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Sindh Water Resources Development and Management Investment Programme FINAL REPORT MAIN REPORT CORE APPENDICES This Consultant's report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. TAN, 7180-PAK ‘Singh Irigatfon end Power Department and Aslan Development Bank Project Preparatory Technical Assistance to the Government of Sindh Islamle Republic of Pakistan AHTGROUPAG i cauanwatn IDMCl Inc, Terese re Toga Seer Pot June 2020 ADE 2A 1RE PAK Sn reoaie:and Versgemnt esti Prngrarme Ps por Kesilada eee Sinry KNOWLEDGE BASE SUMMARY Fainéail in Sindh Province Js low and ayricuture depends largely on water tram the Lower Indus Irrigation System (LIIS). Most of the rural populafion in Sindh Provines is employed in irrigated agricutu’e ard a larga vat is calegorized as poor. Improving sariculural Prodlustivty wil hoost zhe ura ecenomy and contribute to poverty reduction. The 14 carl sammand areas of the LIIS in Sindh suffer from low pradustivty, generally due ta the Unralishie supply oF rigaGon warer and the inefficient use thereof. “Tha proposed Sirch Water Resources and Management Invesimen: Programme ia dacigned ‘as. mult-tranche dnancli facifty {MFF) in four ranches. PFR comprises inveriment ir “Ig infrastructure, nonephysical davelopment and preparation of subsequent tranches, PFRZ ‘nil invest instal damn development In Garanl areas for water storage and ground water resrarge, PERS and PER willbe futher Investmonts in LI'S Infrastuctureloperations. The ‘overall implemantatlon perled will be len years, staring In 2010. Physical infatwantions include canal structures, gates and stabilisation works on the main ‘canal and within the branches fo ensure capacity to convey water to all distibutaries and rrinore. ‘Thase works will Inclide measurement devices, repacentnt of bridges and imptovemant of canal serves roads to ensure accesshilly. Linkng of distibuteriaa and minora with capacty up to 200 cusees wil reduce conveyance losses. This will hareaga the relabilty of supplles along the entre system, Including to the calls of rrlnacs. im Barani areas structures (smal! dams) are foreseen for storage diversion and groundwater racharge, Non-ahysieal Interventions include enforcing acherence to sanctioned cischarges, Including bn Direct Outlets of influential farmers. Water pricing will he revised :0 inc-ease cos! recevary and to infoduce market mechaniors to influence isers allocating water ‘owards more productive uses. Existing informal groups will b= used as starting point establish Water User Associations for mare parfcipatery irrigation management. Improved crooping. orsfamm water management, input sunpy end marketing val be promoted through farmer file schools, For small dam development fist activities will include preparing a strategie framework far ‘Water Resources Development to monitor the water beranl water resqurces and 10 identify potentally viable investments. SCO cepacity for planning and managing investmen: schemes ‘wil ba enhanced to faolita’e viable invesone ts uncer PFR2 SIPS all be the EA ar wll establish a mut-ciscipinary PMU zo oversee imple mentation. In the first year @ Programme Development Team (POT) will be established to prepara feasibility loval design of al euessquenttranchey by the midcla of tho third year ‘The anticipated outcome of the tnvasimant