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Six species of the genus Colomastix (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Colomastigidae) from western Japan, with descriptions of two new species PDF

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Preview Six species of the genus Colomastix (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Colomastigidae) from western Japan, with descriptions of two new species

Six species of the genus Cofomastiy (Crustacea: Ampbipoda: Colamastigidae) from western Japan, with descriptions of two new species Hiroyuld Amana" WHE ALT 7 Aa TEMS CHES BUH) NTR Bes PIT Riad 4d rates. DE EMOR EEL. CAS, PREP AEN tome st hah, BR, => 9A ora asco, PED cota Mas EA 4? ea 2 eR Clot ny ane 7 WR RET LS P79 dE YS! BERN ONRL, GaKEREN, REDwAS SOMLIRA, BLAS DADE, 2 UALIRRORLOTEORUELE, Abia Seis of gon Cobia estat pg Ue ‘ltt padi doe lyse pe: Cine Spe ae vie Ea ey Words: upipot; Colas: Coleman gma 2 pcs Spesiee ute gr Cofomvanic Grube, TR61 ivtahilspoges snl uals ise wll ‘Baal and Karman, 1991), ana 37 species ave Boor. desea far (.sCrey, 19951. Ye Tapan, only Coloma sine Hiyama and Rikki, 1980 wa rosed (Tchr. 1994), whieh ae collet som a sprnge Tila vert (Crile sera a Sh Bay. Nagasaki Prefect ‘Daving ay soevey on ts amphiped fauna of ahallow wars n Japan, aix Calmartspociee ‘ware collected, ad to of thin have tuned utto be zen specie. The presen _dessipbon al he pei t pruvie ey lo howe Comat poses rae wt ne Comune tot ao Ora tien of Snel Hay. 8090 Ase EAs 6708) “ia Prt: Expecante Ser. Tana, Mak Ons SPPIEL ios RRA LRH SEN ADLER AEONN SMe 2 ree sare, ‘Materials aod Metis ‘Tee sorple mate bre weezer the asa areas of Waka, Csaba ant hime ‘fect. Tho cleans woe cari amt hy the anthorexcee forthe mate fram Kashinata in Wakayane Petcare olected by Y. Inha, Hows of Colonait (povges and vary ater vials) weve sallecte by aocckeling of SCUBA. diving inthe subtidal zone and by bind io the Inendal ze. Iotctspeckoens of Colomasti species were obsined caoly by breaking tae sponges ita fngrcots, Specinuns wove discted and thsi appendages were daira uoder a Phase outst microvenpe. Body length was meri fom the apex o esti log “oe onal mo voce itl au nthe spec weth peal pple were een be les a he les having fully developed enaioyt 2 were esGroced robe manne males. The females with sins opitgies were sogabed an cata fuales. The daortd epeciens ishading che type ssvos are Sspoitd inthe Osaka Manu of Nfaal itor (ON). Dingonsis af Cotpmasic Grab, 161 ‘modited fom £-L. Berosd end Karman (1491) 200 LeCroy (2995) osy zestril ot hey wl el age oe. Anema abel gh, Wo rviclaes panels duek, Alapls reduced aeessng? Magen. ahs. Month air taiced xcept i enlarged manip; mandible lacking galp incisor ad lcnia robs, wae 1 lp ile: nl 2 plates Fvsed bails sled, basal sets Ive plates edu pally orale Rel, te plate bres acute, asus aces ald were with any Soe Sse. Craae shart, hades than Tg vetapping. Gaathonod 1 single, longats fin vestigial in adult sl) apcx of propos Leasing rush of slements composed af scylus and Jao setae (except for vest ule youbopod 1).Gnatboped 