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Publ.Mat.54(2010), 263–315 SINGULARITY THEORY AND FORCED SYMMETRY BREAKING IN EQUATIONS Jacques-Elie Furter , Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas , and ∗ † Angela Maria Sitta ‡ Abstract Atheoryofbifurcationequivalenceforforcedsymmetrybreaking bifurcationproblemsisdeveloped. Weclassify(O(2),1)problems ofcorank2oflowcodimensionanddiscussexamplesofbifurcation problemsleadingtosuchsymmetrybreaking. 1. Introduction The importance of symmetries in understanding and influencing bi- furcation problems has been recognised basically since the beginning of bifurcation theory. Symmetries influence bifurcation problems via two broad classes of mechanisms: spontaneous symmetry breaking, • forced (or induced) symmetry breaking. • Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs when the symmetry of the equationsisconstant whereassolutionsbifurcateandlose(orgain)inter- nalsymmetry as the parametersvary. Fromthe many problems leading to bifurcation equations with spontaneous symmetry breaking,we men- tionforlaterreference,theanalysisofthebehaviourofanhomogeneous, isotropicelastic cube under uniform traction(its symmetry groupis the permutation group S , see [20]) or the bifurcation of periodic orbits in 3 autonomous systems (its symmetry group for the non-resonant degen- erate Hopf bifurcation is the rotation group S1, see [19]). A singularity theoryapproachtothelocalstudyofthebifurcationdiagrams,basedon 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 37G40, 37G05,58K40,58K70. Keywords. Singularitytheory,bifurcation,forcedsymmetrybreaking. ∗PartiallysupportedbyCCInt-USP andFUNDUNESP-UNESP. †PartiallysupportedbyCNPq,FAPESPandCAPES. ‡PartiallysupportedbyFAPESPandCAPES. 264 J.-E. Furter, M. A. Soares Ruas, A. M. Sitta equivariant contact equivalence, has been developed by Golubitsky and Schaeffer ([19], [20]). The original set-up is as follows. 1.1. Singularity Theory for Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking. First, because such analysis is local, it is sensible to consider germs at the origin to be able to state results that will persist on any neigh- bourhoodof the origin. A germ of a function arounda point x is an 0 equivalence class when two functions are identified if they coincide in a neighbourhoodof that point. We use the notation f: (Rn,x ) Rm to 0 → denote the germ of f around x . To make sense of equations like f =0, 0 when f: (Rn,x ) Rm, we define germs of sets, or germs of vari- 0 → eties,atx usingthesameidentificationprocessasforgermoffunctions 0 at x . Let Γ be a compact group acting on Rn and Rm, we say that 0 f: (Rn,0) (Rm,0) is Γ-equivariant, resp. Γ-invariant, if f(γx) = γf(x),resp→.f(γx)=f(x), x (Rn,0), γ Γ. Abifurcation germ with l parameters is a germ∀ f∈: (Rn+l,0)∀ ∈(Rm,0). Its bifurcation diagram is its zero-setf 1(0). LetΓ be a→compactgroupacting onRn − and Rm, trivially on parameters, two Γ-equivariant bifurcation germs (withonedistinguishedbifurcationparameter)f,g: (Rn+1,0) (Rm,0) → arebifurcation,or Γ,equivalentifthereexistΓ-equivariantchanges Kλ of coordinates (T,X,L) such that (1.1) f(x,λ)=T(x,λ)g(X(x,λ),L(λ)), where T(x,λ) is an invertible matrix and (X,L) a local diffeomorphism around the origin. Note the special role of λ which means that λ-slices of the bifurcation diagrams of f and g are diffeomorphic via (X,L). The use of singularity theory leads to a systematic understanding and systematic calculation of the relative roles of the different terms of a bifurcationgerm, and, via the notion of miniversalunfolding, of its per- turbations. The theory based on (1.1) established itself for the local study of bifurcation germs, giving efficient algebraic calculations to es- tablish classificationsof normal forms, special polynomialmembers of the orbits under bifurcation equivalence, and their miniversal defor- mations, perturbations of the normal forms with the minimal number of parameters necessary to represent all possible perturbations modulo