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Sir Gawain and The Green Knight edited by Ross G. Arthur In parentheses Publications Middle English Series Cambridge, Ontario 1999 95r [91r] (cid:222) i%en %e ˜ege & %e a˜˜aut wat’ ˜e˜ed at troye %e bor’ brittened &|brent to bronde’ & a˜ke’ %e tulk %at %e tr(cid:138)mes of tre˜o(cid:158) %¥ wro’t wat’ tried for his tricherie %e trewe˜t on erthe hit wat’ Ennias %e athel & his high$ kynde %at ˜i%en depreced „uinces & patro(cid:158)es bicome welne’e of al %e wele (cid:148) %e we˜t iles fro riche romulus to rome ricchis h(cid:216) ˜wy%e w(cid:160) gret bobba(cid:158)ce %at bur’e he biges vpon fyr˜t & neuenes hit his aune nome as hit now hat ticius to tu˜kan & teldes big(cid:192)nes lang#aberde (cid:148) l(cid:159)bardie lyftes vp homes wyth w(cid:192)ne & fer ou¥ %e french flod felix brut(cid:130) on mony bonkkes ful brode bretayn he ˜ette’ where werre & wrake & wonder bi ˜y%e’ hat’ wont %¥#(cid:148)ne & oft bo%e bly˜˜e &|bl(cid:158)der ful ˜kete hat’ ˜kyfted ˜(cid:192)ne Ande quen %is bretayn wat’ bigged bi %is burn rych bolde bredden %er(cid:148)ne baret %at lofden in mony turned tyme tene %at wro’ten mo ferlyes on %is folde han fallen here oft %en in any o%¥ %at ˘|wot syn %at ilk tyme bot of alle %at here bult of bretaygne k(cid:192)ges ay wat’ arthur %e hende˜t as ˘|haf herde telle 95v [91v] for %i an a(cid:158)t¥ in erde ˘|attle to ˜chawe %at a|˜elly in ˜i’t ˜(cid:159)me men hit holden & an outtrage awenture of arthure’ wond¥e’ if ’e wyl ly˜ten %is laye bot on littel quile w(cid:160) tonge ˘|˜chal telle hit as tit as ˘|(cid:148) to(cid:158) herde as hit is ˜tad & ˜token in ˜tori ˜tif & ˜tronge w(cid:160) lel lett¥es loken (cid:148) londe ˜o||hat’ ben longe %is k(cid:192)g lay at camylot vpon kryst#ma˜˜e w(cid:160) mony luflych lorde lede’ of %e be˜t rekenly of %e ro(cid:158)de table alle %o rich bre%¥ w(cid:160) rych reuel ory’t & rechles m¥%es %¥ to(cid:150)nayed tulkes by|tyme’ ful|mony ˘usted ful ˘olile %i˜e gentyle kni’tes ˜y%en kayred to %e court caroles to make for %er %e fe˜t wat’ ilyche ful fiften|dayes with alle %e mete & %e mir%e %at m(cid:144) cou%e a#vy˜e ˜uch glaumande gle glorio(cid:130) to here dere dyn vpon day da(cid:158)˜(cid:192)g on ny’tes al wat’ hap vpon he’e (cid:148) halle’ &|chambre’ with lorde’ & ladies as leue˜t h(cid:149) %o’t with all %e wele of %e worlde %ay woned %¥ ˜amen %e mo˜t kyd kny’te’ vnder kry˜t+ ˜eluen & %e louelokke˜t ladies %at eu¥ lif haden & he %e comloke˜t k(cid:192)g %at %e court haldes on ˜ille for al wat’ %is fayre folk (cid:148) her fir˜t age %e hapne˜t vnder heuen k(cid:192)g hy’e˜t m(cid:153) of||wylle hit werere now gret nye to neu(cid:144) ˜o||hardy a here (cid:153) hille wyle nw ’er wat’ ˜o ’ep %at h¡ wat’ nwe c(cid:159)men %at day doubble on %e dece wat’ %e douth ˜erued fro %e k(cid:192)g wat’ c(cid:159)men w(cid:160) kny’t+ (cid:148) to %e halle %e cha(cid:158)tre