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Simulating the scalar field on the fuzzy sphere 6 0 0 2 P n a FernandoGarcíaFlores∗ o J DublinInstituteofAdvancedStudies,CentrodeInvestigaciónyEstudiosAvanzados S 9 E-mail: [email protected] ( 1 DenjoeO’Connor v L 2 DublinInstituteofAdvancedStudies 1 E-mail: [email protected] A 0 T 1 X. Martin 0 LMPT,UniversitéF.RabelaisdeTours 2 6 0 E-mail: [email protected] 0 / t a 0 l Thepropertiesofthef 4 scalarfieldtheoryonafuzzyspherearestudiednumerically. Thefuzzy - 5 p sphereisadiscretizationofthespherethroughmatricesinwhichthesymmetriesofthespaceare e ) h preserved. Thismodelpresentsthreedifferentphases: uniformanddisorderedphases,asinthe : 2 v usualcommutativescalarfieldtheory,andanon-uniformorderedphaserelatedtoUV-IRmixing i X like non-commutativeeffects. We have determinedthe coexistence lines between phases, their 6 r triplepointandtheirscaling. 2 a XXIIIrdInternationalSymposiumonLatticeFieldTheory 25-30July2005 TrinityCollege,Dublin,Ireland Speaker. ∗ (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ Simulatingthescalarfieldonthefuzzysphere FernandoGarcíaFlores 1. Introduction The fuzzy approximation scheme [1] consists in approximating the algebra of functions on a manifold withafinitedimensional matrixalgebra instead ofdiscretising theunderlying space asa latticeapproximation does. Here we report our results for a hermitian scalar field on the fuzzy sphere. We find the col- lapsed phasediagramandinparticular wecalculate theuniform ordered/non-uniform ordered line thatwasabsentin[2]. Thecurrentstudycouldberelativelyeasilyrepeatedforahermitianscalarfieldonotherfuzzy spaces. ThesimplestextensionwouldbetofuzzyCPN. Somevariantsoftheschemecanbeapplied to fuzzy versions of S3 and S4[3]. The study reveals that the non-uniform disordered phase lines should correspond toapurematrixmodeltransition. P As an approximation scheme, this “fuzzification” is well suited to numerical simulations of o field theories [4]. As a test run, the first fuzzy approximation to be investigated should be the S simplestone,thatofthetwodimensionalsphereCP1=S2. Boththetwo–dimensionalcommutative ( andMoyalplanescanbeviewedasthelimitsofafuzzysphereofinfiniteradius. L 2. The two dimensional f 4 Model and itsfuzzy version A T Weareinterested inthemodel: 2 S[F ]=Tr aF †[L,[L,F ]]+bF 2+cF 4 , (2.1) i i 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) where F is a Hermitian matrix of size N, b and c are mass and coupling parameters respectively. 0 Li is the angular momentum generator in the N dimensional unitary irreducible representation of 5 SU(2). Sincearescaling ofF willallowustoseta=1,theentirephase diagram canbeexplored ) byranging throughallrealvaluesofbandpositivevaluesofc. Theconventions of[2]area= 4p , N 2 b=arR2,c=al R2. Theinfinite matrix limitofthe action canbe taken andcorresponds toarealscalar fieldf on 6 aroundsphereofradiusRandEuclideanaction 2 S[f ]= d2n f L2f +rR2f 2+l R2f 4 (2.2) Z S2 (cid:0) (cid:1) whereL2=(cid:229) L2 andL aretheusualangularmomentumgenerators. i=1,3 i i The eigenvectors of [L,[L, ]] in (2.1) are the polarization tensors Yˆ (normalised so that i i lm · 4p Tr(Yˆ†Yˆ ) = 1) and it has eigenvalues l(l+1) with degeneracy 2l+1. This is precisely the N lm lm spectrum oftheLaplacianL2 onthecommutativespheretruncated atangular momentumN 1. − Thisparticularmodelwaschosenbecauseofitssimplicity. Thediagrammaticexpansionofthe model (2.2) has only one divergent diagram, the tadpole diagram, is Borel resumable, and defines thefieldtheoryentirely. Inthefuzzyversion,thetadpolesplitsintoplanarandnon-planartadpoles, which are also the only diagrams that diverge in the infinite N limit. Their difference is finite and nonlocal andisresponsible fortheUV/IRmixingphenomenaofthedisordered phase[6]. Even though the scalar field on either commutative or fuzzy spheres cannot have a phase transition, sincetheyhavefinitevolumeorafinitenumberofdegreesoffreedom,phasetransitions maybefoundwhenthematrixdimensionortheradiusofthespherebecomeinfinite. 