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Simulating STM transport in alkanes from first principles C. Toher∗ and S. Sanvito† School of Physics and CRANN, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland (Dated: January 21, 2009) Simulations of scanning tunneling microscopy measurements for molecules on surfaces are tradi- tionally based on a perturbative approach, most typically employing the Tersoff-Hamann method. ThisassumesthattheSTMtipisfarfromthesamplesothatthetwodonotinteractwitheachother. However, when thetip gets close to the molecule to perform measurements, theelectrostatic inter- 9 play between the tip and substrate may generate non-trivial potential distribution, charge transfer 0 andforces,allofwhichmayaltertheelectronicandphysicalstructureofthemolecule. Theseeffects 0 are investigated with the ab initio quantum transport code smeagol, combining non-equilibrium 2 Green’sfunctionsformalismwithdensityfunctionaltheory. Inparticular,weinvestigatealkanethiol n moleculesterminated with eitherCH3 orCF3 end-groupsongold surfaces, forwhich recentexperi- a mentaldataareavailable. Wediscusstheeffectsconnectedtotheinteraction betweentheSTMtip J andthemolecule,aswellastheasymmetricchargetransferbetweenthemoleculeandtheelectrodes. 1 2 I. INTRODUCTION potential drop nor of the charge re-distribution between ] the tip and the sample. These methods are thus not l l reliable when the tip is close to the molecule and devi- a Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM)1 is an invalu- h ation from the TH current are expected. It is therefore able surface characterization tool with multiple applica- - important to explore, for STM simulations, the use of s tions in molecular electronics. Typically, an atomically e sharp probing tip constructed from heavy metals such self-consistenttransportmethods10,11,12 suchasthenon- m equilibrium Green’s function formalism (NEGF)13 com- as platinum, tungsten or iridium scans a substrate by bined with ab initio electronic structures obtained from . means of a tiny tunneling current. The method can t density functional theory (DFT)14,15. This is the goal a be used as a topographic tool to map the positions of m of our work, which is based on the use of the electronic atoms, defects and molecules on surfaces, as a spectro- transport code smeagol10,11. - scopic tool to probe their local density of states, and d It is important to realize that NEGF-DFT is com- more recently in its spin-polarized version as an ultra n sensitive magnetometer2. Furthermore STM can also be pletely complementary to the standard TH scheme. In- o c used as an atomic fabrication tool for depositing atoms deed, it presents problems in the limit of large tip-to- [ and molecules on a surface so as to form nanoscale sampleseparation,whereTHismosteffective. Themain devices3. Additionally, it can be used to manufacture reason for this is rooted in the fact that smeagol em- 1 ploysthenumericalimplementationofDFTcontainedin v breaking junctions, where a molecule is pulled out of a the siesta code16. The siesta basis set is constructed 4 surface,sothatelectronictransportmeasurementscanbe 0 performed4,5. Indeed, the level of geometric control pro- from numericalorbitals whose radialcomponent is trun- 2 vided by the STM evenallows mechanicalgating experi- catedbeyondacertaincutoffradius17,andextendedvac- 3 uum regions are usually only poorly described. In fact mentstobecarriedout,sothatarangeofdifferenttrans- 1. portregimescanbeinvestigatedforthesamemolecule6,7. in the extreme case of a vacuum region extending well 0 In general, both in its topographic and spectroscopical beyond all the cutoff radii, all matrix elements between 9 modes, an STM measurement consists of a collection of thetipandthesamplewillvanishandthetunnelingcur- 0 rent will become identically zero. Improvements can be different I-V curvesfor different tip-to-sample positions. : obtained by populating the vacuum region with empty v Inthe vastmajorityofcases,calculationsofSTMcur- i orbitals (basis functions not associated to a pseudopo- X rents are based on Bardeen’s perturbative approach to tential). However for sensitive calculations of tiny tun- tunneling8 and consist of evaluating the tunneling ma- r neling currents the actual position of the empty orbitals a trix elements between the STM tip and the sample. A can deeply affect the results, most typically by creating simplified formdue to TersoffandHamann (TH)9 which spurious current oscillations as a function of the tip-to- reduces to the calculation of the local density of states, sample distance. Therefore we limit our method to tip- is