Table of Contents Cover Dedication About the Author About the Companion Website Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Book Overview Chapter 2: Wireless System Models 2.1 Introduction 2.2 DSCDMA Basic Formulation 2.3 Performance Evaluation 2.4 MIMO/OFDM System Model 2.5 Adaptive Antenna Array 2.5 Simulation Software References Chapter 3: Adaptive Detection Algorithms 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Conventional Detector 3.3 Multiuser Detection 3.4 Simulation Results References Chapter: 4 Robust RLS Adaptive Algorithms 4.1 Introduction 4.2 IQRDRLS Algorithm 4.3 IQRDBased Receivers with Fixed Constraints 4.4 IQRDbased Receiver with Optimized Constraints 4.5 Channel Estimation Techniques 4.6 New Robust Detection Technique 4.7 Systolic Array Implementation 4.8 Simulation Results 4.9 Complexity Analysis Appendix 4.A Summary of Inverse QR Algorithm with Inverse Updating Appendix 4.B QR Decomposition Algorithms Appendix 4.C Subspace Tracking Algorithms References Chapter 5: Quadratically Constrained Simplified Robust Adaptive Detection 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Robust Receiver Design 5.3 Geometric Approach 5.4 Simulation Results 5.5 Complexity Analysis Appendix 5.A Robust Recursive Conjugate Gradient (RCG) Algorithm References Chapter 6: Robust Constant Modulus Algorithms 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Robust LCCMA Formulation 6.3 Lowcomplexity Recursive Implementation of LCCMA 6.4 BSCMA Algorithm 6.5 BSCMA with Quadratic Inequality Constraint 6.6 Block Processing and Adaptive Implementation 6.7 Simulation Results for Robust LCCMA 6.8 Simulation Results for Robust BSCMA 6.9 Complexity Analysis References Chapter 7: Robust Adaptive Beamforming 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Beamforming Formulation 7.3 Robust Beamforming Design 7.4 Cooperative Joint Constraint Robust Beamforming 7.5 Robust Adaptive MVDR Beamformer with Single WC Constraint 7.6 Robust LCMV Beamforming with MBWC Constraints 7.7 Geometric Interpretation 7.8 Simulation Results 7.9 Summary References Chapter 8: Minimum BER Adaptive Detection and Beamforming 8.1 Introduction 8.2 MBER Beamformer 8.3 MBER Simulation Results 8.4 MBER Spatial MUD in MIMO/OFDM Systems 8.5 MBER Simulation Results 8.6 Summary References Index End User License Agreement List of Tables Chapter 2 Table 2.1 CP type and relevant resource block parameters in LTE UL with SCFDMA. Table 2.2 CP and physical RB parameters in LTE DL with OFDM. Table 2.3 Delay profiles for EUTRA channel models. Table 2.4 Typical propagation channel models used for LTE. Table 2.5 How systems handle delay spreads. Table 2.6 MIMO DL TxM mode. Table 2.7 MIMO types in LTE. Chapter 4 Table 4.1 Multiplication complexity comparison of MOEIQRD detectors. Table 4B.1 Gram–Schmidt algorithm. Table 4B.2 Householder transformation. Table 4B.3 Givens rotations. Chapter 5 Table 5.1 Complexity analysis comparison. Table 5A.1 Summary of the robust RCG algorithm. Chapter 6 Table 6.1 Initializations for simulated CMbased detectors. Chapter 7 Table 7.1 MVDR RAB techniques, their notions of robustness and prior information used. Chapter 8 Table 8.1 MBER simulation parameters in DSCDMA system. Table 8.2 Computational complexity comparison. Table 8.3 MBER simulation parameters in MIMO/OFDM system. List of Illustrations Chapter 1 Figure 1.1 Summary of the book. Chapter 2 Figure 2.1 Classification of fading channels. Figure 2.2 The relation between largescale and smallscale fading. Figure 2.3Figure 2.3 LTE FDD frame and slot structure for normal CP. Figure 2.4 OFDM transmitter and receiver. Figure 2.5 Coding and modulation for transmission of data over a radio link. Figure 2.6 Throughput of a set of coding and modulation combinations, AWGN channels assumed. Figure 2.7 Spectral efficiency versus SNIR for baseline EUTRA. Figure 2.8 Discrete time DSCDMA System model. Figure 2.9 I/Q code multiplexing with complex spreading circuit. Figure 2.10 Impulse response of chip pulse shaping filter with . Figure 2.11 Example of impulse response and frequency transfer function of a multipath channel. Figure 2.12 Channel bandwidth and transmission bandwidth configuration for one LTE carrier. Figure 2.13 OFDM system block diagram. Figure 2.14 OFDMA system structure. Figure 2.15 MIMO system. Figure 2.16 Massive MIMO gain. Figure 2.17 Energy and bit allocation for a channel instance. Figure 2.18 Plane wave incident on a ULA with an AOA of θ. Figure 2.19 Narrowband beamformer. Figure 2.20 DS/CDMA system model with antenna array. Chapter 3 Figure 3.1 The conventional single user DS/CDMA detector: a bank of MFs. Figure 3.2 Multiuser detection techniques. Figure 3.3 Block diagram