Single-molecule spectromicroscopy: the door into sub-diffraction refractometry T. A. Anikushina,1,2 M. G. Gladush,1 A. A. Gorshelev,1 and A. V. Naumov1,2,∗ 1 Institute for Spectroscopy of Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow, 142190, Russia 2 Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, 119991, Russia We suggest a novel approach for probing of local fluctuations of the refractive index n in solids bymeansofsingle-molecule(SM)spectroscopy. ItisbasedonthedependenceT1(n)oftheeffective radiativelifetimeT1 ofdyecentresinsolidsonnduetothelocal-fieldeffects. DetectionofSMzero- phonon lines at ultra-low temperatures gives the values of SM natural spectral linewidth (which is inverse proportional to T1) and makes it possible to reveal the distribution of the local n values 5 in solids. Here we demonstrate this possibility on the example of amorphous polyethylene and 1 polycrystalline naphthalenedoped with terrylene. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 81.07.-b;78.55.-m;77.22.Ch;87.80.Nj b e F One of the most important characteristics of a mate- ties of a single dye center is the way to probe the local n 7 rialthatdetermine manyofits macroscopicpropertiesis values. For example, in [26] such an idea was realisedby 1 the refractive index n. It is included as a parameter in analysing the fluorescence decay of QDs. classicalequations(e.g.,Fresnel’s andMaxwell’s),linked Inthisworkweproposeamethodfortheprobingofthe ] s to dielectric permitivity and magnetic permeability, and local(nm-scale)fluctuationsofninsolidsbytheanalysis c known to depend on temperature, pressure and wave- of zero-phonon spectral lines (ZPL) of single impurity i t length [1]. In recent years a special attention has been p dye-molecules at ultra-low temperatures (Fig. 1). attracted to the refractive index in relation to metama- o ZPL, which corresponds to a purely electronic transi- . terials, which are assumed to have the negative n [2, 3]. s tion in an impurity molecule [27], is a unique source of c Since Ernst Abbe invented the refractometer in 1874 information about dye-matrix interactions [12, 13]. ZPL i [4] the most precise techniques for measuring n have s parameters (frequency, intensity, width, etc.) are very y been based on the principle of the total internal reflec- sensitive to the local environment of the corresponding h tion (TIR) on the interface of two media. There are also p chromophore SM. This fact makes SMs good candidates some other practical techniques for direct and indirect [ for spectral probes to obtain data on the structure and measurements of n (goniometry, ellipsometry, interfer- the internal dynamics of solids. 2 ometry,frustratedTIR,see,e.g. [1,5–8]),however,most v of them require averaging over a large macroscopic vol- As we know from numerous studies, the temperature 9 ume of the sample. As a result the question of the lo- T dependenceofthehomogeneousspectralwidthofZPL 0 cal fluctuations of n in real solids remains unanswered. is determined by three main contributions [12–16], i.e.: 1 0 Moreover,inviewofthegrowinginteresttonanotechnol- 0 ogy andnanophotonics,it is important to know whether 2. there is a relation between n and micro- and nanoscopic ΓZPL(T)=Γ0+∆Γe−tunn(T,tm)+∆Γe−phon(T), (1) 0 structure of solids. In order to give the answer some 5 special instruments for probing the local n values on the 1 sub-diffraction (nanometer) level must be developed. : v The topical papers describe a great number of very i X promising “nanoinstruments” for probing of various lo- calparametersofasamplebasedonsinglequantumlight r a emittersembeddedintothesample’smaterial. Forexam- ple, single-molecule (SM), single quantum dot (QD) and single nanocrystals spectroscopy and imaging provides an outstanding basis for various kind of nanoinstrumen- tation, like nanoscale thermometry [9], nanodetectors of acoustic strain [10], single charges detectors [11], instru- mentsforprobingoflow-energyexcitationsindisordered solids [12–17], etc. Besides, we see a possibility to use SMspectroscopyforprobingthelocal-fieldeffectsindye- doped solids. It is well know that the local-field effects