nowmainstreamandusuallyimplementedinstandard to-sample separation smaller than 6˚A for which reliable electronicstructurecodes. TheTHschemeassumesthat calculations do not need empty orbitals in the vacuum. the STM tip is sufficiently far from the molecule so as We call this limit the quasi-contact limit. not to affect its electronic structure. As a result of this An example of experiments where the tip-molecule in- assumption, there is no self-consistent evaluation of the teractionsarebelievedtobeimportant,isthatperformed by Pflaum et. al.18, in which a monolayer of alkanethiol molecules is deposited on a gold surface, and the trans- ∗Currentaddress: DresdenUniversityofTechnology,Dresden,Ger- port properties are then probed by using anSTM setup. many The obtained zero-bias conductance is low, being of the 2 the scattering region (SR) (see figure 2). a) b) Scattering Region H[ ρ ] s µ µ 1 2 G(E) Left Lead Right Lead FIG. 1: (Color on line) Decanethiol molecule with (a) CH3 (b)CF3 endgroup. Colorcode: C=black,S=brown,H=blue, F=purple. FIG. 2: Schematic diagram of a metal-molecule-metal junc- tion. A scattering region (thepart of thesystem enclosed by the dashed box) is sandwiched between two current/voltage order of 10−7G at zero bias (the quantum conductance probeskeptatthechemicalpotentialsµ1 andµ2 respectively. 0 G is defined as 2e2/h, with e the electron charge and Theelectrodesaremodeledasbeingperiodicinthedirection 0 of transport. A number of layers of the electrodes are in- h the Planck constant). The I-V curves are asymmet- cludedin thescattering region toallow thecharge densityto ric and this asymmetry increases noticeably when the converge tothe bulk value. terminating CH group is replaced by a CF one. It is 3 3 speculated that the additional asymmetry of the CF - 3 TheSRincludesboththemoleculeandaportionofthe terminated molecule is due to a rearrangement of the leads, and it is extended enough so that charge density charge distribution near the end of the molecule caused calculated at the most external atomic layer resembles by the high electronegativity of the F atoms. This in thatofthebulkelectrodes. Theleads,whichareassumed turn generates an electrostatic force between the STM tobeperiodiccrystalsinthetransportdirection,arekept tip and the molecule, the direction of which depends on at different chemical potentials µ =E ±eV/2 where the electrostatic potential at the tip. Such interaction 1/2 F V is the applied potential bias. We note this is some- causes the molecule to be either repelled or attracted by what different from STM experiments, where typically the tip depending on the bias polarity, and creates the the chemical potential of the surface remains fixed while asymmetry in the I-V. a potential bias is applied to the probe. However, such Calculations using the TH method have been per- a difference in the definition does not effect the shape of formed for pentanethiol molecules on gold19. However, theI-V curve,sincethe finalpotentialdropiscalculated thenatureoftheTHmethodrequiresalargetip-molecule self-consistently. The SR is described by a Hamiltonian separation,andthecurrentobtainedinthesecalculations H . Thisisusedtoconstructthenon-equilibriumGreen’s is an order of magnitude smaller than that observed in s function the experiments. In this work, the mechanism behind the asymmetry in the I-V curves of CH and CF ter- 3 3 minated alkanethiol molecules on gold is explored with G(E)= lim[(E+iη)−H −Σ −Σ ]−1, (1) NEGF-DFT. The issue related to the electrostatic inter- η→0 s 1 2 action between the tip and the sample is investigated in anapproximateway. Firstwecalculatefromequilibrium whereΣ1/2aretheself-energiesfortheleads,constructed DFT the electricaldipole onthe molecules. Thenwe use bysemi-analyticalderivation20 fromtheelectronicstruc- classicalelectrostatictheorytodeterminetheequilibrium ture of the bulk. G(E) enters in a self-consistent proce- position of the molecule with respect to the tip. Finally dure to calculate the density matrix, ρ, of the SR, and new transport calculations are carried out for the newly hence the two-probe current of the device10,11,12,13,21. estimated atomic positions. TheHamiltonianforthescatteringregionHs isgenerally assumed to be a function of the non-equilibrium charge density ρ, which is calculated following the NEGF pre- scription as II. METHOD: DFT-BASED NON-EQUILIBRIUM GREEN’S FUNCTION 1 ∞ FORMALISM ρ= G(E)[Γ f(E,µ )+Γ f(E,µ )]G†(E)dE, 2π Z 1 1 2 2 −∞ (2) STM transport measurements are equivalent to calcu- latingthetwo-probeI-V curveofamoleculesandwiched where Γ1/2 =i[Σ1/2−Σ†1/2]. In practice, this integral is in between two metallic electrodes. One