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Simon Sinek PDF

66 Pages·2015·3.68 MB·English
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MODULE 1 ALL ABOUT ME TAKING STOCK LEADING CHANGE 2 MODULE 1 ALL ABOUT ME: TAKING STOCK Leading Change has been created by The Institute of Continuing Education at The University of Cambridge for The Queen’s Young Leaders Programme on behalf of its partners The Royal Commonwealth Society, Comic Relief and The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/. Leading Change Module 1: All About Me CONTENTS 3 CONTENTS WELCOME 4 WEEK 1: BEFORE WE BEGIN 6 Why Are You Here? 8 What Do You Need to Communicate? 8 Emphasising the Right Thing 8 Start With Why 9 Storytelling 10 It’s All About You 10 Creating a Draft Mission Statement 10 HOW IDEAS SPREAD 11 1 The Law of the Few 11 Six Degrees of Separation 16 Take the Donuts 18 2 WEEK2: NATURE OR NURTURE 20 What Makes Us? 22 Nature or Nurture Activities 25 WEEK 3: CONVINCING OTHERS TO FOLLOW YOU 26 The Art of Rhetoric 28 The Three Key Ingredients 29 3 Employing Logos, Ethos and Pathos to Persuade 30 Rhetoric in Action 30 Building Your Credibility 32 MODULE 1 FINAL ASSIGNMENT 34 SUMMARY 35 APPENDICES TO MODULE 1 41 Appendix 1: Ted Talk –How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek 42 Appendix 2: Labours of Love by Richard Sennett 47 Appendix 3: Ted Talk – The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer 50 Appendix 4: Tedx Talk –What Volunteering Taught Me by Hajira Khan 54 Appendix 5: Tedx Talk – The Violence In Our Thinking by Whitney Iles 56 Appendix 6: Tedx Talk – Child Soldiers And Ebola Fighters by PJ Cole 59 Appendix 7: Reflection Tool 62 WHO’S WHO 63 IMAGE CREDITS 64 Leading Change Module 1: All About Me 4 MODULE 1 WELCOME Leading Change Module 1: All About Me MMOODDUULLEE 11:: WWEELLCCOOMMEE 5 WELCOME! Welcome to this, the first module in the Leading Change course from the University of Cambridge. In this module you will be asked to reflect on your life: How do they What made you the person you Where did compare with your are today? What are your those come friends and family, key values from? and the community and beliefs? in which you live? Throughout this and the modules to follow we may OVERVIEW make reference to ‘your project’. This is a catch all term for whatever it is that you are thinking about WEEK Before we begin and developing throughout the course. For example this could be your work, an organisation you run or 1 How ideas spread something you are thinking about launching. Activity 1: Mission Statement You’ll produce a number of visual and textual responses to the module, culminating in an “about Activity 2: Circle of Influence me” section or page for your website. Remember to record notes and share your activity work in your learning space. WEEK Nature or Nurture The module is broken down in to six sections, which 2 Learnium Discussion should be studied in order. You can access these online in the VLE or read about them in the following pages. WEEK Convincing others ICONS to follow you 3 FINAL ASSIGNMENT Activity Video Questions SUMMARY …and finally, once you have completed the module, please send a quick e-mail with your feedback. Key info Definition Summary Leading Change Module 1: All About Me 6 1 Why Are You Here? 8 What Do You Need to Communicate? 8 Emphasising the Right Thing 8 Start With Why 9 Storytelling 10 It’s All About You 10 Creating a Draft Mission Statement 10 HOW IDEAS SPREAD 11 The Law of the Few 11 Six Degrees of Separation 16 Take the Donuts 18 WEEK 1 BEFORE WE BEGIN Leading Change Module 1: All About Me WEEK 1: BEFORE WE BEGIN 7 What being a Leader means to me... Empowering individuals to realize, exploit and expand their hidden potential. Kavindya Thennakoon, Sri Lanka Leading Change Module 1: All About Me WEEK 1: BEFORE WE BEGIN 8 WEEK 1 BEFORE WE BEGIN WHY ARE YOU HERE? You’re doing this course because you are leading through the work that you do. VIDEO AVAILABLE At the moment, only you know what that project is - your fellow Queen’s Young Leaders probably don’t know anything about it, and You can watch the the course tutors don’t know much about it either! video on the VLE or Chances are that most people you meet everyday are completely read the following pages, oblivious of what it is you’re doing. But you are probably thinking which contain the same about it all the time. You know it inside out, and back to front. But you information. need to tell others about it. That is partly why you’re here. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO COMMUNICATE? So what do you think is the most important thing you need to communicate to other people about your project? Try to think of an answer before moving on. What do you think is the most important thing you need to communicate to other people about your project? QUESTIONS EMPHASISING THE RIGHT THING At the end of watching When we tell other people about our ideas, we tend to focus on: the video or reading the transcript, see if you can • What we’re doing answer the following • How we’re going to do it questions: But is that the right emphasis? 1 What is the order of What, Why and How Follow this link to watch/listen to the video on the VLE, or you can that Sinek says most read the transcript of Simon’s TED Talk in the Appendices at the end people and companies of this module. use to tell their story? The talk is the third most watched talk on ted.com. The author Simon 2 What does he say is Sinek explains why certain people inspire others to follow them. the correct order? 3. Sinek uses a few examples to illustrate VIDEO his point: Tivo, Apple, the Wright Brothers and Martin Luther King. Can you think of any other examples of compelling brands, organisations or individuals that you could use to make the same point? Leading Change Module 1: All About Me WEEK 1: BEFORE WE BEGIN 9 START WITH WHY What Sinek says is that when it comes to communicating a message most people (companies, politicians, individuals) start by saying what they do, or even how they do it. Those tend not to be particularly inspiring messages. Instead, he says, we should be very clear about why we are doing something. And usually that “why” starts with a belief: “I believe that...” WHY HOW WHAT QUESTION So, thinking about your project, what is your personal belief at the heart of it? We’ll be coming back to that all the way through this course... Leading Change Module 1: All About Me WEEK 1: BEFORE WE BEGIN 10 STORYTELLING Another way of thinking about how we communicate is to think about stories. In effect, when you tell somebody else about your plans you are telling them a story, and all good stories focus on “character”. To be pulled in to a story we need to be interested in the hero, their friends, the people or events they are battling, and the struggles they overcome to succeed. The best stories also involve some kind of change that takes place in the hero. Storytelling is the key to getting people interested in you and your idea. Check out some of the 2015 QYLs telling their stories on the IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU QYLP YouTube Channel This module is about you - you’re the hero of this particular story. You may think that the people you are helping are the heroes but, for now, feel comfortable putting yourself at the centre because while your project may be about other people, this course is about you. What you’ll be producing By now you should have the start of a blog or document dedicated to your work and the work of this course, and will have begun to add content in an “about me” section that tells others about your story - who you are, why you’re working on your projects, and a short biography. Along the way you’ll be reflecting on how you got to where you are, who helped you along the way, and the community in which you grew up. A note about privacy ACTIVITY The nature of some of the projects being undertaken as part of The Creating a Draft Queen’s Young Leaders programme and the personal stories of those Mission Statement behind the projects means that you may feel uncomfortable being too open with others. Take some time to consider the following questions. We also recognise that for some people their life story is not a happy Write your answers in your one, and so there may be activities here that you do not feel happy learning space. taking part in, or which raise difficult questions and topics. 1. Explain your idea in If you are concerned about any part of the module, or about what terms of “why”. Why is you share, get in touch with the Course Director who can advise you it important? Write it on the best approach to take. down and spend some Learnium is “closed” to the outside world, but can be seen by other time trying to simplify students and tutors as well as other participants in the programme. the message as much as You should assume that anything shared here is private and not to be possible. disclosed elsewhere. 2. Now add the what, and 3. The how You now have a draft “mission statement” for your project. Keep it safe. You’ll be using it soon, and you’ll also be rewriting it as the course progresses. Leading Change Module 1: All About Me

Appendix 1: Ted Talk –How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek. Appendix . Sinek uses a few examples to illustrate his point: Tivo, Apple, the Wright Brothers and Martin Luther King. Can you think of any other examples of compelling what that violence means and symbolizes. I think now
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