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2001 Annual Index for SIMULATION The index for articles in SIMULATION for 2001 appears in five refers you to the first author’s listing, or to the article number in parts. First is an Index by Title: Technical Articles and Notes. This the Index by Title. list includes (1) article numbers, (2) titles, (3) first authors, (4) The List of Special Issues includes the issue’s subject, date, volume, number and month, and (5) pages. The Index by Title: guest editor(s) and number of articles. The Index by Keyword Running Columns and Stories includes the same basic information. includes the keyword(s), followed by the (1) article number, (2) The other indices refer back to the article numbers that appear in issue volume, number and month, (3) pages, and (4) first author. this index. A slash (/) indicates a truncated title. The full title The SCS Website includes full titles, author ii.formation and appears in the Index by Author. abstracts for all Technical Articles and Technical Notes. Go to The Index by Author lists all authors, but complete article www.scs@scs.org and select Publications. Then select information appears only under the listing for the first author: (1) SIMULATION, then Table of Contents for 2001, Volumes 76 and name, (2) article number, (3) article title, (4) co-authors, (5) issue 77. volume and number, and (6) pages. For co-authors, the index Index by Title: Technical Articles and Notes Z ° Article Title First Author Issue Pages An Adaptive Control Mechanism for Management of Networked / Lin, M.-T. 76:3-Mar 160-171 An Agent-based Data Filtering Mechanism for High Level Architecture Tan, G. 76:6-Jun 329-344 Allocating Soft Real-Time Tasks on Cluster Zhu, W. 77:5/6-Nov /Dec 219-229 Application of the Cell-DEVS Paradigm for Cell Spaces Modelling and/ Wainer, G.A 76:1-Jan 22-39 A Case Study on the Impact of Web-based Technology in a Simulation/ Court, M. 76:4-Apr 207-213 Comparative Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms For QoS Support in Wide/ Znati, T. 77:5/6-Nov /Dec 196-205 Comparison of Load Balancing Strategies on Cluster-based Web Servers Teo, T.M. 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 185-195 Computer-aided Shaft Design and Selection of Rolling-contact Bearings / Mendi, F. 76:3-Mar 151-159 DSWKC$E NU mDesiAgn anNd De velopment of Data Distribution Management Environment Lee, J.S. 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 39-52 A Design for a Simulation-based Multimedia Learning Environment Roccetti, M. 76:4-Apr 214-221 DEVS-based Framework for Modeling /Simulation of Mobile Agent Systems Kim, J.-H. 76:6-Jun 345-357 A Distributed Agent-based Simulation Environment for Interference/ Ramaswamy,S. 7%:6-Jun 358-370 Enhancing Instructions Using Interactive Multimedia Simulations Budhu, M. 76:4-Apr 222-231 Free-surface Flow Simulations Using Parallel Finite Element Method Aliabadi, S. 76:5-May 257-262 From a Graphical Interface to a Full Scope Training Simulator Garcés, M. 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 93-103 Generalized Discrete Event Simulation of Bond Graph Naamane, A. 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 4-22 Generating Driver Population for the Microscopic Simulation Model? Chien, S.1. 76:1-Jan 40-45 Importance Sampling to Evaluate Real-time System Reliability: A Case Study Durairaj, G. 76:3-Mar 172-182 The Integration of 3-D Visualization into the Simulation-based Planning/ Wenzel, S. 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 An Interactive Design, Visualization, and Analysis Tool for Information/ Hill, J.M.D. 