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S i y a p a t h a F i n a n c Radiant e p L c | a n n u a L R e p o R t 2 0 1 5 Siyapatha Finance pLc | annuaL RepoR t 2015 Siyapatha Finance pLc | annuaL RepoRt 2015 contentS Section 1: Section 3: Section 5: About this report 4 Corporate Governance 74 Supplementary Information 193 Our Values 6  Directors’ Attendance & Committee Memberships 76 Gri Index 198 About us 6  Report of Board Credit Committee 116 Independent Assurance Report 204 Our history 7 Committee Reports 116 Branch Network & Communication Information 206 Materiality Assessment 8  Report of the Board Audit Committee 117 Glossary Of Financial Terms 207 Financial highlights 10  Report of the Board Integrated Notice Of Annual General Meeting 212 Non Financial Highlights 12   Risk management Committee 118 Proxy Form 213 Chairman’s message 15  Report of the Board Human Resource and Corporate Information 215 Managing Director’s message 17   Remuneration Committee 120 Outgoing Chief Executive Officer’s Message 19 Code of Business Conduct & Ethical Practices 122 Risk Management 124 Section 2: Integrated Management Discussion & Analysis 23 Section 4:  Economic Review 23 Financial Calender 132  Stakeholder Engagement 25 Annual Report Of The Board Of  Financial Review 26  Directors On The State Of Affairs Of The Company 133  Investors’ Information 33 Directors’ Statement On Internal  Product/ Corporate Branding, Customer Relationship Control Over Financial Reporting 139   Management and Marketing Communication 35 Independent Auditor’s Report 141  Management Committees 50 Income Statement 142  Support Services 52 Statement Of Comprehensive Income 143  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 60 Statement Of Financial Position 144  Future Strategic Outlook 61 Statement Of Changes In Equity 145 Board of Directors 64 Statement Of Cash Flows 146 Directors’ Profile 65 Notes To The Financial Statements 147 Corporate Management Team 69 Other Key Managers 70 Branch Managers / Branch Related Services 72 Radiant a tRuSted Finance company with a banking mindSet, we have aLwayS pLaced ethicS Siyapatha Finance pLc annual Report 2015 and integRity at the pinnacLe oF aLL ouR endeavouRS and we have in tuRn eaRned the tRuSt and ReSpect oF the StakehoLdeRS who beLieve in the way we do buSineSS. Reaching out to new maRketS and new oppoRtunitieS, Siyapatha Finance pLc iS Radiating a Renewed viSion and puRpoSe within aS weLL aS on the outSide, aS we embaRk on the next Leg oF ouR jouRney towaRdS pRoSpeRity. 4 Siyapatha Finance PLC about thiS RepoRt Annual Report 2015 G4 We are happy to present our integrated report explaining our ” All vital information relating to the Company’s financial performance for the financial year 2015. This integrated report performance is included in Section 4, which also consists of follows GRI G4 ‘In accordance’ - Core guideline publication. the Directors’ statement on internal control over financial Through this Annual Report we seek to maintain an integrated reporting and the independent auditor’s report. set of measures that incorporates value creation, brand management, channel management, business sustainability, ” The final Section comprises supplementary information such stakeholder engagement, governance practices and risk as “Financial Value Addition”, “Economic Value Addition”, management. All matters deemed material to our business and capital adequacy, our approach to sustainability reporting, Integrated the interests of our stakeholders have been included in this GRI content index and Independent Assurance Report. The report. 10 year summary provided in this section helps stakeholders to grasp the progress the Company has achieved during the We are happy to This annual report consists of five main sections. period in which it has been in operation. present our integrated ” Section 1 describes the Company and its 11 year history, report explaining while reports by the Chairman, Managing Director and out The external assurance to the integrated Annual Report’s going CEO elaborate on how the Company has progressed. sustainability approach is provided by M/S Ernst and Young, our performance for Financial and Non Financial highlights included in this Chartered Accountants; the external auditors of the company. the financial year section give a glimpse of the Company’s performance for The independent review was carried out on the basis of Sri Lanka 2015. this integrated the year 2015. Standards on Assurance Engagement (SLSAE). report folloWs gri g4 ‘in accordance’ - core ” Integrated management discussion and analysis is given in the RepoRting peRiod guideline publication. Section 2 and provides a host of information which would This integrated Annual Report covers the 12-months period from be of value to our stakeholders. Information on the Board 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015. The most recent previous of Directors, their profiles and various Committees of the year report published by the company was in the year 2014. Board are also provided in this section, in addition to details of corporate and senior management and branch managers ReStAtementS, Scope And ASpect BoundARieS of the Company. This is the second annual report in which we applied GRI G4 ‘In accordance’ - Core guideline publication on sustainability ” Section 3 is devoted to corporate governance and steps reporting. Gold Dream product was launched in the month of that have been taken by the Company and its Board of February 2016. Hence Product Branding Matrix of Annual Report Directors to ensure adherence to statutory and regulatory 2014 has to be corrected. There are no restatements of the requirements. It also deals with the Company’s risk report on previous year’s information except above. There are management strategies and the manner in which it no significant changes in the scope and aspect boundaries of this complies with the Code of Best Practice on Corporate report. Governance. 