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Six new species of Sphagnum (Bryophyta: Sphagnaceae) from North America PDF

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Preview Six new species of Sphagnum (Bryophyta: Sphagnaceae) from North America

NEW SPHAGNUM OF SIX SPECIES (BRYOPHYTA: SPHAGNACEAE) FROM NORTH AMERICA Richard E.Andrus Environmentol Program Studies BInghamton University New USA Binghamton, 13902-6000, Yorl< [email protected] ABSTRACT Sphagnum mcqueenii, kenaiensc, bergianum, beothuk, and S. S. S. S. sitchense, S. talbotianum, are described and new illustrated as species North America. for RESUMEN como Se describen se ilustran especies nuevas de Norte America, Sphagnum mcqueenii, kenaiensc, bcrgianum, S. S. beothuk, silchense, talbotianum. S. S. y S. INTRODUCTION m Extensive work North America number new field in recent years has revealed a of species of Sphagnum, mostly in more remote and poorly collected areas. Six of those spe- cies are described in this paper. Four are from Alaska, one from Newfoundland, one from both Newfoundland and and Alaska a sixth species from several states and Canadian provinces in northeastern North America, Sphagnum mcqueenii Andrus, nov sp. (Figs. 1-6J. Type: U.SA. Nottmgham, Pawtuckaway Dead State Park, Pond, extensive poor fen, 18 Sep 1994, Andrus 9070 (holo- DUKE; TYPE; ISOTYPES: BING, NY). Sphagnum Cuspidaia, sect. mediam Planta staturam attingens, f lava vel brunnescens, capitulum apicem planumevolventi, gemma terminal] praedito. Cortex caulinus e 1-2 stratis cellularum subdistinctarum tenuibus parietibus praeditanum compositus. mm mm m Folia caulina aequilaterali-triangularia, 0.75-1.0 lata, 0.8-1.1 longa, late marginata, regione apicali efibrillosa vel fibrillosa, plerumque in parte media supcrna in superficie concave poris vel in membranis hiatibus praedita, cellulis hyalmis plerumque in dimidio inferiore septatis, apice plusminusve obtuso. Folia ramulma ovato- mm mm lanceola, 0,5-0.85 lata, 1.6-2.1 longa, in superficie convexa cellulis hyahnus poros apicales 0-1 et plerumque pseudopores habentibus, in concave in angulis cellularum et interdum commissuras sens poris rotundis usque ad 4-8 jam diametro praedita. 12, and weak-stemmed; Plants robust yellow brown; capitulum to light typically topped flat- and with a ± conspicuous terminal bud. Stems light green; cortex in 1-2 layers of moder- mm ately differentiated thin-walled Stem cells. leaves equilateral- triangular, 0.75-1,0 wide by 0.8-Llmm long, usually spreading, apex obtuse, hyaline cells usually septate in lower and ± half of leaf efibrillose (or fibrillose near apex). Branches unranked, straight, mm ^ branch leaves moderately elongated Branch 21 at distal end. leaves long, ovate- undulate and when lanceolate, sharply recurved dry; hyaline cells on convex surface with 0-1 apical pores and otten with pseudopores, concave surface with up round to 12 wall- thmnings in cell angles and sometimes along commissures; chlorophyllose cells trian- gular in transverse section and just enclosed on the concave surface. Sexuality unknown. known New Distri butioii—Western Hemisphere from Hamp- Atlantic; date Maine, to 959- SIDA 22(2): 972. 2006 BRIIORG/SIDA 22(2) 960 J J, ^ / 1^-: iP^ K^. ^i^j^' 1**-^ 1cm Sphagnum mcqueenii. Habit Fig. 1 - NEW ANDRUS, SPECIES OF SPHAGNUM FROM NORTH AMERICA 961 Sphagnum mcqueenii.Sprea&mg h(j. 2. branch. shire, Pennsylvania, and Vermont from the U.S.A. and Nova Scotia and Nevv^foundland in Canada. Sphagnum mcquecnii can be separated from cuspidatum Hoffm. i/i S. by enclosed chlorophyll obtuse stem and its cells, leaves the relatively short, recurved > and broad width length branch Sphagnum ( ratio 0.3) leaves. viride Flathcrg. v/ill dif- : having branch fer in leaf chlorophyll cells not reaching the concave surface and pointed stem Both cuspidatum and and leaves. S. S. viride are also smaller slenderer plants. 