electrode repre- performed by splitting it into two parts10,11,12,13,21: an sents the surface to which the molecule is attached and equilibrium part to be performed along a contour in the the other is the STM tip. The NEGF scheme partitions complex plane, and a non-equilibrium part to be evalu- such system into three regions, respectively the two cur- atedalongthe realenergyaxis butthat contributes only rent/voltageelectrodes(leads)andamiddleregioncalled around E . Finally, the converged Green’s function can F 3 be usedtocalculatethe two-probecurrentI throughthe The orbital resolved density of states (DOS) for iso- device lated decanethiol both CH - and CF -terminated is 3 3 shown in figure 3. The energy gap between the high- 2e ∞ I = Tr[G(E)Γ G†(E)Γ ](f(E,µ )−f(E,µ ))dE. est occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest h Z−∞ 1 2 1 2 unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is in both cases (3) rather large (∼ 5 eV )22. Most importantly the DOS of This is effectively the integral between µ1 and µ2 (the the twofrontiermolecularorbitalsdonothavelargeam- bias window) of the transmission coefficients T(E) = plitudeovertheCatomsformingthedecanethiol,butare Tr[G(E)Γ1G†(E)Γ2]. ratherlocalizedonthe π statesofSperpendicularto the The NEGF scheme is general and not related to a molecule axis (see figures 3(b) and 3(d)). In the case of particular electronic structure theory. In the case of CF -termination the F contribution to the DOS is only 3 smeagol10,11, the electronic structure method used is confinedtopartofthe LUMOandtolowenergyHOMO density functional theory (DFT)14 in the siesta imple- levels. The orbital nature of the HOMO and LUMO is mentation. Inparticularinthisworkwewillusethelocal further investigated in figure 4 where we present the lo- densityapproximation15 (LDA)oftheexchangeandcor- cal DOS for the CH -terminated molecule (the one for 3 relation functional. the CF -terminated case is rather similar and it is not 3 presented here). III. RESULTS a) b) c) A. Electronic Structure of the Molecules The molecules used in the experiments of Pflaum et. al. are both methyl-terminated and fluorine-terminated alkanethiols. A range of different alkane chain lengths were used in that study, but most of the data were col- lected for decanethiols (see figure 1(a) and 1(b)). De- canethiolconsistsofanalkanechainoftencarbonatoms FIG.4: (Coloronline)Localdensityofstatesfortheisolated terminated with thiol (-SH) group. The sulphur atomin decanethiolmoleculeterminatedwiththeCH3groupshowing: the thiol group forms a strong bond with gold and an- (a)theHOMO-1state(b)theHOMOand(c)theLUMO.The chors the molecule to the surface forming a well ordered local DOS for the molecule terminated with the CF3 group self-assembled monolayer. is similar and it is not displayed here. Color code: C=black, S=brown,H=blue,F=purple. 4 4 (a) (b) S S π WenotethatbothHOMOandLUMOhaveamplitude 3 C C π 3 mainly around the thiol group with little charge spread H over the alkane chain. One should therefore expect little 2 2 conductance through those states. In contrast the first s) 1 1 s) state below the HOMO (HOMO-1)(figure 4(a)) appears t t ni ni as a delocalized π state and it is expected to conduct u u b. 0 0 b. efficiently. ar (c) (d) ar S ( 3 F 3 S ( B. Transport Properties of the Molecules on Gold O O D D Surface 2 2 In order to calculate the transport properties, we at- 1 1 tach the molecules to the Au fcc (111) hollow site via a 0 0 terminating thiol group at a sulphur-surface distance of -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 1.9 ˚A23. This is the equilibrium distance measured for E - E (eV) E - E (eV) the hollow site configuration24. The arrangement of the F F molecule on the surface and the relative position of the tipisshowninfigure5forthe CF -terminatedmolecule. 3 FIG.3: (Coloronline) Orbitalresolved DOSfortheisolated The configurationfor the CH3-terminatedcaseis similar decanethiol molecule. Panels (a) and (b) are for the CH3 and it is not displayed here. In the experiments from termination, while panels (c) and (d) are for the CF3. In Pflaum et. al. CH3-terminated decanethiols are tilted panel (b) and (d) only the DOS corresponding to π orbitals at an angle of ∼ 32◦ from the vertical direction, while perpendicular to themolecule axis are displayed. for CF -terminated the tilting angle is ∼ 39◦18. Our 3 4 simulation cells however have the molecules placed per- 100 20 (a) (b) pendicular to the surface. This allows the unit cell used 10 to be smaller than that requiredfor simulating such tilt- ) 0 ) ing angles, and the computational overheads are greatly A 0 A 4.25Å reduced. We