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THIN FILMS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Advisory Editor: G. Siddall Vol. 1 Langmuir-Blodgett Films (Barlow, Editor) Vol. 2 Size Effects in Thin Films (Tellier and Tosser) THIN FILMS SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY 2 tit Thin Fihii.s C.RJELLIER Laboratoire de Chronometrie, Electronique et Piezoelectricite, Ecole nationale Superieure de Micromecanique et de Microtechniques, Universite de Besancon, France and AJ.TOSSER Laboratoire d'Electronique, Universite de Nancy I, Vandoeuvre Ies Nancy, France ELSEVIER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY Amsterdam - Oxford - New York 1982 ELSEVIER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY Molenwerf 1 P.O. Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52, Vanderbilt Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Tellier, C. R. (Colette R.), 19^7- Size effects in thin films. (Thin films science and technology ; 2) Bibliography: p. Includes index. , 1. Thin films—Size effects. 2. Metallic films—Size effects. 3. Transport theory. I. Tosser, A. J. (Andre J.), 19^0- . II. Title. III. Series. QC176.8U.SU9TU1* 1982 530.UM 82-11UU5 ISBN 0-kkk-k2106-2 ISBN 0-444-42106-8 (Vol.2) ISBN 0-444-41903-9 (Series) © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1982 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other- wise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, P.O. Box 330,1000 AH Amsterdam, The Netherlands Printed in The Netherlands i x SCOPE AND APPROACH The foundations of the electron theory of metals were laid at the beginning of the present century and J.J. Thomson (1901) was the first to suggest that the high specific electrical resistance exhibited by thin metal films was due to the limita- tion of the electronic mean free path by the geometry of the film. Sondheimer (1952) was the first to propose a theoretical analysis for the electrical conductivity of thin films and the magnetic effects which takes into account the electronic scattering at external surfaces of the film : it is the Fuchs-Sondheimer conduction model; theo- retical expressions for temperature coefficient of resistivity, thermoelectric power and magnetoresistance have been derived but they sometimes fail to give consistent interpretations of experiments because the effects of electronic scattering at grain boundaries were omitted. Mayadas and Shatzkes (1970) proposed a conduction model in which all types of electronic scatterings were mathematically represented; calcula- tions of the resistivity and its temperature coefficient, thermoelectric power, strain coefficient of resistivity and longitudinal magnetoresistance could be derived but the transverse Hall effects could not be easily interpreted. Several statistical mo- dels have been recently proposed for representing the grain boundary scattering in the cases of two-and three-dimensional arrays of scatterers; new insights on electro- nic transport properties of thin metal films can thus be given. In the case of electri- cal, thermoelectric, galvanomagnetic and electromechanical properties the new develop- ments of the theory are presented and discussed in the light of physical consistency and agreement with experimental data. Indications are also given on subjects which could be of interest in the next years: quantum size effects in semiconductors, effect of transverse quantizing magnetic field, correlation between transport properties of metal films, sophisticated models for surface scatterings, etc. For any transport property simple analytical expressions are given, if they are known, since they could facilitate a rough qualitative description of the observed phenomena; furthermore it is attempted to point out the intrinsic limitations of the conduction models in order to avoid blind alleys when interpreting experiments. 1 CHAPTER 1 SIZE EFFECTS IN ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY 1. PRELIMINARY This chapter deals with the size effects in electrical conductivity of thin me- tallic films induced by the geometrical limitation of the background mean free path (m.f.p.) of conduction electrons. The models for electrical conductivity in polycrystalline and monocrystalline films are based on theoretical descriptions which are summarized in section 1.1. 1.1. Bulk conductivity in the free electron model At the beginning of the present century Drude postulated the existence of a gas of free electrons in order to explain the conducting properties of metals; the Drude-Lorentz-Sommerfeld theory is classical and extensively treated in literature [refs. 1,2]. In this paragraph we only present the main points of the Drude-Lorentz- Sommerfeld theories i.e. "■ * ■ "* (a) The electron velocity v is related to the wave vector K by equation 1.1. v = H m"1 K (1.1) where H is Planck's constant, and m is the electron mass. (b) The number n of free electrons per unit volume is given by where v is the electron velocity at the Fermi surface. Γ (c) The bulk conductivity σ is related to the number n of free electrons by equation 1.3 : 2 n e τ ° = —ίΓ-2 (1·3> Λ ο m where e is the absolute charge of an electron and where