of %e chapel cheued to an|ende loude crye wat’ %er ke˜t of clerke’ & o%er 96r [92r] Nowel nayted o newe neuened ful ofte & ˜y%en riche forth r(cid:158)nen to reche honde ˜elle ’e’ed ’eres ’iftes on hi’ ’elde hem bi hond de#bated bu˜yly aboute %o giftes ladies la’ed ful loude %o’ %ay lo˜t haden & he %at wan wat’ not wrothe %(cid:160) may ’e wel trawe alle %is mir%e %ay maden to %e mete tyme when %ay had wa˜chen wor%yly %ay wenten to ˜ete %e be˜t burne ay abof as hit be˜t ˜emed whene guenore ful gay gray%ed (cid:148) %e myddes dre˜˜ed on %e dere des dubbed al aboute smal ˜endal bi˜ides a|˜elure hir ou¥ of tryed tolou˜e of tars tapites (cid:148) nogh$ in daye %at were enbrawded & beten wyth %e be˜t g(cid:145)mes %at my’t be preued of prys wyth penyes to|bye %e comloke˜t to di˜crye %er glent w(cid:160) y’en gray a ˜emloker %at eu¥ he ˜y’e soth mo’t no|mon ˜ay Bot arthure wolde not ete til al were ˜erued he wat’ ˜o ioly of his ˘oyfnes &|˜(cid:159)#|quat child gered his lif liked h(cid:216) ly’t he louied %e|la˜˜e au%¥ to|lenge lye or to longe ˜itte ˜o bi˜ied him his ’onge blod & his brayn wylde & al˜o ano%¥ maner meued h(cid:149) eke %at he %ur’ nobelay had nomen he wolde neu¥ ete vpon ˜uch a|dere day er h(cid:216) deui˜ed were of ˜(cid:159) auentur(cid:130) %(cid:192)g an vncou%e tale of ˜(cid:159) mayn m¥uayle %at he my’t trawe of of alderes of armes of o%¥ auentur(cid:130) o%¥ ˜(cid:159) ˜egg h(cid:216) bi˜o’t of ˜(cid:159) ˜iker kny’t to ˘oyne wyth h(cid:216) (cid:148) iu˜t(cid:192)g in ˘oparde to|lay lede lif for lyf leue vchon|o%¥ as fortune wolde ful˜(cid:159) h(cid:154) %e|fayrer to|haue %is wat’ k(cid:192)ges co(cid:158)tena(cid:158)ce where he (cid:148) co(cid:150)t were at vch farand fe˜t am(cid:153)g his fre meny 96v [92v] %er fore of face ˜o fere in halle he ˜ti’tle’ ˜tif (cid:148) ˜talle ful ’ep (cid:148) %at nw ’ere much mirthe he mas w(cid:160) alle Thus %¥ ˜tondes (cid:148) ˜tale %e ˜tif k(cid:192)g his ˜eluen talkkande bifore %e hy’e table of trifles ful hende there gode gawan wat’ g£y%ed gwenore bi˜yde & ag£uayn aladuremayn on %at o%¥ ˜yde ˜ittes bo%e %e k(cid:192)ges ˜ist¥ ˜(cid:158)es & ful ˜iker kni’tes Bi˜chop bawdewyn abof bigine’ %e table & ywan vryn ˜on ette|wit h(cid:216)˜eluen %i˜e were di’t on %e des & derwor%ly ˜erued & ˜i%en mony ˜iker ˜egge at %e ˜idborde’ %(cid:144) %e fir˜t cors come with crakk(cid:192)g of tr(cid:159)pes wyth mony baner ful bry’t %at %er bi|henged nwe nakryn noy˜e w(cid:160) %e noble pipes wylde werbles & wy’t wakned lote %at mony hert ful hi’e hef at her towches dayntes dryuen %er wyth of ful|dere metes foy˜o(cid:158) of %e fre˜che & on|˜o fele di˜ches %at pine to fynde %e place %e peple bi forne on clothe for to ˜ette %e|˜yluen¥ %at ˜ere ˜ewes halden ˘che lede as he loued h(cid:216)#˜elue %er laght w(cid:160) outen lo%e ay two had di˜ches twelue Good ber & bry’t wyn bo%e Now wyl i of hor ˜erui˜e ˜ay yow no| more for vch wy’e