferable, and may connect to multiple revocable license to use the Software licensed databases, you may in strict accordance with the terms install the database-dedicated and conditions of this Agreement, clients up to the total number including any concurrent use, network of networked clients acquired or other limitations set forth in by you under the applicable subsection (b) below. All rights not purchase order or other specifically granted by Licensor under ordering documents this Agreement are retained by memorializing your license Licensor and withheld from Licensee. acquisition. (b) Installation and Use Rights. (c) Other Conditions of Use. Licensor Licensee shall use the Software only understands and agrees that the on its internal computer equipment, Software works in conjunction and is whether such equipment is owned, compatible with database software leased, or rented, at the Licensee’s licensed to you by Microsoft or principal business office. The Oracle. Upon installation of the following paragraphs govern your Software, the Software may detect installation and use rights with regard an installed database software to the Software, depending on the application from Oracle or Microsoft, type of license you have obtained from and if so, the Software will be fully Licensor. installed. If no installed database software application from Oracle or (i) If you obtained a stand-alone Microsoft is detected, the Software license of the Software, you will not install until such time as may install one (1) copy of the Licensee installs a valid and Software Software on one (1) computer compatible copy of an Oracle residing in your principal database or a Microsoft SQL Server business office. database and consents to the license terms of such database software (ii) If you obtained a network application. If Licensee does not license of the Software, you agree to the terms of the Oracle may install one (1) copy of the database license or the Microsoft SQL Server license, or if the Licensee (vii) make the Software accessible fails to install such database to any Person by any means, software, the Software will not work. including posting on a web site Licensee is responsible for or through other distribution maintaining a valid database license mechanisms over the Internet; in accordance with the Oracle or Microsoft license agreement (which (viii) reverse assemble, ever is applicable) at all times. disassemble, reverse engineer, reverse compile, decompile, or (d) Restrictions on Use. Licensee may otherwise translate the use the Software only for its internal Software or prepare business purposes and on the Derivative Works based on the identified equipment on which the Software; Software was first installed or for which it is otherwise licensed; (ix) place, reproduce, or make provided, however, that Licensee available the Software on may temporarily use the Software on Licensee’s computer network a back-up system in the event that if Licensee is only authorized the primary licensed system is by this Agreement to operate inoperative or test system not used the Software on a single for production but solely for the workstation; purposes of testing the Software. Licensee may not use the Software (x) exceed at any given point in for any other purpose. Licensee shall time the total number of not: network clients authorized by the applicable purchase order (i) permit any parent, or ordering document to use subsidiaries, affiliated entities or access the Software; or third parties to use the Software; (xi) edit or modify the Software except as expressly authorized (ii) use the Software in the by Licensor, including altering, operation of a service bureau; deleting, or obscuring any proprietary rights notices (iii) allow access to the Software embedded in or affixed to the through any workstations Software; located outside of Licensee’s principal business offices; (xi) use the Software in any manner that disparages (iv) rent, resell, lease, timeshare Licensor, Microsoft, or Oracle, or lend the Software to any or use the Software in a way Person; that infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of the (v) sublicense, assign, or transfer foregoing parties; or the Software or this license for the Software to any Person; (xii) use the Software in a manner that violates any federal, state, (vi) reproduce, distribute, or or local law, rule or regulation, publicly display the Software; or use the Software to violate the rights of any third party, or use the Software to promote valuable copyright and contains pornography, hatred, or valuable trade secrets of Licensor. racism. Licensee agrees not to discover or attempt to discover, or assist or (e) Copies. Licensee, solely to enable it permit any Person to discover or to use the Software, may make one attempt to discover, by any means archival copy of the Software’s whatsoever the source code of the computer program, provided that the Software. copy shall include Licensor’s copyright and any other proprietary notices. (h) Licensor’s Audit Rights. Licensor The Software delivered by Licensor to shall possess the right to audit Licensee and the archival copy shall Licensee’s use of the Software to be stored at Licensee’s principal determine compliance with this business office. If