2 a aes sbcblae ropes Inge, ely zomg; gnabopot 2m Lele simple on weakly subclipse ropotis elngate, seslusslenar, Perey 37 show cal ils presen peteopate 2 ‘uses pen on peas 25 dn fale. PMaopod, gases eah with 2 cepling spies, Pleyel 2 lone Uresorsie I wiot ral plain; asm an 3 sleet, Hoos Biers. am of ropes | an? wale pels ale, Taeon enti ‘Type spl: Colomanix psa Grube, 1861 (money Descriptions of Colomuste Species Colanact tot Hirayanta an Reset 1980 ‘Maponose marc: Azuasnutu-yooebi) ogs.1-9) CColematex anenct Bicoywos end Kieachi, 1980, pp. 153-41, tgs. 1-3; Hirayama. 1983. p. 150; ‘Whiners 19,8 Fa |. Golomarizoncan Binge Ko. ‘Matava examfued. Males '.°-'5° (OMNH-AI7025 - 70271, 35am (motu), 3 510m fammane}, mom (imam), ane females "U3" (OMNE-A: 702A - 7030), 34am rat, 33a (inet), 25am (imate). fom 2 spange Spiracelia ing (18a in dept oft anita in Kashinna, Wakayama Pref. 28 Nov. 2002; malo “a (OMNH-APAG51), 37mm fexzne),f a monger rarondcrnztera (ain dept otf Koriae o Kashi, ‘Wekayame Peet, 28 Nav. 2002; malo "4" (OMINH-Ar-7032). mom (male, ton spoMge Sparel ing w Ona ia Vik, Woh Pro, Avg 9B ral °° and "8" (CANINE 86-2083, 14), an Graton, 3800 eae thom a Rponge Spree agate (Bein ftaphy se ikigans, Wekaysina Pet 2 Avg. 2003 eserptin. Mise ate (wale ‘1,3 Som]. Body (Fig. 1 elaiely slender 3st mecium suo Areva 1 (Figs. 2A, Al) fo of padunentaranicts [3 1039 anisne J and 2 cach with 5 ental sung and a cect lacs plamoae ssa: galom danas short, with ?uniley hewn ‘many lang 242 and several actbtmacs.avicle | thick, produced dtatecaly, aisles 2 md 3 suiove, Antenne 2 (Lig, 2,1): ng f planer ales 25 at the se, tel gradually hore ery surf of ales 3-5 wi 1.4, spins, especialy, dovsdinal compere of actos aul Seach sh 2 sont plumes sca onoatoral margins of asics 3-5 lined ith ‘waugular spins; MlageTam shoe, composed 3 articles and Jong sotae, arc I thik, prdcu! vss 2 an A min “Maan pare. maxitiped (Fig. 2C}, acer plete reduesd, aching bul of pulp wile |, over laos comply foe CGnuthopod 1 iFigs.20,D1) vewtigi' cons moval whngulr, wih few ste we anual buss - opus ey ile al ord f pois with eat daanfus and several Tang seine, Gratngnal 2 igh. IE. Bl} enlarged coka produced antcaly; basi gently broened ily. wikh veces steak seks ow anteior marin: me-Ds shoe. projeted mediodinaly postroistal comer rove, wah ¢ fst sue: carpus wiangular, postcor and posterodita tnicgne vee posenytiasutsce wit many Fie set and allot fr sesiving prokection of sta propodus massive, 23 tne a log us eau, dst ll of posteoe magi wih 2 Linge projetionsanterometlnd pte suraces see, pexinal haf of postomedialsurtce over vt many fins sto: dss cher, robuet Poreopods: pareopods 5 und (Figs, 2F.G).couve prose) serie lh weer bul we ‘ven, bases lightly expanded dial, with afew shor see onantvioe and pestviar mugins, serosal cares of chia roraded. ros with poe cn ateodistl comers puterur margins vith 6 eta, apo wih 4-5 spouts puter. col tart; permeate $T IRgs 34), ona 5 pase anteriorly aad posting. ennae & and 7 pndused postal. bance scaly brand, pours cornere of bas and ahi rumee men th epne em terol vores, ‘troy gine wih 