changes of co-ordinates. Given a bifurcation germ f, the key algebraic ingredient of the theory is the extended tangent space of f, denoted by Γ(f). It has a so-calledmixed module structure because it is the TeKλ sum of a module generated over the ring of Γ-invariant germs in (x,λ) and of a module generated over germs in λ only. An important number Forced Symmetry Breaking 265 associatedwith f is the codimensionof Γ(f) as a vectorsubspace of thespaceofΓ-equivariantmaps. ItiscaTlleeKdλthe KΓ-codimensionoff, λ denoted by Γ-cod(f). When Γ-cod(f) is finite, f is Γ-equivalent Kλ Kλ Kλ to a polynomial normal form and has a miniversal unfolding with Γ- Kλ cod(f) parameters, formed using a basis a complement of Γ(f) in TeKλ the space of Γ-equivariant bifurcation maps, the normal space of f, denoted by Γ(f). NeKλ 1.2. Forced Symmetry Breaking. Inthesecondmechanism,thatofforcedsymmetrybreaking,thesym- metriesofthe equationschange when someparametersareswitchedon. For example, in the elastic cube problem, the traction load distribution could change first to remain equal only on two opposite faces before losing any symmetry with a second additional parameter. The forced symmetry breaking is then S Z 1 (with one, then two additional 3 2 → → parameters coming into play, see [13]). Therearemanyotherbucklingproblemsinelasticityexhibitingforced symmetry breaking because there is often an interaction between the internal symmetries of the material, the geometry of the object and of the externally applied forces. An example is the work of Pierce [31] on the bifurcation of straight circular rods subject to an axially symmetric compressive load and perturbations by additional loads breaking the axial symmetry. In previous works on prismatic rods, like in [3], the typical diagrams are to be found in the miniversal unfolding of the non degeneratedoublecuspbecausethesymmetrygroupisfinite. Whenthe rodiscircularthedoublecuspisdegeneratebecausetheactingsymmetry groupisnowO(2)andsotheproblemhasnominiversalunfoldingwithin the classical theory. Similarly, the forcing of an autonomous equation u¨+q(u,λ) = 0 by either a T-periodic function p, like in the following model problem (1.2) u¨+q(u,λ)+µp(t)=0, ornonlinearboundaryconditionsofthetype(g ,g are(nonlocal)non 1 2 linear functions of u): u(0) u(1)=µg (u,λ,µ), u˙(0) u˙(1)=µg (u,λ,µ), 1 2 − − gives rise to a bifurcation problem with the forced symmetry break- ing O(2) 1 near the values of λ where the linear mode of the au- → tonomous part is of period-T also. We can extend the symmetry break- ing bifurcation for any pair of compact subgroups ∆ Γ O(2), by ⊂ ⊂ considering a generalisation of the differential equation (1.2) with time 266 J.-E. Furter, M. A. Soares Ruas, A. M. Sitta periodic terms g (nonlinear) and p with rationally dependent periods (see [17] for a classical analysis). 1.3. Main Results. A special version of bifurcation equivalence, stronger than (1.1), is called for to classify systematically the bifurcation germs and their un- foldings arising in forced symmetry breaking problems. 1.3.1. Section 2: abstract theory. In Section 2, we present a general theory of unfoldings, finite de- terminacy and the recognition problem for forced symmetry breaking bifurcation germs of the type f: (Rn R R,0) (Rn,0), (x,λ,µ) f(x,λ,µ), × × → 7→ where f is Γ-equivariant when µ = 0 and ∆-equivariant when µ = 0, 6 for ∆ a closed subgroup of Γ. The essential part of the theory was ad- vanced in [18] but not much action was taken on it, the main theory drifting instead towards the very rich field of spontaneous symmetry breaking. But, fundamentally, Damon in [8] adapted his general frame- worktoclearthewayfortheabstracttheorytoworksuccessfullyinthat case. So, we may write (1.3) f(x,λ,µ)=f (x,λ)+µf (x,λ,µ) 1 2 with f Γ-equivariant and f ∆-equivariant. A first approach to study 1 2 such problems, is to view f as a perturbation of f in the ∆ -theory, 1 K(λ,µ) the bifurcation equivalence of ∆-equivariant maps with two bifurcation parameters (λ,µ). In