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Single-Access Transumbilical Laparoscopic Unroofing of a Giant Hepatic Cyst Using Reusable Instruments. PDF

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Preview Single-Access Transumbilical Laparoscopic Unroofing of a Giant Hepatic Cyst Using Reusable Instruments.

C R ASE EPORT Single-Access Transumbilical Laparoscopic Unroofing of a Giant Hepatic Cyst Using Reusable Instruments Giovanni Dapri, MD, Matteo Barabino, MD, Pietro Carnevali, MD, Ion Surdeanu, MD, Jacques Himpens, MD, Guy-Bernard Cadie`re, MD, PhD, Vincent Donckier, MD, PhD ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Introduction: Single-access laparoscopy has garnered Since the advent of laparoscopy, the removal of liver growing interest in recent years in an attempt to improve lesions using minimally invasive techniques had been cosmesis, reduce postoperative pain, and minimize ab- reported to be feasible and safe.1–3 Because of laparos- dominal wall trauma. copy, the postoperative pain, the hospital stay, and the abdominal trauma can be reduced, besides an improved Case Description: A female patient suffering from a comfort of the patient. Furthermore, the laparoscopic symptomatic giant biliary cyst of the liver segments techniquehasalsotheadvantageofminimalscarringand 4-7-8 was admitted for transumbilical single-access fewer adhesions, thereby increasing the feasibility of re- laparoscopic cyst unroofing. The procedure was per- peat liver resection.4 formed using a standard 11-mm reusable trocar for a 10-mm, 30°- angled, rigid scope and curved reusable Single-incision, single-port, single-site, or single-access instruments inserted transumbilically without trocars. laparoscopy(SAL)hasgarneredgrowinginterestinrecent Operative time was 90 minutes, and the final incision years, in an attempt to minimize the abdominal wall lengthwas14mm.Theuseofminimalpainmedication trauma, to reduce postoperative pain, and to overall im- permitteddischargeonthethirdpostoperativeday,and prove the cosmetic outcomes.5 after25months,thepatientremainsasymptomaticwith Nonparasiticlivercystsareusuallyasymptomatic,butab- a no visible umbilical scar. dominal pain due to their enlargement,6 physical signs Conclusions: Giant biliary cysts can be removed by sin- such as obstructive jaundice,7 complications such as rup- gle-access laparoscopy. Because of this technique, sur- ture8orintracystichemorrhage,9canoccurduringfollow- geons work in ergonomic positions, and the cost of the up. Hence, surgical treatment may be recommended procedure remains similar to that of the multitrocar tech- mainly to relieve symptoms or to prevent potential com- nique.Theincisionlengthandtheuseofpainmedication plications.However,arelativelylowrateofriskforrecur- are kept minimal as well. rencehasbeenreported.6,10–12Preoperativeconsideration basedonpatientage,habitus,cysticsize,aspect,andliver KeyWords:Livercyst,Unroofing,Single-incision,Single- segment location is necessary. port, Single-site, Single-access, Laparoscopy. Fenestrationorunroofingnonparasiticcystshasbeenfirst describedinopensurgeryin196813andbylaparoscopyin 1991.14–15 Recently, because of the growing popularity of other minimally invasive techniques, SAL has been pro- posed. Cyst unroofing may be a good candidate for SAL DepartmentofGastrointestinalSurgery,EuropeanSchoolofLaparoscopicSurgery, because no sophisticated laparoscopic maneuvers, such Saint-PierreUniversityHospital,Brussels,Belgium(Drs.Dapri,Barabino,Carne- asPringlemaneuverorhepaticveinclampsarenecessary, vali,Surdeanu,Himpens,Cadie`re). rendering this procedure easier to be performed. DepartmentofAbdominalSurgery,LiverUnit,ErasmeUniversityHospital,Brus- sels,Belgium(Dr.Donckier). We report a SAL biliary cyst unroofing performed com- G.DapriisaconsultantforKarlStorz-Endoskope(Tuttlingen,Germany).Theother pletelythroughtheumbilicus,inapatientpresentingwith authorshavenoconflictofinterest. a symptomatic giant cyst of the liver segments 4-7-8. Addresscorrespondenceto:GiovanniDapri,MD,FACS,FASMBS,FPALES(Hon) DepartmentofGastrointestinalSurgery,EuropeanSchoolofLaparoscopicSurgery, Saint-Pierre