1-2 sacar ih 3-6 cetae unin prapad wih 48 spaols anercty, hey sem Ploopods (Figa. 20-Fi:podmces of pleoyede 2 und 3 with several Jong sear; bo um each wll stiles Drops wrod 1 (Fas. 30,61) ela, podanale mide, about 8 es Tow, 5 width our rams sal laeoelats, eau 455 lng of peduncle, with 2 short soe ventas Ser caus wie and long. sighly sborer hun prince, suved very, apex wih v sal hooked pojseUen. distal thicd of dovsal roargio wit many mine pleats: oped 2 Cig, 3H) tne sie, vue nous lighly hag haw panel aml ner ras oer mute pedo cute ad ier marcos of bth petite: wopod 3 (Fig. 30 sacs, peduncle shorter ies hoch ra, ter rams lagen, ouyer i intce tos, wilh 2 setae veal, wer ea Jogishoveid wit ny semicireukrprojechon ovr the tip Pelsan ig. 3) romish pemagel ‘ith seta hot stesdorety salsa Mati tera ew (1 Trauete nile (wale "2, 3Sem). Antona 1 Fig. 3K): pedanels with 2 spines an venta smagin of aro % dagen with ¢ artes Resi several long slr ad J ues, ase L longue, aieles 24 mut, Amcnna 2 Fig 3. ageon with arises and Tong, tan, als | ongate sites 2 nd 3 mite ‘Mouth pars tancibie (Fig. 3B edocod: med ig IN) coter pat with pn: nail 2 ig, 30), stl cng uf Yon plats wih severts tan sone, outer lie a Tedwoe ‘eadhing Yat of apatite 2 CGrutheped 1 gu. 4A, AL) elorgure; coxu roundish cumgular; bas slender, dal part of aeror ragga wit a shot seas shi at, sllen sa the nals mens» prope seer, stl end of propodus wih needleshuped dustyas and seen Jog see. Goathapod 2 (Figg. 1, BB smaller han eat wale "1" distal part af hase rare han that of malo" langue rp sll Yo tf ele 1", 3 ths lo conpe, poor manga ‘without projections; posteroletee surface of propodus wh aro of or sets: dctlon cain tip it te pets. lade tha Ha ae 1" ropes unui. (1 smaller dtm ato male "peduncle about 1 sis a long as ‘dh, angi pectin, eur aus laces, about 839 Jeng of pedal. with pestinae Paris, ines rains wile, hl hoger th pnt es wh xl onal paces, OH mann utnte; mopod 2 (ig. AD} a ie Longe Baa roped Lowes am ones fac abe 1.2 and 14 tines ss lrg pedeele, espervel, murgins of peduncle and beth raed petit: twoped 3 (Fig. 42) shor, both tom laeslste. Inger fan pedale. oor rainas Inger and ‘amos han Soo rams, magi of th ami pestnae. Telon Fig. AF, Fly waren ha Hf mle "1 del vew ele olin ae view saps nh ® ings Sa Mance fonate fonsle "I', #9mml. Goubopod 2 (Vig. lf IL) stealer: cox projes.ed sntrurly i waren a vegedaped: cag a propa longa: days 108, 5p ‘wih in plants, ‘Unopos mupud Fg 41) peeks 21 brne Fon lh rsrane pec, bul ar lancolate, wih pectin marging, our and ines sam about FESe and S06 iangt of eivatle, eypetieely, spe uf huh rami see, ean (Hg ll etvely loaye Ba thie of rine "1" and", swoon dora ke hat of mle "2 Temcks. the rug seaaess of le specizcus well apie with original descriptions ana figues of Colomasts a:wnat given by imac heh (TSR), evrng 6 the mur, te deeriptnn wee aed ow Gre specinots. However. the oval shape of geopaus of gnahopod 2'in he Cgue angcete a high ossbiy eit be bolonpe of C. anes loi bol an malo ae “This spceea has peor wriods I and 2 in ane sls. Any oer Coloma agceles with ‘eh amp ve wo ha eo he