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Downloaded from orbit.dtu.dk on: Feb 28, 2023 Single Conversion stage AMplifier - SICAM Ljusev, Petar Publication date: 2006 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Ljusev, P. (2006). Single Conversion stage AMplifier - SICAM. Technical University of Denmark. 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Petar Ljuˇsev SIngle Conversion stage AMplifier - SICAM PhD thesis, December 2005 To Elena and Emma, for their endless love and devotion Preface The work presented in this thesis is part of the project ”SICAM - SIngle Conversion stage AMplifier”, funded by the Danish Energy Authority under the EFP2002 program, J.nr. 1273/02-0001. The project was carried out at the Ørsted DTU Automation depart- · ment within its Power Electronics Group (PEG) during the period November 15th 2002 to December 31st 2005. On the industry side, the cooperation with Bang & Olufsen ICE- power a/s in Kgs. Lyngby has given additional quality to the project, by emphasizing its relevance and importance within the extremely ”crowded” consumer audio market. Part of the work concerning the direct audio power amplifiers for portable applications and their digital modulators was conducted during my 1,5 months long external research stayintheLaboratoryforLowPowerManagementandIntegratedSMPSattheUniversity of Toronto in Canada, under the supervision of Professor Aleksandar Prodi´c. First I would like to express deepest gratitude to my supervisor Professor Michael A.E. Andersen for taking me as his Ph.D. student to work on this highly interesting topic,providingunboundedsupportformywideresearchinterests,managingthepractical issuesaboutthedemandingproject,aswellasspendinglotsofhoursonfruitfuldiscussions and sharing his vast knowledge. Together with the colleagues from the Power Electronics Group and the Ørsted DTU Department, they are most responsible for making me feel · so comfortable and secure. The practical relevance and technical appeal of the project would be much less pro- nounced, if it was not for the tremendous effort shown by my second supervisor Lars Petersen, from the cooperating company Bang & Olufsen ICEpower. His curious remarks and on-place questions have always provoked me to rejudge the conclusions and find a way out of the large maze I was put into when undertaking this project. The enthusiastic B&O ICEpower employees showing me around the labs and attending my presentations helped me build a serious approach so needed when tackling such a relevant subject. Another thanks goes to my external research supervisor Professor Aleksandar Prodi´c from the University of Toronto, for allowing me to spend a challenging few weeks in his ”fully digital world” and sharing his ideas and opinions, making the time spent in Toronto an unforgettable experience. During these three stressful years of hard work, tight schedules and numerous obliga- tions, I have always found a peaceful shelter and source of endless joy and fulfilment in my closest family - my wife Elena and our little daughter Emma. I would like to thank you for being always by my side and showing me that the most important things in life cannot be represented by equations, expressed in numbers nor measured in physical units... Kongens Lyngby Petar Ljuˇsev December 2005 Abstract This Ph.D. thesis presents a thorough analysis of the so called SICAM - SIngle Converter stage AMplifier approach to building direct energy conversion audio power amplifiers. The mainstream approach for building isolated audio power amplifiers today consists of isolated DC power supply and Class D amplifier, which essentially represents a two stage solution, where each of the components can be viewed as separate and independent part. The proposed SICAM solution strives for direct energy conversion from the mains to the audio output, by dedicating the operation of the components one to another and integratingtheirfunctions,sothatthefinalaudiopoweramplifierrepresentsasingle-stage topology with higher efficiency, lower volume, less board space, lower component count and subsequently lower cost. The SICAM approach is both applicable to non-isolated and isolated audio power amplifiers, but the problems encountered in these two cases are different. Non-isolated SICAM solutions are intended for both AC mains-connected and battery-powered de- vices. In non-isolated mains-connected SICAMs the main idea is to simplify the power supply or even provide integrated power factor correction (PFC) functions, while still maintaining low component stress and good audio performance by generally decreasing the input voltage level to the Class D audio power amplifier. On the other hand, non- isolatedbattery-poweredSICAMshavetocopewiththeeverchangingbatteryvoltageand provide output voltage levels which are both lower and higher than the battery