5 Siyapatha Finance PLC Annual Report 2015 outlook StAtementS The management discussion analysis contains information based on our interpretation of current and future events. However, it is felt that the reader should seek expert professional advice when making conclusions on aspects reported. contact Inquiries relating to the information presented in the Annual Report should be addressed to: Chief Operating Officer Siyapatha Finance PLC No:46/12, Sayuru Sevana, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02. Tel : 0117-605605 Fax : 0117-605606 6 Siyapatha Finance PLC about uS Annual Report 2015 Siyapatha Finance PLC, formerly known as Sampath Leasing & Factoring Limited, has been a fully-owned subsidiary of Sampath Bank including the North East. The company is powered by a young PLC since its inception in year 2005. and energetic staff which believes in team work. we always encourage skilled and innovative young people to join us, to Over the 11 years in operation, it has grown to be the largest subsidiary of Sampath Bank PLC and has contributed favourably towards reach high levels of performance and competition. This is part the overall strategic goals of the Group, and the Company has been directed by a highly dynamic and motivated team of industry of our Corporate Social Responsibility; we seek to enrich young professionals. individuals to better their aspirations. we ensure our business practices in within the interest of our all stakeholders. In year 2015 the entity was re-branded with a new identity ‘Siyapatha’ which denotes the theme of ‘Trust and Excellence’ to better serve the interests of our customers, subsequent to receiving a finance company license by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. The Company has earned for itself a credit rating of ‘A-’ with a Stable outlook from M/S Fitch Rating Lanka Ltd, which is an internationally-accredited rating agency. Coupled with the synergies gained from our parent bank, we always strive to provide more customer-centric service solutions to SME and Corporate markets. Our product portfolio initially consisted of leasing, hire purchase and debt financing (factoring). In the year 2013, the Company initiated its pawning business, thereby expanding the operational horizon and its breadth of financial products and obtained the necessary approvals from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to solicit public deposits. During the year the company achieved significant growth levels in its asset financing, gold financing and factoring portfolios, irrespective of the prevailing unfavourable market conditions and uncertainties caused by movements of macro environmental forces. Our operations are limited to Sri Lanka and in our short journey we have been able to expand our presence all over the country ouR vaLueS BEING CuSTOMER CENTRIC. MAINTAINING ETHICAL & PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS. EMPOwERMENT OF EMPLOYEES. LEARNING CuLTuRE. 7 Siyapatha Finance PLC ouR hiStoRy Annual Report 2015 ” Established Sampath Leasing and ” Appointment of new ” Initiating pawning business. ” Opened two branches in Factoring Ltd. as a fully-owned corporate management. ” Expanded the channel network to 18 locations Batticaloa and Awissawella. subsidiary of Sampath Bank Plc. ” Head office relocated at No ” Converted to a Finance Company ” Converted window offices ” Opened first two branches in 46/12, Sauru Sevana, Nawam ” Name changed from “Sampath Leasing and Factoring in Vauniya and Kegalle to Kandy and Matara. Mawatha, Colombo 02. Ltd” to “Siyapatha Finance Ltd”. branches. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ” Relocated Head Office at No ” Opened four window offices in Anuradhapura, ” Issuance of its first Listed, Rated, 24 A, ward Place, Kuliyapitiya, Kegalle and Ratnapura. unsecured, Subordinated, Redeemable Colombo 07. ” Opened a branch in Kalmunai. Debentures of value Rs. 1 Billion. AWARdS And AccolAdeS RAtingS ” winner of Silver Award in the Specialized Leasing Company ” winner of Gold Award in the Specialized Leasing Company Fitch rating ‘A-(lka)’ Stable 2015 category at the Annual Report Awards 2011 held by category at the Annual Report Awards 2013 held by Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. memBeRShipS ” Sri Lanka Leasing Association ” winner of Silver Award in the Specialized Leasing Company ” winner of Certificate of Compliance at the Annual Report ” Finance Houses Association of Sri Lanka. category at the Annual Report Awards 2012 held by awards 2015 held by Institute of Chartered Accountants of ” National Chamber of Commerce Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka. ” Employers Federation of Ceylon (EFC) 8 Siyapatha Finance PLC mateRiaLity aSSeSSment Annual Report 2015 when assessing the materiality, we have considered the impact of each area to the internal stakeholders (employees and its operations) as well as the impact to the external stakeholders (investors, customers, regulators, etc.) In structuring the flow of information and determining materiality, we observe each aspect in light of the management ethos pertaining to the particular stakeholder group. Accordingly, a number of quantitative and qualitative tools are used to obtain a deeper understanding of the large volume of information. Materiality is then measured using the following aspects. Aspect Significance materiality Aspect Significance materiality in terms of in terms of sustainability internal external sustainability internal external context Stakeholders Stakeholder context Stakeholders Stakeholder economic Social : Labour practices & Decent work 1 Economic Performance High High High 17 Employment High High High 2 Market Presence Low Low Low 18 Labour management relations Moderate Moderate Moderate 3 Indirect Economic aspects Low Low Low 19 Occupational health and safety Low Low Low 4 Procurement Practices Low Low Low 20 Training and education High High High environmental 21 Diversity and equal opportunity High High High 5 Material Low Low Low 22 Equal remuneration for women Low Low Low 6 Energy Moderate Moderate Moderate and men 7 Water Low Low Low 23 Supplier assessment for labour Low Low Low 8 Biodiversity Low Low Low practices 9 Emissions Moderate Moderate Moderate 24 Labour practices grievances Moderate Moderate Moderate 10 Effluents and waste Moderate Moderate Moderate mechanism 11 Products and services Moderate Moderate Moderate Social : Human rights 12 Compliance Low Low Low 25 Investment Low Low Low 13 Transport Low Low Low 26 Non discrimination Low Low Low 14 Overall Low Low Low 27 Freedom for association and Low Low Low 15 Supplier Environment Assessment Low Low Low collective bargaining 16 Environment Grievance Low Low Low 28 Child labour Moderate Moderate Moderate mechanism 29 Forced and compulsory labour Moderate Moderate Moderate

15. Managing Director's message. 17. Outgoing Chief Executive Officer's Message. 19. Section 2: Integrated Management Discussion & Analysis. 23. Economic . Our operations are limited to Sri Lanka and in our short journey we have been able to expand our presence all over the country including the
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