also make some approximations in mod- p 4.75Å p ( -10( eling the STM tip. First of all we consider a gold tip I -100 4.95Å I 5.05Å instead of the used tungsten or platinum-iridium ones, 5.25Å -20 in such a way to avoid issues related to having two elec- Exp. trodes with different work functions. In doing this we -200-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1-30 describe the electronic structure of the electrodes with a V (Volts) V (Volts) 6s only basis set, which was proved to provide a reason- ably accurate choice for transport calculations at only a moderatecomputationalcost27. Secondlywedonotcon- FIG. 6: (Color on line) I-V curves for CH3-terminated de- sider an atomically sharp tip but a slightly blunter one. canethiol attached to a gold surface for different distances This geometry improvesthe stability of the calculations, between the C atom in the CH3 group and the probing tip. Changingthisdistanceby0.1˚Acausesthesizeofthecurrent allowingtheself-consistentconvergencetobequickerand to change by approximately one order of magnitude at 1 V. more reliable. Panel(b)isazoom ofpanel(a)inthecurrentrangebetween [-30,20] pA. 4 4 (a) S (b) S π C C π 3 3 E E F F 2 2 ) ) s 1 1 s t t i i n n u u b. 0 0 b. ar (c) (d) ar S ( 3 F 3 S ( FIG. 5: (Color on line) Simulation cell used in the transport O O D D calculations: a CF3-terminated decanethiol molecule is at- 2 2 tached to gold surface and probed with a Au STM tip. The case of the CH3-terminated molecule is similar and it is not 1 1 displayed here. Color code: Au=yellow, C=black, S=brown, H=blue,F=purple. 0 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 E - E (eV) E - E (eV) As expected the tunneling current is extremely sensi- F F tive to the distance betweenthe tip andthe molecule,so that it is rather difficult to determine from experiments the precise tip vertical position. Our working strategy FIG. 7: (Color on line) Orbital resolved DOS for the de- canethiol molecule attached to the gold surface. Panels (a) is then to adjust this distance to match the magnitude of the current obtained in experiments. Such a a tuning and(b)arefortheCH3 termination,whilepanels(c)and(d) are for the CF3. In panel (b) and (d) only the DOS corre- exercise is presented in figure 6 where we show the I- spondingtoπ orbitals perpendiculartothemoleculeaxisare V curves for different tip-to-molecule separations,where displayedforCandS,whileinpanel(d)allthefluorineπ or- these are defined as the distance between the terminat- bitals are shown. The HOMO-LUMO gap is large, although ing surface of the tip and the C atom in the CH3 group. theHOMO is about 1 eV below EF. From the figure one can deduce that the best match is obtained for a distance of 5.25˚A. The results presented in the rest of this section are obtained for this tip-to- localized π-orbitals capable of efficient charge transport molecule separation. acrossthemoleculearefurtherawayfromtheFermilevel The orbital resolved DOS for both CH - and CF - (approximately4eVforbothmolecules). Itisalsointer- 3 3 terminated decanethiol on Au are shown in figure 7. In estingtoobservetheeffectsthatthedifferentterminating generalandforboththemoleculetheHOMOisrelatively groups(CH andCF )haveovertheelectronicstructure 3 3 close to the gold E . However, a closer look at its local of the HOMO-1 level. The most notable difference is as- F DOS (this is calculated as the local DOS over an energy sociatedtothechargedensitydistributionalongtheCH 2 window corresponding to the HOMO level) depicted in groupsformingthedecanethiol. WhileinthecaseofCH 3 figures 8 and 9, reveals that such a state is mainly lo- termination the electron charge distributes almost uni- calized around the S atoms of the thiol groups. The de- formly over CH up to near the terminating CH group, 2 3 5 in the case of CF -terminated molecule there is a strong not provide an efficient transport channel at resonance. 3 modulation with a decay of the charge density as the However, since the HOMO is the first molecular level to CF group is approached. This is due to the Coulomb enterthebiaswindow(atleastforoneofthetwocurrent 3 repulsionfromthemoreelectronegativeCF group. Such polarities),itisexpectedtodominatethelow-biasregion 3 anelectrostaticdrivenchargedecayis reminiscentofthe of the I-V. same effect investigated by STM for molecules on sur- faces in the presence of point charges25. (a) (b) -1 -1 10 10 -2 -2 10 10 a) b) c) E)10-3 10-3E) ( -4 -4( T10 10 T -5 -5 10 10 -6 -6 10 10 -7 -7 10 10 -10 -5 0 5 10-10 -5 0 5 10 E - E (eV) E - E (eV) F F FIG.10: Transmissioncoefficientsatzerobiasfordecanethiol FIG. 8: (Color on line) Local DOS isosurface for the