University Hospital, 322, rue Haute 1000 Brussels, Belgium, E-mail: CASE REPORT [email protected] A 53-year-old female with a body mass index of 20.8 DOI:10.4293/108680812X13427982377300 kg/m2 was referred for a symptomatic pain in the right ©2012byJSLS,JournaloftheSocietyofLaparoendoscopicSurgeons.Publishedby theSocietyofLaparoendoscopicSurgeons,Inc. upper quadrant. The patient had no history of previous 296 JSLS(2012)16:296–300 surgery, and she was undergoing medical therapy for The cystic dome was identified and incised enough to arterial hypertension. The chest X-ray showed a minimal emptythecysticcavitywiththesuctiondevice.Becauseof elevation of the right diaphragmatic dome, and the ab- this maneuver, a nonconnection between the biliary cyst dominalcomputedtomography(CT)scanrevealedasim- andthebiliarytreewasevidenced.Acompleteexcisionof plebiliarycyst15cmx14cmindiameterintheapexofthe thecysticroofwasperformedusingcoagulatinghookand liver segments 4-7-8, besides to polycystic liver and kid- bipolarscissors.Becauseofthecurvesoftheinstruments, neys (Figure 1). the classic working triangulation during laparoscopy was establishedinsidetheabdomen,andsurgeonwasableto Transumbilical single-access laparoscopic giant biliary cyst work in ergonomic positions during the entire procedure unroofing was proposed to the patient. An incision in the (Figures 4a and 4b). A custom-made plastic bag was umbilicus was realized, a 1-cm opening in the fascia was introduced into the abdomen through the 11-mm trocar, created,anda1polydiaxone(PDS)purse-stringsuturewas and the tissue specimen was placed inside and removed placedinthefascia.An11-mmreusabletrocarwasinserted transumbilically.Thecysticcavitywasfinallycheckedfor inside the purse-string suture, and pneumoperitoneum was bleedingandwasleftopenwithoutanomentalpatch.The created. A 10-mm, 30°-angled, rigid, standard-length scope gallbladder was not removed, and the procedure ended (Karl Storz-Endoskope, Tuttlingen, Germany), and curved with the removal of the instruments and trocar under reusable instruments (Karl Storz-Endoskope, Tuttlingen, view. A meticulous closure of the umbilical fascia and of Germany) were used. The curved instruments were ad- the separate window for the grasper was performed, to vanced transumbilically without trocars. The curved grasp- avoid development of incisional hernia. ingforcepsIII(Figure2a),keptinthesurgeon’snondomi- nanthand,wasinsertedthroughaseparatewindowoutside thepurse-stringsutureatthe10o’clockposition.Theother RESULTS curvedinstrumentsforthesurgeon’sdominanthand,suchas the coagulating hook (Figure 2b), the bipolar scissors Totaloperativetime(betweenskinincisionandclosureofthe (Figure2c),andthesuctiondevice,wereinsertedinside fascia)was90minutes,andlaparoscopictime(betweenbegin- the purse-string suture and besides the 11-mm trocar at ning of pneumoperitoneum and removal of the instruments the 3 o’clock position (Figure 3). andtrocar)was81minutes.Bloodlosswaslimitedto50mLand Figure1.PreoperativeabdominalCTscan. JSLS(2012)16:296–300 297 Single-AccessTransumbilicalLaparoscopicUnroofingofaGiantHepaticCystUsingReusableInstruments,DapriGetal. Figure 3. Placement of curved instruments, scope, and purse- stringsuturethroughtheumbilicalincision. nally and externally (Figure 5a, 5b, and 5c), and the surgeon maintains ergonomic positions. No specific ports and only 1 conventional reusable 11-mm trocarfortheopticalsystemandatransumbilicalinsertionof theinstrumentswithouttrocarsareusedinthisspecificSAL technique. Thus, a technique to avoid loss of the pneumo- Figure2.a,2b,and2c.Curvedreusableinstrumentsaccording peritoneumisadoptedandconsistedintheplacementofa toDAPRI:graspingforcepsIII(a),coagulatinghook(b),bipolar purse-stringsutureintheumbilicalfasciaandinsertionofthe scissors (c) (courtesy of Karl Storz-Endoskope, Tuttlingen, Ger- instrument(eg,thegrasper)forthesurgeon’snondominant many). handoutsidethesuture,throughaseparatefasciawindow. The grasper is never changed during the entire procedure, noadditionaltrocarsneededtobeinserted.Thefinalumbilical