Single photons in an imperfect array of beam-splitters: Interplay between percolation, backscattering and transient localization C. M. Chandrashekar,1,∗ S. Melville,2 and Th. Busch1 1Quantum Systems Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Okinawa, Japan 2The Queen’s College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Photons in optical networks can be used in multi-path interferometry and various quantum infor- mation processing and communication protocols. Large networks, however, are often not free from defects, which can appear randomly between the lattice sites and are caused either by production faultsordeliberateintroduction. Inthisworkwepresentnumericalsimulationsofthebehaviourof asinglephotoninjectedintoaregularlatticeofbeam-splittingcomponentsinthepresenceofdefects that cause perfect backward reflections. We find that the photon dynamics is quickly dominated bythebackscatteringprocesses,andasmallfractionofreflectorsinthepathsofthebeam-splitting arraystronglyaffectsthepercolationprobabilityofthephoton. Wecarefullyexaminesuchsystems 4 andshowaninterestinginterplaybetweentheprobabilitiesofpercolation,backscatteringandtem- 1 porary localization. We also discuss the sensitivity of these probabilities to lattice size, timescale, 0 injection point, fraction of reflectors and boundary conditions. 2 r p I. INTRODUCTION there is a non-trivial tradeoff between the probabilities A for localization, percolation, and backscattering. 1 Our presentation is organised as follows. In sectionII Recent developments in experimental techniques have we define the dynamics of a photon in a completely con- allowed the realisation and study of many complex pho- ] nected array of beam-splitters and in sectionIII we sim- h tonicsystemssuchasmultipath,multiphotoninterferom- ulate the dynamics in the presence of a number of reflec- p eters that exhibit high fidelity quantum interference[1– tors between adjacent beam-splitters. We then calculate - t 6]. This stems from, and also stimulates, a great deal of the probabilities of percolation, backscattering and tem- n interestinusingphotonsasinformationcarriersforvari- a porarylocalizationandconcludewithadiscussionofthe ousquantuminformationprocessingandcommunication u results in sectionIV. q protocols[7–13]. However, buildingthelargeopticalnet- [ works for photon propagation required by some of these protocols is not an easy task and imperfections in the 3 II. PHOTON PROPAGATION IN A REGULAR coupling between different sections of a network can ap- v ARRAY OF BEAM-SPLITTERS pear. It is therefore important to discuss and simulate 0 0 simple toy models of single photon propagation in an ir- A photon incident on a beam-splitter can be written 6 regulararrayofbeam-splitters,inordertoachieveabet- as the Fock state |n ,n ,n ,n (cid:105). For a single photon, 1 terunderstandingofhowproposedlargeopticalnetworks a b c d 1. might behave in practice. na + nb + nc + nd = 1 with each n being an integer and the indices a,b,c,d specifying the four beam-splitter 0 Here we present a numerical study of the behaviour of arms. Infigure1(a)weshowaschematicofaphotonim- 4 a single photon injected into a regular lattice of beam pinging on a beam-splitter and indicate the correspond- 1 : splitting components (modelling the network), in which ing transmitting and reflecting paths. In figure1(b) we v weallowforperfectreflectionstooccurbetweenacertain definethefourarmsofthebeam-splitterasa,b,c,andd i X fractionofthelatticesites(modellingthesystemdefects, and indicate the corresponding Fock states for a photon oranintentionalfeatureofthenetwork). Thoughthethe travelling in one of the associated modes. This allows to r a presence of the reflectors introduces irregular paths for define annihilation operators aˆ,ˆb,cˆ,dˆ, such that photon propagation, the operation at each lattice site is considered to be an ideal lossless beam-splitter, where aˆ|1000(cid:105)=|0000(cid:105), aˆ†|0000(cid:105)=|1000(cid:105) (1) the input and output operators are related by a uni- [aˆ,aˆ†]=1; [aˆ,ˆb]=[aˆ,cˆ]=[aˆ,dˆ]=0, (2) tarytransformation. Wefindthatthephotonisconfined withinalatticeofsizeN×N overtimescalesproportional to N, but that these vary