causethedependenceoftheexitedstatelifetimeofalight FIG.1. Theillustrativesketchofthedevelopedapproachfor emitter on the refractive index of the hosting medium theprobingof local valuesof therefractive indexn in solids. T (n)[18–25]. Thus,the study ofphoto-physicalproper- 1 2 where the natural (lifetime limited) linewidth Γ is To this date, the choice of l(n) has been among two 0 concepts of the local-field. One is the Lorentz local-field 1 Γ = ; (2) whichisclassicallycalculatedunderthe assumptionthat 0 2πT 1 the fielddue to polarizedmolecules inside asmallsphere the ZPL broadening due to the interaction of electronic centered at the site of a light emitter may be neglected. transitions in impurity molecules with tunneling excita- The other is a simplified variant of Onsager’s approach, tions in a matrix is [33]wherethereisasmallemptycavityaroundtheemit- ter. Thesecasesareoftendistinguishedbytheconceptof ∆Γe−tunn(T,tm)∼Tαln(tm); (3) interstitial and substitutional guest molecules [25]. The most popular models for the lifetime correction are the the ZPL broadening due to the quadratic electron- virtual–cavity model [21, 22] based, respectively, on the phonon interaction, which in the simplest case of inter- Lorentz local-field: action with a single quasilocalized low-frequency vibra- tional mode (LFM) is expressed as n2+2 2 f(n)= , (7) exp(−∆E/kT) (cid:18) 3 (cid:19) ∆Γe−phon(T)=w[1−exp(−∆E/kT)]2; (4) and the real– or empty–cavity model [23] based on the In these equations t is the total time of measurement, Onsager model for the local-field: m 1≤α<2anditsexactvaluedependsonthe dye-matrix 3n2 2 system, w is the constant of quadratic electron-phonon f(n)= . (8) coupling, ∆E is the energy of LFM. (cid:18)2n2+1(cid:19) ZPL width is also a function of the laser excitation Another approach is called the fully microscopic model intensity P : LAS [24], in which Γ (P )=Γ (0) 1+P /P , (5) ZPL LAS ZPL LAS S 1n2+2 p f(n)= . (9) where P is the saturation intensity and Γ (0) is the n 3 S ZPL unsaturated ZPL spectral width. Similar to Eq. (7) it uses the Lorentz field but here the From Eqs. (1)-(5) it follows that if P ≪ P and LAS S l(n) function is not squared. At the same time it misses the temperature is in the range of ultra-low values, then thenfactorinthefinalformof(6). Theremainingmod- the additional broadenings ∆Γe−tunn and ∆Γe−phon can elsimplyf(n)=l(n)[20]whichbringsbackthemissingn be neglected and for each SM it is possible to measure andprovidesagreementwiththefullymicroscopicmodel the lifetime–limited ZPL spectral width related to T . 1 (9) in terms that the local-field coefficients l(n) are not Numerousexperimentshaveshown,thattheseconditions squared. Thus, for the likely-to-be-interstitial emitters: are achieved at P < 0.1−10.0 W·cm−2 and at T < LAS 1−5 K (depending on the type of the matrix, see e.g. n2+2 f(n)= , (10) [28,29]). Thus,SMscanbeusedasverysensitiveprobes 3 of T fluctuations due to the local-field effects. 1 while for the likely-to-be-substitutional emitters: If we rule out the sophisticated cases and simulations of how structured environments (usually predefined by 3n2 hand) may affect the lifetime of a specific light emitter f(n)= . (11) 2n2+1 (e.g.,recent[30–32]),thenumberofcorrectionfactorsfor T usedinpractice canbe limited tofive models [20–24]. Speaking generally, the models in Eqs. (7) and (8) are 1 They all consider the situation when a guest molecule based on the field quantization procedures in dielectrics emits light to the “continuous medium” of the host ma- andother macroscopicconceptsfortreatingthe problem trix, weakly absorbing,isotropic and characterisedby n. ofspontaneousemission. ThemodelsinEqs.