general that approach fails. For instance, when Γ and ∆ have different dimensions, the ∆ -codimension of f is not K(λ,µ) 1 finite (even when Γ is finite, it may fail). So, the group of change of coordinates Γ,∆ we define in Section 2.3 will have the property that K(λ,µ) (T,X,L)isΓ-equivariantwhenµ=0,butonly∆-equivariantwhenµ= 6 0. This(Γ,∆)-equivariantstructureofthegroupofcontactequivalences will be transported to the tangent spaces (see Section 2.3.4). They are modules over Γ-invariant functions when µ = 0 and over ∆-invariant functions when µ = 0. This is unusual but, in his general framework, 6 Damon did define in [8] the necessary extended concepts to deal with the new situation. ThefirstpointistomakesurethataversionofthePreparationTheo- remapplies. Asaconsequence,wecanworkwiththealgebraicstructure of the tangent spaces. For the usual theory of Γ-equivalence, the ring Kλ of invariant functions has a structure of differentiable DA-algebra (see Forced Symmetry Breaking 267 Section 2.2), and so the Preparation Theorem holds true. When Γ is a continuous Lie group and ∆ is finite, our rings of invariant functions will not be DA-algebras, but Damon showed that the main properties of DA-algebras can be extended to this situation of so-called extended DA-algebras. InCorollary2.2wegiveanexplicitcriterionweusetotest if the rings of invariants under consideration are actually DA-algebras. In a second step, we look into the structure of our group of contact equivalences Γ,∆ andthe tangentspaces. InSection 2.3 we show that K(λ,µ) Γ,∆ decomposesintothreesubgroups: Kˆ(Γ,∆), Mˆ(Γ,∆)andSˆ(Γ,∆). K(λ,µ) When Γ is continuous and ∆ is finite, for instance, each subgroup add a non trivial contribution to the extended tangent space of Γ,∆ . In K(λ,µ) Section 2.3.5 we show that Γ,∆ is a geometric subgroup of (con- K(λ,µ) K tactequivalences), hence it satisfies the abstracttheorems of Damon[8] about miniversal unfoldings and finite determinacy. We show in The- orem 2.7 that the explicit description of Γ,∆ in [18] corresponds to K(λ,µ) the best possible situation, because its extended tangent space contains the extended tangent space of any other geometric subgroupof fixing K globally the Γ-equivariant maps when µ=0. Finally, we discuss topological Γ,∆ -equivalence where the changes K(λ,µ) ofco-ordinates(T,X,L)areonlycontinuous,notsmooth,germs. InSec- tion 2.5, we summarise the results of Damon [10], [11] we need. Topo- logical equivalence is more efficient in our context, because it preserves the topological properties of the bifurcation germs and their (smooth) miniversal unfoldings. Our smooth normal forms and their smooth miniversal unfoldings have many moduli (parameters without topologi- cal significance). They appear because the geometry of the bifurcation diagrams is intricate (see Figure 4). As most two parameter situations, the Γ,∆ -equivalence preservesthe respective positionof the regionsof K(λ,µ) theparameterplanewithadifferentzerostructure. Inourcasetheonly one dimensional slice to be preserved is f1−1(0), when µ=0. 1.3.2. Section3: (O(2),1)-symmetrybreakingclassification. As an example, we classify (O(2),1)-symmetry breaking problems. Although we stop at topological codimension 1, we still have germs of highsmoothcodimensionwithanintricateregionstructureforthezero- set (see Figure 4 in Section 4, for instance) because the normal forms can have many moduli parameters (parameters invariant under smooth Γ,∆ -equivalence). In Theorem 3.4 (about topological Γ,∆ -equiva- K(λ,µ) K(λ,µ) lence)weshowthatthereare3normalformsuptotopologicalcodimen- 268 J.