considerably with factors such andanalogouslyfortheotherthreeoperators(ˆb,cˆ,dˆ)cor- astheinjectionpointandtheboundaryconditionsofthe responding to the remaining three indices (nb,nc,nd). lattice, which we choose as either reflective or absorp- Thus the action of a beam-splitter on a photon may be tive. This allows for temporary localization of the pho- regarded as the action of the effective Hamiltonian ton within the lattice network and, as time progresses, 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) H = √ aˆ†−iˆb† aˆ+ √ ˆb†−iaˆ† ˆb 2 2 (3) 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) + √ cˆ†−idˆ† cˆ+ √ dˆ†−icˆ† dˆ, ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] 2 2 2 FIG. 1: (a) Schematic of a beam-splitter (BS) with the out- putpaths(reflectedandtransmitted)indicatedforoneofthe possibleinputstates. (b)Allpossiblephotonmodesoutgoing from the beam-splitter. In the percolation direction the in- put state |1000(cid:105) leads to the output states |1000(cid:105) and |0100(cid:105) FIG.2: Schematicofanarrayofbeam-splittersarrangedina and the input state |0100(cid:105) leads to |0100(cid:105) and |1000(cid:105). In the squarelatticewithdetectors(D)atallpossibleoutputports, backscattering direction the input state |0010(cid:105) leads to the which register the photon once it has moved through the ar- output states |0010(cid:105) and |0001(cid:105) and the input state |0001(cid:105) ray. The small graph at the right hand side indicates the leads to |0001(cid:105) and |0010(cid:105) possible paths for a photon entering in |1000(cid:105). wherethefactorofiaccountsforaphaseshiftofπduring beam-splittersasunity,thetotalprobabilityforthepho- reflection. tontoreachanedgeofalatticeofsizeN×N isP(t)=0 We will now consider an array of beam-splitters, each for t≤N, P(t)=1 for t>2N and 0≤P(t)≤1 for any positioned at the vertices of a square lattice and la- time N <t<2N. belled by (x,y) (see figure2). Initially, a single pho- ton is injected at (x,y) = (1,1) in state |1000(cid:105) and we can describe its dynamics using the product basis |n ,n ,n ,n (cid:105)⊗H , where H is the position Hilbert III. PHOTON PROPAGATION IN AN ARRAY a b c d x,y x,y OF BEAM-SPLITTERS WITH BACKWARD space. Therefore, the initial state at the injection point REFLECTORS as shown in figure2 will be given by |Ψ(t=0)(cid:105)=|1000(cid:105)⊗|x=1,y =1(cid:105). (4) Backward reflection and loss of photons between the lattice site are two of the most fundamental processes The action of the beam-splitting operator, which acts that can affect the forward propagation of a photon in only on the Fock state |na,nb,nc,nd(cid:105) and leaves the po- an array of beam-splitting components. In this section sition states unchanged, will be H (equation(3)), and we will discuss the additional effects that appear when a the evolution of the position state is given by the shift certainnumberofbackwardreflectorsareintroducedinto operation the path. While the results are specific to the setup, the treatmentwepresentcanserveasageneralframeworkfor (cid:88) S = |1000(cid:105)(cid:104)1000|⊗|x+1,y(cid:105)(cid:104)x,y| other forms of irregularities in the path of the photons. (x,y) In figure3 we show the effect a reflector, positioned +|0100(cid:105)(cid:104)0100|⊗|x,y+1(cid:105)(cid:104)x,y| (5) between two beam-splitters, has on the path of a photon and in figure4 a schematic of an array of beam-splitters +|0010(cid:105)(cid:104)0010|⊗|x−1,y(cid:105)(cid:104)x,y| interspersed with a number of reflectors is given. In or- +|0001(cid:105)(cid:104)0001|⊗|x,y−1(cid:105)(cid:104)x,y|. der to model the effect of perfect reflection at the beam- splitters, we consider the initial state at the injection Hence the successive action of H and S on the product point to be given by equation(4). Note that for sym- state|n ,n ,n ,n (cid:105)⊗|x,y(cid:105)advancesthesystemonetime a b c d metry reasons the results obtained below also hold for step, andaftertstepsthestateofthephotonisgivenby a photon initially entering in mode |0100(cid:105). For all com- |Ψ(t)(cid:105)=[S(H ⊗1)]t|Ψ(t=0)(cid:105). (6) pletely connected vertices the Hamiltonian H is given in equation(3) and can be written as, In this regular