262/2 Simulatingthescalarfieldonthefuzzysphere FernandoGarcíaFlores Thefuzzyspherecanberecognizedbyintroducingcoordinates(X ,X ,X )proportionaltothe 1 2 3 angular momentumoperators 2R X = L. i i √N2 1 − Theymustsatisfythealgebra Q X2+X2+X2=R21, [X,X ]=i e X 1 2 3 i j R ijk k whereQ = 2R2 istheparameterofnon-commutativity, Ristheradiusofthesphereand1isthe √N2 1 unit operator. T−he non-commutativity parameter depends on the matrix size, N, and the radius of thesphere, R. Bytakingdifferent limitswecanaccessdifferent spaces: P N R Q Limit o N constant =R 2R2/√N2 1 FuzzySphere ¥ constant =R 0 − CommutativeSphere S ¥ ¥ 0 Commutativeplane ( ¥ ¥ constant=q MoyalPlane L A 2.1 Orderparameters T Asuitable setoforderparameters canbeidentifiedfromthecoefficients ofamodedecompo- 2 sitionintermsofthepolarization tensorsbasis[5] 0 F =Tr(F )1 + 12 r L +N(cid:229) −1 (cid:229)+l c Yˆ . (2.3) 0 N N(N2 1) a a lm lm − l=2m= l 5 − Wehaveseparatedexplicitlyl=0andl=1fromtheexpansiontoidentifytwoobservableswhose ) expectation values we used to identify the respective phases. The observables are Tr(F ) and 2 | | 3 r 2:=r r = (cid:229) (Tr(L F ))2. ThetotalpowerinallcoefficientsisgivenbyTr(F 2)= 1(Tr(F ))2+ 6 a a a N a=1 2 N 1 l 12 r 2+ N (cid:229) − (cid:229) c 2 and can beused to estimate the importance of theneglected higher N(N2 1) 4p | lm| − l=2m= l modes. − 2.2 Thephases This model (2.1) presents three phases. Asageneric illustration of their properties, Fig. 1(a) andFig.1(b)showthedependenceonthemassparameterboftheprobabilitydistributionsofTr(F ) andr ,respectively, for a=1, c=40, N =4 . { } Disordered: Found for b “small”, the configurations fluctuate close to F =0. This is con- | | firmedonthefigure,< Tr(F ) > <r > 0,butalso<Tr(F 2)> 0(notshown). | | ∼ ∼ ∼ Non-uniform ordered: As b increases, the figure shows multiple symmetric peaks for the | | probability distribution of Tr(F ) whose height decreases with increasing Tr(F ), and multiple | | peaks not centered near zero for r . Furthermore Tr(F 2) is much larger than both <|Tr(F )|>2 and N <r >sothathighermodesactuallydominate. Inparticular,themostprobableconfigurationisnot rotationallyinvariantandwehavespontaneousbreakdownofrotationalinvariance. Theprobability 262/3 Simulatingthescalarfieldonthefuzzysphere FernandoGarcíaFlores distributionofTr(F )hasN+1symmetricpeakslocatedapproximatelyat(N 2k) b/2cwhere − − k=0,1,...,N, while the probability distributions of r and S[F ] have (N+1)/2 ppeaks for N odd andN/2+1forN even. Uniformordered: As b becomeslarge, thefigureshowstwosymmetricpeaksfortheprob- | | ability distribution of Tr(F ) corresponding to the outer peaks of the non-uniform ordered phase and located approximately at Tr(F ) N b/2c, but just one peak near zero for r . Further- ∼± − more, <Tr(F 2)> <Tr(F )>2/N indicatping thatthepowerinhigher modesisnegligible. This ∼ isgenericandindicates thatF b/2c1andtherotational symmetryisthusrestored. ∼ − p N=4 , a= 1, b= -75.0, c= 40 N=4 , a= 1, b= -75.0, c= 40 P PPrroobbaabbiilliittyy DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn PPrroobbaabbiilliittyy DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn 2.5 6 o 2 5 4 1.5 S 3 1 2 0.5 1 ( 0 0 L -100 -100 -90-8b0-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1Tr[ f 2 ] 3 4 5 -90-8b0-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 r 3 3.5 4 4.5 AT2 (a)ProbabilitydistributionofTr(F ) (b)Probabilitydistributionofr . 