5. Warnst Wet rum formsof pule h 5. will also not have branch leaves elongated at the distal end of the branches, character- a istic of the more "aquatic" Cuspidata species. The other "aquatic" Cuspidata with which mcqueenii can occur are torreyanum Sull.and atlanticum Andrus. Both 5. S. 5. of these are larger plants and have longer branch leaves (> mm). They have stem more 2.1 also leaves appressed to the stem than mcqueenii, in which the stem leaves are often spreading. S. m known Ecology.— Habitat preferences not well but has been poor so collected far it fen habitats with floating mats, wet carpets and wet peaty depressions. was quite abun- It New dant in the Hampshire type where occurred moat bog mar- locality, in the at the it n Molk. Etymology— The namesake Cyrus McQueen, of this species is the late a good friend who me and fellow sphagnophile, led to the type locality CANADA. N Additional collections examined: Newfoundland: of Pouch Cove, Andrus 10309 CBING)- Wniterland, Andrus N 10^22, 10423, 10439 IBING. DUKE); of Harbour Breton, Audrus 10632 (BING); Lark Harbour Andrus NOVA J06S3 IBING. DUKE). SCOTIA. Guysborough Co.: Schojicld 6y Maass 3315 {DVKE).V.S.A. MAINE: Acadia National Park, Liille 16 (BING). Sagahadoc Co.: Allen 27060 (DUKE). PENNSYLVANIA. Monroe Andrus& Co.: Damman VERMONT. Windham 6641 (BING). Co.: McQueen 19 Nov 1998 (BING, DUKE). s.n., Sphagnum kenaiense Andrus. sp. nov. (Figs. 7-12). Tvpr^: U.S.A. Alaska Kenai Peninsula Kenai Co.; Peninsula, Soldotna, Headquarters Lake large poor fen complex surrounding lake, 17 Aug 2004 (holo- DUKE; TYPE; [SOTYPES; BING, NY). Sphagnum Cuspidata. sect. Planta parva caule debili, pallide brunnea vel aetate aurea, capitulo piano; cortex caulinus parietibus tenuibus, tantum leniter dikitatus. Folia cauluia ad caulem appressa, lingulata, ovato-lingulata vel triangulata, aequa vel mm quam minora 0.9 longa, apice obruso atque saepe eroso vel laccrato. Rami ranrum leniter 5-ordinati vel 5- seriata, in apice distali rameali vix elongati. Fasciculus ramulinus e ramulis 2 patentibus atque 2-3 pendentibus mm compositus. Folia ramulina LI-L3 longa, ovata, rigentia, in statu sicco leniter undulata atque subrecurva, BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(2) 962 3-6 Jp/?fl^/7um mci/i/een//. 3. Branch leaves. 4. Stem leaves. 5, Stem cortex cross section. 6. Branch leaf cross section Figs. m cellulis hyalinis parte mediana perbrevibus atque latis (rationc arithmetica latitudinis usque longitudinis 0.3- 0.4) ct in superficie convexa in parte tolii mteriorc sacpe apicaliter poro magno atque/usquc 6 pons llberis et m parte apicali saepe margines cellulares secus peudoporis mstructa, superficie concava ad terminos ccllularcs atque angulos parietum tenuiuni magnis rotundis interduni inconspicuuis vel niiUis praedita; cellulae areis bene chlorophylligerae in section transversali triangulares, typice in superficie inclusae. weak-stemmed; brown golden brown; capitulum flat-topped and Plants small.and pale to ANDRUS, NEW SPECIES OF SPHAGNUM FROM NORTH AMERICA 963 J Fig. 7-1 3. 5/7/?£7gni;m/fe/7fl/en5e. 7. Habit. 8. Branch. 9. Stem leaves. 10, Branch leaves I.Branch leaf convex surface. 12.