evolution the photon will never be scat- tered into the modes |0010(cid:105) and |0001(cid:105) therefore it can 1 −i 0 0 aˆ† only exit at the upper and right-hand side edges of the H = √1 (cid:0)aˆ ˆb cˆ dˆ(cid:1)−i 1 0 0 ˆb† . (7) lattice. We call this forward propagation. If we define 2 0 0 1 −icˆ† the time required for the photon to travel between two 0 0 −i 1 dˆ† 3 operator is then (cid:88) S = |1000(cid:105)(cid:104)1000|⊗|x+(1−k ),y(cid:105)(cid:104)x,y| a (x,y) +|0100(cid:105)(cid:104)0100|⊗|x,y+(1−k )(cid:105)(cid:104)x,y| b +|0010(cid:105)(cid:104)0010|⊗|x−(1−k ),y(cid:105)(cid:104)x,y| c +|0001(cid:105)(cid:104)0001|⊗|x,y−(1−k )(cid:105)(cid:104)x,y|, (10) d andthesystemevolvesaccordingtothemodifiedequiva- lentofequation(6). Thisensuresthataphotonin,forex- ample, the|0100(cid:105)modewillscatterintothe|0001(cid:105)mode and acquire a phase shift of π when hitting a reflector. FIG.3: Schematicoftwoneighbouringbeam-splitterswitha This photon will also be unaffected by S, so that it en- reflector(R)intheconnectingpath. Theinitialoutputstate counters the same beam-splitter a second time at the fromthebluebeam-splitter(left-handside)is|0100(cid:105)andthe one from the red beam-splitter (right-hand side) is |0001(cid:105). subsequent time step. The distribution of reflectors in Thus ka(x,y)=1, kc(x+1,y)=1. the lattice is given by a consistent set of ki(x,y) such that k (x,y)=k (x+1,y), etc. a c During this evolution the reflections can lead to backscattering of the photon (i.e. scattering into the modes|0010(cid:105)and|0001(cid:105)),whichopensthepossibilityfor the photon to exit along the lattice edges on the left and the bottom. Additionally, sufficiently nearby groups of such reflectors can lead to temporary localization of the photon in the lattice. Therefore, in addition to the per- colationprobability,thesystemischaracterisedbyprob- abilities for backscattering and localization. Assuming an arrangement of detectors as shown in figure4, perco- lation corresponds to the photon exiting the lattice from eitheroftheedges(x , y)or(x, y ), backscattering max max corresponds to exiting the lattice from the edges along (1, y) and (x, 1), and localization corresponds to tem- porary confinement within the lattice for times t ≥ 2N. Sinceallpossiblephotonpathsarereversible,localization is of course only transient. For the initial state given in FIG.4: Schematicofthearrayofbeam-splittersinasquare equation(4), i.e. injecting a single photon at one of the lattice with impurities given by perfect reflectors. Photon detectors along (x = 1,y) and (x,y = 1) will register the cornersofthelattice,weshowinfigure5theprobabilities backscattering of the photon due to the presence of the re- ofpercolation,backscatteringandtemporarylocalization flectors. Thesmallgraphsattherighthandsideindicatethe asafunctionofthefractionofconnectionsbetweenadja- possible paths for a photon at each vertex. cent beam-splitters that are not disturbed by a reflector. These probabilities are obtained after averaging over a large number of realizations. When a reflector is present in an arm between two ver- The probabilities for lattices of different sizes N ×N, tices the general Hamiltonian can be written in the form where N = 50,100,200 and 400, at time t = 2N are shown in figure5(a). One can note that the probability aˆ† forbackscatteringdominatesuntilthefractionofconnec- H = √1 (cid:0)aˆ ˆb cˆ dˆ(cid:1)Rˆb† , (8) tionsbetweentheadjacentbeam-splittersisclosetounity 2 cˆ† andonecanthinkofthefractionatwhichafiniteproba- dˆ† bilityforpercolationappearsastheanaloguetotheclas- sical percolation threshold[15–17]. This behaviour can where R is given by be easily understood by realising that encountering a re- flector once leads to scattering into the modes that lead 1−k −i(1−k ) −ik k to backscattering, and encountering a second reflector is a b a b −i(1−k ) 1−k k −ik necessary to scatter into the percolation modes again. R= a b a b −ik k 1−k −i(1−k ) Since the injection point is located at the corner of the c d c d k −ik −i(1−k ) 1−k networkfurthestawayfromanydetectorsforpercolation, c d c d (9) reflectionearlyonduringthepropagationprocessleadto with k = 0 if the nth arm is open and k = 1 if