you purchased a Agreement (hereinafter referred to as network license of the Software, you “Licensor’s Audit Rights”). Licensor’s may install one additional copy of the Audit Rights shall be exercised in Software on your network for the accordance with the following limited purpose of testing the paragraphs: Software’s operation. Except for the limited reproduction rights set forth in (i) Notice of Audit. Licensor this paragraph, Licensee shall have no shall provide Licensee with at other right to copy, in whole or in part, least five (5) calendar days the Software. Any copy of the advance written notice of its Software made by Licensee is the intent to exercise the exclusive property of Licensor. Licensor’s Audit Rights. (f) Modifications. Licensee agrees that (ii) Conduct of Audit. The audit only Licensor shall have the right to conducted by Licensor shall alter, maintain, enhance or otherwise consist of a physical review of modify the Software. the computer hardware, software, and middleware (g) Protection of Software. Licensee operated by Licensee at its agrees that it will take action by principal business office and instruction, written agreement, or any other office for which otherwise as appropriate with any Licensor, in its sole and person permitted access to the arbitrary discretion, deems an Software to enable Licensee to comply audit appropriate. Licensee with its obligations hereunder. shall provide Licensor with Licensee shall maintain records of the unrestricted access to its number and location of all copies of computer hardware, software, Software. Licensee shall not provide, and middleware in connection permit access to or use of, or with any audit conducted by otherwise make available any Licensor. Software in any form without Licensor’s prior written agreement, (iii) Costs of Audit. If Licensor’s except to Licensee’s employees for audit uncovers a violation of purposes specifically authorized by this Agreement by Licensee, this Agreement. Licensee Licensee shall pay all costs understands and agrees that the and expenses incurred by source code for the Software is a Licensor in exercising the Licensor Audit Rights, terminate this Agreement and the including, without limitation, license granted hereunder all attorneys’ fees and agent immediately and without an fees incurred by Licensor. If opportunity to cure. This subsection Licensor concludes that no 2(j) shall not be construed to preclude, violation of this License or in any way effect, a finding of Agreement has occurred, materiality with respect to any other Licensor shall bear all costs provision of this Agreement. and expenses incurred in exercising the Licensor Audit 3. LICENSE FEE Rights. If Licensee obstructs, The applicable licensee fees will be set forth restricts, or otherwise in the quote issued to Licensee by Licensor prevents Licensor from or otherwise established in the applicable conducting a full and purchase order or other ordering unrestricted audit, Licensee documents memorializing your license shall bear all costs and acquisition. expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by Licensor in 4. OWNERSHIP enforcing this Section 2(h) before any court or judicial (a) Title. Licensee understands and tribunal. agrees that Licensor owns all Intellectual Property Rights related to (iv) Frequency of Audits. the Software, including custom Licensor’s Audit Rights shall be modifications to the Software, exercised no more than two whether made by Licensor or any (2) times in any one calendar third party. Licensee agrees that this year. Agreement effects a license, not a sale, of the Software and that the first (i) Validity of Intellectual Property sale doctrine, as codified in 17 U.S.C. Rights. In any action, dispute, § 109, does not apply to the controversy, or lawsuit arising out of transaction effected by this or related to this Agreement, Licensee Agreement. shall not contest the validity of Licensor’s Intellectual Property Rights (b) Transfers. Under no circumstances related to the Software. Licensee shall Licensee sell, license, sublicense, hereby agrees that it has had an publish, display, distribute, assign, or opportunity to investigate the validity otherwise transfer (hereinafter of Licensor’s Intellectual Property referred to collectively as a “Transfer”) Rights, and acknowledges that to a third party the Software or any Licensor’s Intellectual Property Rights copy thereof, in whole or in part, related to the Software are valid and without Licensor’s prior written enforceable. consent. Any Transfer effected in violation of this Section 4(b) shall be (j) Material Terms and Conditions. void ab initio and of no force or effect. Licensee specifically agrees that each of the terms and conditions of this 5. MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT Section 2 are material and that failure Licensor may provide you with support of Licensee to comply with these services related to the Software called terms and conditions shall constitute Product Support Plan (“PSP”) services. Use sufficient cause for Licensor to of PSP is governed by the policies and programs described in the PSP literature or Licensor aware of any defect with the other material from Licensor’s Product Software within seven (7) days after Support