may wel wit no|wont %at %¥ were an o%¥ noy˜e ful newe ne’ed biliue %at %e lude my’t haf leue liflode to cach for vne%e wat’ %e noyce not awhyle ˜e˜ed & %e fyr˜t co(cid:150)ce (cid:148) %e co(cid:150)t kyndely ˜erued %er hales (cid:148) at %e halle dor an aghlich may˜t¥ On %e mo˜t on %e molde on me˜ure hygh$ fro %e ˜wyre to|%e ˜wange ˜o ˜ware & ˜o %ik & his lyndes & his lymes ˜o|longe & ˜o|grete 97r [93r] half etayn (cid:148) erde ˘ hope %at he were bot mon mo˜t ˘|algate m(cid:192)n h(cid:216) to bene & %at %e myrie˜t (cid:148) his muckel %at my’t ride for of bak & of bre˜t al were his bodi|˜turne bot his wombe & his wa˜t were worthily ˜male ful clene & alle his fetures fol’ande (cid:148) forme %at he hade for wonder of his hwe m(cid:144) hade ˜et (cid:148) his ˜embla(cid:158)t ˜ene he ferde as freke were fade & ou¥ al enker grene Ande al gray%ed (cid:148) grene %is gome & his wedes a ˜trayt cote ful ˜tre’t %at ˜tek on his ˜ides a|mere mantile abof men˜ked w(cid:160) (cid:148)ne w(cid:160) pelure pured apert %e pane ful clene w(cid:160) bly%e bla(cid:158)n¥ ful bry’t & his hod bo%e %at wat’ la’t fro his lokke’ & layde on his ˜chulderes heme wel haled ho˜e of %at ˜ame grene %at ˜penet on his ˜parlyr & clene ˜pures vnder of bry’t golde vpon ˜ilk bordes barred ful ryche & ˜choles vnder ˜chankes %ere %e|˜chalk rides & alle his ve˜ture uerayly wat’ clene v¥dure bo%e %e barres of his belt & o%¥ bly%e ˜tones %(cid:160) were richely rayled (cid:148) his aray clene aboutte h(cid:216) ˜elf & his ˜adel vpon ˜ilk werke’ %at were to tor for|to telle of tryfles %e halue %at were enbrauded abof wyth bryddes & fly’es with gay gaudi of grene %e golde ay (cid:148) myddes %e penda(cid:158)tes of his payttrure %e proude cropure his molaynes & alle %e metail anamayld was %(cid:144)ne %e ˜teropes %at he ˜tod on ˜tayned of %e ˜ame & his ar˜o(cid:158)’ al after & his a%el ˜turtes %at euer glem¥ed & glent al of grene ˜tones ˜ertayn %e fole %at he ferkkes on fyn of %at ilke a grene hors gret & %ikke a|˜tede ful ˜tif to ˜trayne (cid:148) brawden brydel quik 97v [93v] to %e gome he wat’ ful gayn Wel gay wat’ %is gome gered (cid:148) grene & %e here of his hed of his hors ˜wete fayre fannand fax vmbe foldes his ˜chulderes a|much berd as as a|bu˜k ou¥ his bre˜t henges %at wyth his hi’lich here %at of his hed reches wat’ eue˜ed al vmbetorne abof his elbowes %at half his armes %er vnder were halched (cid:148) %e wy˜e of a k(cid:192)ge’ capados %at clo˜es his ˜wyre %e mane of %at mayn hors much to|hit lyke wel cre˜ped & c(cid:145)med wyth knottes ful mony folden (cid:148) wyth fildore aboute %e fayre grene ay a|herle of %e here an o%¥ of golde %e tayl & his topp(cid:192)g tw(cid:192)nen of a|˜ute & bo(cid:158)den bo%e wyth a|bande of a|bry’t grene dubbed wyth ful dere ˜tone’ as %e dok la˜ted ˜y%en %rawen wyth a %wong a %warle knot alofte %er mony belle’ ful bry’t of brende golde rungen ˜uch a|fole vpon