voltage, while still being simple and single-stage energy conversion solutions. In isolated SICAMs the isolation transformer adjusts the voltage level on the secondary side to the desired level, so the main challenges here are decreasing the size of themagnetic core and reducing the number and size of bulky reactive components as much as possible. ThemainfocusofthisthesisisdirectedtowardstheisolatedSICAMsandespeciallythe so called isolated SICAM with non-modulated transformer voltages. The latter is found to be the most interesting isolated SICAM solution for the modern multichannel audio power amplification systems, since all of the output stages corresponding to the different audio channels can reuse the same input stage and transformer core. While the proposed approach tends to be very simple from topological perspective and allows for reduction of reactive component count, the commutation of the load current in the output bridge and the bridge itself are much more complicated than their Class D predecessors. The main contribution of the thesis can be found in the thorough analysis of the present topologies for isolated SICAMs, as well as the numerous structural improvements and several newly proposed control methods for alleviating the problem of load current commutation and high-performance control of the whole SICAM. Another significant contribution is the presentation of several interesting topologies and associated control principles in the field of non-isolated SICAMs for mains-connected and portable audio amplifiers. Resum`e (Abstract in Danish) Denne Ph.D. afhandling giver en grundig analyse af den s˚a kaldte SICAM - SIngle Con- verter stage AMplifier fremgangsm˚ade til opbygning af audio effektforstærkere til direkt energiomforming. Den aktuelle fremgangsm˚ade til opbygning af isolerede audio effekt- forstærkere i dag best˚ar af en isoleret DC elforsyning efterfulgt af en Klasse D audio effektforstærker, som faktisk repræsenterer to-trins løsning, hvor hver halvdel kan ses som seperatoguafhengigdel.Denforesl˚aedeSICAM-løsningstræberefters˚adirekteenergiom- forming fra lysnetindgangen til audioudgangen som overhovedet muligt, ved at dedikere virkningsm˚aden af delene til hinanden og integrere deres funktioner s˚aledes, at den en- delige audio effektforstærker repræsentere en en-trins topologi med højere effektivitet, mindre volumen, mindre printareal, færre komponenter og dermed lavere omkostninger. SICAM fremgangsm˚aden kan bruges til b˚ade uisolerede og isolerede audio effekt- forstærkere, men problemstillingerne som i de to tilfælde er i grunden meget forskellige. Uisolerede SICAMs anvendes til b˚ade lysnettilsluttede og batteridrevne apparater. Hov- edideen i de uisolerede lysnettilsluttede SICAMs er at forenkle spændingsforsyningen og lave PFC-funktion, mens det lav komponentstress og den god audioperformance bevares ved at reducere indgangsspændingen til Klasse D forstærkeren. Uisolerede batteridrevne SICAMs skal klare den varierende batterispænding og skabe en udgangsspænding, som er b˚ade lavere og højere end batterispænding, men de skal stadigvæk være simple og en en- trins energiomformer. I transformatoren i isolerede SICAMs designes spændingsniveauet p˚asekundærentildetønskedeniveauogderforerdevigtigsteudfordringerheratreducere volumen af den magnetiske kerne og reducere antallet af reaktive komponenter s˚a meget som muligt. Hovedfokus i denne afhandling ligger p˚a isolerede SICAMs og især de s˚akaldte isol- erede SICAM med umodulerede transformatorspændinger. Den ovennævnte omformer er den mest interessante SICAM-løsning til multikanalens audio effektforstærkersystemer, fordi alle udgangstrinnene kan bruge det samme indgangstrin og den samme transforma- torkerne. Den foresl˚aede løsning er meget enkelt fra en topologiside og tillader reduktion af antalet of reaktive komponenter p˚a sekundærsiden, men kommuteringen af belast- ningsstrømmen i udgangstrinnet og udgangstrinnets ombygning selv er mere indviklet end i Klasse D forstærkeren. Afhandlingens hovedbidrag findes i den grundige analyse af nuværende topologier for isolerede SICAMs, s˚avel som flere strukturele forbedringer og nogle foresl˚aede kontrol metoder til at forbedre kommuteringen af belastningsstrømmen i udgangstrinnet og re- alisere højperformance styring af hele SICAM-trinnet. Det anden væsentlige bidrag er fremvisningen af adskillige interessanter topologier og deres styrestrategier til uisolerede SICAMs til lysnettilslutning og brbare audio effektforstærkere.

Group and the Ørsted·DTU Department, they are most responsible for making me feel so comfortable and stage AMplifier approach to building direct energy conversion audio power amplifiers. The mainstream power amplification systems, since all of the output stages corresponding to the different.
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