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 104-113 Model-following Control of Nonlinear Servo Systems Using Neural/ Ouyang, X. 76:5-May 263-272 Modeling Forest Landscapes: Parameter Estimation from Gap Models over/ Acevedo,M.F. — 77:1/2-Jul/Aug 53-68 A New Heuristic Optimization Algorithm: Harmony Search Geem, Z.W. 76:2-Feb 60-68 Parallel and Sequential Job Scheduling in Heterogeneous Clusters: A/ Collins, D.E. 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Performance Evaluation of ZOMA Preemptive Deadlock Recovery/ Al-Awwami, Z.H. 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 206-218 Performance Simulation of a Dependable Distributed System Chen, Y. 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 230-237 Personnel Airdrop Simulation Fox, S.M 76:1-Jan 4-21 Pricing and Managing a Maintenance Contract for a Fleet of Aircraft Engines Bowman, R.A. 76:2-Feb 69-77 Proportion Estimation of Correlated Sequences Chen, E.J. 76:5-May 273-276, 301-304 Simulation-based SW/HW Architectural Design Configurations for/ Sarjoughian, H.S. 77:1/2-Jul/Aug 23-38 The Simulation Education Homepage Yurcik, W. 76:4-Apr 202-206 A Simulation Environment for Multi-sensor Planning Hodge, L. 76:6-Jun 371-380 Simulation Study of An Ideal Primary Care Delivery System Pulat, P.S. 76:2-Feb 78-86, 107-108 A Simulation Study on the Performance Analysis of the Data Link Layer of/ Hong, S.H. 76:2-Feb 109-118 Teaching Object-oriented Simulation in A Software Engineering Framework Kornecki, A.J. 76:4-Apr 232-238 Underestimation of Rare Event Probabilities in Importance Sampling/ Smith, P.J. 76:3-Mar 140-150 Visualization and Simulation: Two Sides of the Same Coin Kuljis, J. 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 141-152 Visualization of Mobile Network Simulations Dahlberg, T.A. —_77:3/4-Sept/Oct 128-140 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2001 SIMULATION 245 Index by Title: Running Columns and Stories Al and Simulation 39 Particle Shapes 76:1-Jan 46-47 Wildberger, A.M. 40 Multi-tasking and Multi-threading 76:2-Feb 119-120 Wildberger, A.M. 41 Al and Modeling 76:3-Mar 184-185 Wildberger, A.M. 42 Mathematical Contest in Modeling 76:4-Apr 239-240 Wildberger, A.M. 43 Neural Networks 76:5-May 305-306 Wildberger, A.M. 44 Software Agents and Their Structure 76:6-Jun 381-382 Wildberger, A.M. 45 Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Emotion 77:1/2-Jul/Aug = 69-70 Wildberger, A.M. 46 Visualization and Artificial Intelligence 77:3/4-Sep/Oct 153-154 Wildberger, A.M. Simulation in the Service of Society 47 76:1-Jan 53-55 McLeod, J. 48 76:2-Feb 126-134 McLeod, J. 49 76:3-Mar 191-196 McLeod, J. 50 76:4-Apr 246-250 McLeod, J. 51 76:5-May 315-320 McLeod, J. 52 76:6-Jun 388-392 McLeod, J. 53 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 76-81 McLeod, | 54 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 158-160 McLeod, J. 55 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 241-244 McLeod, J. SCS News 56 76:5-May 312-314 Call for Nominations 57 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 74 Mohammad S. Obaidat Elected Fellow of SCS Index by Author Key for Index by Author First author’s last name, first initial; article number; article title; co-author’s last name, first initial; volume : number; pages Co-author’s last name, first initiat, article number; article title; see first author last name, first initial Ablan, M.; 22; Modeling Forest Landscapes: Parameter Estimation Chen, E.J.; 29; Proportion Estimation of Correlated Sequences; 76:5- from Gap Models over Heterogeneous Terrain; see Acevedo, May; 273-276, 301-304 M.F. Chen, Y.; 26; Performance Simulation of a Dependable Distributed Acevedo, M.F.; 22; Modeling Forest Landscapes: Parameter System; 77:5/6-N/o Dvec ; 230-237 Estimation from Gap Models over Heterogeneous Terrain; 77:1/ Chien, S.1.; 17; Generating Driver Population for the Microscopic 