the relaxation time τ is related to the electron velocity on the Fermi surface v and to the bulk m.f.p. λ r o by λο = V · το ( 1 · 4) τ is defined [ref. l] in such a way that the probability P of an electron existing for a time t without being scattered is described by the rate equation 2 dP _ P = 3t τ Furthermore, it must be noted that the relaxation time τ could depend on the electron energy, ε; such a dependence can be introduced [ref. 3] to represent the effects of isotropic scattering due to impurities or frozen-in defects, under the assumption that they are uniformly distributed within the film. Theoretical studies [refs. 1,3,4] have shown that the energy dependence can gene- rally be expressed by τ(ε) = T . Eq (1.5) b where τ, is independent of ε and q takes values which depend upon the scattering me- chanism; for instance q = - 1/2 in the case of lattice scattering and q = 3/2 in the case of scattering by ionized impurities [ref. 3]. For the definition of n (eq. 1.2) it must not be forgotten that quantum mechani- cal analysis of the energy states in crystalline solids has shown that only the elec- trons contained in incompletely filled energy bands can contribute to the current;hence the effective number of free electrons, n, depends on the configuration of the energy bands but the variations of the effective number generally remain negligible at ordi- nary temperatures. Moreover, in the framework of quantum mechanical theory, an electron wave packet defined by the wave vector K (we say an electron in state K) moves in an electrostatic field E with a group velocity + 1 Μκ) νκ = S (1.6) 3K and an acceleration 3*K e E 3t-" m* ( 1·7) where m* is the electron effective mass given by the general tensorial relationship: JL = 1_ a2 £(K) (1 Rx m*. 2 3K. 3K. V ' u The effective mass reduces to a scalar in the case of cubic symmetry and a for- tiori in the simple free electron model [ ref. l] . It should be noted that the simple Drude-Lorentz-Sommerfeld theory remains valid when the electron is regarded as a free particle with an effective mass m*. We then conclude that this theory closely applies to monovalent metals but not to polyvalent metals. However, if we do not deal with anisotropy effects in conduction phenomena the Drude-Lorentz-Sommerfeld theory can be conveniently used; the best 3 argument to sustain this point of view is that reasonable results are derived from this theory for conductivity in metals. 1.2. Boltzmann equation for charge transport«The Cottey procedure A convenient way to define the bulk relaxation time τ and thus the bulk m.f.p. λ is to describe the electronic system by a distribution function F which measures the number, dN(K), of electrons with state K lying in the range dK, in the volume element dr, i.e. dN(K) = -Λ^ F (?) dK d? (1.9) K 4π * In the absence of any perturbation, the distribution function F (r) is just the Fermi distribution F°( ); in the presence of perturbation one assumes that the per- E turbing fields are sufficiently small to induce effects which can be represented by a first order perturbation of the equilibrium distribution. Three scattering mechanisms contribute to changes in the distribution function with time [refs. 1,2]: (a) External fields. Electric and magnetic fields, E and B respectively, induce chan- ges in the K vector at the rate I = -§<* + v°> <*·"» (b) Diffusion. If the function distribution varies from point to point it changes with time at the rate 9F(r) 3F (r) R — V- (i.ii) at 9r If the diffusion is only due to a uniform temperature gradient VT we simply have - 8FK(?) - 3F° v —- ^ v —^- VT (1.12) K + * K 3T v ' ; 3r (°) Collisions. The collisions of electrons with phonons or with imperfections in the lattice are described by aVr) at coll 3F In steady state conditions — = 0; hence _3F _ _3F I 3F I jlF I , at " at diff + at fields + at coll " 11.13) To simplify the problem the collision operator can be expressed in terms of a 4 function τ(Κ), the relaxation time, which is defined as dF I F - F° (1.14) 3t coll ~ " τ (Κ) If we consider the case of a metal in which the energy band can be represented by the standard form, e(K) = H2 K2 / 2 m* (1.15) then in the absence of a magnetic field the Boltzmann equation takes the form -■* ■ - * ■ - · * * m ■+> ■ eE . V- F„(r) - m* v__ . V- Fir) = — (Fir) - F°) (1.16) v K. κ r K. τ κ. The current density J is then calculated by introducing the general solution F (r) of equation (1.16) into the expression for J: e J\ FK(^) d* (1.17) 3 4π The Boltzmann equation is generally solved by introducing F£(r) = F° + F1(K,r) (1.18) in which F (K,r) is the small deviation from equilibrium caused by external fields and thermal gradient; the relation (1.14) then gives --F1 (K,r) = £ ,, (1.19) τ 3t |coll Substituting equations (1.18) and (1.19) into equation (1.16) and dropping high powers of F (K,r) and its product with E and VT yields: eE V+ F° - m* v__ . VT |^ = — F^K,?) + m* v„ V+ F^K,?) (1.20) v K. d l τ K. r Under isothermal conditions equation (1.20) reduces to - . F1(K,r) + v„.V- F1(K,r) = ~ V- F° (1.21) τ K r m* v Since no current flows at equilibrium the electric current density is simply gi- ven by: J = - -^3 /*v F1(K,r) dK (1.22) K 4π where F is the solution of equation (1.21) satisfying the imposed boundary conditions due to the film geometry or to the geometrical dependence of scattering phenomena. Suppose now that we can, in an independent approach to the boundary problem, 5 calculate the resultant relaxation time τ (K,r), describing the combined effects of background scattering and position dependent scatterers, as suggested by Cottey [ref. 5]; it is clear that the deviation F from the equilibrium distribution func- tion is just ■+ F1(K,?) = ~ τ ίΚ,?) V- F° (1.23) m* t v 2 -*■ -*■ -*■-*■ -*■-*■ 3F° F*(K,r) = eE v__ T.