CH3- attachedtogoldsurfaceandterminatedwith(a)CH3and(b) terminateddecanethiolmoleculeontheAu(111)surface: (a) CF3endgroup. Notethegapinthetransmissionofabout5eV on either side of theFermi level. the HOMO-1 level, (b) the HOMO level and (c) the LUMO level. NotehowtheHOMOislocalized aroundthethiolend- groupanditisnotexpectedtoconductefficiently. Colorcode: Moving our attention to the I-V curves and the dif- Au=yellow, C=black, S=brown,H=blue. ferential conductances shown in figure 11, the most no- ticeable feature is their asymmetry. In particular con- ductance at positive bias is about between 2 to 3 times smaller than that for negative bias. Moreover we ob- a) b) servethatthe conductanceofCH -terminatedmolecules 3 c) is both larger and more asymmetric of that for CF3- terminated. 70 20 (a) (b) 60 ) V 0 50 / ) A A -20 CH 40 p p 3 ( ( -40 CF3 30 V I 20 d / -60 I 10 d FIG. 9: (Color on line) Local DOS isosurface for the CF3- -80-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 20 terminateddecanethiolmoleculeontheAu(111)surface: (a) V (Volts) V (Volts) the HOMO-1 level, (b) the HOMO level and (c) the LUMO level. NotehowtheHOMOislocalized aroundthethiolend- groupanditisnotexpectedtoconductefficiently. Colorcode: FIG.11: (Coloronline)(a)I-V curveand(b)differentialcon- Au=yellow, C=black, S=brown,H=blue., F=light blue. ductancefordecanethiolmoleculesterminatedwithbothCH3 andCF3 groups. Notethebias asymmetry,with theconduc- Despite these differences the absence of any extended tanceatnegativebiasbeing2-3timeslargerthanthatforpos- molecular orbital near the Fermi level of gold is com- itive bias. The conductance is lower for the CF3-terminated mon to both molecules and therefore we expect just a molecule than that of theCH3-terminated. tiny tunnel current at low bias. This can be appreciated by looking at both the transmission coefficients, T(E) The reason for the conductance asymmetry is rooted (figure 10) and the I-V curves (figure 11). There is a in the different electronic coupling strength between the large gap in the resonances in the zero bias transmis- molecule and the gold surface as compared to the much sion coefficients of about 5 eV on each side of the Fermi weakerone between the molecule and the STM tip. The level with the edges of such a gap corresponding to the S atom in fact forms quite a strong bond with the gold HOMO-1 and the LUMO, respectively below and above surface,whereasthe tip is separatedby a vacuumregion the Au Fermi energy. The transmission of the HOMO which provides a substantial potential barrier. Such dif- provides only a small shoulder in T(E) (T ∼ 10−6) at ferenceincouplingpersiststoratherclosetip-to-molecule about2.5eVbelowE ,confirmingthattheHOMOdoes separations since both the CH and CF endgroups do F 3 3 6 not bind to the Au tip. The mechanism leading to explaining the current asymmetry. Furthermore, since the asymmetry is then illustrated in the cartoon of fig- the transmission of the HOMO for CH -terminated de- 3 ure 12(a). Since the different coupling strengths of the canethiolis largerthan that ofthe CF -terminatedcase, 3 two electrodes with the molecule, electrons are easily the conductance of CH -decanethiol is both larger and 3 transferred from the substrate to the molecule, but they more asymmetric than that of its CF terminated coun- 3 can hardly hop to the tip. This means that the occupa- terpart. tion of the molecule is determined by the chemical po- tential of the substrate andthat the molecule gains elec- 2e-05 tronic charges when the electron flux is from the surface 0.0V 0.0V 1e-05 to the tip (negative bias according to our definition). In contrastthe moleculeslosechargewhenthefluxisinthe 2e-05 other direction (positive bias). Since charging produces 0.5V -0.5V 1e-05 a shift of the molecular electronic states towards higher energies one expects the HOMO to move into the bias 2e-05 ) windowatnegativevoltagesandawayfromitatpositive E 1.0V -1.0V 1e-05 ones. The same behaviour is expected for the HOMO-1, ( T while the LUMO followsexactly the opposite pattern (it 2e-05 moves into the bias window for positive bias and away 1.5V -1.5V from it for negative)26. 