-E. Furter, M. A. Soares Ruas, A. M. Sitta sion 1. They all satisfy f (0,0,0) = 0, and their smooth codimension 2 6 vary from 0 to 4 as shown in Theorem 3.5 (about smooth Γ,∆ -equiv- K(λ,µ) alence). We believe that we have a complete list up to topological codimen- sion 2, adding 4 more normal forms, but we cannot fully prove it at present, so we simply mention that list as a remark following Theo- rem 3.4. Interestingly, one normal form has f (0,0,0) = 0. Note that 2 the highest smooth codimension of those germs can reach is 12. As a consequence of our computations of the tangent spaces, the list of the (Z ,1)-symmetry breaking germs f in one dimension, that is, f(y,λ)= 2 f (y2,λ)y+µf (y,λ,µ), isbasicallythe sameasthe(O(2),1)-classifica- 1 2 tionlistwhenf (0,0,0)=0. Nevertheless,thestabilitypropertiesofthe 2 6 solutions are different (see [12]). In the corank two case, the symmetry breaking term selects only one stable solution from the O(2)-orbit. In theonedimensionalcase,theobviousobstructionsfromtheunstableso- lutionsmeanthatthestabilitypropertiesofthepairsofsolutionsremain unchanged. 1.3.3. Section 4: (O(2),1)-symmetry breaking bifurcation dia- grams. In this section, we look at the bifurcation diagrams for the (O(2),1)- symmetry breaking bifurcation germs f we classified in Theorem 3.4, cases I , II and III. In Figure 2 of Section 4.2.1, we give a simple illus- 0 tration on a potential dynamics of what happen when orbits of steady states are destroyed by the perturbation of the miniversal unfolding of caseI . Moregenerally,wedescribetheregionsofparameterspace(λ,µ) 0 where the zero set structure of f is invariant, including the stability of the solution with respect to the sign of the eigenvalues of the linearisa- tion of f. They are portrayed in Figures 1, 3 and 4, respectively. For bifurcation equivalent germs, those regions are diffeomorphic but the only one dimensional slice preserved is µ=0. 1.3.4. Section 5: examples. In the finalsection we describe examples leading to bifurcation equa- tions satisfyingour framework. Our results arereadily applicableto the bifurcation of period-2π solutions of u¨+u+uq(u,λ)+µp(t,u,u˙,λ,µ)=0 where p is 2π-periodic in t and q(0,0) = 0. This example is technically easy to manipulate. As it is well-known, when π p(t,0)eitdt = 0, | π | 6 the symmetry breaking term selects a pair of soluRt−ions (that is, selects Forced Symmetry Breaking 269 a phase shift) from the O(2)-orbit, keeping only one solution possibly stable. In that case the problem reduces to the corank one symmetry breaking (Z ,1). 2 Another problemis concernedwith the problemof contactresistance in homogeneous metal rings obtained from welding the end points of a piece of metal. Usually the joining is not perfect and give rise to some ‘contact resistance’ to heat conduction. This resistance is characterised by a continuous gradient of the temperature across the join (the mate- rial is the same across the join on the left and the right) and a loss of temperature at first approximation proportional to its gradient. More explicitly,ifthepieceofmetalis[0,1],thesimplestboundaryconditions are (1.4) u(0) u(1)=µu˙(1) and u˙(1)=u˙(0). − The boundary conditions are periodic if µ=0 and have no symmetries when µ = 0. Combined with an autonomous non linear heat equation 6 theygiverisetoaforced(O(2),1)-symmetrybreaking(see[34]and[29]). Another type of problems are reaction-diffusion equations. Let u be the density of a population living in the unit disk. Suppose u satisfies a parametrised semilinear parabolic equation (1.5) u =∆u+g(u,u¯,λ)+µp(x,y,u,u¯,λ,µ) t subject to non-flux boundary conditions ∂u =0 on the unit circle. The ∂n termu¯representsanonlocalcontributionoftheaverageddensityu¯(t)= 1 u(s,t)ds. Under the hypotheses of Section 4,(1.5) has a constant Ω Ω s|te|aRdystatewhichloosesstabilitywitha2-Dkernelforthelinearisation. For general p, the resulting bifurcation equation fits our framework. As anexampleof(Z ,1)-symmetrybreaking,takeagenericthinrectangular 2 plate under a uniform compression along its boundary. Apply a generic normal load distribution and use the von K´arm´an approximation for the buckling equations (see [36]). The unperturbed equations have a Z -symmetry, destroyed by the perturbing load distribution. 