Department (hereinafter referred the occurrence of the defect; (ii) to as the “PSP Policies”) that may be Licensee has paid all amounts due updated by Licensor from time to time. If under this Agreement; and (iii) you select and pay for PSP, the PSP Licensee has not breached any Policies shall be specifically incorporated provision of this Agreement. The into this Agreement by this reference. foregoing warranty does not apply in Licensee acknowledges that Licensor may the event that: (i) the Software and use any technical information provided by documentation have been subject to Licensee in the course of receiving PSP misuse, neglect, alteration, services for Licensor’s business purposes, modification, customization, improper including for product support and installation, and/or unauthorized development. Licensor will not utilize such repair; (ii) the Software or any technical information in a manner that associated software or equipment identifies Licensee. have not been properly maintained in accordance with applicable 6. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION specifications and industry standards Licensee agrees that the Software contains or have been maintained in unsuitable proprietary information, including trade environmental conditions; or (iii) secrets, know-how and confidential Licensee has used the Software in information (hereinafter referred to conjunction with other equipment, collectively as the “Confidential hardware, software, or other Information”), that is the exclusive property technology that created an adverse of Licensor. During the period this impact on the operation, functioning, Agreement is in effect and at all times after or performance of the Software. its termination, Licensee and its employees and agents shall maintain the confidentiality (b) EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS of the Confidential Information and shall not SECTION 7 AND TO THE EXTENT sell, license, publish, display, distribute, PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, disclose or otherwise make available the ALL EXPRESS AND/OR IMPLIED Confidential Information to any Person nor WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, use the Confidential Information except as INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO authorized by this Agreement. Licensee IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR shall not disclose the Confidential CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, Information concerning the Software, MERCHANTABILITY OF A COMPUTER including any flow charts, logic diagrams, PROGRAM, INFORMATIONAL user manuals and screens, to persons not CONTENT, SYSTEM INTEGRATION, an employee of Licensee without the prior FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR written consent of Licensor. PURPOSE, AND NON- INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY 7. LIMITED WARRANTIES DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED BY LICENSOR. (a) Licensor warrants that the Software will perform substantially in (c) The remedies set forth in this Section accordance with its documentation for 7 are the exclusive remedies available a period of 180 days from the date of to Licensee for any problem in the shipment of the Software; provided, performance of the Software. however, that the foregoing warranty only applies if: (i) Licensee makes 8. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY 9. TERM AND TERMINATION (a) Limitations and Exclusions. IN NO (a) Term. This Agreement shall EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE LIABLE commence on the Effective Date and TO LICENSEE FOR ANY DIRECT, shall continue in existence until it is INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, terminated in accordance with Section CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR 9(b) below. OTHER SPECIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION (b) Termination. Licensor may SUFFERED BY LICENSEE ARISING terminate this Agreement and the OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS license conveyed hereunder in the AGREEMENT OR THE USE OF THE event that Licensee breaches any SOFTWARE, FOR ALL CAUSES OF provision, term, condition, or ACTION OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING limitation set forth in this Agreement, TORT, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, including but not limited to the license STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF restrictions set forth in Section 2(d) of WARRANTY OR CONDITION, AND this Agreement. STATUTORY) EVEN IF LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY (c) Effect of Termination. Within ten OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE (10) days after termination of this PRECEDING EXCLUSION AND Agreement and the license granted DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES SHALL hereunder, Licensee shall return to APPLY TO ALL CLAIMS MADE BY Licensor, at Licensee’s expense, the LICENSEE RELATED TO OR ARISING Software and all copies thereof, and OUT OF LICENSEE’s USE OF THE deliver to Licensor a certification, in SOFTWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT writing signed by an officer of LIMITED TO, CLAIMS ALLEGING THAT Licensee, that all copies of the THE SOFTWARE, OR ANY Software have been returned to COMPONENT THEREOF, FAILED OF Licensor and that Licensee has ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR FAILED discontinued its use of the Software. IN SOME OTHER RESPECT. 