of PLIC structure. Figure 3.4 MSE for MF, ZF, and MMSE detectors versus snapshot. Figure 3.5 Average BER versus SNR for the MF, ZF, and MMSE detectors. Figure 3.6 MSE of MOE with single constraint for three different scenarios. Figure 3.7 Output SINR for MOE detector with equal gain channel, optimized channel, and optimum channel. Figure 3.8 BER for MOE detector with equal gain channel, optimized channel, and optimum channel. Figure 3.9 Output SINR versus SNR for MOE detector with five channel estimators and the MMSE detector with perfect power control. Figure 3.10 Output SINR versus SNR for MOE detector with five channel estimators and the MMSE detector with −10 dB near–far effect. Figure 3.11 Adaptive LCCMA detector with/without whitening under equal power: (a) BER and (b) output SINR. Figure 3.12 Adaptive LCCMA detector with/without whitening under near–far effect: (a) BER and (b) output SINR. Chapter 4 Figure 4.1 Block diagram of PLIC structure. Figure 4.2 Configuration of linearly constrained adaptivearray beamformer. Figure 4.3 Systolic array implementation and processing cells for inverse updating of the LCIQRDRLS beamforming. Figure 4.4 Systolic array implantation for PLICMOEIQRD algorithm. Figure 4.5 Systolic array implementation for directMOEIQRD with max/min. Figure 4.6 Definitions of cells used in the systolic implementations. Figure 4.7 Output SINR for IQRD-based detectors versus snapshots. Figure 4.8 BER for IQRDbased detectors versus snapshots. Figure 4.9 Output SINR of optimal MOEIQRD with different subspace tracking algorithms. Figure 4.10 BER of optimal MOEIQRD with different subspace tracking algorithms. Figure 4.11 SINR versus iterations bits for various MOE detectors at 20 dB SNR. Figure 4.12 BER versus iterations bits for various MOE detectors at 20 dB SNR. Figure 4.13 Output SINR of MOEIQRD w. max/min & QC for different constrained values. Figure 4.14 BER of MOEIQRD w. max/min & QC for different constrained values. Figure 4.15 Comparison between MOEIQRD w. max/min & VL and MOERLS w. VL. Figure 4.16 Complexity analysis versus detector length at fixed channel length. Figure 4.17 Complexity analysis versus channel length at fixed detector length. Figure 4B.1 Architecture of complex Givens rotation. Chapter 5 Figure 5.1 MOERLS w. QC (real roots). Figure 5.2 MOERLS w. QC (imaginary roots). Figure 5.3 Geometric interpretation for simplified VL technique. Figure 5.4 SINR versus iterations for the first (ideal) initializations scenario. Figure 5.5 BER versus iterations for the first (ideal) initializations scenario. Figure 5.6 SINR versus iterations for the second initialization scenario. Figure 5.7 BER versus iterations for the second initialization scenario. Figure 5.8 SINR versus iterations for the third initialization scenario. Figure 5.9 BER versus iterations for the third initialization scenario. Figure 5.10 SINR versus iterations for the fourth initialization scenario. Figure 5.11 BER versus iterations for the fourth initialization scenario. Figure 5.12 SINR versus iterations for the fifth scenario. Figure 5.13 BER versus iterationsfor the fifth scenario. Figure 5.14 SINR for the MOERSD Detectors with different stepsize values. Figure 5.15 BER for the MOERSD Detectors with different stepsize values. Figure 5.16 SINR for the MOERSD Detectors with different alpha values. Figure 5.17 BER for the MOERSD Detectors with different alpha values. Figure 5.18 SINR for the MOERSD w. QC Detector with different constrained values. Figure 5.19 BER for the MOERSD w. QC detector with different constrained values. Figure 5.20 Multiplication complexity versus detector length. Chapter 6 Figure 6.1 SINR versus iterations for different CMbased detectors. Figure 6.2 BER versus iterations for different CMbased detectors. Figure 6.3 SINR versus block iterations for first scenario. Figure 6.4Figure 6.4 BER versus block iterations for first scenario. Figure 6.5Figure 6.5 5 SINR versus block iterations for second scnario. Figure 6.6 BER versus block iterations for second scenario. Figure 6.7 Computational complexity of the developed robust detectors versus detector length. Figure 6.8 Computational complexity versus detector length. Figure 6.9 Computational complexity versus detector length. Chapter 7 Figure 7.1 Geometric representation for robust Capon beamforming with ellipsoidal constraint. Figure 7.2 Geometric interpretation of the robust WC beamformer. Figure 7.3 Fiveelement uniform linear array with one source and two jammers. Figure 7.4 Output SINR versus snapshot for first scenario. Figure 7.5 Mean squared error versus snapshots. Figure 7.6 Signal of interest power versus snapshot. Figure 7.7 Beampatterns of the presented