2-Jul/ Aug; 53-68 Simulation Model (CORSIM); 76:1-Jan; 40-45 Al-Awwami, Z.H.; 25; Performance Evaluation of ZOMA Chowdhury, S.M.; 17; Generating Driver Population for the Preemptive Deadlock Recovery Mechanism for Wormhole Microscopic Simulation Model (CORSIM); see Chien, S.1. Networks; 77:5/6-N/o Dvec ; 206-218 Collins, D.E.; 24; Parallel and Sequential Job Scheduling in Al-Mulhem, M.; 25; Performance Evaluation of ZOMA Preemptive Heterogeneous Clusters: A Simulation Study Using Software in Deadlock Recovery Mechanism for Wormhole Networks; see Al- the Loop; 77:5/6-Nov /Dec; 169-184 Awwami, Z.H. Corcuera, P.; 15; From a Graphical Interface to a Full Scope Aliabadi, S.; 14; Free-surface Flow Simulations Using Parallel Training Simulator; see Garcés, M ; Finite Element Method; 76:5-May; 257-262 Court, M.; 5; A Case Study on the Impact of Web-based Ayani, R.; 7; Comparison of Load Balancing Strategies on Cluster- Technology in a Simulation Analysis Course; 76:4-Apr; 207-213 based Web Servers; see Teo, T.M.; Dahlberg, T.A.; 38; Visualization of Mobile Network Simulations; Bailey, T.G; 27; Personnel Airdrop Simulation; see Fox, S.M. 77:3/4-Sept/Oct; 128-140 Bonfigli, M.E.; 10; A Design for a Simulation-based Multimedia Damiba, A.; 16; Generalized Discrete Event Simulation of Bond Learning Environment; see Roccetti, M. Graph; see Naamane, A. Bowman, R.A.; 28; Pricing and Managing a Maintenance Contract Durairaj, G.; 18; Importance Sampling to Evaluate Real-time for a Fleet of Aircraft Engines; 76:2-Feb; 69-77 System Reliability: A Case Study; 76:3-Mar; 172-182 Budhu, M.; 13; Enhancing Instructions Using Interactive Fox, S.M; 27; Personnel Airdrop Simulation; 76:1-Jan; 4-21 Multimedia Simulations; 76:4-Apr; 222-231 Garcés, M.; 15; From a Graphical Interface to a Full Scope Training Carlton, W.B; 27; Personnel Airdrop Simulation; see Fox, S.M. Simulator; 77:3/4-Sept/Oct; 93-103 Carver, C.A., Jr.; 20; An Interactive Design, Visualization, and Geem, Z.W.; 23; A New Heuristic Optimization Algorithm: Analysis Tool for Information Flow over a Tactical Data Harmony Search; 76:2-Feb; 60-68 Network; see Hill, ].M.D. George, A.D.; 24; Parallel and Sequential Job Scheduling in Chen, C.; 37; Visualization and Simulation: Two Sides of the Same Heterogeneous Clusters: A Simulation Study Using Software in Coin; see Kuljis, J. the Loop; see Collins, D.E. 246 SIMULATION NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2001 Giambiasi, N.; 4; Application of the Cell-DEVS Paradigm for Cell Morgan, C.; 21; Model-following Control of Nonlinear Servo Spaces Modelling and Simulation; see Wainer, G.A. Systems Using Neural Networks; see Ouyang, X. Giambiasi, N.; 16; Generalized Discrete Event Simulation of Bond Mouskos, K.C.; 17; Generating Driver Population for the Graph; see Naamane, A. Microscopic Simulation Model (CORSIM); see Chien, S.1. Gonzalez, C.; 15; From a Graphical Interface to a Full Scope Naamane, A.; 16; Generalized Discrete Event Simulation of Bond Training Simulator; see Garcés, M. Graph; 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug; 4-22 Hild, D.R.; 30; Simulation-based SW/HW Architectural Design Nwagboso, C.; 21; Model-following Control of Nonlinear Servo Configurations for Distributed Mission Training Systems; see Systems Using Neural Networks; see Ouyang, X. Sarjoughian, H.S. Obaidat, M.S.; 25; Performance Evaluation of ZOMA Preemptive Hill, J.M.D.; 20; An Interactive Design, Visualization, and Analysis Deadlock Recovery Mechanism for Wormhole Networks; see Al- Tool for Information Flow over a Tactical Data Network; 77:3/4- Awwami, Z.H. Sept/Oct; 104-113 Ouyang, X.; 21; Model-following Control of Nonlinear Servo Hodge, L.; 32; A Simulation Environment for Multi-sensor Systems Using Neural Networks; 76:5-May; 