^ concavesurface.l3.Stemsection.Scalebars;A = 2mm,7;B = 2mm, 8;C = 0.5mm,9-10;D = 50pmJ1-13. only weakly 5-radiate. Stems pale yellow; stem cortex moderately well-differentiated but much not enlarged. Stem leaves appressed to stem; Ungulate, ovate^to triangular; equal to mm or less than 0.9 long; apex obtuse and often erose to lacerate. Branches with leaves much unranked to 5-ranked, leaves not elongated at distal branch tip. Branch fascicles mm with 2 spreading and 2-3 pendent branches. Branch leaves ovate, 1.1-1.3 long, stiff, 964 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(2) when weakly undulate and slightly recurved dry; hyaline cells in mid-region quite short and broad (width:lcngth - 0.3-0.4), in lower 1/2 of leaf on convex surface often with 1 large pore apically and/or up to 6 free pores, in apical region often with pscudoporcs along the margins; on concave surface with large round wall-thinnings in the cell cell ends and angles these sometimes faint or absent); chlorophyllose cells triangular in trans- ( verse section and typically well-enclosed on concave surface. Sexuality unknown. and Western Di5(ribu(ion.— South-Central Alaska. [denti/icafzoii.— Within range, kenaicnse in^yhe confused with S.angusLiJoiium Its S. (Russow) haUicum (Russow) and brcvijolium (Braithw) Sph- C.Jens., C.Jens.) Roell. 5. S. m agnum angusiijolium the field has narrower ovate-lanceolate branch leaves. Micro- scopically angustiJoUum has a poorly diflcrcntiated stem cortex, chlorophyll cells not 5. well-enclosed and narrower branch hyaline Sphagnum haliicum has narrower leaf cells. branch leaves and typically only one hanging branch, with stem leaves markedly spread- ing. Microscopically the branch leaf hyalme cells are also narrower Sphagnum brcvijolium has stem leaves that are apiculate to acute and ovate-lanceolate branch leaves. also has It m narrower hvaline branch leaves than hcnaiense. cells its 5. J Sphagnum medium Ecology— kenaiense occurs poor often sedge domi- in to fens, of a nated nature. typically forms sprawling patches in hollows, often over bare peat. It —The Etymology species epithet hcnaiense alter the Kenai Peninsula where the is was species found. Additional collections examined: U.S.A. ALASKA: King Salmon, Audnis9306 (BING, DUKTZ); Selawik, Schojicld 121J33 (BING); Anchorage, Campbell Airstrip fen, AnJnis 8448(BING, DUKE); Kenai Peninsula, Milepost 100 on Seward AndnisS752 IBING, DUKE, NY). Ilwy., Sphagnum bergianum Andrus, sp. nov. (Figs. 13-19). TvpeiU.S.A. Alaska. Kenai Peninsula Co: Kenai Peninsula, Soldotna,Headc[uarters Lake, extensi\"e poor ien complex at lake margin, 17 Aug 2004, And riis 10020 (noi.OTviT; DUKE; iSOTVPHs; BING, NY). 5/'!ia^nuf)j section Acuti/a/ia. Planla quoad stai urani mediocris vel robusta,capitulo plusniinusve in apice piano magnocjue, omninoatro-fusco, centro capituli aurato, in statu vivo saturate ruhrliingenti, in statu sicco nitore roscolo-purpurascenti praedito.Caulisatro-fuscus, cellulis cortical! bus superficiali bus eporosis. Folia caul! na late triangular! dingulaia, Li5-1.25 X 0.8, in apice subobtusa vel late obtusa, limbo ad basem modice ddatato, cellulis hyalinis pro parte maxima l-septat!s,paucis vel multis in parte mediana 2-septatis,rhonibirormibus. Rami plus minusve 5-orLiinari. mm, Fasciculus ramulinus ramulis 2 patentibus atque pendent!. Folia ramulina 1,2-1.3 x 0.65-0.75 late ovara, e 1 apice involuta, cellulis hyalinis in superficic convexa numcrosis rotundatis vel ellipticis poris comuiissuras se- bascm cus instructis, apicc poris parvis gradatim usque ad maioribus, superficic concave eporosa, poris paucis iii magnis in partibus distalibus lateralibusque exceptis. Status sexualis dioicus. Sporac 26-30 jim. Plants moderate-sized to robust, capitulum more or less flat-topped and large; dark brown overall with a golden center to the capitulum and a distinctive deep red tinge in the field which becomes a pinkish-purple sheen upon drying. Stems