Pregramma will be Impreved utilization and distribution of water resources in Sindh’s ifigation systems and atid areas, rsauking in sustainable increase in production va.ue ef Sinchie ifigated sgricutara {impact} “The total financing requ:rement of the Programme is estimated at JS% 535.23 raion, The Goverment req.iected loans for up to USS 400 milian nm mixture of ADB's orginary capital resouess (OCR) anc special funds (ADF) The financing requirements for the respective PRs (in milion US8) are: PFR1: 186.32, PFR2 {eral danis) 73.91, PFR 181.01 and PTR4 423.08, ADE Ta-7186 Hak Sind lar Resnuies Deepen re Vanagainen seer roses Hed Rep Currency Equivalents ‘Curency Ua = Pakiste! PR1=80,0122824 Rains ar ay 2508) Fiscal Year ¥F duly= 80" June Measures and Equivalents Distence 284m 308478 moira (mi 1 Reduced Distance SRO 1 Irigation Mle = 060 R= 11524 - = 1,524 kilometre (km) “L838 kin 8214 sos Area “acre = 4048.6 mé = 0.40886 hectare (ha) ATO acres = 1 he co ha =1 ery Volumes 1 eubio oot g) = 0.0288 cutie metre (4) Tmt = a6 318 f° 4 acre inch = 102.754 m* ‘acre foot (AFT) = "284 m® 1 milion aere ‘eet (MAF) = 1.294 billion cubie metres (8m?) Ftows “WE per secon feusec} = 20.94. ira per secand IMs) = 0.028 mt par secone (n't euseefacra = /0 lis per ha, THis aha = 8.4 rnmiday Weights 4 pau tb = 0.454 ka 1000kg = 1 matt ton D160 metric fon ‘O.8072 matric ton 1 Maund = 40 ky (for wheat, Sindh) (often siforent for crops an locations} ‘pag ferllize: = 50 kg Aczonyins and Abbreviations ‘Asian Devoloonsnt Bark ‘een beveleomert FUNC [Raval Develop ar Programe (Provinoin ‘Sgrsutural Edension Departrart ‘scosuning ane rannf management ‘Ruiter Goneral aia mois ‘Atlesiee People DB 14-759 Pak Sinn untr Rezmces ous coma £40 lennon vee Pega ies Kopor AEG foci Peope'e Commtina RIB brea ator Board (S108) tom lun cubic rotree EMU Sesi denis Unis vllage lave) ca. ative area GAPE Count Assielance Progra Eval SBC cunmeny Lasee santact EEO cummuniy based arwasiaton ECA ELlvak'scormane area ee Gourei Common nists S02 Gatnmanty Development Department EpWwe Gena cavemiment Revelopment Waking Yay ee Chief Engineer EFA4 —Gounkry Financial Accountailty Azsecamanf(W8 2002) EGA Gonfrelor Generai of Accounts ean Ghar! Accounts SES County Pariershp Serategy (428) Rr grown oot ination ev Sureum vitae wR crop wale rats mel Das Saye afer 2amnng BG Drainage Benafciary Grou> {S104} oe Distriet Colecta! DCO lst Cancanae once Tre draft nal est ENP Drainage Bastar Plan {2002-2005} 00 sleet sult Dorwin Ceparmen: 959 harm Water itonagement:E8040d) RAW Engineering & Weler Managariert (Orectorste Geraral- O} ay Execiting Ayanicy EPRPr Enviormeiel Aasesorient and Revew Procedures ramet, EC ‘Slecnical sowdustiny ECNEC Execute Gammitoe ofthe Nabari Economic Counel ED Ecormmle evelopment state (WS! RDG exeautve Daniet Otfoer (C20) ay Environmental Inoac! Assessmen: EIR sconamivintama rata of rex EMP wicrymertal anager Plan CA Envtormental Protedtion Agenay Efe crapevapotionspration Ete reverenoe eros avapetranspiaion FA Farmers esociion Fo Face alts AauTre Cegan zation (JN; TRS Fedare Gureas of Statins LFS farmer feld school FD ——fonused aroup lscussions FIG financial rformaton syst FAC Seder Land Commission FW snnarclal management FRwag — Finanela Hanagarant and accounting Quaatonsaire (ADE) IMR nana montoring rats) : FO. Farmars Organisation (S108 GCA gfussuerment