263-272 Planning; 76:6-Jun; 371-380 Parmarti, S.; 22; Modeling Forest Landscapes: Parameter Hong, S.H.; 34; A Simulation Study on the Performance Analysis Estimation from Gap Models over Heterogeneous Terrain; see of the Data Link Layer of IEC/ISA Fieldbus; 76:2-Feb; 109-118 Acevedo, M.F. Hu, X.; 30; Simulation-based SW/HW Architectural Design Paul, R.J.; 37; Visualization and Simulation: Two Sides of the Same Configurations for Distributed Mission Training Systems; see Coin; see Kuljis, J. Sarjoughian, HS. Pomposo, R.; 15; From a Graphical Interface to a Full Scope Jessen, U.; 19; The Integration of 3-D Visualization into the Training Simulator; see Garcés, M. Simulation-based Planning Process of Logistics Systems; see Pooch, U.W.; 20; An Interactive Design, Visualization, and Wenzel, S. Analysis Tool for Information Flow over a Tactical Data Kamel, M.; 32; A Simulation Environment for Multi-sensor Network; see Hill, J.M.D. Planning; see Hodge, L. Pulat, P.S.; 33; Simulation Study of An Ideal Primary Care Delivery Kasap, S.; 33; Simulation Study of An Ideal Primary Care Delivery System; 76:2-Feb; 78-86, 107-108 System; see Pulat, P.S. Rajan, P.K.; 12; A Distributed Agent-based Simulation Kim, J.-H.; 11; DEVS-based Framework for Modeling /Simulation Environment for Interference Detection and Resolution; see of Mobile Agent Systems; 76:6-Jun; 345-357 Ramaswamy, S. Kim, J.H.; 23; A New Heuristic Optimization Algorithm: Harmony Ramaswamy, S.; 12; A Distributed Agent-based Simulation Search; see Geem, Z.W. Environment for Interference Detection and Resolution; 76:6- Kim, T.G.; 11; DEVS-based Framework for Modeling /Simulation Jun; 358-370 of Mobile Agent Systems; see Kim, J.-H. Roccetti, M.; 10; A Design for a Simulation-based Multimedia Kisioglu, Y.; 8; Computer-aided Shaft Design and Selection of Learning Environment; 76:4-Apr; 214-221 Rolling-contact Bearings Using An Expert System; see Mendi, F. Salomoni, P.; 10; A Design for a Simulation-based Multimedia Ko, S.J.; 34; A Simulation Study on the Performance Analysis of the Learning Environment; see Roccetti, M. Data Link Layer of IEC/ISA Fieldbus; see Hong, S.H. Sarjoughian, H.S.; 30; Simulation-based SW/HW Architectural Koren, I.; 18; Importance Sampling to Evaluate Real-time System Design Configurations for Distributed Mission Training Reliability: A Case Study; see Durairaj, G. Systems; 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug; 23-38 Kornecki, A.J.; 35; Teaching Object-oriented Simulation in A Schmee, J.; 28; Pricing and Managing a Maintenance Contract for a Software Engineering Framework; 76:4-Apr; 232-238 Reet of Aircraft Engines; see Bowman, R.A. Krishna, C.M.; 18; Importance Sampling to Evaluate Real-time Shen, H.-C.; 1; An Adaptive Control Mechanism for Management System Reliability: A Case Study; see Durairaj, G. of Networked Information Consistency; see Lin, M.-T. Krishnamurthy, S.; 12; A Distributed Agent-based Simulation Shujaee, K.; 14; Free-surface Flow Simulations Using Parallel Finite Environment for Interference Detection and Resolution; see Element Method; see Aliabadi, S. Ramaswamy, S. Smith, P.J.; 36; Underestiniation of Rare Event Probabilities in Kuljis, J.; 37; Visualization and Simulation: Two Sides of the Same Importance Sampling Simulations; 76:3-Mar; 140-150 Coin; 77:3/4-Sept/Oct; 141-152 Splinter, G.L.; 33; Simulation Study of An Ideal Primary Care Lee, C.; 1; An Adaptive Control Mechanism for Management of Delivery System; see Pulat, P.S. Networked Information Consistency; see Lin, M.-T. Srinivasan, K.; 12; A Distributed Agent-based Simulation Lee, J.S.; 9; Design and Development of Data Distribution Environment for Interference Detection and Resolution; see Management Environment; 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug; 39-52 Ramaswamy, S. Lin, M.