folde ne freke %at h(cid:216) rydes w(cid:160) y’e wat’ neu¥ ˜ene (cid:148) %at ˜ale wyth ˜y’t er %at tyme he loked as layt ˜o|ly’t ˜o|˜ayd al %at h(cid:216) ˜y’e hit ˜emed as no mon my’t vnd¥ his dyntte’ dry’e Whe%¥ hade he no helme ne hawbrgh nau%¥ ne no py˜an ne no plate %at pented to armes ne no ˜chafte ne no ˜chelde to|˜chwue ne to ˜myte bot (cid:148) his on honde he hade a|holyn bobbe %at is gratte˜t (cid:148) grene when greue’ ar|bare & an|ax (cid:148) his o%¥ a|hoge & vn mete a|˜petos ˜par%e to expo(cid:158) (cid:148) ˜pelle quo#˜o my’t %e hede of an eln’erde %e large lenk%e hade %e grayn al of grene ˜tele &|of golde hewen %e bit burny˜t bry’t w(cid:160) a|brod egge as wel ˜chapen to ˜chere as ˜charp ra˜ores %e ˜tele of a ˜tif ˜taf %e ˜turne hit bi grypte 98r [94r] %at wat’ wo(cid:158)den wyth yrn to %e wande’ ende & al bigrauen w(cid:160) grene (cid:148) g£c(cid:153)s werkes a|lace lapped aboute %at louked at %e hede & ˜o aft¥ %e halme halched ful ofte wyth tryed ta˜˜ele’ %erto tacched (cid:148) nogh$e on boto(cid:158)’ of %e bry’t grene brayden ful ryche %is ha%el helde’ h(cid:216) (cid:148) & %e |halle entres driuande to %e he’e dece dut he no wo%e hayl˜ed he neu¥ one bot he’e he ou¥ loked %e fyr˜t word %at he warp wher is he ˜ayd %e gou¥no(cid:150) of %is g(cid:192)g gladly ˘ wolde ray˜o(cid:158) ˜e %at ˜egg (cid:148) ˜y’t & w(cid:160) h(cid:216) ˜elf ˜peke to kny’te’ he ke˜t his y’e & reled h(cid:216) vp & do(cid:158) he ˜temmed & con ˜tudie quo walt %er mo˜t reno(cid:158) Ther wat’ lok(cid:192)g on|len%e %e lude to be#holde for vch m(cid:153) had meruayle quat hit mene my’t %at a|ha%el & a hor˜e my’t ˜uch a|hwe lach as growe grene as %e gres & grener hit ˜emed %en grene aumayl on golde lowande bry’t¥ al ˜tudied %at %¥ ˜tod & ˜talked h(cid:216) nerre wyth al %e wonder of %e worlde what he|worch ˜chulde for fele ˜ellye’ had %ay|˜en bot ˜uch neu¥ are for#|%i for fanto(cid:159) & fayry’e %e folk %ere hit demed %erfore to an˜ware wat’ ar’e mony a%el|freke & al ˜touned at his ˜teuen & ˜ton˜til ˜eten in a ˜wogh$ ˜ylence %ur’ %e|˜ale riche as al were ˜lypped vpon ˜lepe ˜o ˜laked hor lote’ (cid:148) hy’e ˘ deme hit not al|for doute bot ˜(cid:159) for cortay˜ye bot let h(cid:216) %at al ˜chulde loute ca˜t vnto %at wy’e %(cid:144)n ar%o(cid:150) bifore %e hi’ dece %at auenture byholde’ & rekenly h(cid:216) reu¥enced for rad was he neu¥ & ˜ayde wy’e welc(cid:159) iwys to %is place 98v [94v] %e hede of %is o˜tel Artho(cid:150) ˘hat li’t luflych ado(cid:158) & lenge ˘ %e praye & quat#˜o %y wylle is we|˜chal wyt aft¥ nay as help me ˇ %e ha%el he %at on hy’e ˜yttes to wone any quyle (cid:148) %is won hit wat’ not m(cid:192) ernde bot for %e los of %e lede is lyft vp ˜o|hy’e & %y bur’ & %y burnes be˜t ar holden ˜tife˜t vnder ˜tel|gere on ˜tedes to ryde %e wy’te˜t & %e wor%ye˜t of %e worldes kynde preue for|to play wyth in o%¥ pure layke’ & here is kydde cortay˜ye as ˘|haf herd