area GOP ross vemestprodant GIS geoarartle informatin sysrem Gop Govemmant of Pakistan Ges Govammant of Sn, GeSingh —Gevammart et Sida GECC Global Precipation Clmace Gente GES” gevgtaphispoetioning systom ADBTETI00 25K Sindh ster Page oss Delon nd Managisnent nveethent Programs Rep es Reforms Acton Plan (7004), GRC Stiovence Resse Corsnitiee eve ew He fhumars resources) HCP Human Righes Gummission Patisten HY high ysiding vanels. a Implementing Agen lag Imemgtionel Accounting Standards IBIS Indus Basin gation Sytem IBRD tecratonal Bank for Reconetuction and Development {World Bank) C2 temnatoral ampere bidding ICOLD—_Fternational Ponmitee on La-ge Damas a imple iectaton Compltian sd Reus sport (wt) {OS Intemationa“levalopmant Agency {ME 1Oe_— interest suring eenstrcton IOHTA —Inigaion ane Drainage Managemet transiex Agresiment TEE.” Intel Cnvronrental Evauiator TERS Inematiarl Finng'l Repering Standards ny inaigancus peape’s) TED itigation aed Pons: Cepadrnt IPM, ntesratee peat eansgerent RBA Indus River Badin Ancor (1921) TR. temational Rica Roees(ch Intute IRSA due River Syste Autnany IGA lll Soca Assessment 1580 iimpermscble sut-su-faze avarton Tic Word Conservaten Union (NGO! BMS Inlernationa ater Mlanavement Iu ‘yea integrated wn:e ragoureas management 4SIC) Japan Ban forinte-nat onal Gooparaton Ic& Japon Intentional Ceoveration Agena kor kar Bagrar Feeder canal ke rap soatciant KPa lopaseal KeOp —Kadran Pale Cute Oran LART Lr Annulstion sna Resettamen: Framework LARP Lard Acguistion and Reeattiament Plan (309 Len Bank Oveal Drain LISS Lover ave bakin Ilgation System KEE monttoms sna evaletor BAF plier acre tet MEF mult-renhe dancing facity mac milion guts per day is maragerentinfomnatan syste NA Inerafer otra National Aseerny Mins alr ara Vay dan Nal) memorandum of understanding MOWP —Mirlety of Watar ard Peater (Fodere MTCF Madi Tel Develoamers Fracneso°k MUV —— Wenvraces Unevalve (index? Nala ewe Accounting toga NARt — Ratanal Agicubural Research Centre letamabac NEP Nalonal Bank of Pakistan NCB Nalsria Gompstive Giaing NEP Mallen rerage Progran NEOs We envranmental Qua ty Stancores NGO. novgavenman aregazation NHR Nationa’ lumar Seveopmant port UNEP} NBR Nationa’ Programe for rmprovernont of ale reas (Federal! AD 10-49 Baa Sih Hater aacumes Deneve ane Monegsient nates: Pica New BRP RSE Bet ob Sew Peco Po." 2G PRAM Prt PrR PralP Poa Pea. Piet Pl. Puls Pas FAL PPAF Pera, PSDP aes ReOG REC RO. REA Re RLA SOFWMY SFI sitto SvRDMIF Swi 1" Thou Be. aa USSR vis WaPus we wer NES WO ra aepart net prasant vole Natozal Rezetiemant Policy Nario‘al Rie. Suppor Programme ‘pereions and mahienenee ‘Gparatone Eval ation lozceriment (ADB) ‘onatm vate: management Fanning ated Cavelaport Department (0S: Fianna Conm sslon 1 Fm (development pro ect pre fox) Piganing Coranrsslon 2 ot feansulieg se-ices para Protect rect Proviscial Financia Accounabilly AsRessinentB 2006) Picjectinance Mlainer patos franca tenes Punt Inigated Agr culture Inastnent P-ogramar (ADB) Praxinval ligation anc Drainage Author FrojenforImproveinen: af “aneal Repo" ate ministration GAB) artoparor Iigaten maragerert pracietn ier leveling pajoz! msragemer'infarmaton eystam project menito‘ing cacti projec management ut Patstan Poverty Alleviation und {Bi pjec!prosaraiary tachnival seistancs Public Sacto, Developmen: Programe (Fedora quay assurance and quality