-T.; 1; An Adaptive Control Mechanism for Management of Strini, R.A.; 30; Simulation-based SW/HW Architectural Design Networked Information Consistency; 76:3-Mar; 160-171 Configurations for Distributed Mission Training Systems; see Loganathan, G.V.; 23; A New Heuristic Optimization Algorithm: Sarjoughian, H.S. Harmony Search; see Geem, Z.W. Subramanian, K.R. ; 38; Visualization of Mobile Network Lu, T.-C.; 1; An Adaptive Control Mechanism for Management of Simulations; see Dahlberg, T.A. Networked Information Consistency; see Lin, M.-T. Surdu, J.R.; 20; An Interactive Design, Visualization, and Analysis MacFadzean, R.; 12; A Distributed Agent-based Simulation Tool for Information Flow over a Tactical Data Network; see Environment for Interference Detection and Resolution; see Hill, J.M.D. Ramaswamy, S. Tan, G.; 2; An Agent-based Data Filtering Mechanism for High Mateer, R.; 26; Performance Simulation of a Dependable Level Architecture; 76:6-Jun; 329-344 Distributed System; see Chen, Y. Taskesen, A.; 8; Computer-aided Shaft Design and Selection of Mendi, F.; 8; Computer-aided Shaft Design and Selection of Rolling-contact Bearings Using An Expert System; see Mendi, F. Rolling-contact Bearings Using An Expert System; 76:3-Mar; Teo, T.M.; 7; Comparison of Load Balancing Strategies on Cluster- 151-159 based Web Servers; 77:5/6-Nov/Dec; 186-195 Mikler, A.; 22; Modeling Forest Landscapes: Parameter Estimation Urban, D.L.; 22; Modeling Forest Landscapes: Parameter from Gap Models over Heterogeneous Terrain; see Acevedo, Estimation from Gap Models over Heterogeneous Terrain; see M.F. Acevedo, M.F. NOVEMBER-DECEMBE20R0 1 SIMULATION 247 Vaglia, J.A.; 20; An Interactive Design, Visualization, and Analysis Tool for Information Flow over a Tactical Data Network; see Hill, }.M.D. Venkatesan, S.M.; 9; Design and Development of Data Distribution Management Environment; see Lee, J.S. Wainer, G.A.; 4; Application of the Cell-DEVS Paradigm for Cell Spaces Modelling and Simulation; 76:1-Jan; 22-39 Wenzel, S.; 19; The Integration of 3-D Visualization into the Simulation-based Planning Process of Logistics Systems; 77:3/4- Sept/Oct; 114-127 Xu, L.; 2; An Agent-based Data Filtering Mechanism for High Level Architecture; see Tan, G. Yurcik, W.; 31; The Simulation Education Homepage; 76:4-Apr; 202-206 Zeigler, B.P.; 9; Design and Development of Data Distribution Management Environment; see Lee, J.S. Zhu, W.; 3; Allocating Soft Real-Time Tasks on Cluster; 77:5/6- Nov/Dec; 219-229 Znati, T.; 6; Comparative Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms For QoS Support in Wide Area Networks ; 77:5/6-Nov /Dec; 196-205 Special Issues Simulation in Education and Education in Simulation April 2001, Vol. 76, No. 4 5 articles Dietmar P.F. Méller, Guest Editor Software Agents and Simulation June 2001, Vol. 76, No. 6 4 articles Tuncer Oren, Guest Editor Simulation and Visualization September-October 2001, Vol. 77, No. 3-4 5 articles Charles M. Macal, Guest Editor Modeling and Simulation Applications in Scheduling Multiprocessor Systems Novem/ Dbeceemrber 2001, Vol. 77, No. 5-6 6 articles Helen D. Karatza, Guest Editor 248 SIMULATION NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2001 Index by Keyword 3-D animation data link layer 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. 34 -76:2-Feb 109-118 Hong, S.H. adaptive learning environments DDM 10 76:4-Apr 214-221 Roccetti, M. 2 76:6-Jun 329-344 Tan, G. adaptive routing dead reckoning model (DRM) 25 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 206-218 Al-Awwami, Z.H. 1 76:3-Mar 160-171 Lin, M.-T. agent deadlock recovery 32 = 76:6-Jun 371-380 Hodge, L. 25 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 206-218 Al-Awwami, Z.H. agent modeling /simulation decision aids 11 = 76:6-Jun 345-357 Kim, J.