1e-05 2e-05 a) Negative Bias b) Tip Tip 1e-05 2.0V -2.0V 0 + -5-4 -3-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5-5-4 -3-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 E-E (eV) E-E (eV) F F Surface Tip CF3 CF3 FIG.13: Transmission coefficientsasafunctionofenergyfor Positive Bias + + different biases for CH3-terminated decanethiol. Note how theresonances in the transmission coefficients dueto the oc- cupied states move up in energy closer to the bias window at negative bias, and move away from the bias window for positive bias. The vertical lines mark thebias window. Tip Surface Finally,infigure15wepresentthetotalMu¨llikenpop- ulation,N ,ofthemoleculeasafunctionofvoltage. The M figure provides quantitative evidence for the charging of FIG. 12: (a) Schematic energy level diagram of the STM ge- the molecule as a function of bias and one can observe ometry. Since the molecule is more strongly coupled to the a total charge variation of about 0.05 e over the entire surface than to the tip its occupation is determined by the biasrangeof4Volt. Interestingly,anddespitethediffer- surfacechemicalpotential,i.e. itwillchargefornegativebias ent terminating groups,the charge variationwith bias is and de-charge for positive. Such a charging mechanism pro- duces a shift of the occupied molecular level towards higher essentially identical for the two terminations. (lower)energyfornegative(positive)bias. (b)Cartoonshow- ingtheelectrostaticinteractionbetweentipandmoleculeCF3 endgroup. In this case there is an electric dipole forming, so C. Influence of the tip-to-molecule electrostatic that the molecule will be attracted or repulsed by the STM interaction over the transport tip, dependingon thebias polarity. Asconcludedintheprevioussection,theasymmetryof The electrostatic evolutionof the system under bias is the conductance with respectto the bias directionfound illustratedin figures13 and14where we show the trans- in our calculations is due to the asymmetry in the elec- mission coefficients as a function of energy for different troniccouplingofthemoleculetotheleads. Interestingly voltages. Clearly the behaviour is the one expected by astrongasymmetrywasalsoobservedinthe experimen- our simple electrostatic model with an upshift (down- talconductance measurementsfor the samemolecules18. shift) in energy of the molecular levels at negative (pos- However, in the experiments, CF -terminated molecules 3 itive) bias. Since the highly conducting HOMO-1 and displayed a far more pronounced asymmetry than the LUMO levels never enters the bias window in this volt- CH -terminated ones. This is in contrast with our find- 3 age range (limited to ±2 Volt), the onset of the current ings where the asymmetry is similar, and in fact it is is solely determined by the position of the HOMO. This morepronouncedfortheCH -terminatedcase. Inagree- 3 howevercanenterthebiaswindowonlyfornegativebias ment with the initial suggestionfromPflaum et al., here 7 2e-05 the molecule axis. In our notation ∆N > 0 (∆N < 0) 1e-05 0.0V 0.0V indicates a negatively(positively)chargedportionofthe molecule. Substituting H by F atoms causes an increase 2e-05 inthe occupationofthe endmostcarbonatom, although 0.5V -0.5V theFatomsshowanetpositivecharge. Overallthetotal 1e-05 net charge on the CF group is negative (it posses ex- 3 )2e-05 tra electrons), whereas the total net charge on the CH3 E 1.0V -1.0V group is positive. In addition the two end groups pro- (1e-05 T duce an electrical dipole with opposite sign and differ- 2e-05 ent magnitude, with that associated to CF3 being the 1.5V -1.5V largest. Finally it is important to observe that by large 1e-05 the charge distribution over the molecule is not affected by the external electric field so that ∆N is almost bias 2e-05 2.0V -2.0V independent for both the terminations. 1e-05 0 0.15 -5-4 -3-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5-5-4 -3-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 E-E (eV) E-E (eV) CF S CH : -2V 3 F F 3 0.1 -1V 0V 1V FIG.14: Transmission coefficientsasafunctionofenergyfor 0.05 2V CF : -2V differentbiasesforCF3-terminateddecanethiol. Notehowthe ) 3 resonancesinthetransmissioncoefficientsduetotheoccupied e -1V ( 0V statesmoveupinenergyclosertothebiaswindowatnegative N 0 1V bias and move away from the bias window for positive bias. ∆ 2V The vertical lines mark thebias window. -0.05 67.09 85.08 (a) (b) -0.1 67.08 85.07 CH ) 67.07 85.06) 3 e e ( 67.06 85.05 ( -0.15-5 0 5 10 15 20 M M N 67.05 85.04N Position (Å) 67.04 85.03 67.03 85.02 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 FIG. 16: (Color on line) Net occupation of the atoms as the V (Volts) V (Volt) function of position along the axis of the molecule. FIG. 15: Mulliken populations for decanethiol molecule ter- Weestimatetheforcesactingonthemoleculebyusing minatewith(a)CH3 and(b)CF3 groupsandattachedtothe simple classical electrostatic theory. In the case of CH3- gold surface. Note how in both cases the occupation of the terminated decanethiol we calculate a force of 3×10−3 moleculedropsasthebiasincreasesfromnegativetopositive. eV ˚A−1 in the direction of the tip at the positive bias of 2 Volt, and 2×10−3 eV ˚A−1 in the direction of the substrateatthenegativebiasof2Volt. Thesehavetobe we argue that this additional asymmetry is not of elec- put in relation with the elastic forces needed to stretch tronic origin but rather is connected to the electrostatic the molecule. DFT calculations performed using siesta interactionbetweenthe tip and the molecule under bias. demonstrate that the tip-to-molecule electrostatic force This re-positions the molecule with respect to the tip, at positive bias causes the molecule to stretch by about effectively changing the tunneling current. 