2 1.4. Comments and Some Related Work. 1.4.1. Variational problems. Bifurcation equations in elasticity are often the gradients of some parametrisedfunctional (see [31]). Bifurcation equivalences do not pre- serve in general the gradient structure, but they still induce an equiva- lence relation on the set of gradient bifurcation germs and their unfold- ings. Atheoryusingapathformulationhasbeendevelopedin[2],butit 270 J.-E. Furter, M. A. Soares Ruas, A. M. Sitta is not clear how to extend those ideas to the (O(2),1)-symmetry break- ing,butnomorepowerfultheoryisneededhere. Ournormalforms(with caseI forsomevaluesofitsmoduli)andtheirminiversalunfoldingsare 2 already gradients. If any other gradient bifurcation germ satisfies the recognition conditions, then it is bifurcation equivalent to the represen- tative normal form, which is a gradient. Moreover, the same applies to the miniversal unfoldings that are also gradients. This means that the classification of gradient problems mirrors the general classification. 1.4.2. Symmetries on parameters. Forced symmetry breaking arises also when some symmetries are re- tained by the parameters(see [15]). A typical example is when we have a non trivial ‘diagonal’ action of Γ on the space of (x,λ), γ (γx,γλ). 7→ Inthatcasethetheoryinthispaperisnotnecessary. Thegeneralstruc- ture of the problem remains ‘classical’ because the invariants form a DA-algebra (see [15]). But, if we combine both ideas: some symme- try is lost, some is retained by the parameters when they are switched on, we get a theory which is still contained into the abstract frame- work we describe here because the invariants still form a DA-algebra. When combined with the symmetry breaking terms, we have a struc- ture of extended DA-algebras for the invariants. More explicitly, the problemsrepresentedby the functions f(x,λ,µ)=f (x,λ)+f (x,λ,µ), 1 2 with f (γx,γλ) = γf (x,λ) and f (δx,δλ,δµ) = δf (x,λ,µ), fall into a 1 1 2 2 similar framework. 1.4.3. Bifurcations from orbits of solutions under perturba- tions. Somepreviousworkhavebeenconcernedwiththesymmetryofbifur- cating solutions of (1.3). In the Γ-equivariant situation one can some- times show that all bifurcating solutions have at least isotropy ∆ for some subgroup ∆ Γ (see [36] for an abstract analysis). An example ⊂ of such analysis is the generalised Duffing’s equation (see [22], [23]) (1.6) u¨+u+uq(u,λ)+µp(t)=0 where q(0,0) = 0 and p is an even 2π-periodic function. One can then show that all solutions of (1.6) are also even. Similar results hold when q is an odd function and p is odd in time. Systematic approaches can be traced back to Vanderbauwhede [35] andLauterbachandRoberts[26],givingrisetoHouandGolubitsky[25] (see Chapter 10 of [6] for a more recent discussion). The bifurcation from Γ-orbits of solutions is studied when a ∆-equivariant perturbation Forced Symmetry Breaking 271 isappliedtothe originalΓ-equivariantequations. Forinstance,asimple example in tune with previous example is the equation u¨ + q(u,λ)+ µh(t,u,u˙)=0whenhis2π-periodicintandu¨+q(u)=0hasnontrivial periodic orbits (see [36] and [4]). More generally, there has been more recently interest about the effect of forced symmetry breaking on the dynamics around some special solutions, invariant manifolds (Galante and Rodrigues [17], Chillingworth and Lauterbach [5], Comanici [7], Parker et al. [30] to mention but a few). In these papers, somewhat differenttechniquesareused, linkedwith equivariantdifferentialgeome- try. A complete unfolding of the underlying singularity near bifurcation is difficult. However, in this paper, we are able to provide just such analysis. 