-H. 20 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 104-113 Hill, J.M.D. agent-based systems DEVS 12 76:6-Jun 358-370 Ramaswamy, S. 4 76:1-Jan 22-39 Wainer, G.A. agents 11 = 76:6-Jun 345-357 Kim, J.-H. 2 76:6-Jun 329-344 Tan, G. 30.) -77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 23-38 Sarjoughian, H.S. air drop DEVS/GDDM environment 27 = 76:1-Jan Fox, S.M 9 77:1/2-JuAlu/g 39-52 Lee, J.S. airborne operations discrete event modeling and simulation 27 ~=—76:1-Jan Fox, S.M 16 77:1/2-JulAu/g 4-22 Naamane, A. aircraft engines discrete event simulation 28 76:2-Feb Bowman, R.A. 20 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 104-113 Hill, J.M.D. aircraft maintenance 19° 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. 28 76:2-Feb Bowman, R.A. discrete simulation algorithms 35 76:4-Apr 232-238 Kornecki, A.J. 6 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 196-205 Znati, T. discrete-event simulation augmented reality 4 76:1-Jan 22-39 Wainer, G.A. 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. dispatching policy back propagation 3. 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 219-229 Zhu, W. 21 = =76:5-May 263-272 Ouyang, X. distributed interactive simulation behavior 1 76:3-Mar 160-171 Lin, M.-T. 17 76:1-Jan 40-45 Chien, S.1. distributed object computing blind broadcasting 30) -77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 23-38 Sarjoughian, H.S. 1 76:3-Mar 160-171 Lin, M.-T. distributed simulation bond graph 12 76:6-Jun 358-370 Ramaswamy, S. 16 = 77:1/2-Jul/Aug 4-22 Naamane, A. 15 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 93-103 Garcés, M. CI distributed systems 30. -77:1/2-Jul/Aug 23-38 Sarjoughian, H.S. 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. camera DMT 32 =©76:6-Jun 371-380 Hodge, L. 30. -77:1/2-JuAlu/g 23-38 Sarjoughian, H.S. capacity dynamic shared state 17 76:1-Jan Chien, S.1. 1 76:3-Mar 160-171 Lin, M.-T. cellular automata education 4 76:1-Jan Wainer, G.A. 13 76:4-Apr a ieO N Budhu, M. civil engineering, 35 76:4-Apr 232-238 Kornecki, A.J. 13. 76:4-Apr Budhu, M. education methodologies cluster architectures 31 76:4-Apr 202-206 Yurcik, W. 3 77:5/6-Nov/Dec Zhu, W. embedded systems cluster computing 18 76:3-Mar 172-182 Durairaj, G. expert systems 24 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. cluster-based web servers 8 76:3-Mar 151-159 Mendi, F. 7 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 185-195 Teo, T.M. FACET co-design 22 =77:1/2-Jul/Aug 53-68 Acevedo, M.F. fault-tolerant computing 30. -77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 23-38 Sarjoughian, H.S. combat modeling 26 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 230-237 Chen, Y. 27 = 76:1-Jan 4-21 Fox, S.M fieldbus combinatorial optimization 34 76:2-Feb 109-118 Hong, S.H. filtering mechanisms 23 76:2-Feb 60-68 Geem, Z.W. component software 2 76:6-Jun 329-344 Tan, G. flight simulation 15 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 93-103 Garcés, M. 27 =76:1-Jan 4-21 Fox, S.M computational causality 16 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 4-22 Naamane, A. forest computer-aided analysis 22 = 77:1/2-JuAlu/g 53-68 Acevedo, M.F. 8 76:3-Mar 151-159 Mendi, F. free-surface flows 14 76:5-May 257-262 Aliabadi, S. contracts gap model 28 76:2-Feb 69-77 Bowman, R.A. 22. -77:1/2-JuAlu/g 53-68 Acevedo, M.F. CORSIM H.J. Andrews 17 =76:1-Jan 40-45 Chien, S.1. curricula 22 = 77:1/2-Jul/Aug 53-68 Acevedo, M.F. harmony search 31 76:4-Apr 202-206 Yurcik, W. 23 76:2-Feb 60-68 Geem, Z.W. data distribution management 9 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 39-52 Lee, J.S. NOVEMBER-DECEMBE20R0 1 SIMULATION 249 health care management networked virtual environment 33 -76:2-Feb 78-86, 107-108 Pulat, P.S. 1 76:3-Mar 160-171 Lin, M.