0.002 ˚A, while at negative bias the compressionis of the The main idea is illustrated schematically in figure orderof0.001˚A(at ±2Volt). Similarly,the force acting 12(b). The large electronegativity of the F atoms in on the CF group is calculated to be of the order of 3× 3 the CF group is expected to displace a substantial net 10−3 eV ˚A−1 in the direction of the substrate when a 3 chargetowardsthe end ofthe molecule. This then inter- positive bias of 2 Volt is applied, and of the order of acts electrostaticallywith the surfacechargeof the STM 4×10−3 eV ˚A−1 in the directionofthe tip ata negative tip,eitherrepellingorattractingthemoleculedepending bias of 2 Volt. These forces are in the opposite direction on the bias polarity. Such a chargedisplacement is illus- to those on the CH termination due to the opposite 3 trated in in figure 16 where we show the charge excess directionsofthetwodipoles. AgainDFTcalculationsfor with respect to neutrality, ∆N, as calculated from the CF -decanethiol indicate that the force at positive bias 3 Mu¨lliken population as a function of the position along causes the molecule to compress by about 0.001 ˚A, and 8 the force at negative bias to stretch by 0.002 ˚A. These Tip lengthchangesareofthesamemagnitude forbothtypes +/− of endgroup, but they occur at opposite bias directions due to the opposite direction of the electrostatic force in the two cases. Molecule The stretching (or compressing) of the molecule un- Endgroup der bias alters the tip-to-molecule separation, which in turn affects the magnitude of the current. Let us look at the CH case first. At positive bias the molecule is 3 Molecule stretched so that its end is closer to the STM tip, the tip-to-moleculeseparationisreducedandthecurrentwill Tilt Angle increase. In contrast at negative bias, the molecule is compressed and a reduction of the current is expected. Since the current obtained from our calculations at neg- Surface ative bias is larger than that for positive bias, such a change in molecule length would contribute to reducing the I-V asymmetry in agreement with the experimental FIG. 17: Schematic illustration showing the tilting angle of results. However, a quantitative estimate of the changes themolecule overtheAusurface and therotation duetothe in the I-V curve as a function of the molecule compres- interaction with theSTM tip. sion/expansion reveals that molecular displacements of this tiny magnitude (a few % of an ˚A) are insufficient to make a noticeable change to the I-V. estimate for the CH3 termination a 1◦ rotation towards The results for CF -terminated decanethiol are simi- theSTMtipatpositivebias(2Volt),anda0.5◦ rotation 3 lar. At positive bias, the molecule is compressed so that towards the surface at negative bias (-2 Volt). Similarly the CF3 group is further away from the STM tip, while for the CF3 termination, the rotations are along the op- atnegative bias the molecule is stretchedand the tip-to- posite direction with changes in the bond angle of 0.5◦ molecule separation is reduced. Since the current calcu- towards the surface at positive bias and 1◦ towards the latedatnegativebiasislargerthanthatatpositivebias, STM tip at negative bias. These rotations are sufficient the electrostatic interaction in this case has the effect to alter the I-V characteristics, as shown for both types of enhancing the asymmetry of the I-V curves. This is of molecule in figure 18. also consistent with the experimental results, showing a largerasymmetryinthetransportforthemoleculetermi- 20 20 (a) (b) natedwiththeCF group. However,similartotheCH - 3 3 10 15 terminated case, the estimated molecule length change is insufficient to make a noticeable modification to the 0 10 I-V curve. Notethatthesenegativeestimatesareallob- tainedbycomparingthe geometryatzerobiaswiththat -10 No Angle Change 5 ) corresponding to the largest displacement (at ±2 Volt), Angle Change V / so that they should be considered as the upper bound A) -20 0 A 10 20 p for the current changes. Therefore we can safely con- p ( clude that changes