dark brown; superficial cor- Stem broadly apex sHghtly tical cells aporose. leaves triangular-lingulate, 1.15-1.25 x 0.8, to broadly obtuse, border moderately broadened at base; hyaline cells mostly 1-septate m many with a few to 2 septate the micl-rcgion, shape rhomboidal. Branches more or less 5 ranked. Branch iascicles with 2 spreading and hanging branch. Branch leaves 1.2-1.3 1 mm X 0.65-0.75, broadly ovate, apex involute; hyaline cells on convex surface with nu- merous round to elliptic pores along the commissures, these grading from small pores at the apex to large pores at the base; concave surface aporose except for a few large pores in 26-30 the lower side regions. Sexual condition dioicous. Spores )im. Newfoundland and Di5(rihu(ion.— South-central Alaska. ANDRUS, NEW SPECIES OF SPHAGNUM FROM NORTH AMERICA 965 D A C B FiGsJ4-20.5/7/7(73nt/m/?eA5/(7num. 14. Habit. 15, Branch fascicle. 16. Stem leaves. 17. Stem leaf hyaline cells. 18. Branch leaves. 19 Branchleatconcave5urface.20. Branchleafconvexsurface.A = 2mm, 14;B = 2mm, 15;C~0.5 mm, 16, IB; D = 50 pm, 17,19-20. Sphagnum hergianum seems most suhjulvum Identijication— clearly related to S. sensu described by Flatberg Both mhjulvum and suhjulvum Sjoers lato, as (1985). ssp 5. 5. purpureum golden-brown than dark brown hergianum. Flatb. are a lighter the quite of 5. more Furthermore, both of these taxa have narrower stem leaves that are acute at their And apex. neither of these taxa have distinctly 5-ranked branch leaves like hergianum. S. Sphagnum hergianum is a quite unusual looking species in the field, with its very dark When brown color tinged with a deep red color. dry this deep red becomes more purplish 966 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(2) but shows some This appearance made Still red. distinctive field quite recognizable it it when Newfoundland collected in in 2005. Table highlights the differences between hcrgianum and other brown larger 1 5. Because sutjulvumssp])urpurcum Acuti/olia, of similarity, included complete- Its for 5. is ness even though the author has not seen any North American specimens taxon of that and believes to be of doubtful occurrence there. it Ecology— In the few sites where has so far been collected, hcrgianum has been a it S. hummock medium forming species of fen habitats, associated with such species as S. warnstorfii Warnst., suhjulvum, platyphyllum (Braithw) Warnst. and S.Juscum 5. 5. (Schimp.) H. Klinggr. Etymology -This species named after Ed Berg, ecologist with the US Fish and Wild- m who liic Service, first found this species Headquarters Lake next to his office. CANADA. km N Andrm Additional collections examined: Newfoundland: 9 Badger, 106^6 (BING, DUKE, NY); of SW km 15 of Corner Brook, Andrus ?0667(BING, DUKE, NY), U.S.A. Alaska: Kenai Peninsula, Milepost 40 on Seward Hwy, Andrus 70036 (BING, DUKE, NYj, Sphagnum beothuk Andrus, sp. nov. (Figs. 20-23). T^ CANADA. Nt:\vrouNnLAND: Lark Harbour, vi: NW km m medium ca. 50 o{ Corner Brook, rich fen, 20 elev, Andrus 10687 (iiot,OTVPF-: DUKE; ISOTYPE: RING, NY) Sphagnum sect. AcutiJoJia. Planta parva vel quoad staturam mediocris, capitulo rotundato densoque atro^fusco nitore purpurascenti praedito. mm Caulis brunneus, cellulis corticalis superf'icialius eporosis. Folia caulina lingulata, 1.1-1.2 longa, in apice maximam subapiculata vel partem lata, crosaque vel lacerara, limbo ad basem tantem parce dilatato, cellulis hyalinis rhombiformibus. O-Useptatis. Rami plus minusve 5-ordinati. fasciculus ramulinus ramulis patentibus e 2 mm atque 1 pendenti compositus. Folia ramulina 0.95-1.3 longa, ovata vel ovato-lanceolata, concava, stricta vol parce subsecunda, in