-T. heterogeneous computing networking 24 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. 26 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 230-237 Chen, Y. heuristic algorithm networks 23 76:2-Feb 60-68 Geem, Z.W. 24 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. histogram estimation 6 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 196-205 Znati, T. 29 =76:5-May 273-276, 301-304 Chen, E.]. neural network HLA 21 =7 6:5-May 263-272 Ouyang, X. 2 76:6-Jun 329-344 Tan, G. non-linear servo systems hospital 21 =- 76:5-May 263-272 Ouyang, X. 33 76:2-Feb 78-86, 107-108 Pulat, P.S. non-traditional students human-machine interaction 5 76:4-Apr 207-213 Court, M. 15 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 93-103 Garcés, M. nuclear IEC/SIA fieldbus 15 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 93-103 Garcés, M. 34. -76:2-Feb 109-118 Hong, S.H. object-oriented design importance sampling 27 ~=76:1-Jan 4-21 Fox, S.M 36 =©76:3-Mar 140-150 Smith, P.J. object-oriented methodology 18 76:3-Mar 172-182 Durairaj, G. 35 76:4-Apr 232-238 Kornecki, A.J. industrial engineering object-oriented simulation 5 76:4-Apr 207-213 Court, M. 27 76:1-Jan 4-21 Fox, S.M information consistency optimization | 76:3-Mar 160-171 Lin, M.-T. 23 76:2-Feb 60-68 Geem, Z.W. information flow optimum bearing selection 20 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 104-113 Hill, J.M.D. 8 76:3-Mar 151-159 Mendi, F. instruction overbiasing 31 -76:4-Apr 202-206 Yurcik, W. 36 = 76:3-Mar 140-150 Smith, P.J. interaction parallel finite method 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. 14 _76:5-May 257-262 Aliabadi, S. job scheduling performance 24 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. 7 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 185-195 Teo, T.M. JSAF 26 = 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 230-237 Chen, Y. 30. -77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 23-38 Sarjoughian, HS. performance analysis landscape 34 76:2-Feb 109-118 Hong, S.H. 22) = -77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 53-68 Acevedo, M.F. performance evaluation load balancing 25 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 206-218 Al-Awwami, Z.H. 7 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 185-195 Teo, T.M. 3. 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 219-229 Zhu, W. logistics planning 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. 32 = 76:6-Jun 371-380 Hodge, L. microprocessors planning process 6 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 196-205 Znati, T. 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. mobile agent polynomial approximation 11 =7 6:6-Jun 345-357 Kim, J.-H. 16 77:1/2-Jul/Aug 4-22 Naamane, A. mobile discrete event system specification preemptive scheduling 11 76:6-Jun 345-357 Kim, J.-H. 24 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. mobile networks primary care service 38 =7 7:3/4-Sept/Oct 128-140 Dahlberg, T.A. 33 76:2-Feb 78-86, 107-108 Pulat, P.S. model coupling priority scheduling 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. 24 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. model-following control production 21 76:5-May 263-272 Ouyang, X. 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. modelling methodologies proportion estimation 4 76:1-Jan 22-39 Wainer, G.A. 29 = =76:5-May 273-276, 301-304 Chen, E.]. MOSAIC prototyping 22. 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 53-68 Acevedo, M.F. 26 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 230-237 Chen, Y. MSO rare events 28 76:2-Feb 69-77 Bowman, R.A. 36 =.7 6:3-Mar 140-150 Smith, P.J. multimedia rare-event simulation 10 76:4-Apr 214-221 Roccetti, M. 18 76:3-Mar 172-182 Durairaj, G. 13. 