in molecule length can hardly be at I ( 5 (c) (d) dV the origin of the experimentally observed asymmetry in 0 15 dI/ the I-V curve. -50 10 Afurtherpossibilityistoconsiderchangesinthebond- -10 ing angle between the molecule and the substrate. As 5 -15 mentioned before, decanethiols do not arrange vertically to the surface, but they rather form angles of 32◦ and -20 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 39◦, respectively for the CH3 and CF3 terminations18. V (Volts) V (Volts) Hence it is likely that the interaction between the STM tip and the endgroups causes the molecule to rotate ei- ther away from or towards the STM tip, as shown in FIG. 18: (Color on line) I-V curves and differential conduc- figure17. Thedirectionoftherotationdependsagainon tance as a function of bias obtained both with and without the sign of the electrostatic force. However since the en- consideringtheeffectsoftheelectrostatic-inducedrotationof ergyrequiredto changethe bonding angleisexpected to the molecule. Panels (a) and (b) show the I-V and dI/dV be rather smaller than that required for an axial distor- curves for the CH3 termination, and (c) and (d) show the tion, we expect changes in bond angle to produce larger same for theCF3 case. changes in the tip-to-molecule separation. Usingthesameelectrostaticforcescalculatedbeforewe Inthe caseofCH terminationthe calculatedrotation 3 9 is actually sufficient to suppress the asymmetry in the molecule, and to study effects of finite bias on the elec- I-V present because of the asymmetric coupling to the tronic structure of the molecule. electrodes. The current at 1 Volt is now larger for posi- Calculations for alkanethiol molecules with STM-type tivebiasthanthatatthesamenegativebias. Incontrast arrangementsshow strongasymmetryinthe I-V curves, for CF -terminated molecules, the rotation is such that whichcanbeexplainedbytheasymmetryinthecoupling 3 the I-V asymmetry already present is enhanced. Thus, to the two different electrodes (substrate and tip). How- whentheelectrostatic-inducedrotationofthemoleculeis ever, the calculated asymmetry is similar for both CH - 3 takenintoaccount,theI-V curvefortheCF -terminated and CF -terminated decanethiols, in contrast to the ex- 3 3 moleculeappearsasmorepronouncedthanthatobtained perimental measurements, showing a far stronger asym- for the CH -terminated one, in semi-quantitative agree- metry for the case of CF termination. We have then 3 3 ment with experiments18. investigated the original suggestion, which attributed In concluding we wish to point out a few possible the asymmetry to small configurational changes of the sources of error in our calculations, which might affect a molecule under bias due to electrostatic interaction be- fully quantitative comparison with experiments. Firstly tweenthetipandthesubstrate. Ourcalculationsdemon- weremarkthattheAuatomsofboththetipandthesub- strate that changes to molecule length are too small and strate are described at the 6s-only level. This provides unlikely to have any major impact on the I-V curves, a good description of the Au Fermi surface, thus of the howevera rotationof the molecule may cause significant transport properties, but usually it does not provide ac- changes to the current. curate interatomic forces. Secondly the calculatedforces As a final remark we point out that the results pre- between the molecule and the tip certainly depend on sented in this work have obtained by using the LDA. the actual shape and detailed position of the tip. These However, LDA has several shortfalls which can strongly are difficult to characterizewith certainty and errorsare affect electron transport calculations. In this case, ap- thereforedifficulttoavoid. Finallytheactualvalueofthe proximate self-interaction corrections such as ASIC27,28 tilting angle depends on the inter-molecular interaction areunlikelytoofferasubstantialimprovement,sincethe is the self-assembled mono-layer, and thus the force re- conductanceisduetooff-resonancetunneling,andwould quired to change the angle would depend on the details not be particularly sensitive to the exact position of the of the molecular coverage (density, symmetry, bonding molecular orbitals. However, for these molecules, an ac- site, etc.). curatecalculationoftheelectricpolarisabilitybeyondthe LDA might be important29. IV. CONCLUSION Acknowledgments We have demonstrated that the DFT-NEGF code smeagolcanbeusedtosimulateSTM-typeexperiments We thank G. Scoles for having driven our attention in the near to contactregime. This is under the working to the experiments discussed in this paper. 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