2. General Theory In this section we present a generaltheory of unfoldings, finite deter- minacy and the recognition problem for the bifurcation problems with forcedsymmetrybreaking. Themainideasanddefinitionsweresketched in[18] and[8]. Here we give a full, carefulandorganisedaccountof the theory with some extended results. This needs many ingredients with many definitions and results. The abstract theory of Damon [8] works with modules over systems of rings that are DA-algebras. In general, the ring of forced symmetry breaking invariant functions has only the structureofanextended DA-algebra. InCorollary2.2wegiveacriterion we use to test if an extended DA-algebra is actually a DA-algebra. In that case we do not need any extension of the abstract theory. On the contrary,likeforthe(O(2),1)-symmetrybreaking,anextendedtheoryis required. InSection2.3,wediscussthestructureofthegroupofbifurca- tionequivalence Γ,∆ wearegoingtouse. Itrequiresthecompositionof K(λ,µ) anyfinitestringofelementsofthreesubgroups. Onesubgroup,Kˆ(Γ,∆), is natural, the two others, Mˆ(Γ,∆) and Sˆ(Γ,∆), are more surprising. In Lemma 2.4 we show that the order of the elements is irrelevant: we can always recombine any string as 3 elements, one in each subgroup. The group Γ,∆ is a geometricsubgroupin the sense of [8] overan ad- K(λ,µ) equately ordered extended system of DA-algebras. To characterise the tangent spaces we calculate the unusual contributions of Sˆ(Γ,∆) and Mˆ(Γ,∆) in Lemmas 2.5 and 2.6, respectively. In Theorem 2.7 we show that the tangent space of any other group of equivalence respecting the forced symmetry breaking structure cannot be larger than the tangent space of Γ,∆ , indicating that the choices of Sˆ(Γ,∆) and Mˆ(Γ,∆) are K(λ,µ) 272 J.-E. Furter, M. A. Soares Ruas, A. M. Sitta optimal. InSection2.4westatethemainresultswecandeducefromthe abstract theory of [8] about the unfolding (Theorem 2.8) and determi- nacy(Theorem2.9)theoriesfor Γ,∆ . Finally,mostnormalformshave K(λ,µ) moduli for the smooth equivalence and so we use the topological equiv- alence theory of [10], [11] to regroup orbits of the smooth classification into classes with equivalent topologicalbehaviour. The main results are stated in Theorems 2.13 and 2.14. 2.1. Notation and Preliminary Definitions. Thestatevariableisx (Rn,0)andthedistinguishedbifurcationpa- rametersare(λ,µ) (R2,∈0). Thederivativesaredenotedby subscripts, ∈ f for ∂f,... and the superscripto denotes the value of any function at x ∂x theorigin,fo =f(0),fo =f (0),... . Let denotethe ringofsmooth germs f: (Rn,0) R axnd x its maximaElxideal. For y Rm, let x x,y denote the -mo→dule of smMooth germs g: (Rn,0) Rm,∈and Ethe x x,y E → M submodule of germs vanishing at the origin. When y is clear from the context,wedenote by ~ and by ~ . Whenwewouldliketo x,y x x,y x E E M M emphasiseonly the dimensionof the source we denote , by , , x y n m E E E E etc. To represent invariant and equivariant germs in terms of invariant polynomials, it is convenient to use the following concept. Let X, Y, Z be sets, f: X Y, g: Z Y, h: X Z be maps, f is the pullback → → → of g by h, denoted by f =h g, if f(x)=g(h(x)), x X. ∗ ∀ ∈ LetGL(n) be the groupofallinvertiblen n-realmatricesandO(n) × the n-dimensional orthogonal group. Let Γ be a compact Lie group acting on Rn via an orthogonalrepresentationρ: Γ O(n). We denote → byΓ theconnectedcomponentoftheidentityinΓ,identifyγ withρ(γ), 0 γ Γ, and denote by γ the action on Rn induced by ρ. We denote by ∀ ∈ GL (n) the group M GL(n) : Mγ = γM, γ Γ of Γ-equivariant Γ { ∈ ∀ ∈ } matricesinGL(n)andby o(n)itsconnectedcomponentoftheidentity. LΓ 2.1.1. Invariant functions. Let Γ be the ring of smooth Γ-invariantgerms h: (Rn+1,0) R, E(x,λ) → h(γx,λ) = h(x,λ), γ Γ, and Γ its maximal ideal. Because ∀ ∈ M(x,λ) Γ does not act on λ, there exists a finite set of Γ-invariant polynomials u¯ (x) r such that any element h Γ can be written as the pull- { i }i=1 ∈E(x,λ) back by u¯=(u¯ ,...,u¯ ,λ) of a function of u=(u ,...,u ) and λ, that 1 r 1 r is, Γ = u¯ [33]. Similarly, for a closed subgroup ∆ Γ, we E(x,λ) ∗E(u,λ) ⊂ define ∆ as the ring of ∆-invariant germs h: (Rn+2,0) R which E(x,λ,µ) → is the pullback by the ∆-invariant generators v¯ = (v¯ ,...,v¯ ,λ,µ) of a 1 s germ of v = (v ,...,v ), λ and µ, that is, ∆ = v¯ . Finally, 1 s E(x,λ,µ) ∗E(v,λ,µ)

Publ. Mat. 54 (2010), 263–315 SINGULARITY THEORY AND FORCED SYMMETRY BREAKING IN EQUATIONS Jacques-Elie Furter∗, Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas†, and
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