beamformers. Figure 7.8 Beampatterns of the presented beamformers. Figure 7.9 Output SINR versus snapshot for the second scenario. Figure 7.10 Output SINR versus noise power with 0.03π mismatch angle. Figure 7.11 Output SINR versus noise power with 0.06π DOA mismatch. Figure 7.12 Output SINR versus snapshot for noncoherent stationary moving scenario. Figure 7.13Figure 7.13 Output SINR versus snapshot for coherent stationary moving scenario. Figure 7.14 Output SINR versus snapshot for nonstationary moving scenario. Figure 7.15 SINR versus mismatch angle. Figure 7.16 Output SINR versus snapshot index for the first scenario. Figure 7.17 Steady state array beam patterns versus AOI (in radians) for the first scenario. Figure 7.18 Output SINR versus noise power for the first scenario with training data size N = 50. Figure 7.19 WC parameters of the robust MVDRWC/proposed beamformer at . Figure 7.20 Effect of WC parameter on the output SINR of the first scenario. Figure 7.21 WC parameters of the robust MVDRWC/proposed beamformer at . Figure 7.22 WC parameters of the robust MVDRWC/proposed beamformer at . Figure 7.23 WC parameters of the modified robust MVDRWC/proposed beamformer at . Figure 7.24 Output SINR versus snapshot index for the modified robust MVDR WC/proposed beamformer with the parameters of the first scenario. Figure 7.25 Output SINR versus snapshot index for the second scenario. Figure 7.26 Output SINR versus snapshot index for the third scenario. Chapter 8 Figure 8.1 MMSE versus BER cost function. Figure 8.2 BER vs SNR for selected algorithms minimizing the BER; equal power distribution. Figure 8.3Figure 8.3 BER vs SNR for selected algorithms minimizing the BER; desired user power 10 dB below interferers. Figure 8.4Figure 8.4 BER vs SNR for selected algorithms minimizing the BER; equal power distribution. Figure 8.5 BER vs SNR for selected algorithms minimizing the BER; desired user power 10 dB below interferers. Figure 8.6 BER vs SNR for AMBER family algorithms and SDMMSE algorithm; equal power distribution. Figure 8.7 BER vs SNR for LMBER family algorithms and LMSMMSE algorithm; equal power distribution. Figure 8.8 BER vs SNR for three algorithms minimizing BER cost function (LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER) and one minimizing MSE cost function (DMI); equal power distribution. Figure 8.9 BER versus SNR for three algorithms minimizing BER cost function (LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER) and one minimizing MSE cost function (DMI); desired user power 10 dB below interferers. Figure 8.10 BER vs SNR for AMBER family and SDMMSE algorithms; equal power distribution at SNR = 30 dB. Figure 8.11 BER vs iterations for LMBER family and LMSMMSE algorithms; equal power distribution at SNR = 30 dB. Figure 8.12 BER versus Iterations for three algorithms minimizing BER cost function (LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER) and one minimizing MSE cost function (DMI); equal power distribution at SNR = 15 dB. Figure 8.13 BER versus iterations for three algorithms minimizing BER cost function (LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER) and one minimizing MSE cost function (DMI); desired user power 10 dB below interferers at SNR = 15 dB. Figure 8.14 BER versus iterations for three algorithms minimizing BER cost function (LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER) and one minimizing MSE cost function (DMI); equal power distribution at SNR = 30 dB. Figure 8.15 BER versus iterations for three algorithms minimizing BER cost function (LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER) and one minimizing MSE cost function (DMI); desired user power 10 dB below interferers at SNR = 30 dB. Figure 8.16 BER versus number of users for three algorithms minimizing the BER cost function (LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER) and one minimizing the MSE cost function (DMI) with equal power distribution at SNR = 30 dB. Figure 8.17 BER versus number of users for three algorithms minimizing BER cost function (LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER) and one minimizing MSE cost function (DMI); desired user power 10 dB below interferers at SNR = 30 dB. Figure 8.18 BER vs iterations for AMBER family and MMSE algorithms; SU and MF as higher and lower steadystate limits, respectively; equal power distribution at SNR = 30 dB. Figure 8.19 BER vs iterations for LMBER family and MMSE algorithms; SU and MF as higher and lower steadystate limits, respectively; equal power distribution at SNR = 30 dB. Figure 8.20 BER vs iterations for LMBER, NewtonLMBER, BSMBER and MMSE algorithms; SU and MF as higher and lower steadystate limits, respectively; equal