76:4-Apr 222-231 Budhu, M. real-time systems multimedia technology 18 76:3-Mar 172-182 Durairaj, G. 5 76:4-Apr 207-213 Court, M. reliability evaluation multiprocessor systems 18 76:3-Mar 172-182 Durairaj, G. 24 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. resource management systems 7 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 185-195 Teo, T.M. 24 -77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. 6 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 196-205 Znati, T. risk management 25 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 206-218 Al-Awwami, Z.H. 28 76:2-Feb 69-77 Bowman, R.A. 3 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 219-229 Zhu, W. RTI 26 = 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 230-237 Chen, Y. 2 =7 6:6-Jun 329-344 Tan, G. music run length control 23 76:2-Feb 60-68 Geem, Z.W. 29 =7 6:5-May 273-276, 301-304 Chen, EJ. network communication cost 2 76:6-Jun 329-344 Tan, G. 250 SIMULATION NOVEMBER-DECEMBE20R0 1 scalability Web-based simulation 39. -77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 23-38 Sarjoughian, H.S. 10 76:4-Apr 214-221 Roccetti, M. 7 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 185-195 Teo, T.M. 13. 76:4-Apr 222-231 Budhu, M. scalable distributed simulation Web-based technology 9 77:1/2-Jul/Aug 39-52 Lee, J.S. 5 76:4-Apr 207-213 Court, M. scaling-up wormhole switching 22 77:1/2-Jul/Aug 53-68 Acevedo, M.F. 25 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 206-218 Al-Awwami, Z.H. scheduling in multiprocessors 25 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 206-218 Al-Awwami, Z.H. semi-Markov 22 77:1/2-Jul/Aug 53-68 Acevedo, M.F. sensor 32 76:6-Jun 371-380 Hodge, L. shaft design 8 76:3-Mar 151-159 Mendi, F. ship hydrodynamics 14. 76:5-May 257-262 Aliabadi, S. simulation analyst/consultant 5 76:4-Apr 207-213 Court, M. simulation developer 5 76:4-Apr 207-213 Court, M. simulation development tools 4 76:1-Jan 22-39 Wainer, G.A. simulation environments 37. —-77:3/4-Sept/Oct 141-152 Kulljis, J. simulation modeler 5 76:4-Apr 207-213 Court, M. simulation tools 31 76:4-Apr 202-206 Yurcik, W. sloshing in tanker trucks 14. 76:5-May 257-262 Aliabadi, S. soft panels 15 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 93-103 Garcés, M. soft real-time system 3. 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 219-229 Zhu, W. software engineering 35 76:4-Apr 232-238 Kornecki, A.J. software in the loop 24 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 169-184 Collins, D.E. soil mechanics 13. 76:4-Apr 222-231 Budhu, M. space-based quantization 9 77:1/2-Jul/ Aug 39-52 Lee, J.S. speed 17 76:1-Jan 40-45 Chien, S.1. tactical communications 20 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 104-113 Hill, J.M.D. trace-driven simulation 7 77:5/6-Nov/Dec 185-195 Teo, T.M. traffic operations 17 _76:1-Jan 40-45 Chien, S.1. transportation 17 76:1-Jan 40-45 Chien, S.1. underestimation 36 ©=©76:3-Mar 140-150 Smith, PJ. user modeling 10 76:4-Apr 214-221 Roccetti, M. virtual lab 13 76:4-Apr 222-231 Budhu, M. virtual reality 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. visualization 20 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 104-113 Hill, J.M.D. 19 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 114-127 Wenzel, S. 38 =77:3/4-Sept/Oct 128-140 Dahlberg, T.A. 37. —-77:3/4-Sept/Oct 141-152 Kulljis, J. visualization software and hardware 15 77:3/4-Sept/Oct 93-103 Garcés, M. wake vortices 27 ~=76:1-Jan 4-21 Fox, S.M Web technologies 10 76:4-Apr 214-221 Roccetti, M. NOVEMBER-DECEMBE2R00 1 SIMULATION 251

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