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Skew PBW Extensions: Ring and Module-theoretic Properties, Matrix and Gröbner Methods, and Applications (Algebra and Applications, 28) PDF

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Preview Skew PBW Extensions: Ring and Module-theoretic Properties, Matrix and Gröbner Methods, and Applications (Algebra and Applications, 28)

Algebra and Applications William Fajardo · Claudia Gallego  Oswaldo Lezama · Armando Reyes  Héctor Suárez · Helbert Venegas Skew PBW Extensions Ring and Module-theoretic Properties, Matrix and Gröbner Methods, and Applications Algebra and Applications Volume 28 Series Editors Michel Broué, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France Alice Fialowski, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Eric Friedlander, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Iain Gordon, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK John Greenlees, Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK Gerhard Hiß, Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Ieke Moerdijk, Utrecht University, Nijmegen, Utrecht, The Netherlands Christoph Schwe igert, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany Mina Teicher, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel Alain Verschoren, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Algebra and Applications aims to publish well-written and carefully refereed mono- graphs with up-to-date expositions of research in all fields of algebra, including its classical impact on commutative and noncommutative algebraic and differential geometry, K-theory and algebraic topology, and further applications in related domains, such as number theory, homotopy and (co)homology theory through to discrete mathematics and mathematical physics. Particular emphasis will be put on state-of-the-art topics such as rings of differential operators, Lie algebras and super-algebras, group rings and algebras, Kac-Moody theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, Hopf algebras and quantum groups, as well as their applications within mathematics and beyond. Books dedicated to compu- tational aspects of these topics will also be welcome. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/6253 William Fajardo • Claudia Gallego Oswaldo Lezama • Armando Reyes Héctor Suárez • Helbert Venegas Skew PBW Extensions Ring and Module-theoretic Properties, Matrix and Gröbner Methods, and Applications William Fajardo Claudia Gallego Instituto Politécnico Grancolombiano Universidad Sergio Arboleda Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Colombia Oswaldo Lezama Armando Reyes National University of Colombia National University of Colombia Bogota, Colombia Bogota, Colombia Héctor Suárez Helbert Venegas Universidad Pedagógica y Universidad de la Sabana Tecnológica de Colombia Chía, Colombia Tunja, Colombia ISSN 1572-5553 ISSN 2192-2950 (electronic ) Algebra and Applications ISBN 978-3-030-53377-9 ISBN 978-3-030-53378-6 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-53378-6 Mathematics Subject Classification (2020): 16S36, 16U20, 16D40, 16E05, 16E65, 16S38, 16S80, 16W70, 16Z05 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors, and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Dedicated to Universidad Nacional de Colombia Preface The usual commutative polynomial ring in several variables over a commu- tativeringR,R[x ,...,x ],canbegeneralizedtoanoncommutativecontext 1 n bychangingRtoanynoncommutativering,butpreservingthebasicrulesof multiplication,i.e.,x x =x x andrx =x rfor1≤i,j ≤nandanyr ∈R. i j j i i i However,insomeareasofmathematicsanditsapplications,suchasalgebras of di(cid:11)erential operators in di(cid:11)erential equations and linear multidimensional control systems in algebraic analysis (see [91], [92], [93], [95], [316], [318], [319], [320], [317] and [323]), it is necessary to consider wider classes of rings of polynomial type in which the variables do not commute or the coe(cid:14)cients do not commute with the variables. For example, take a homogeneous linear ordinary di(cid:11)erential equation with coe(cid:14)cients in Q[t], p (t)y(n)+···+p (t)y0+p (t)y =0, p (t)∈Q[t], 0≤i≤n; n 1 0 i considering the di(cid:11)erential operator ∂ := d this equation can be interpreted dt as [p (t)∂n+···+p (t)∂+p (t)](y)=0, n 1 0 whereyisinthesetS ofsolutionsofthisequation,andinturn,S iscontained in a D-module F, where D is a Q-algebra generated by two variables t,∂. Observe that for p∈Q[t] and y ∈F, we must have (∂p)(y)=∂(py)=p∂(y)+∂(p)y =py0+p0y =(p∂+p0)(y), i.e., ∂p=p∂+p0, in particular, if p = t, then in D we have the rule of multiplication ∂t = t∂ +1. Hence, in the new \polynomial ring" D = Q[t,∂], the variables do not commute. These important types of rings are particular cases of the skew polynomial rings of injective type, and these last ones are a subclass of the skew PBW extensions that we will introduce and study in the present monograph. Skew PBW extensions represent a generalization of PBW (Poincar(cid:19)e{ Birkho(cid:11){Witt) extensions de(cid:12)ned by Bell and Goodearl ([48]), and include the usual polynomials rings and a lot of other important classes of rings vii viii Preface such as Weyl algebras, enveloping algebras of Lie algebras, and many exam- ples of quantum algebras such as the Manin algebra of quantum matrices, q-Heisenberg algebra, Hayashi algebra, Witten’s deformation of U(sl(2,K), etc.Mostoftheexamplesofalgebrasandringsdescribedinthepresentwork as skew PBW extensions have been investigated by many other authors, but they interpreted them in a di(cid:11)erent way, for example, Levandovsky in [231]de(cid:12)nedtheG-algebras,whichalsoincludeasimportantparticularcases the quantum algebras mentioned before. In a similar way, Bueso, G(cid:19)omez- Torrecillas and Verschoren in [74] introduced the PBW rings, which give an alternative way of interpreting most of the quantum algebras and rings arising in mathematical physics. It is also important to note that the Hopf algebrasareanotherveryusefulwayofinterpretingallofthesenoncommuta- tive algebras (see [201]). Thus, the skew PBW extensions can be considered asanalternativetechniqueforstudyingaverywideclassofmodernnoncom- mutative algebras of polynomial type which have recently arisen in quantum mechanics and mathematical physics. Our point of view is very general since for all of these rings of polynomial type the ring of coe(cid:14)cients is not neces- sarily a (cid:12)eld, but an arbitrary ring. Thismonographisdividedintofourparts;the(cid:12)rstpartisconcernedwith the ring-module-theoretic and homological properties of skew PBW exten- sions.Westartwiththede(cid:12)nitionandtheuniversalpropertythatcharacter- izes this new class of noncommutative rings. In the second chapter we have included many important examples of rings and algebras that can be inter- preted as skew PBW extensions. This chapter contains a new short proof of thePoincar(cid:19)e{Birkho(cid:11){Witttheoremonthebasesoftheuniversalenveloping algebraofa(cid:12)nite-dimensionalLiealgebra.Theproofissupportedbytheuni- versalcharacterizationandthetheoremofexistenceofskewPBW extensions studied in the (cid:12)rst chapter. Some of the most classical topics of ring-module theorywillbeconsideredfortheskew PBW extensionsinthis(cid:12)rstpart.We willstudytheHilbertbasistheorem,ringsoffractionsandtheOreandGoldie theorems.Aparticularcollectionofprimeidealswillbecomputed,aswellas the Jacobson and the prime radicals in some special cases. Some dimensions will be estimated, in particular, the global dimension, the Krull dimension, the Goldie dimension and the Gelfand{Kirillov dimension. An introduction to the Gelfand{Kirillov conjecture will be presented, and for this, we will compute the center of some skew PBW extensions. The theory of regularity will be considered, in particular, Serre’s theorem, Auslander regularity and the Cohen{Macaulay condition. We will compute the Quillen K-groups for bijective skew PBW extensions, in particular, the Grothendieck, Bass and Milnor groups. Most of the computations and results of the (cid:12)rst part are supported by the following basic facts: we will prove that skew PBW ex- tensions are positively (cid:12)ltered rings and the corresponding graded rings are iterated skew polynomial rings, hence, the well-known results in the litera- ture (see [159] and [278]) about ring-theoretic and homological properties of skew polynomials, and the transfer theorems from graded to (cid:12)ltered, can be applied. The (cid:12)rst important theorem that we will prove using this technique Preface ix is the Hilbert basis theorem, which states if the ring of coe(cid:14)cients of a bi- jective skew PBW extensions is left noetherian, then the extension is left noetherian. Thesecondpartisdedicatedtotheinvestigationof(cid:12)nitelygeneratedpro- jective modules over skew PBW extensions from a matrix point of view. Aspreparatorymaterial,weconsider(cid:12)rststablyfreeness,Sta(cid:11)ord’stheorem aboutthestablerank,andtheHermiteconditionforarbitrarynoncommuta- tiverings,andthen,weapplythesepreliminariestostudyextendedmodules over skew PBW extensions. An elementary matrix-constructive proof of the Quillen{Suslin theorem for single Ore extensions of bijective type over (cid:12)elds is included. In