le bln ane lest tre eae, inet rani of rngod ae celaivly wide abd thei ps havea smal ances proces a imsnatne rakes al a ale es in mare Tle, Chlonostie priomowe Ni sia Ka, 1991 Crom, Korea apd C. famifera Kessmaen, JR80 fom the Re Sea havs auch a uo 1. Havicer Colomasne arama cun be sleay ustnguisbed trem C. prowors by tbe anmboes oF Hagel Ailes f anna Val ail in he ata | ad Crna ripest a rom, CC kanifera by the stups of weathoped 2 carps (uber aod proc peserodisally in C. ara Alot. SplasveilaLaigaie Tile and Ant ere but lad Kiko 1980 Distribution. Kosbimeto, Hikigown and Cora in Wakayama Pofocaro: Shshki Bay in agovai Prefestne Canaan Riki, 1980) ante oe Sonata ak 9 my gna raromuersetera Pickin: Crain Colomtix japonica Blyehevs.195 (we Tanase nai: Nip ou hep igs. 59 Colomustejapoaica Balschova, L985, pp. 197-200. 2.5 Eolests Fava: Kins sn, WR, pp 4 10 (ward. L. Burund. 1970, pp. 96-100 Fi. 5152) jaa, 1990 21-75, figs 1 ‘uteri examined. Sues "7 (OMNILA0-7085 ~ 7040), 13mm (ature), 9am» (exter), 7 Soe metas}, 6 un (mates). 4 Smo Gna’. 2S (meats), and ome +195" (OMNE.AR TO 74S}, 6.2 dtr, gins 9am fate) $n (cre), 4 Gravel, 2s Chater pre Cepia eth Islan, hime Pel, 3 Ang. 29205 male 7" (OMNMLAR TMG), $num Gm), Eom a apouse Cllspongia coutoedoats os esbore. st Rika is Shisehama, Watayers Pit. 18. Aap. 19925 female 1" (OMNIA 704%), 4.1mav nmin), fs 4 spon: alone promotic a Tani, sn Misaki, Osa Pret, 4 Ag. 1994; eran "7" (OMNEL-Ae- 704813 mm (metus fo a apomge Sees Cn amp ° Helo pero rin det) Ova io ik, Wakagorna Pref. 10 Aug. 108. ‘Deseripton. Matar: male wet on male 2,9 tal ie "I* 10Snem body aud Ye] Body (Fig. 5) rabus: ey2e small. Heat (Fi. GC) with linge Salenunieama ple projeted snbroveuualy Fig. GD}. Antacnw + (Figs BA, ATE vaio of potenti ances 1-3 L105, aatice | vid evar shore setae dovimatlly. seta ptines ef atckes 1 ani 2 each with 2 ‘allow Hoge 7h a vow of spines, ale 2 ih arn of onelaterl spies aM wea rows, wile 3 sith 5 damolerl, ventel and a double venus eins: fhgellan Aliilly shot, with & eles, arace 1 sun dersoditl projecting end wuny setae veal, aticloe 241 sino. Amenna 2 hig, AB: ratio of pebacabr smcles 3-5 1:13. sities 35 euch ‘with arr of mete spines.anicle 3 wis a dupont sae sal 4 veo pes. aicle 4 9h nary teal ele, any veal spine el ven pyertion tile Swit evel doce snd inany sential setae aid a sal yen pectin; Vlgelsem shen, nembee of articles amin asin 1 cacsitnes sets. Mouth pars: ibvom (Fig GE, venta part coverod with hin ssc; ansible ‘Fig. GF) nat ‘rsa ells 19g. Li, margin inner phe seve, er ple wth wal ial projections rasta 2 ip. Hy, cris caver with way wa ale (ig. Al} ler pe reich slit margin of palp eis {iawer plat sorely fed. Goathopad | (Figs. 7A, AT} slender, cara produced anarony: basis ly, wih se socially, mens - propane Tong: ital onda propodos Beating seve Tagpesinale wele ‘ew abo ecto and slender ducyu wi pela tip. Gabopad 2 (Figs. 7B,BI great enlarged, op vere ik 4 Tew oie: vent bei breed ely, ameriar mizgin seat is 5. Clematis ewe Buc. le“, 39a abitas our fl opt Laban wong cco Seu: Lan.

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