apice involuta, cellulis hyalmis in superficie convexa poris commissuras secus nuinerosis rot undatis vel ellipticis instructis, ad basem pons magnis gradarim usque ad apicem misceUaneam pons minutis e _m, minonbus quam vel perpusillis (2 0.25 partes latirudinis celhdarum) compositam tormantibus, superficie concava in partibus proximalibus lateralibusque pons parcis, rotundatis per cellulam instructa. Status sexualis ignotu. Plants small to moderate-sized; capitulum rounded and dense; dark brown with pm'- a plish sheen. Stem brown, Stem superficial cortical cells aporose. leaves Imgulate, 1.1-1.2 mm long, apex slightly apiculate to mostly broad and erose to lacerate, border only slightly broadened at base; hyaline cells rhomboidal and 0~1 septate. Branches more or less 5-ranked. Branch fascicles with 2 spreading and pendent branch. Branch leaves 1 mm 0.95-1.3 long, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, concave, straight to slightly subsecund, apex involute; hyaline cells on convex surface with numerous round to elliptic pores along the commissures, grading from large pores at the base to a mixture of small and tiny (2 pm, less than 0.25 cell width) at the apex, concave surfacew^ith a few large, round pores/cell lower unknown. in side regions. Sexual condition Known Distribution— only from Newfoundland, Canada. Identification— In the field beothuk looks like a very dark form of S.Juscum except 5. for its distinct purplish sheen. It s rather more robust than S.Juscum and also has 5-ranked branch which S.Juscum usually leaves, lacks. N4icroscopically however, beothuk differs 5. m tmy cleady in the pores seen mixed with more typical pores on the convex surface of Among branch known the leaf at the apex. the Aculijolia species, only the red pigmented warnstorjiilvds been noted with character S. this before. Sphagnum hummocks Ecology— beothu forms dense k similar to S.Juscu m. appears It to be a minerotrophic species and has been collected in the same mire as S.subjulvum, S. inundatum Russow, and warnstorjii. S. Ln u^ w^ L/^ Comparison Sphagnum Table of bergianum and 1. related species. cr> Characteristic bergianum S. subfulvum S. subfulvum S. ssp, subnitens S. flavicomans S. purpureum Color Dark brown with Golden-brown with Golden-brown a with Reddish-purple mixed with Brown deep a red tinge purplish gloss sonnetimes red tinge golden brown Branch 2+ fascicles, + 1-2 2+1-2 2 2+1- 1 + 1-2 2 spreading + hanging branches Branch ranking leaf Often -ranked Unranked 5 Unranked Unranked Often 5-ranked Branch shape leaf Broadly ovate Ovate Ovate Ovate to ovate-lanceolate Ovate-lanceolate Stem shape leaf riangular-Iingulate Triangular-lingulate to Triangular-lingulate Triangular to triangular- Narrowly triangular- broadly Ungulate lingulate lingulate Stem apex leaf More or less obtuse More or acute More less or acute Acute less to apiculate Acute mm to apiculate Stem leaf length in 1.15-1 25 0.9-1.3 1.3-1.4 1.3-2.7 1.5-2.0 Stem leaf hyaline 1-2 cells septate 0-1 septate 0-1 septate 0-1 septate 0-1 septate NW Distribution Newfoundland & NE and NW North urope Eurasia.W North America NE North America SC Alaska America New & Zealand ON BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22{2) 968 21 -26 21 Habit 22. Branch. 23. Stem leaves. 24. Stem leaf hyaline cells Jp/7flgA7u/r7 /?eof/?u;^. Figs. . = = lmm,22;C 0.5mm,23,25;D-30pm,24,26. hyarmecells,convexsurface.A-2mm,21;B Newfoundland. Etymohgy-Thc Beothuk are the aboriginal people of Comments, 5./i Th( "^storjii. i^ which both fuscum. Furthermore the type locality is a minerotrophic site in S.J\ and warnstorfi also occur. 5.

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