order to make constructive the theory of projective modules studied in the second part, in the third part we will construct the theory of Gr(cid:127)obner bases of left (right) ideals and modules for bijective skew PBW extensions. Wewillextendsomeresultsof[421](comparealsowith[73],[231]and[257]). Wewillpresentsomeapplicationsinnoncommutativehomologicalalgebra,as was done in [239] for commutative polynomial rings (see also [236],[237] and [238]). For example, we will compute syzygies and the Ext and Tor modules over bijective skew PBW extensions. Matrix computations using Gr(cid:127)obner bases are included in this part. We will calculate inverses of matrices as well as algorithms for testing stably-freeness, and we will compute minimal pre- sentations of stably-free modules over skew PBW extensions. The Gr(cid:127)obner theory and some of the mentioned computations have been implemented in Maple in [117] and [118]. This implementation is based on a library special- izedforworkingwithbijectiveskewPBW extensions.Thelibraryhasutilities to calculate Gr(cid:127)obner bases, and it includes some functions that compute the moduleofsyzygies,freeresolutionsandleftinversesofmatrices,amongother things. In addition, another independent library was created that makes it possible to execute the Quillen{Suslin theorem for K[x;σ,δ], with K a (cid:12)eld, σ a K-automorphism and δ a σ-derivation. The reader interested in these computational aspects of the skew PBW extensions can consult Appendices C, D and E at the end of the monograph (see also Chapter 4 and Appendix A in [117]). The last part of the monograph is dedicated to the application of skew PBW extensions in the investigation of some key topics of the noncommu- tative algebraic geometry of quantum algebras. For this purpose, we will introduce the semi-graded rings, and for them we will study the noncommu- tativeversionoftheSerre{Artin{Zhang{Verevkintheoremontheequivalence ofacertainquotientabeliancategoryof(cid:12)nitelygeneratedsemi-gradedmod- ules with the noncommutative version of the category of coherent sheaves. The semi-graded Koszul algebras and the semi-graded Artin{Schelter regu- lar algebras will be de(cid:12)ned and investigated. In order to understand better the semi-graded rings, we include in Appendix A a quick review of the non- commutativealgebraicgeometryof(cid:12)nitelygradedalgebrasandinAppendix B a review of Koszul and Artin{Schelter regular algebras. Another classical topic arising in commutative algebraic geometry is the Zariski cancellation x Preface problem.Wewillinvestigateitfornoncommutativeringsandalgebrasinthe context of skew PBW extensions. We will identify families of skew PBW extensions that are cancellative. Aswasmentionedabove,thepresentmonographisbasedonknownresults inthetheoryofskewpolynomialrings,andalsoonalgebraicandhomological propertiesof(cid:12)lteredandgradedrings.Moreover,forthelastpartconcerning the noncommutative algebraic geometry of skew PBW extensions, we use basic properties of (cid:12)nitely graded algebras over (cid:12)elds. Thus, in general, the monograph is not self-contained, and the wide list of references included at the end contains many theoretical facts that we have used in the proofs of propertiesandresultsontheskew PBW extensions.However,theusedfacts have been properly inserted and cited in the text. A very reduced list of the most used references, and that have mainly in(cid:13)uenced the present work, is [20], [22], [23], [30], [51], [52], [74], [130], [138], [139], [140], [151], [159], [215], [216],[231],[257],[264],[278],[281],[291],[292],[300],[311],[322],[323],[344], [373], [379], [421]. The four parts of the monograph are almost independent, but we recom- mend the readers to cover the (cid:12)rst three chapters in order to understand betteranyofthetopicsstudied.Someproblems(probablyopen)whicharose during the writing of this monograph have been included. The readers are invited to work on them. In this monograph we will use the following notation: in general, all rings are noncommutative, but always with unity; if nothing contrary is said, all modulesareleftmodules;K isa(cid:12)eld,S isanarbitraryring;S∗representsthe group of invertible elements of S; M (S) is the set of rectangular matrices r×s over S of r rows and s columns; GL (S) := M (S)∗ is the general linear r r×r group of order r over S. If F is a matrix in M (S) := M (S), then its r r×r transpose is denoted by FT. Since we will mainly deal with skew PBW extensions, we reserve the capital letter A to denote these types of rings. Oswaldo Lezama Bogot(cid:19)a, Colombia June, 2020

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