(9)-(11)ap- Most generally, the effective T1 is written as [19, 20]: peared from derivation of the Maxwell-Bloch equations describing the light-matter interaction using the Heisen- τ 0 T1(n)= , (6) berg operator formalism for (9) and Bogoliubov-Born- nf(n) Green-Kirkwood-Yvonequationsforreduceddensityma- where τ is the “vacuum” value of the excited state life- trices and correlationoperatorsof materialparticles and 0 time; n is the refractive index (if precisely, at the wave- modes of the quantized radiation field for (10)-(11). In length of the emitted light); function f(n) reflects the bothapproachesthefieldoperatorswereinitiallywritten local-field contributions and includes either squared or for material vacuum providing interactions between the straight n–dependent coefficient l(n) being the propor- guest and host particles. tionalitybetweenthelocal-fieldactingontheemitterE Nevertheless, each of these models (7)-(11) has found L andtheaverageMaxwellianfieldE ,i.e.,E =l(n)E . “verification” during the analyses of the experimental M L M 3 5.5 45..50 1Occurence, a.u. s n , 14.0 T 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 3.5 ZPL width, MHz Guest: terrylene 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Refractive index FIG.2. ThedependenceoftheexcitedstatelifetimeT1(n)of FIG. 3. The distribution of the local values of the refractive terryleneon therefractive index of itshost matrix (squares). index in amorphous polyethylene (red circles) and polycrys- The curves show the best fits of the T1(n) dependence us- tallinenaphthalene(bluetriangles). Thedataarenormalized ing different models: the virtual–cavity model (red solid); tothemaximumvalue. Thesticksmarktheaverage(forbulk the empty–cavity model (brown dash-dot-dot); the fully mi- media)valuesoftherefractiveindexofpolyethylene(red)[34] croscopic models (green dot); microscopic model in Eq. (10) and naphthalene (blue) [35]. Black and brown triangles de- (black dash-dot) and in Eq. (11) (bluedashed). scribe thedistributions in naphthaleneusing thesatisfactory fit (Eq. (10)) and the fit with Eq. (8). The inset shows the spectrallinewidthdistributionforterryleneSMsinpolyethy- lene at 30 mK with Gaussian fit of the data [36]. The same data [19, 20]. In all cases the so-called vacuum exci- for Tr in naphthalenecrystal [37]. tation lifetime τ was subjected to variation during the 0 fitting procedure. Depending onthemodelusedfordata fitting, for eachemitting systemthe preferableT1(n) de- Given the value τ0 and the best dependence T1(n) for pendence was obtained. It must be noted, however,that the Tr molecule, we can calculate the local value of n the verifications of the models were based on the data at the position of a SM from its lifetime-limited ZPL fromtheexcitedstatelifetimemeasurementsfordopants width measured in the matrix involved (Fig. 1). To do incrystalsandglassesaswellasquantumdotsinvarious this, we have takenthe unique experimental data onSM solutions. It hasnever beenperformedfor suchimpurity ZPL width distributions form Refs. [36, 37] obtained in systems as organic molecules in solid matrices with dif- the ETH, Zurich (inset in Fig. 3). The authors had per- ferentdegreeofdisorderand,specifically,hasneverbeen formedunprecedentedandcomplicatedmeasurementsat triedonSMs. Herewemakethefirstattempttotestthis milliKelvin temperatures on the SMS setup equipped approach using several sets of unique data obtained by withthe 3He/4He dilutioncryostat. At these conditions, different researchgroups. the broadening contributions ∆Γe−tunn and ∆Γe−phon In this work we have chosen terrylene (Tr) [38] as the were negligible. The measurements were performed at object of analysis. It has been widely studied in differ- the laser excitation intensities well below the saturation ent matrixes by the laser selective spectroscopy meth- intensity. Thus, in accordancewith Eq. (5) the obtained ods, and is one of the most used fluorophores in SMS. data were the distributions of lifetime-limited SM ZPL For this compound the T1 values were measured for a widths Γ0 directly related to SM effective excited state set of solid matrices [39]: polyethylene (PE), polystyrene lifetimes T . These distributions P (Γ ) can be easily 1 Γ0 0 (PS), polyvinyl-butyral (PVB), polymethyl-methacrylate convertedinto the distributions of P (T ) using Eq. (2) T1 1 (PMMA), and solid n-hexadecane (Hex). In the context andthenintothedistributionsofrefractionindicesPn(n) of the present work we also had to find the refractive in- (Fig.3)usingthevirtual–cavitymodel(Eq.(7))withthe dices for these matrices. 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