the the domination of the backscattering probability. When n n nth arm contains a reflector. The corresponding shift the fraction of connections is closer to unity, but before 4 FIG. 6: Schematic of an array of beam-splitters in a square latticeinterspersedwithasmallnumberofperfectlyreflecting surfaces and reflecting boundaries. A photon backscattered along the injection side of the lattice is fed back to the lat- tice due to reflectors placed along these sides, except at the injection point. The interplay between backscattering, localization and percolation can be changed by introducing reflect- ing edges in the backscattering direction and allowing backscattered photons to only exit at the injection point (x = 1,y = 1) (see figure6). Unsurprisingly one can see from figure7(a), where we show the probabilities for different lattices sizes, that at t = 2N backscattering is reduced and instead an increase in temporary localiza- tion is observed compared to the situation when reflect- FIG.5: Probabilityofphotonpercolation,backscatteringand ing edges are absent (see figure5(a)). Backscattering is temporarylocalizationasafunctionofthefractionofconnec- tions between adjacent beam-splitters. (a) Probabilities for still significant though, since photons scattered early on latticesofdifferentsizes,N×N,whereN =50,100,200and inthepercolationprocesshaveahighprobabilitytoexit 400 are shown at time t=2N. (b) Probabilities for a lattice through the entry beam-splitter and this probability is of size N = 100 for different times. Strong backscattering is further increased by the coherent backscattering[14]. In clearly visible until the fraction of connections between the figure7(b) we show the probabilities for different times, adjacent beam-splitters is close to unity. and find that the probability for localization monotoni- cally decreases while both, the backscattering and per- colation probability rise. One can again note that the dependence on the lattice size (the number of beam- the steep increase in percolation probability dominates, splitters) has only a weak influence on the probabilities. temporary confinement of the photon within the lattice Comparing both cases above one can note that for can be seen. This indicates that, while a large num- the identical initial condition given by equation(4), the ber of reflectors leads to quick expulsion of the photon asymptotic behaviour is identical: as the fraction of con- along the sides with (1,y) and (x,1), a decreasing num- nections goes to unity the percolation probability goes ber allows for geometries in which the photon bounces to one, whereas for a fraction of connections around 0.5, aroundinsidethelatticeforalongtime. Alargefraction backscattering has a probability of one. While differ- of good connections between the beam-splitting compo- ent initial conditions exhibit qualitatively the same in- nents is therefore required for the photon to percolate terplay between transient localization and percolation across an array of beam-splitters. From figure5(a), one (withstrongdependenceondetectorplacementandweak can also note that the lattice size (the number of beam- dependence on lattice size), the general asymptotic be- splitters)hasonlyaweakinfluenceontheseprobabilities. haviour will change. An example of this is shown in The probabilities for a lattice with N =100 for different figure8 for the situation without reflecting boundary timesareshowninfigure5(b)andonecanseetheproba- conditions and where we have chosen |ψ(t = 0)(cid:105) = bility of temporary localization decreasing with time, as |1000(cid:105)⊗|1x ,1y (cid:105). Forconsistencywewillagainde- 2 max 2 max expected. finepercolationasexitingthelatticeinthemodes|1000(cid:105) 5 FIG.8: Probabilityofphotonpercolation,backscatteringand temporarylocalizationasafunctionoffractionofconnections betweentheadjacentbeam-splittersintheabsenceofreflect- ing boundaries and with the photon incident at the center of thelatticearray. TheprobabilitiesforalatticewithN =100 for different times are shown. IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION In this work we have modelled a large optical network consisting of a regular array of beam-splitters, and