(K,r) (1.24) 3ε(Κ) for a specimen only subjected to an electrostatic field. 1.3. Types of electronic scattering A thin metal film could be imperfect in an infinity of ways and a great number of types of scatterings could exist. However, in this text related to size effects, we only consider the following various idealized sources of scattering. (a) External surfaces of metal film. In a crude point of view, electronic conduction is proportional to the background mean free path λ and one can predict that the ex- o ternal surfaces act as efficient scattering regions until the film thickness is res- tricted to about a few mean free paths. A phenomenological reflection parameter, p, has been defined [ref. 6] to describe the average effects of roughness of the film surface. (b) Grain boundary. The physical models for grain-boundary surfaces have been over- simplified in order to allow the description of electronic transport properties by simple equations. Many authors [refs. 7-t-ll] have assumed that the grain boundaries can be represented by arrays of scattering planes; to take into account the "rough- ness" of such planes an electronic reflection coefficient R[ref. 7] and a transmis- sion coefficient t [refs. 8, 11] have been introduced. One expects that the grain boundaries act as efficient scatterers if the average spacing D between scattering planes is not much larger than the bulk m.f.p. For practical purposes, we have to dis- tinguish between polycrystalline and monocrystalline films. Polycrystalline films exhibit a fine-grained structure with an average spacing D which is smaller than, and independent from, the film thickness d; the grain boundaries can be represented by three arrays of parallel scattering planes [ref. 10]. In monocrystalline films the grain boundary spacing D is equal or greater than the film thickness; only two arrays of parallel scattering planes are used for the film model [ref. 11]. 2. MODELS FOR ELECTRONIC SCATTERING AT EXTERNAL SURFACES The geometrical limitation of the carrier mean free path by external surfaces has been studied primarily on monovalent metal films to which the free electron model is expected to be the most applicable; most of the pioneering work has been carried out 6 at very low temperatures [ref. 12] because of difficulties in preparing thin films. In the last decades progress in thin film deposition techniques has allowed measure- ments to be performeda& structurally continuous thin films at room temperature, and now a large fraction of work is concerned with such experiments [cf. Sections 3.2.5., 3.4.5., 3.7.5.]. The success of such measurements is due to the fact that one expects to determine, from size effects in electrical conduction, the bulk mean free path or/ and the surface scattering parameter. Some work of particular interest has been devo- ted to the study of surface effects before and after annealing in order to determine if the decrease in resistivity, induced by annealing, is due to the removal of structural defects or to an increase in the specular reflection coefficient that may be attributed to a reordering of the film surfaces. Most of this work was, up till now, interpreted in terms of the earliest theoretical work on the influence of the thickness on the film conductivity which was done by Fuchs [ref. 13] and Sondheimer [ref. 14] (the F.S. model). 2.1. The F.S. model for metal films 2.1.1. F.S. theoretical analysis The Fuchs model is shown on figure 1 and can be summarized as follows: as the problem is essentially a one-dimensional problem, the distribution function of the electrons can be simply written as F(v,x) = F° + ¥λ(ν,ζ) (1.25) where the deviation function F (v,z) depends on the space variables only through z. For an electric field E applied in the x-direction, the Boltzmann equation (1.21) reduces to F1 3F1 eEx 9F° _. — + v · -— = —- -— (M1 .2Q6) τ z 9z m* av O X by neglecting as usual (section 1.2) the product of E with F . The general solution of (1.26) is then ^(v.z) - ^ If jl F(v) exp - f^ ) (1.27) + X ( O Ζ where the effective mass m* is assumed to be a scalar as in the free electron model, but is not necessarly equal to the electron mass; the relaxation time τ refers to background scattering processes and then concerns all the scattering mechanisms occu- ring in the volume of the sample. Sinceτ does not depend on space coordinates, the F.S. analysis applies only to thin films in which any electron scattering is accoun- ted for by the background relaxation time, for example, the scattering due to point

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