0 0 Figure1: Figures(a)and(b)showthetypicalbehavioroftheobservablesTr(F )andr inaregionofthe 5 phasediagramwheredecreasingbpassesthesystemthroughthethreephases. ) 2 3. Simulationand Results: The specificheat andthe phase diagram 6 2 Weare interested inthephase diagram ofthe model (2.1). Toidentify it, weused the coordi- nates inparameter space ofthepeaksofthespecific heat,C:=<S2 > <S>2. Therelevant set − of parameters is N,b,c whereb and cdepend implicitly inR. Itispossible tofurther reduce by { } one the number ofparameters byfinding ascaling b,c bNqb,cNqc . Ifwefindsuch q b and { }→ q ,themodelbecomesindependent ofN andautomatically y(cid:8)ieldsaninfin(cid:9)itematrixlimit. c Thesimulations show that inthe non–uniform ordered phase, the fuzzy kinetic term (propor- tional to a in (2.1)), is negligible compared to the potential term (the other terms). There exists anexact solution forthecorresponding limitofa=0inthelarge N limitcalled the purepotential model[7]. Thismodelpredictsathirdorderphasetransitionbetweenadisorderedandnon–uniform orderedphaseatc=b2/4N. Figure2confirmsnumericallytheconvergenceofthedisordered/non– uniform orderedtransition towardsthisexactcriticallineofthepurepotential model. Numerically, it is not difficult to findthe coexistence curve between the uniform ordered and disorderedphaseswhichexistforlowvaluesofc. Ontheotherhand,thecoexistencecurvebetween the twoordered phases isdifficult to evaluate because itinvolves ajump inthe fieldconfiguration andtunnelling overawidepotential barrier. 262/4 Simulatingthescalarfieldonthefuzzysphere FernandoGarcíaFlores 0.28 N=2 N=4 N=6 N=8 0.26 a=0, NN==1 ¥0 0.24 2N at)/ e c H 0.22 cifi e p S ( 0.2 P 0.18 c=200000.0 o S 0.16 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 ( b/(N c)1/2 Figure2: Plotofthespecificheatatthedisordered/non–uniformorderedtransitionforincreasingN andits L N ¥ limit,theexactpurepotentialmodel. A → T 2 3 N=2 N=3 0 N=4 N=6 2.5 N=8 0 N=10 cN-2=(bN-3/2)2/4 5 Disorder phase Non-Uniform Order phase 2 ) 2 2N 1.5 6 c/ 2 1 0.5 Uniform Order phase Triple point (0.80 – 0.08,0.15 – 0.05) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -b/N3/2 Figure3: PhasediagramobtainedfromMonte–Carlosimulationsofthemodel(2.1) The phase diagram obtained by Monte Carlo simulations with the Metropolis algorithm is shown on figure 3. That plot shows the phase diagram for the model (2.1). The data have been collapsed usingthescalingformdefinedabovewithq = 3/2andq = 2. Itisremarkablethat b c − − thisscalingalsoworksfortheexactsolutionofthepuremodelpotential. 262/5 Simulatingthescalarfieldonthefuzzysphere FernandoGarcíaFlores 4. Conclusions The numerical study showed three different phases. In one of those phases, which does not existinthecommutativeplanarlf 4 theory, therotational symmetryisspontaneously broken. The othertwophaseshavequalitatively thesamecharacterasthephasesofthislattermodel. Thethree coexistence curvesintersectatatriplepointgivenby (b ,c )=( 0.15N3/2,0.8N2). (4.1) T T − Thosethreecurvesandthetriplepointcollapseusingthesamescaling functionofN andthus giveaconsistentN ¥ limit. Thus,allthreephases,andinparticularthenewuniformdisordered → phase, and the triple point survive in the limit. We will discuss these issues more completely in P Ref. [8]. o Acknowledgements WewishtothankW.Bietenholz andJ.Medinaforhelpfuldiscussions. 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