whereas the other instruments for the surgeon’s dominant scarwas14mminlength.Pathologicalexaminationshoweda hand (eg, the coagulating hook, bipolar scissors, and the benign, simple biliary cyst. Use of minimal pain medication suction device) are continuously changed. Hence, they are permittedthedischargeofthepatientonthethirdpostoperative introduced inside the purse-string suture and alongside the day.After25months,thepatientremainsasymptomatic,with- 11-mm trocar. The purse-string suture is sufficiently tied to outrecurrence,andtheumbilicalscarisnotvisible. avoid loss of the pneumoperitoneum and opened only to allow the instruments to be changed, or to evacuate the DISCUSSION smokecreatedduringthedissection. Laparoscopic surgery with the advent of SAL frequently An11-mmtrocarisusedbecauseitallowsthemaintenance bypassesoneofitsrules,whichisworkingintriangulation ofpneumoperitoneumduringtheentireprocedureandthe withthescopeatthebisectorofthisangle.16Anoptionfor useofa10-mm30°-angledscope.Anotherpossibilityisthe obtaining working triangulation inside the abdomen can use of a 5-mm flexible scope (EndoEye camera system, be offered by the use of articulating instruments, which OlympusMedicalSystems,Tokyo,Japan),whichsimultane- permit achieving this principle at the usual cost of the ouslypermitsanincreaseinthespacebetweenthehandsof surgeon crossing either hands or the instruments’ tips. thecameramanandthesurgeonoutsideoftheaccess,17but Alternatively, the use of curved instruments can establish aremainingproblematicfactoristheconcomitantreduction the classic laparoscopic working triangulation both inter- ofthemagnifiedqualityoftheimage. 298 JSLS(2012)16:296–300 In the technique described here, the umbilical fascia openingforthe11-mmtrocarandforthesurgeon’sdom- inant hand instruments allows the specimen to be re- moved without enlarging the opening or necessitating replacementbyalargertrocar.17Furthermore,becauseof this simple approach, the length of the umbilical scar remainssimilartotheincisionrealizedforaconventional 12-mm trocar; otherwise, an increased incision length is required for the insertion of multiple trocars through the same incision17 or through the same port-device.5,18 Another advantage of the technique reported here is the cost of the procedure, which appears to be the same as multitrocar laparoscopy, because all of the materials uti- lized are reusable. Here, we have reported a case that was feasible for tran- sumbilicalSAL,butappropriateselectionbasedonpatient age,habitus,cysticsize,aspect,andliversegmentlocation is necessary to decrease the incidence of additional tro- cars’ insertion or the conversion to laparotomy. Obvi- ously, if some perioperative complications occur, such as uncontrolledbleedingorbiliaryspillage,theinsertionof1 or more additional trocars is mandatory. The use of per- cutaneousstitches19orintroductionofmillimetricwireare alternative options to help in the cystic dome retraction20 or operative field exposure.21 Technically, we emptied the cyst at the beginning of the procedure, permitting a precise resection of the cystic dome margin under simple tissue retraction by the grasper.Weusetoperformthesetypesofliverresections Figure 4. a and 4b. Single-access cystic roof excision (a) per- byeithercoagulatinghookorbipolarscissorsalsoduring formedunderergonomicposition(b). multitrocar laparoscopy, hence we adopted the same strategy in SAL. However other instruments such as har- Figure5a,5b,and5c.Theconceptofthecurvedinstrumentsisbasedonthestraightclassicinstruments(a)ofthetriangulationangle, bothexternally(b)andinsidetheabdominalcavity(c). JSLS(2012)16:296–300 299 Single-AccessTransumbilicalLaparoscopicUnroofingofaGiantHepaticCystUsingReusableInstruments,DapriGetal. monic shears (Ethicon Endosurgery, Cincinnati, OH)20,22 7. Eriguchi N, Aoyagi S, Tamae T, et al. Treatments of non- or a LigaSure device (Covidien New Haven, CT)17 can be parasiticgianthepaticcysts.KurumeMedJ.2001;48:193–195. used. In contrast to other authors,17 we did not place a 8. 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