conrel Fight Ban uta Cre. ‘ar omoactod covers Recucon Distance (7.000 Rapid ravironmeatal Aasessmet Ranedemant Framewarkle, api Local Appraisal Resetiement Plen(eh Report and acommeniatan ofthe Presiden ADB} Slat App'aieal Rope WE State Bank of Pouston Spiny Sonal and Reslaratio Project ‘Small Dama Orgerizaton of Sindh Superitanding Engineer Sit iigaton an Hramnace Auhony Suryeary lial Environmental Pvaustion Sinch Iigation and Power Dapertment (G28) oui mooitzation unit Satoinen: expen sire Singh Of ann Wate Manggemen: Prefect (48) Sri penetration reat, Sinah Water Management Ordinanca 2002 Sinch Wator Resources Dave pmant ani Management Investmert Programme (a6 Sindh itor See: Improvement Project (WM) leone aesletance Tiare Basin Outal O'aie ‘eialcienlved solide “Zeme of ofa US Buroat 0° Resaration \Wecer Appoint Accord ‘later ard Paver Devalooment Authority (Federa} ‘ord Berk (Imertacinal Banc for Reoonstiustion and Daveleorent \tatarSaurea seeosiston (S124) tomes farmers gross ‘Woe atoorvasinal Cigan satin ADB TH-T186 PEK Sn Wer Regovrees Davelyter!and Management sheet Frags 2 inl Bera MT water maragemant ransfer UA Wate oes aactat RES oroes maguater KEN” Brosuive Enghvaer Glossary of Loca! Terms, Atgars ——_teverue staff of the SIPD Dsrani ‘ainfed eerdar ‘killed latour Chale Iawest der of gata command Kenal US ofan are, 0.05 ha kes river a etrear Kerche nokke temporary oulet i aetna atch hari ‘summer e6a807 Marae administwe unk below dtictteheF ogha Uuneontolet aul from parert cara tp cha Nazim: setist adznin'trator uleh aullyoaused by seasonal ren: Puvea nokia eumanent(ssanyy of corctete outlet abi ‘winor sear salsba __inigeian in Sinch with the roading rvar fons ‘Sarkar hal comaynal porta of water course Shartol communal ann (ta glazing, wh teetsnmus coven Tapsedsre “ax collactor of Board of Ravanus vehi diistative ant befow dic evel \wa'acane: —eedy ratatonslaereaile ofirigati dalveriae 12 frmnare Watercourse gation alaLiButon syotem In # hak Aba "ta-7180 AK Sic Weta Hence Develop und Wanepeman: nym Pog inl Repo Son Contents THE PROPOSAL fi, RATIONALE: sector performancé, problems, and opportunites A. Performance Indicators and Analysis, B. _ Key Problome and Oppertunities ‘THE PROPOSED INVESTMENT PROGRAMME ‘A. Impact and Ourcorrs B Outputs CG. Special Features D. Investinert Plan & Finanaing Plan F. Implementaton Arrangemerts lv." PROGRAMME INVESTMENT BENZFITS, IMPACTS AND RISKS '&. Esonomic and Financial Analysis B. Socia, ne Ghar Benefits and Impacts G. Risks and Mitigating Measures Vv." ASSURANCES ‘A Specie assurances: CORE APPENDICES 1. Design andl Monitoring Framework 2 Ditect Outlets and Water Capture 3 Road tap 3. Investment Programme 5 _Detelled Gost Fetimstes and Financing Plan 8. Detailed Financial and Economie Analysis 7, Extemnal Assie"ance to the Sector 3 Lessons Learned © Programme Management Unit 10. Implementation Schedule 11 Summary Prosuremert Plan 1 Selaction Crfteria and Design cf Futura Tranchas 13, Oullina Terma af Reference for Consultant Support 14 Outline Tarms of Reference for Soiviea Proviters/Rescuree Petsons 18. Notes on the Abscnea of Indigenous People in Sindh APPENDIGES. In separate volumes A. gation Infrastructure Irrigatlar Systein Management Irrigated Agdccture ‘Small Damme Environmental Iosues, Sonal Issues Gapaciy Assessment Procuremant Plan zommoon ADB Ta-7"40 PAK