con- sidered the effects stemming from randomly introduced reflective defects. The presence of these defects has a significant influence on the transport properties of the system - with the percolation probability for a photon decaying rapidly even for only a small percentage of de- FIG.7: Probabilityofphotonpercolation,backscatteringand fective paths (∼10%). We have also found the existence temporarylocalizationasafunctionoffractionofconnections betweentheadjacentbeam-splittersforthesituationwherea ofatransient‘localised’state,whichconfinesthephoton backscattered photon is fed back to the lattice at the edges. within the lattice over finite timescales. (a) Probabilities for lattices of different sizes, N ×N, where In region of small percentages of defects, an inter- N = 50,100,200 and 400 are shown at time t = 2N. (b) esting interplay between the three possible scenarios Probabilities for a lattice with N =100 for different times. takes place: the photon percolates forward, the pho- ton backscatters, or the photon remains within the lat- tice. These relative probabilities are fairly insensitive to changes in the lattice size, but vary significantly if the or |0100(cid:105) and backscattering as having encountered an distribution of detectors around the lattice is altered (by odd number of reflectors before leaving the lattice in the replacing some detectors with reflectors, feeding those modes |0010(cid:105) or |0001(cid:105). In figure8 we show the resulting photons back into the lattice). With fewer detectors probabilitiesandonecannotethatthepercolationprob- around the lattice edges, the localization probability is ability is almost same as the backscattering probability finite over a much longer timescales, before giving way until the fraction of connection gets closer to unity (0.8 to both, backscattering and percolation. If the injection for t = 1600 when N = 100). After that the backscat- point is near a particular lattice edge, a large probabil- tering probability decreases to zero and the percolation ity for the photon to exit the lattice via this edge exists probability rises to one, as the photon can transverse (backscattering processes dominate), and if the injection the upper right quarter of the network most of the times pointisfarfromalatticeedge,long-livedlocalizationcan withoutencounteringareflector. Fractionofconnections be seen. smaller than 0.5 results in localization with probability The implicationfor large optical networks isthat even one. Unlike the transient localization for the model with smallfractionsofreflectivedefectswillsignificantlyalter theinjectionpointatoneofthecornersofthelattice,the thepathtakenbythephotonthroughthesystem. There- localization for injection at the middle of the lattice is a fore, quantum communication systems using optical net- permanent localization, due to the absence of a detector works will be very sensitive to defects and require addi- close to the injection point. tional strategies to combat imperfections. These could, 6 for example, consist of the suitable use of additional re- Acknowledgments flectors to feed stray photon amplitudes back into the system. The study of multipath interferometer or large optical networks are therefore very valuable to identify the percentages of defective components a system can SM would like to thank OIST Graduate University tolerate and to test ideas to correct them in oder to ob- for the support for summer internship during which this tain reliable devices. work was carried out. [1] A. Politi, M. J. Cryan, J. G. Rarity, S. Yu, and J. P. J. Mosley, E. Andersson, I. Jex, and Ch. Silberhorn, L.O’Brien,Silica-on-siliconwaveguidequantumcircuits, Photons Walking the Line: A Quantum Walk with Ad- Science 320, 646 (2008). justable Coin Operations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 050502 [2] Graham D. Marshall, Alberto Politi, Jonathan C. F. (2010). Matthews, Peter Dekker, Martin Ams, Michael J. With- [10] A. Regensburger, C. Bersch, B. Hinrichs, G. On- ford, and Jeremy L. O’Brien, Laser written waveguide ishchukov, A. Schreiber, C. Silberhorn, and Ulf Peschel, photonic quantum circuits, Opt. 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