10. ASSIGNMENT (b) Acknowledgment. Licensee agrees Licensee shall not assign or otherwise that the limitations of liability and transfer the Software or this Agreement to disclaimers of warranty set forth in anyone, including any parent, subsidiaries, this Agreement will apply regardless affiliated entities or third Parties, or as of whether Licensor has tendered part of the sale of any portion of its delivery of the Software or Licensee business, or pursuant to any merger, has accepted the Software. Licensee consolidation or reorganization, without acknowledges that Licensor has set its Licensor’s prior written consent. Any prices and entered into this assignment or transfer effected in violation Agreement in reliance on the of this Section 10 shall be void ab initio disclaimers of warranty and the and of no force or effect. limitations and exclusions of liability set forth in this Agreement and that 11. FORCE MAJEURE the same form an essential basis of Neither party shall be in default or the bargain between the Parties. otherwise liable for any delay in or failure of its performance under this Agreement if such delay or failure arises by any reason beyond its reasonable control, including any act of God, any acts of the common such Party’s respective address shall be enemy, the elements, earthquakes, floods, effective service of process for any Legal fires, epidemics, riots, failures or delay in Proceeding. Licensor and Licensee transportation or communications; irrevocably and unconditionally waive any provided, however, that lack of funds shall objection to personal jurisdiction and/or not be deemed to be a reason beyond a the laying of venue of any Legal party’s reasonable control. The Parties Proceeding in the state or federal court in will promptly inform and consult with each or for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and other as to any of the above causes that in hereby further irrevocably and their judgment may or could be the cause unconditionally agree not to plead, argue, of a delay in the performance of this or claim in any such court that any Legal Agreement. Proceeding brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum 12. NOTICES and otherwise waive any and all objections All notices under this Agreement are to be to the forum. delivered by depositing the notice in the mail, using registered mail, return receipt 15. EXPORT CONTROLS requested, to the party’s last known Licensee shall not export or reexport, principal business address or to any other directly or indirectly, the Software without address as the party may designate by complying with the export controls providing notice. The notice shall be imposed by the United States Export deemed delivered four (4) days after the Administration Act of 1979, as amended notice’s deposit in the mail, if such notice (or any future U.S. export control has been sent by registered mail. legislation) and the regulations promulgated thereunder. 13. CHOICE OF LAW This Agreement (including all Exhibits), 16. GOVERNMENT END USERS including its formation, execution, If Licensee is acquiring the Software for or interpretation, and performance, and the on behalf of a subdivision of the U.S. rights and obligations of the Parties federal government, this Section 16 shall hereunder, shall be governed by and apply. The Software was developed construed in accordance with the laws of completely at private expense, is existing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, computer software, is a trade secret for all without regard to any conflicts of law (or purposes of the Freedom of Information choice of law) principles thereof. Act, is “restricted computer software” and in all respects proprietary data belonging 14. CONSENT TO JURISDICTION solely to Licensor, and all rights are In the event that either party initiates reserved under the copyright laws of the litigation relating to or arising out of this United States. Use, duplication, or Agreement, Licensor and Licensee disclosure by the Government is subject to irrevocably submit to the exclusive restricted rights as set forth in jurisdiction of the state or federal court in subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the or for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the Commercial Computer Software Restricted purposes of any suit, action or other Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, or for proceeding relating to arising out of this DoD units, the restrictions as set forth in Agreement or any transaction subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in contemplated hereby or thereby (“Legal Technical Data and Computer Software Proceedings”). Licensee further agree that clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. service of any process, summons, notice, or document by U.S. registered mail to

(e) Software. The term “Software” shall mean the software application entitled Software for Wireless Monitoring System V/T, SKF @ptitude Analyst,
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