Sindh Hal Zenuuuue Developrient ane Ms sagem I-srien repr | THE PROPOSAL 1. _This Fine! Rope is basad on the wore uf a team of consultants engaged through ADB TA-T1ai PAK: Sindh War Resources Levelapment and htaregement Invesmert Programme. The lear of 17 national ard international consukants worced frem Haran 12 ‘August 2008 in Hyderabad! to develop a mutieranche financing faclity (MEF) az proposed in this reparc B. RATIONALE: SECTOR PERFORMANCE, PROBLEMS, AND OPPORTUNITIES A. Parlormance Indiestors and Analysis, 2. Water Resources: Pakistan faces an acute shortage of sraer with current Syallabirty bf some 1.0m? per person, expected to fallto 80mn* per parson by 2025. Most ff Pakistan's water reaquroas come fram the Indus River wih an annval tunon of 184 ition acre feat (MAF;, cf which 104 MAF ig ured for imigaton, 10 MAF 's loet to evaparalion, and the remaining water flows te tha Arabian Sea, Mean snnusl rainfall in Pakistan varies fom less than 100 mm in Balochistan and oars uf Sindh to over 1.600 mm ir tha fasts and ‘rorthern mountains, About G0 percent is received during the July 10 Septomber mansocn, Most summer raing are not avaliable for crop production because of rapid runatt during torrential showers, The overall cantioutior of rawster fo ercps inthe Inds Basin lnigation, ‘System (IBIS) 8 ged to be about 16.5 bilion rv, some "0 patcent of tiz mean annual river Flow. Eptieatoe of gvaundwator reeoureas for the Sireh province are said te vary between 10 ‘20 pillian m3 (13 te 1€.2 MAE} with an estimated safe yield of 5.4 to 10 blian ma (4-4 ta as MAR} 3, _tn 1801, the Federal Government and proviness agraad the Water Avcortionment ‘Acoord (WAS) on uurfaca waler and Slrdh's sharo Is 29.96 billon m? (48.73 IAP} dvided in 441,75 billon m* (33.94 MAF) duting cherit and 18.23 billion m? (14.62 MAF) aunng Rabi Frincgaly, WAA accepted a shift ftom the discharge based dlstrloution to vokme based division of waiter anrong the provinces. Operational process. of the seed provided flexibly tothe provnoes ta adjust arcing the previnsial canal. 4, Agricultural Economy: iigated agriculture is vitel lw economic growty ane rural lvathhoods througout Pakistan. Insufficlen. inigation water trom a refurbishmentroguisirs irigation network is the profil procter in Singh but productivity fs alsa Infuenced by fhe land roldinys strueture, oy waterlogging and sanity, and by the relatively low level of ‘Oukivaton practices, The traditionally conservative attiue and ikteracy of the cultivators Fampors implernentation of effcient extension werk. There are ale ficult Vansport, ‘communications and marketing faction. 5, The cropping pattern ts largely detorrinad by waiat avallablity aud the praferance of the farmers dsterm red by tha prospedtive retlms and marketing Cond tions of Una cop. ‘The formar conswenaiiore about maintahing soll felity 27d prevention of diseases ls na longor {ollawad. Producty ty neads to 2e irereased through (changes in afcutural practices and Inputs, 6) intensticstion and clversif ton, and {i} improvements in aaricutural production, value chaine fo stimte esoncmie gravah and improve rara ivelinonds, 6. Irrigation Sector: To address water scarcity in Sindh the Lower Indue Basin lrrigation Systern (LIBIS) was buit wih 3 barrags, 14 main canal systems, 27.784kn of

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