carp & %at hat’ wayned me hider ˘#wyis at %is tyme ’e|may be ˜eker bi %is bra(cid:158)ch %at|˘ bere here %at ˘ pa˜˜e as (cid:148) pes & no ply’t ˜eche for had i fo(cid:158)ded (cid:148) fere (cid:148) fe’t(cid:192)g wy˜e ˘ haue a|haubergh$ at home & a|helme bo%e a|˜chelde & a|˜charp ˜pere ˜chinande bry’t ande o%¥ weppenes to welde ˘|wene wel als bot for ˘| wolde no were my wede’ ar ˜oft¥ bot if %¢ be ˜o bold as alle burne’ tellen %¢ wyl g£nt me godly %e gomen %at ˘|a˜k bi ry’t artho(cid:150) con on˜ware & ˜ayd (cid:236) cortays kny’t if %¢ craue batayl bare here fayle’ %¢ not to fy’t Nay fray˜t ˘|no fy’t (cid:148)|fayth ˘ %e telle hit arn aboute on %is bench bot berdle’ chylder if ˘ were ha˜ped (cid:148) armes on a|he’e ˜tede here is no mon me to mach for my’te’ ˜o wayke for %y ˘|craue (cid:148) %is co(cid:150)t a|cry˜temas go(cid:181)e for hit is ’ol & nwe ’er & here ar ’ep mony if any ˜o hardy (cid:148) %is ho(cid:130) holde’ h(cid:216) ˜eluen be ˜o bolde (cid:148) his blod brayn (cid:148)|hys hede %at dar ˜tifly ˜trike a|˜trok for an|o%¥ ˘|˜chal gif h(cid:216) of my gyft %ys gi˜erne ryche %is ax %at is heue (cid:148) nogh to hondel as h(cid:216) lykes 99r [95r] & i|˜chal bide %e fyr˜t bur as bare as i|˜itte if any freke be ˜o felle to fonde %at ˘telle lepe ly’tly me to & lach %is weppen ˘ quit#clayme hit for eu¥ kepe hit as his auen & ˘|˜chal ˜tonde h(cid:216) a ˜trok ˜tif on %is flet barlay elle’ %¢ wyl|di’t me %e dom to dele h(cid:216) an o%¥ & ’et gif h(cid:216) re˜pite a twelmonyth & a|day now hy’e & let ˜e tite dar any her (cid:148)ne o’t ˜ay If he hem ˜towned vpon fyr˜t ˜tiller were %(cid:137)ne alle %e hered#men (cid:148) halle %e hy’ & %e lo’e %e renk on his ro(cid:158)ce h(cid:216) ruched (cid:148) his ˜adel & runi˜chly his rede y’en he reled aboute bende his bre˜ed bro’e’ blycande grene Wayued his berde for|to wayte quo#˜o wolde ry˜e when non wolde kepe h(cid:216) w(cid:160) carp he co’ed ful hy’e ande rimed h(cid:216) ful rich´y & ry’t h(cid:216) to ˜peke what is %is arthures ho(cid:130) ˇ %e ha%el %(cid:144)ne %at al %e ro(cid:130) r(cid:144)nes of %ur’ ryalmes ˜o mony Where is now yo(cid:150) ˜o(cid:150)quydrye & yo(cid:150) c(cid:153)que˜tes yo(cid:150) gry ellayk & yo(cid:150) greme & yo(cid:150) grete wordes now is %e reuel & %e reno(cid:158) of %e ro(cid:158)de table ou¥ walt wyth a worde of on wy’es ˜peche for al|dares for|drede w(cid:160) oute dynt ˜chewed wyth %is he la’es ˜o|loude %at %e lorde greued %e blod ˜chot for ˜cham (cid:148)to his ˜chyre face & lere he|wex as wroth as wynde ˜o did alle %at %er were %e k(cid:192)g as kene bi kynde %(cid:144) ˜tod %at ˜tif mon nere Ande ˜ayde ha%el by heuen %(cid:192) a˜k(cid:192)g is nys & as %¢ foly hat’ fray˜t fynde %e behoues ˘know no gome %at is ga˜t of %y grete wordes gif me now %y ge˜erne vpon|gode’ halue & ˘ ˜chal bay%en %y bone %at %¢ boden habbes

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